World War 2: Battling the People of the Lie, part 5
American Dissident Voices broadcast of April 22, 2017
by Kevin Alfred Strom
THE PROPAGANDISTS who slandered Hitler and Germany and National Socialism — in order to get us pepped up to fight and kill the people who were trying to…
World War 2: Battling the People of the Lie, part 4
American Dissident Voices broadcast of April 15, 2017
by Kevin Alfred Strom
THE ALT-RIGHTERS who led the Trump train to victory would be spinning in their graves — if they weren’t still alive, a fact of which neither they…
World War 2: Battling the People of the Lie, part 3
American Dissident Voices broadcast of April 8, 2017
by Kevin Alfred Strom
YESTERDAY, Donald Trump was turned by the Jew-dominated War Party and launched a missile attack on Syria — the same Donald Trump who said we should…
World War 2: Battling the People of the Lie, part 2
American Dissident Voices broadcast of April 1, 2017
by Kevin Alfred Strom
THE AMORPHOUS disunited non-group dubbed the “alt right” and defined mainly by a rejection of Political Correctness and a wish that Donald Trump…
World War 2: Battling the People of the Lie, part 1
American Dissident Voices broadcast of March 25, 2017
by Kevin Alfred Strom
NOT EVERY World War 2 veteran is still around to tell us how he feels about the world his sacrifices brought into being. But there are a few veterans, and sons…
Debunking D-Day Myths: An Omnibus
Today we bring together in one place all the material you need to debunk the myths surrounding D-Day and American participation in the Great Slaughter of White People. Here are four complete articles in one: “Fading Illusions” by Mark Weber and Kevin Strom; “The ‘Good War’…