The History of American National Socialism – Part 8: The National Alliance and Smaller Organizations (1970-1985)
by Martin Kerr
BY ANY imaginable standards, the National Socialist White People’s Party was the predominant NS organization in the United States throughout the 1970s and into the early 1980s. But it was not the only NS group. Except for the National Renaissance Party and NSDAP-AO, all of these other…

The National Alliance: 50 Years in Perspective
The National Alliance flag, which is available to our members American Dissident Voices broadcast of 24 February, 2024 by Kevin Alfred Strom TWO DAYS FROM NOW, on 26 February 2024, it will have been fifty years since Dr. William Pierce formally incorporated the National Alliance as a Virginia non-profit…

Hitler, National Socialism, and Recruiting for Our Cause
introduced by Kevin Alfred Strom THE PROPAGANDISTS who slandered Hitler and Germany and National Socialism — in order to get us pepped up to fight and kill the people who were trying to save us — told a lot of lies. They told us lies, the “Holocaust” story just one out of many,…

National Socialism Today
by Thomas Dalton, PhD Background THE MORAL, social, and philosophical bankruptcy of our modern political/economic ideologies is becoming more apparent by the day. Free-market capitalism, conventional socialism, democracy, and communism are all demonstrable failures. All fail to sustain and…

The History of American National Socialism — Part VII: The National Socialist White People’s Party (1967-1982)
by Martin Kerr A TELEPHONE CALL came in to the national headquarters of the National Socialist White People’s Party about half-past noon on August 25, 1967. National Secretary Matt Koehl took the call. It was a person claiming to be a reporter. He wanted the party’s comment on the assassination of NSWPP…

The History of American National Socialism — Part IV: 1942-1945 (The War Years)
by Martin Kerr THE JAPANESE ATTACKED Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. The next day the German-American Bund burnt its membership lists and other sensitive documents, and dissolved itself. Three days later, Hitler declared war on the United States. With very few exceptions, which will be discussed…

Dr. William Pierce on the Difference between National Socialism and Fascism
by James Harting THE NOTION that the National-Socialism of Adolf Hitler is a type or variant of a more generally defined “fascism” is a staple of Marxist propaganda and analysis. Indeed, the Marxists have been so persistent and strident in making this false claim that it has infected the thinking even…

George Lincoln Rockwell and American National Socialism
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaCHBmGWcBc by Malcolm P. Shiel THIS NEW video by Omniphi celebrates the life and work of George Lincoln Rockwell and was produced on March 9, 2015 — what would have been Rockwell’s 97th birthday. A talented advertising man and artist, and a compelling…

WLP91: All His Waking Hours, part 4
Dr. William Pierce American Dissident Voices broadcast of 28 September, 2024 presented and edited
by Kevin Alfred Strom TO HONOR the late William Luther Pierce, I commissioned a new work based on media reports about Dr. Pierce, removing the mischaracterizations, falsehoods, and attacks — but keeping…
by Kevin Alfred Strom TO HONOR the late William Luther Pierce, I commissioned a new work based on media reports about Dr. Pierce, removing the mischaracterizations, falsehoods, and attacks — but keeping…

Month of the Leader, part 3
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 27 April, 2024 presented by Kevin Alfred Strom THIS WEEK we continue our series “Month of the Leader” with a third and final installment. Listen as we present the very important essay, “Rockwell on Hitler, Natural Law, and True Religion.”…