The Hated Race
by David Sims THERE ARE MANY voices in the media and the academy telling us that the defining characteristic of White people is the evil we do. But that isn’t a defining characteristic of our race at all. No. What White people are, overall, is the most capable race. Other races have done every bad…

A Mighty Dose of Poison
Max Horkheimer by Douglas Mercer “THE White race is the cancer of history,” said Susan Sontag who was born Susan Rosenblatt in New York City, the daughter of Mildred (née Jacobson) and Jack Rosenblatt, both Jews from Lithuania and Poland. “Susan Sontag” So little Susie Rosenblatt,…

The Holohoax Extortion Racket
The excerpted text featured below is by the Jewish dissident Ron Unz, who has now published an entire series of classic articles on the JQ in the modern West (see here, here, and here) — Dissident Millennial American Pravda: Holocaust Denial by Ron Unz Anyone who has spent much time on the comment-threads…

Against Good Breeding: Understanding Jewish Opposition to Eugenics
by Marian Van Court Introductory Note: Though we disagree with the author’s notion that “raising the IQ of Blacks” through eugenics is worth discussing — since we believe that achieving an all-White society must precede the institution of eugenic measures — we recommend…

Science and the Suicide-Cult: The Irrationalism of Richard Dawkins
by Tobias Langdon THE BASIS OF SCIENCE is the same as the basis of life: pattern-recognition. Even plants recognize patterns in the weather and the attacks of insects. The difference between scientists and trees, or scientists and sharks, is that scientists use reason and method, not instinct and…

How and Why Sweden Became Multicultural
NO ONE CAN DENY that multiculturalism and mass immigration are a reality in Sweden today. However, it hasn’t always been so. As late as 1965, the social democratic Prime Minister of Sweden Tage Erlander said: “We Swedes live in an infinitely luckier situation. Our country’s population is homogeneous,…

Strategies of Competition in Western Politics
by Tobias Langdon IT’S A MYSTERY worthy of the Twilight Zone. Government inspectors in the British city of Birmingham have discovered “unregistered schools” where children are being taught “misogynistic, homophobic and anti-Semitic material” in “unhygienic and filthy” conditions by…

The Making of a White Liberal
HAVE YOU EVER wondered why there aren’t more White Nationalists? There have been dozens of failed experiments in racial ‘equality.’ From the period of decolonialization to the fall of White South Africa we have seen these policies fail again and again. [1] In the United States…

Edward O. Wilson: Sociobiological Revolution and Jewish Reaction
ONE OF THE GREATEST scientific revolutionaries of our age, and a victim of the Jewish inquisition, is Edward O. Wilson (pictured), Curator of Entomology at the Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology and the author of The Insect Society, which Science magazine has called a “magisterial survey…

Discovering Cosmotheism
How did William Pierce’s religion, Cosmotheism, begin? How did it develop? Robert Griffin asked Dr. Pierce these and other questions, and here are the answers. an excerpt from The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds by Robert S. Griffin DR. PIERCE TOLD ME that during the early 1970s he formulated…