
Well who could’ve known this would happen? The article below details the epidemic of pedophile abuse that has infected the Boy Scouts of America so systemically the legacy organization will probably file for bankruptcy. What the article doesn’t say, however, is the most important facet
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David SimsNews

Not even their recent opening of their membership to girls can stem the decline: As the old institutions fall under the weight of their capitulation to the anti-White agenda, racially-conscious Whites will have an opportunity to build all our institutions anew. by David Sims YOU SHOULD NOT let your…
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A local resident defending the Baden-Powell statue in Poole, Dorset THE ASSAULT on British history continues, with Lord Baden-Powell (founder of the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides) the latest target. Locals in Poole, Dorset, rallied in defence of the Baden-Powell statue, and the local council announced…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce LAST SATURDAY George Bush addressed the United Nations General Assembly, urging all of the member nations to join the United States in bringing pressure to bear against countries that sponsor terrorism or harbor terrorists. He did it in his standard mock-serious way, barely…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce LET ME BEGIN by responding to a few listeners who had trouble believing the bizarre things I reported three weeks ago, when I wanted to illustrate the fact that there are profound psychological differences separating the various human races, and these differences have evolutionary…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

A Cosmotheist lecture never before transcribed by Dr. William L. Pierce I WANT TO talk to you some more this evening about ethics and about behavior, in particular about the way in which we should behave. Last week we saw a couple of interesting films on man’s origins and on animal behavior, and let me remind…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce THREE WEEKS ago I began telling you about a horrible mass murder and rape of young White people in Wichita, Kansas, by a couple of Blacks. The main point I emphasized in talking about this awful crime against our people was that the Jewish news media and the White liberals who collaborate…
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American Dissident VoicesAudioClassic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured) American Dissident Voices broadcast, 1995 TODAY let’s talk about racism and related matters. There’s hardly a subject the average White person is more…
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by Francis Carr Begbie WITH THE CLAMOUR of protest over the decision not to prosecute one of Britain’s most senior Jewish politicians over child rape allegations showing no sign of abating, it is worthwhile looking back at the career of the man at the centre. Even without these lurid claims, Greville…
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Facebook has a half billion people enthusiastically spying and reporting on their friends, family, and neighbors. by Andrew Wozny DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) has some grotesque tentacles: the Information Awareness Office (IAO); TIA (Total Information Awareness, renamed…
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