David SimsEssays

by David Sims THE REASON for the non-White hatred of Whites is envy, which causes resentment, which leads to a deeply ingrained hatred. Which also results in their continuous violence against our people. What are the non-Whites envious of? Just as an example, Whites can climb the sky, while Blacks and…
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Classic EssaysDavid Sims

The launch of Apollo 17 by David Sims THE QUESTION was asked: “Why does it matter if the moon landing was fake?” Even apparently insignificant truths might be important. However, the truth of the Apollo moon landings is significant in a number of ways. First, they prove that man can go to…
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Douglas MercerEssays

by Douglas Mercer HOW TO AWAKEN SOMEONE out of his dogmatic slumbers? Ask him this question: What are the odds that the city of Washington, DC will still bear that name in fifty years, or that his pure white obelisk pointed at the skies will still be standing in its present form? If he is a betting man, ask…
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American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

Welcome to historic, beautiful Philadelphia. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 16 October, 2021 https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/programs/ADV 2021-1016 Who Cares.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom TODAY NASA launched its Lucy Mission to explore the Trojan Asteroids. It’s the beginning…
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TAKE OFF the Mouse ears. It’s okay to say goodbye to Mickey. The Walt Disney who interviewed Wehrner Von Braun in the 1950s, compelling America to go to the stars, is dead. Where once the heavens were the goal of Walt Disney, now his namesake is entirely dedicated to the advancement of anti-whiteness in…
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EssaysHadding Scott

President John F. Kennedy with a former Sturmbannführer of the Allgemeine SS, Wernher von Braun by Hadding Scott Political Rhetoric and Profit KILLING THE SS by Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard is a book inspired by motives other than the quest for truth. The birth of the idea for this book may have…
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David SimsEssaysVideo

by David Sims WHY DO Africans confuse astronomy with spaceflight? A telescope is not a spaceship. You would use a telescope to look at something in space. But a spaceship carries you into space so that you can get close to what telescopes can only look at. It takes more intelligence to fly in space than it…
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To honor the life and activism of the late Bob Whitaker, who was a writer for National Vanguard in the early 2000s, we present this 2004 interview. by Kevin Alfred Strom American Dissident Voices Broadcast of July 3, 2004 BOB WHITAKER is a man who, despite working at a high level within the Washington establishment,…
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by Veiko Hessler THE YOUTH of today are quite possibly the most decried and despised generation in history. Millennials are regarded as a selfish, entitled generation who believe in neither country nor God. Despite being, supposedly, the most educated, wealthy, and free human beings to have ever…
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PRESIDENT TRUMP just signed a bill authorizing $19.5 billion in funding for NASA — the first such authorization bill for the space agency in seven years. The bill more or less aligns with the budget blueprint Trump laid out last week. NASA won’t face the same cuts as other science and medical…
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