Henry Ford: The Leo Frank Case — Are the Jews Clever?
Convicted of the sex murder of Mary Phagan, a 13-year-old White girl: Mrs. Frank and Leo Frank during his trial in 1913 This is the last in this series of lost articles from Henry Ford’s book The International Jew. In this piece, he brings forth many interesting facts but nevertheless appears convinced…

Vanessa Neubauer’s Audio Books on the Leo Frank Case
Leo Frank’s victim, 13-year-old Mary Phagan VANESSA Neubauer has, over the last few years, produced a massive treasure trove of audio books on the 1913 Leo Frank case. The case involves Leo Max Frank, a Jewish capitalist and B’nai B’rith official, who sexually attacked and strangled…

Governor John Slaton and the Leo Frank Case
American Dissident Voices broadcast of July 25, 2015
https://nationalvanguard.org/audio/ADV%202015-0725lb.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom 2015 IS THE YEAR of Jewish failure to contain and control the Leo Frank narrative, a narrative they very much want to control in this, the 100th year after Frank’s…

Audio Book — Tom Watson’s The Leo Frank Case
UPDATE: Not only has National Vanguard made an audio book of Tom Watson’s second article on the Leo Frank case, published just a few days ago, but Watson’s first magazine piece on Frank is now in audio book format as well, recorded by Vanessa Neubauer, and the relevant article has been updated…

Audio Book — Tom Watson: A Full Review of the Leo Frank Case
EDITOR’S NOTE: On the 100th anniversary of its original publication, we are proud to present this, Tom Watson’s hard-hitting article on the Leo Frank case — the case which served as a prototype for modern Jewish propaganda and manipulation, and which inspired the creation of the…

Tom Watson: The Leo Frank Case
UPDATE: This article is now in audio book format as well, recorded by Vanessa Neubauer: https://nationalvanguard.org/audio/Tom%20Watson--The_Leo_Frank_Case_January_1915-full.mp3 On the 100th anniversary of its original publication, we are pleased to present the first article about the…

The Leo Frank Case: Arguments of Hooper, Arnold, Rosser
by Bradford L. Huie reprinted from The American Mercury IT’S A LONG READ — but an essential one for everyone who wants to consider himself well-informed on the Leo Frank case: the closing arguments from indefatigable Fulton County Prosecutor Hugh Dorsey and his assistant Frank Hooper,…

The Leo Frank Case: Hugh Dorsey’s Closing Arguments
by Bradford L. Huie reprinted from the American Mercury HERE ARE the final closing arguments by Solicitor Hugh Dorsey (pictured) in the trial of Leo Frank for the murder of Mary Phagan — a powerful summary of the case and a persuasive argument that played a large part in the decision of the jury to…

The Leo Frank Case: A Pseudo-History
by Elliot Dashfield a review of The Leo Frank Case by Leonard Dinnerstein, University of Georgia Press IN 1963, nearly a half century after the sensational trial and lynching of Leo Frank become a national cause célèbre, a graduate student named Leonard Dinnerstein (pictured) decided to make the Frank…

The ADL: Born in Blood, part 1
In this year of 2024, on the 111th anniversary of the murder of 13-year-old Mary Phagan by Jewish sex killer Leo Frank, we present this classic ADV series on the organization that was founded in large part to protect Frank — who was a B’nai B’rith official — in 1913. This marked…