Love Your Race 2024
We have four new Love Your Race fliers this year; all are 300 dpi at 8.5×11 inches (and can be resized for smaller or even slightly larger sizes by your local or online print shop); right click and then “save link as” to download full-resolution version. American Dissident Voices broadcast…

New Outreach Tools for Love Your Race Week and Dresden
by Dale Bennett THE NATIONAL ALLIANCE graphics repository at natall.com/fliers just added four new items: 1) a simple and elegant rendering of the Cosmotheist Affirmation, suitable for framing (National Alliance members and supporters already received a finely-printed version of this on card…

Love Your Race 2023
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 4 February, 2023 by Kevin Alfred Strom
https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/programs/ADV-2023-0204---Love-Your-Race-2023.mp3 LAST YEAR was the 20th anniversary of Jewish Harvard professor Noel Ignatiev’s pronouncment that the White race…

Love Your Race 2022
Blanket your neighborhood with our Love Your Race fliers this week! Visit natall.com/fliers for even more printable images. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 12 February, 2022 by Kevin Alfred Strom https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/programs/ADV-2022-0212---Love-Your-Race-2022.mp3…

Love Your Race 2021
Click on the picture to download this Love Your Race flier (one of many different versions and languages available) in high resolution — then print in mass quantities to distribute and post in your community this month. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 13 February, 2021 https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/programs/ADV…

Love Your Race!
Click on the picture to download this Love Your Race flier (one of many different versions and languages available) in high resolution — then print in mass quantities to distribute and post in your community this month. The original classic flier — download the full size version by clicking on the image.…

Love Your Race 2018: The Campaign Intensifies
American Dissident Voices broadcast of January 20, 2018 https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/ADV%202018-0120cw.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom ALL IT TAKES is a handful of dedicated people with the requisite character to get out in the real world and distribute fliers. Thousands of White people are…

Save the Quad Cities — Save America — and Love Your Race
American Dissident Voices broadcast of December 2, 2017 https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/ADV%202017-1202lmm.mp3 by Quad Cities National Alliance members and National Vanguard staff HELLO, QUAD CITIES. Hello, Davenport — Moline — Bettendorf — Rock Island. We’re…

Iowa: National Alliance “Love Your Race” Message Triggers Hysteria
https://nationalvanguard.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/NA_fliers_Davenport.mp4 by Chris Rossetti ALL THE flier said was “Love Your Race.” Except for the picture of a White woman and the National Alliance URL, that was the entire message. Nothing but “Love Your Race.”…

Winner’s Swamp and Surfing in Gaza
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 8 February, 2025 by Kevin Alfred Strom BACK IN 2019, National Vanguard published an article by Andrew Hamilton — “Political Outsiders Lack an Institutional Base” — about why Donald Trump completely failed to “drain the swamp”…