Dr. William Pierce on Harold Covington
Introduction by Hadding Scott: “The Perils of Hobbyism” is a short essay from the National Alliance Bulletin of November-December 1992.
At the time, Will Williams had recently become membership coordinator of the National Alliance. Harold Covington was continuing personal attacks…

Review: Serpent’s Walk
Serpent’s Walk by Randolph D. Calverhall
1991; distributed by Cosmotheist Books, Box 4, Mountain City TN 37683
cosmotheistchurch.org reviewed by Steven Clark AFTER I READ The Turner Diaries in the early 1990s, I looked for other examples of White nationalist literature. At around this time I also…
1991; distributed by Cosmotheist Books, Box 4, Mountain City TN 37683
cosmotheistchurch.org reviewed by Steven Clark AFTER I READ The Turner Diaries in the early 1990s, I looked for other examples of White nationalist literature. At around this time I also…

Setting the Record Straight by Hadding Scott
A page from Setting the Record Straight This important resource is now back online. by Kevin Alfred Strom FROM 2010 to 2018, racial-nationalist writer, translator, and researcher Hadding Scott maintained a blog titled Setting the Record Straight hosted at Jewish-run Blogspot. It focused primarily…

As Long as We Are Breathing on This Earth
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 2 October, 2021 https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/programs/ADV 2021-1002 – As Long as We Are Breathing on This Earth.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom LET ME BEGIN today’s show with a notice to National Alliance members. Our monthly printed BULLETIN…

Leaked: FBI and UK Intel Infiltrating Racial-Nationalism With Satanism
INTERNAL FILES of the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) and the FBI recently leaked to Yahoo News reveal a nefarious scheme to utilize Satanism in dissident groups as a means to demoralize activists, splinter groups, and cause individuals to “disengage.” The document,…

The History of American National Socialism – Part 8: The National Alliance and Smaller Organizations (1970-1985)
by Martin Kerr BY ANY imaginable standards, the National Socialist White People’s Party was the predominant NS organization in the United States throughout the 1970s and into the early 1980s. But it was not the only NS group. Except for the National Renaissance Party and NSDAP-AO, all of these other…

The Deguello Report Revisited
Who wrote the Deguello Report? by Hadding Scott THE KIND OF ANONYMOUS mass-smear represented by Harold Covington’s A Brief History of the White Nationalist Movement (2007) is not a new phenomenon in the racialist milieu. In 1976, in the days before e-mail spam, some anonymous source mass-mailed…

Death of a Con Man
by Kevin Alfred Strom HAROLD COVINGTON, who died this week, does not deserve to receive accolades or be remembered as a comrade. He was not a comrade. He consciously sought to ruin our cause and the good fighters who were and are fighting for it. He was a talented writer — and an unscrupulous liar.…

The Masses
by Revilo P. Oliver
A PAMPHLET that reprints an article that appeared in the American Atheist in May 1982, records a political phenomenon, typical of our languishing nation, which may be little known today and certainly deserves attention. The article is unfortunately so organized that judicious…

Wyoming: White Zion?
The case for Wyoming as a destination for intentional White-community-builders. by John Pelham WYOMING IS THE IDEAL destination for any serious effort at a Northwest Migration. This post is a rough sketch at pitching the Wyoming heresy to White Zionist circles. (1) Aesthetic Beauty – If I were to ever…