“Never Again Is Now”: Jews Organizing Pro-Invasion Movement
Protestors with the Never Again Action take to the streets in Graham, North Carolina on November 24, 2019. INTRODUCTION by Chris Rossetti: Jews are taking the lead in pushing for open borders and more replacement migration of non-Whites into the US, just as they are in Europe. In this article from a Jewish…

Trump’s Israel-Pushed War with Iran Would Be Illegal, Idiotic, Disastrous
Consequence number one has already happened: There is now a mechanism for the EU and others to to break the Washington/Tel Aviv Axis’s hold on financial transactions and thereby totally defang US sanctions worldwide. THE TRUMP administration, under apparently irresistible pressure from…

Trump Administration Intervenes to Support Orthodox Jewish Takeover of NJ Towns
More proof that Jews have decisive influence over Trump and Sessions: This controlled media article uses weasel words — “religious freedom,” “equal treatment” — to describe the Department of Justice’s new legal attack on the cities and towns in New…

Netanyahu: Race-Mixing to Destroy Liberal Jews
ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER Benjamin Netanyahu has reportedly predicted that racial mixing between liberal Jews and non-Jews will wipe out Reform Judaism in America by 2070 — and that as a result, the Jewish ethnostate must prepare itself for survival without being supported by the US. The comments, first…

Chabad: Putin’s Jews and Their Man Trump
CHABAD OF PORT WASHINGTON, a Jewish community center on Long Island’s Manhasset Bay, sits in a squat brick edifice across from a Shell gas station and a strip mall. The center is an unexceptional building on an unexceptional street, save for one thing: Some of the shortest routes between Donald Trump…

Muslims and Jews Demand Resignation of Trump Advisor Gorka
Sebastian Gorka, a counter-terrorism adviser for the Trump administration, is reportedly a member of Vitezi Rend, listed by the US State Department as a group affiliated with Nazi Germany. A NUMBER of Jewish and Muslim organizations have called for the resignation of a Trump administration aide…

“Why Jews Must Fight for the Civil Rights of Muslims”
ONE OF THE allegations that European patriots make against the Jews is that they not only participate in, but often play a lead role in organising coalitions of grievance-mongering minorities against the majoritarian population. As this article makes clear, those allegations are entirely justified.…

Top Seven Hedge Fund Frauds, Bribes, and Lost Billions: All Involve Jews
ALTHOUGH HEDGE FUNDS’ middling performance this year was somewhat of an improvement, many of their managers undoubtedly can’t wait for the year to end. Some are in deep trouble with the law or their shareholders or both — and some are out of business entirely. Read on for the biggest hedge fund…

Jews and Muslims Unite Against Whites
Jews are “coming to the defense of mosques” — their own words — and supporting the Middle Eastern invasion of America. SHERYL OLITZKY, a Jew, and Atiya Aftab, a Muslim, founded one of many growing Jewish-Muslim organizations. They launched the “Sisterhood of Salaam…

The Jews Poised to Enter the Trump Administration
HERE IS a preliminary look at some of Donald J. Trump’s Jewish advisers, their views, and possible roles in his administration. Jason Greenblatt
Jason Dov Greenblatt, Donald Trump’s top real estate lawyer and an Orthodox Jew, is one of three members on the Republican nominee’s Israel Advisory…