What Was Wrong with Rhodesia and South Africa?
by Karl Dresden AS YOU WATCH THIS video showing training for the military men of Rhodesia, one of the most recent (not “last”!) racially-conscious White states, and listen to the soundtrack, “One Fire” by the group Rome, you will probably be by turns both inspired and saddened.…

South African Apocalypse
Good luck with that pellet gun, Mazimbe. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 17 July, 2021 https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/programs/ADV 2021-0717 South African Apocalypse.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom THE SCENES ARE indeed apocalyptic. Close up, you see a gigantic factory in flames, gibbering…

Spiritual Man and South Africa
The southern tip of Africa, where White men once built a mighty civilization — and where their spiritually sick descendants gave it away. by William White Williams
Chairman, National Alliance THE STATE OF the White race in southern Africa is one of extreme peril, stemming from the near-absolute political…
Chairman, National Alliance THE STATE OF the White race in southern Africa is one of extreme peril, stemming from the near-absolute political…

South Africa: Farm Attack Victim Speaks Out In Court
Even after being tortured and raped in front of her own children by a Black, this White woman still, sadly, fails to completely break out of her mental programming/prison; and quotes multiracialist Communist Nelson Mandela in pathetic hope that it will improve the behavior of Blacks made even more …

South Africa’s President says Robert Mugabe was a “Hero” and “Gigantic Intellectual”
SOUTH AFRICAN PRESIDENT and leader of the ANC, Cyril Ramaphosa, has hailed the recently-deceased White-hating former president of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, as a “hero” and a “gigantic intellectual”” — and announced that the ANC would always be firm allies of Mugabe’s party. In what is being widely…

Meet the Jewish Billionaire Who Controls the Media and ‘Opposition’ Parties in South Africa
SOME MIGHT call Nathan Kirsh the ‘George Soros of Africa,’ yet another international, state-less billionaire Jew who funds radical, anti-White “socialist” causes, , such as South Africa’s Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) lead by Julius Malema, while his family also exerts enormous…

South Africa: Hundreds Confess to Eating Human Flesh
Cannibalism is legal in Black-run South Africa, so authorities must use other statutes if they decide to prosecute.
POLICE IN SOUTH AFRICA are investigating a possible ‘cannibalism’ syndicate after a man turned himself in at his local police station, reportedly telling officers, “I’m…

First 50 White South African Farmer Families Could Soon Resettle in Russia
They’re asking Moscow to grant them political asylum THE FIRST FAMILIES of Boers, descendants of Dutch settlers in South Africa, could soon be moving to Russia to escape rising violence against Whites, especially farmers. Some 15,000 Boers want to leave South Africa and become farmers in Russia.…

Jonas Nilsson’s South Africa: From One Apartheid to Another?
Jonas Nilsson’s South Africa: From One Apartheid to Another? (Sweden, Palaestra Media, 2018) reviewed by Andrew Hamilton THE TITLE of this crowdfunded Internet documentary about the plight of South Africa’s Boers is a bit confusing. Based upon the title sequence at the beginning of the film, translated…

The Lesson of South Africa
by Dr. William L. Pierce WE’VE SPOKEN SEVERAL times about the situation in South Africa — in particular, about the systematic murder of White farmers there by Blacks and the failure of the new Black government to stop the murders. The slaughter continues. Since I spoke with you about this…