EssaysGuest opinionJohn Massaro

by John Massaro IN THE MONTHS AND years after September 11, 2001, there was plenty of commentary in the alternative media that implicated Israel in the events of that day. I had my doubts about that, not because I ever believed the fairy tale about nineteen Arab hijackers, or the boogeyman terrorist Osama…
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JUST AS IT SERVICED murderous regimes in Central America in the 1980s, Israel will now be exporting forms of repression to Honduras, possibly driving dissatisfaction among citizens and making recruitment for such projects as the “caravans” easier. The post-coup Honduran regime is…
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The 2001 “Open Letter to the President” from US Jews to US President Bush followed decades of lies regarding Saddam’s regime. This letter was signed by leading neoconservatives and Jews in an effort to push the President’s foreign policy in their direction. by Organon tou…
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WE NEED A HUNDRED years of war for Israel. This insane drivel isn’t coming from mental patients smearing their own waste on padded walls, it’s coming from mainstream politicians from both sides of the same kosher shekel. Defending the interests of the merchant is the reason we have a military,…
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RI Editor’s Note: If Americans Knew (Wikipedia) is a highly rated American non-profit which seeks to draw attention to Israeli influence on American politics against US interests, founded by Alison Weir (Wikipedia). IAK goes out of its way not to endorse “anti-Semitic” ideas,…
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by Paul Findley (pictured) NINE-ELEVEN WOULD not have occurred if the U.S. government had refused to help Israel humiliate and destroy Palestinian society. Few express this conclusion publicly, but many believe it is the truth. I believe the 9/11 catastrophe could have been prevented if any U.S.…
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Classic EssaysKevin Alfred Strom

by Kevin Alfred Strom ON DECEMBER 21st, 2001, investigative reporter Carl Cameron of the Fox News Channel filed a report on the detention of sixty Israeli spies by F.B.I. and other government investigators looking into the events of September 11th, some of whom were suspected of having prior knowledge…
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EssaysGuest opinionJohn Massaro

by John Massaro IN VARIOUS ESSAYS ON this site, and in one long chapter in my book Will Vaccines Be the End of Us?, I have written about Jews and what some call the Jewish Question, others the Jewish Problem, in blunt terms that some readers may find offensive. Especially since October 7, 2023, the day that…
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EssaysGuest opinionJohn Massaro

by John Massaro SO ALL GOOD Americans can breathe a sigh of relief and look forward to a return of sanity, now that The Donald handily won the election, ending the atrocious four-year misrule of Joe Biden and closing the book on his partner in crime, Kamala Harris. Yes indeed, the American people pulled…
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CommentaryEssaysJohn Massaro

The tour route — as originally planned. by John Massaro AFGHANISTAN. The name instantly conjures up all kinds of unpleasant images in the infantile American mind: the launching pad for the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001; Osama bin-Laden’s hideout; endless civil strife; suicide bombings;…
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