Does Neil DeGrasse Tyson “Prove Racial Equality”?
by David Sims
NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON might be as smart as his reputation makes him seem. He’s “Black,” or, rather, he is an American mulatto, as you have no doubt noticed, and his race has an IQ distribution with a mean that is downwardly offset from the mean of the White race’s IQ distribution by about 15 points.…

CFR: We Need “Racial Equality Stress Tests”
by Kevin Alfred Strom
FOREIGN AFFAIRS, the journal of the self-styled elite’s Council on Foreign Relations, is often where new ideas are floated before their forcible implementation on society at large. Their latest piece, “How Institutions Perpetuate US Racial Inequality,”…

Don’t Go to College (and Other Thoughts on Education)
by John Massaro ASK ANY BOOMER and he’ll tell you how it was drilled into our heads, as teenagers, that “you can’t get anywhere without a college education.” What that actually meant was that you couldn’t get a job that paid well. When it came time to enter the workforce, we were led to believe, a college…

The Great Jewish Lie of “Equality,” part 1
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 14 October, 2023 by Kevin Alfred Strom JEWS MAY NOT be a very inventive or artistic race by our standards, but they do have a real talent for false religions and ideologies, and for using their phenomenal skills of networking, acting, and mimicry to make these false…

WLP90: Thoughts on Discrimination
This week we honor William Luther Pierce, the founder of Cosmotheism, of the National Alliance, and of National Vanguard on the 90th anniversary of his birth by presenting classic articles of his, nearly all of which haven’t appeared on this site since their original publication more than two…

WLP90: Toward a Healthy Society
This week we honor William Luther Pierce, the founder of Cosmotheism, of the National Alliance, and of National Vanguard on the 90th anniversary of his birth by presenting classic articles of his, nearly all of which haven’t appeared on this site since their original publication more than two…

President Lincoln’s Pro-White Policies
Yesterday was “President’s Day,” on which fake holiday virtually no one in America thinks of any Presidents whatsoever. It is the modern plastic holiday designed some years ago to smash the former Lincoln’s and Washington’s birthday celebrations into one in order…

Pornography as Jewish Activism and Terrorism, part 3
Portrait of Jewish pornography mogul “Seymore Butts,” aka Adam Glasser Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 by Kenneth Vinther THE PORN INDUSTRY IS notorious for sex trafficking and for taking advantage of vulnerable people; in his essays, Luke Ford has likened the porn industry to the “White slave…

Deadly Dogmas, part 2
by John Massaro MOST AMERICANS, WHO TAKE our First Amendment for granted, or don’t even know what it means, are unaware that it’s a felony in several European countries and also in Canada to defy Holocaust dogma. This in itself is a strong hint as to where the truth lies. For an act of heresy committed in…

Race Differences in Bone Density
by Ryan Cavallius DESPITE THE CLAIMS of egalitarian propagandists over the past century or so that human racial differences are ‘only skin deep,’ it is a well-established fact that the physiological differences which distinguish one race of man from another include far more than just those which…