Andrew HamiltonEssays

Why Do the Jews Hate Trump?

Two days after Christopher Wray’s FBI raided his Florida mansion, ex-President Donald Trump predictably flashed the clenched-fist salute used by Jews, Blacks, and Communists outside his garish Trump Tower apartment in New York City.

by Andrew Hamilton

THE SECRET POLICE RAID on Donald Trump’s luxury Mar-a-Lago home in Palm Beach on Monday, August 8, 2022, ostensibly to search for records claimed by the National Archives, would be “unprecedented” in American history — if this was still America.

But it isn’t. The January 2021 coup put paid to that.

The only public figure who thinks he’s still living in a country with a continuous link to its historic past is Pat Buchanan in his dotage.

The irony is that Wray (presumably a White Gentile, and certainly an anti-White racist from a privileged family) is a Republican selected by Trump in 2017, unanimously supported by every member of the Senate Judiciary Committee from both parties, and approved by a 92-5 vote in the US Senate.

All of which proves that he’s rotten.

Wray is the (eager) errand boy of his Jewish boss, Attorney General Merrick Garland (originally Garfinkel), and before that the Jew William Barr.

Bruce Reinhart, the Jewish federal magistrate judge who donated money to Barack Obama and signed Garland’s and Wray’s Mar-a-Lago search warrant, was a former defense attorney for several wrongdoers associated with Jeffrey Epstein’s intelligence-linked sex trafficking network.

Trump also had ties to Epstein and his wealthy Jewish procurer Ghislaine Maxwell, a foul Jewess from a foul upper class family. That ring’s best-known victim (all of whom were White — a prerequisite) worked as a towel girl at Trump’s private club, where Mar-a-Lago regular Maxwell spotted and recruited her. Trump twice publicly wished Maxwell well after her long-delayed 2020 arrest.

Two days after the raid, on August 10, 2022, Trump was forced to attend a deposition in a civil case brought against him by New York’s Negro Attorney General Letitia James, another Gentile shill for the Jews. Thank God Trump loves Negroes and Jews. (Though not James, because she’s harassing him.) He richly deserves them.

Trump suddenly cloaked himself in the US Constitution, a “right” effectively denied ordinary White Americans, on whose behalf the nation’s founding document is no longer operative.

He announced, “I once asked, ‘If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?’ Now I know the answer to that question.”

So saith the man who joined the braying Establishment mob to stomp $15-an-hour security guard and Charlottesville attendee James Fields into a bloody pulp.

Trump invoked the Fifth Amendment more than 440 times during his deposition, gloated one of the many properties (CNBC) owned by Jewish media baron Brian Roberts.

Roberts, Trump’s former NBC employer, fired him as soon as he announced he was running for president, and through his media empire has battered, harassed, and defamed him nonstop ever since.

Trump, who seems willing to insult almost anybody, including former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (once), has never uttered a single word of criticism against Roberts that I am aware of. Talk about racial devotion! Jews expect such behavior from Whites as a matter of course.

For years, continuing right through the midst of an alleged public health crisis, the Left’s domestic terrorists — organized, funded, and directed by the people who run the country — looted, pillaged, burned, terrorized, physically attacked, and murdered White Trump supporters. The handful who were arrested (most were never even touched) were released without punishment, even after murdering people.

With a straight face, Jewry, its media, Wray, and Garland sneer that innocuous, law-abiding Whites rather than themselves and their criminals, pose the greatest domestic terrorist threat to the nation.

Which means their nation faces no terrorist threat.

Nevertheless, the Big Lie is now institutionalized. They are selectively suppressing speech, association, and beliefs.

Why Do the Jews Hate Trump?

Jews hate all philo-Semites they identify as “conservatives.” (Conservative anti-Semites don’t exist. Indeed, conservatives don’t exist anymore, but Jews live eternally in the past.)

Even though Trump, a philo-Semite of the first water, is not a conservative, the Jews consider him one, and that’s enough.

Conservatives briefly oppose almost every negative innovation Jews introduce before they quickly cave in.

If Jews would simply tell conservatives frankly that they must accept each and every new demand because Jews are the ones making it, they wouldn’t get any backtalk or opposition. Gentile love of the Jews passeth all understanding.

But Jews need somebody to hate, feel outraged about, and kick around.

They spewed hatred at Ronald Reagan.

They spewed hatred at Jerry Falwell.

They spewed hatred at George H.W. Bush.

They spewed hatred at George W. Bush.

Once upon a time they even spewed hatred at William F. Buckley.

William F. Buckley! How asinine can you get?

To be a conservative is to be a masochist. Your role is to invite and absorb virulent public and official abuse while simultaneously not standing up for anything, and being guaranteed to lose even if you did stand up for something. Conservatives are eager to play that role. It’s what they live for.

Second, Trump wasn’t supposed to win the presidency, but did. That rattled the Jews to the core.

According to Jesse Ventura’s son Tyrel, when his father was unexpectedly elected Governor of Minnesota on a third-party ticket in 1999, the new chief executive was escorted to a basement room where he was surrounded by a group of people who turned out to be from the CIA. (Tyrel, a Leftist like his father, isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer, but did stress it was CIA.) Their question: “How did you get elected?”

If true, you can imagine how Trump’s 2016 victory unhinged Jewry and the Left. For seven straight years they haven’t stopped howling about it. Presidential races are TV shows scripted by the rulers, supreme entertainment, the quadrennial Super Bowl of the ruling class: political nerds, media, and patronage recipients. True upsets aren’t supposed to happen.

What really did him in, though, was speaking out strongly against mass immigration, even advocating deportation. He backpedaled fast on that one, but never quite let go of the issue during his first campaign. (“Build the wall!”)

Anything of that nature is absolutely forbidden. When you’re committing genocide you don’t hint at an out for your victims. On the other hand, it’s the reason Trump was able to win in 2016. It was a clever move. Cynical, but simple.

By 2020 he hardly mentioned the issue.

Finally, Jews see Trump as stirring up the White rabble, on whose behalf the charlatan never lifted a hand. Not once did he stand up for or fight any major battles on behalf of his devoted, gullible followers. No word of concern or kindness for the massive wrongs inflicted upon them ever passed his lips.

Jews viscerally hate Whites, and are wiping them from the face of the Earth. Despite Trump not caring about Whites any more than they do, Jewry’s hotheaded linkage proved fatal to him.

Whatever his ultimate fate, Trump will accept it with stoicism. Like the rest of his kind, who are Legion, he’s philo-Semitic, and will remain so to the end.

It’s axiomatic among such people that Jews have the absolute right to do anything they want — to the world at large, as well as to their devout and loyal slaves.

President Trump, his third wife Melania, Jewish son-in-law Jared Kushner, and Orthodox Jewish convert daughter Ivanka worshiping Jews on Holocaust Remembrance Day.

* * *

Source: Author

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15 August, 2022 9:03 am

I think that what Trump shows is that even if you are the most craven bootlicker, the Jews will betray you.

Arthur Sido
Arthur Sido
15 August, 2022 9:32 am

Jews don’t hate Trump, they hate the people that Trump has come to be seen representing: Whites.

Reply to  Arthur Sido
17 August, 2022 9:00 am

I am convinced that the two primary reasons why jews harbor such an intense, pathological, clearly maniacal hatred for Trump are: (1) He made some noises about securing the border and impeding the jews White Race Replacement / White Genocide agenda that has been rolling along smoothly since they got that 1965 White Genocide legislation passed (Hart-Celler Act) and (2) He refused to bow to jewish demands to start any more new wars against Iran or any other nation that Israel hates but are to cowardly to go to war against themselves. And, I agree with most of the criticisms of Trump that were mentioned in this article. But, I did vote for him in 2016 and again in 2020 and would do so again if he runs in 2024.… Read more »

Reply to  Arthur Sido
17 August, 2022 6:41 pm

Excellent observation! I also came to the same conclusion during the Presidental elections of 2016. Although I do not live in the USA I followed the elections with interest, particularly because of the unrelenting attacks of the media (Jews) on Trump. I knew he was not “one of us” and I did not trust him, however, his speeches (as Hamilton said) hit a chord in the hearts of millions of White Americans (to whom he would later betray in the most shameful manner). Thinking about this apparent contradiction I realized, as you rightly said, that all this hatred was not directed at Trump but TO HIS FOLLOWERS, the great mass of hard-working, patriotic Americans who believed this guy was fighting for them. It was NEVER about Trump but about what… Read more »

15 August, 2022 9:58 am

I think jewry has two dominant strains. One, focuses on actually promoting jewish interests by recruiting useful gentiles. This is the more “right wing” branch of the jews which tends to be more explicit in its support for Israel, hostile towards muslims because of their threat to Israel and jews outside of Israel and somewhat more sympathetic towards capitalism. The other, “left wing” strain is more focused on suppressing gentile threats to jewish interests. This strain openly embraces Marxism, Critical Theory, empowering minorities and other ideas that demoralize Whites and weaken their nations to enhance jewish power and control. These jews will also recruit useful self-hating gentiles. Like two mafia families, they seem to work at cross purposes. However, they are actually symbiotic. Israel is not an economically viable nation… Read more »

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  guest
16 August, 2022 8:54 am

Exquisitly composed expose, Mr. Hamilton. This should be spread far and wide by every guest reading NV. — guest: I think jewry has two dominant strains… the more “right wing” branch of the jews…..[and] the left wing jews… — So, assuming you are a goy, what are you going to do about it? Which Jew box are you in — the “conservative” right one or the “liberal” left? You are not an Alliance member that will reject both. You don’t know since you are just a guest here, but NV is not an organization. NV is merely the online magazine of the National Alliance, a pro-White, therefore naturally anti-Jew, organization that is neither right-wing nor left wing, but strictly racial, determined to awaken and arouse fellow Whites to organize for… Read more »

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
18 August, 2022 11:43 am

At risk of appearing self-absorbed to some NV commentators, I’ll bump my own comment. As NA Chairman I see NV as our Alliance’s primary outreach vehicle for attracting and recruiting new members and for mentoring those who are already members who should be recruiting more new members. As NA’s online magazine NV’s function is educational, but not for the entertainment of anonymous visitors, or so they can show how smart and clever they are like they are used to doing on their various sociaal media — especially if they are clearly not even interested in supporting Alliance-building. When I checked Hamilton’s article again a couple of days ago to see that this comment I’d made had already scrolled off the first page of comments in one day, replaced by many… Read more »

15 August, 2022 10:09 am

Not ONE, not ONE white person of note or fame or in Congress, politics, media, leadership, entertainment,education, public life has the courage to even name the jew much less expose them or advocate sending all these dangerous ,parasites on the white body politic to another solar system forever. FEAR OF THE JEWS. Pathetic. “We have met the enemy, and he is US!” – Pogo Possum

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Jim
15 August, 2022 8:52 pm

The cancer is in deep, Jim. The patient is almost done for. What Whites that are still considered healthy cells need to separate and build ourselves a new whole body.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
15 August, 2022 11:44 am

Let us also continue to remember that
Covid-19 “vaccine” was unleashed upon
the population by Trump and his minions.
Down to this day, millions of brain-
dead White lemmings continue to accept 
these toxic compounds into their
bodies. The body count of the sick 
and dying continue to rise. No doubt 
this should please his Jewish masters 
to no end:

Joe Lowsac
Joe Lowsac
15 August, 2022 3:39 pm

They don’t not only was he employed by them right up until his presidency (the teLIEvision program ‘The Apprentice’) but he’s been receiving awards from them for years (e.g., the Tree of Life Award from the Jewish National Fund; the Friends of Zion award from the founder of the Friends of Zion Museum in Jerusalem; etc.) and lets not forget his endorsements (e.g., Netanyahu 2013 – All of Trumps grand children are jewish, the same is true of every presidential candidate since 2016 (i.e., Clinton, Biden).
They do not hate him, they love him. And he loves them.

Reply to  Joe Lowsac
17 August, 2022 5:21 pm

You are correct, sir! The jews adore Donald Trumpstein (I began calling him ‘Trumpstein’ the day after his “election” when he announced that he wasn’t going to deport all the Mexicans, only the “bad dudes”…that’s when I knew for certain that he was a fraud). As I recall, Trumpstien had more than 100 wealthy/powerful jews working on his campaign…so, maybe it’s just the “liberal” jews who (((pretend))) to hate him. >.>

15 August, 2022 6:25 pm

Jews still haven’t recovered from the fact that a white gentile president won in 2016 on a platform that would at least slow down white genocide. They are even more enraged that large numbers of whites voted for him which means their anti-white hate propaganda was not as effective as they believed. During Trump’s campaign we were treated to satanic anti-white hatred and comparisons of Trump to Hitler by Jews working in the media and by almost all Jew owned media outlets. Any politician who does not hate whites is Hitler to the Jews and they will work to destroy him. Trump is pathetic in that he knows this yet still curries favor with them. The white race in America will not survive if Trump is the best we can… Read more »

Reply to  Bridger
17 August, 2022 9:10 am

Andrew Anglin over at his Daily Stormer website contributed to this jewish campaign to equate Trump with Hitler by repeatedly posting ‘cartoons’ on his website showing Trump in a Nazi uniform standing outside a gas chamber with his finger ready to push the red button. David Duke also contributed to this demonization campaign by constantly gushing praise on Trump and repeatedly saying he endorsed him. I don’t know if Duke or Anglin are just so unbelievably stupid that neither of them realized that they were providing ammunition for the jews who wanted to destroy Trump visi via, guilt by association or whether both of them were on the jewish propaganda payroll. In either case, the people in our pro-White movement need to ramp up their skills in the realm of… Read more »

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Tucker
17 August, 2022 10:41 am

I am truly sorry to hear that about
David Duke. However, it is probably
true. Had Duke not allowed the albatross
of Christianity to be hung around his
neck, he could have been a great
White leader.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Tucker
17 August, 2022 10:49 am

Equating Hitler with Trump seems to be an insult….to Hitler. Trump is not pro-White by any means, and it is foolish to pin our hopes on that character to do anything for us within or without government. As for Mr. Duke endorsing Trump, he can do so if he wants but that’s his personal prerogative. He doesn’t represent the National Alliance and we have no bone to pick with him. The messaging of his and other pro-Whites “in the movement” are also not our concern here. It’s here I have to remind folks that again, “the movement” is not our movement. We have a path of our own to follow, and let others do as they will without rancor or ill-will. We wish them the best, really. The National Alliance’s… Read more »

Filippo Albuquerque
Filippo Albuquerque
Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
17 August, 2022 11:34 am

David Duke promotes Christianity and even dedicated his book Jewish Supremacy to a “Holocaust” survivor. He does also support shabbos goy Putin and simply don’t see the Jews behind him like Roman Abramovich. Then we can’t trust David Duke. Look to this picture, he didn’t take out this since Trump lost the elections.

Reply to  Tucker
17 August, 2022 11:34 am

I don’t know much about Anglin, but I don’t think David Duke is stupid, and I certainly don’t believe he is on any Jewish payroll. Quite frankly, I think you’re out of line for that. But, you are entitled to your opinions. You wrote, “[T]he people in our pro-White movement need to ramp up their skills in the realm of knowing when to tone down their rhetoric and learn to be more subtle with their messaging.” There’s a lot that can be said about this, but for now let’s just agree that the so-called “movement” has had its share of dimwits and focus on uniting quality Whites under a single, unstoppable banner. The Alliance has been making incredible gains over the past year or so. Let’s pick up speed and… Read more »

Reply to  RCavallius
19 August, 2022 8:37 am

My criticism of Anglin is not a complicated one. When I visited his website during the 2015-2016 presidential campaign and saw cartoon-like pictures showing Trump wearing a Nazi uniform, standing outside a “gas chamber” wearing a smirk on his face, and with his finger ready to push the red button that would supposedly unleash the bug spray – I asked myself this question: “How in the heck is a cartoon of that nature going to HELP Trump win more votes and win the White House?” The fact that it might have generated a few laughs among those in the pro-White movement who are red pilled on the JQ was meaningless, when viewed from a political perspective that was grounded in common sense. Anglin was obviously letting his disdain for the… Read more »

Reply to  Tucker
19 August, 2022 11:30 am

Yeah Tucker, you’ve explained yourself. And I understand where you’re coming from, but I think you’re bringing your complaint to the wrong place. The National Alliance didn’t do those things – personally, I don’t even know who “Andrew Anglin” or “Mike Enoch” are. (Enoch sounds Jewish, anyway.) I think you should take this issue up with them, honestly. At any rate, Trump DID get elected, and it was over five years ago, so those guys didn’t sabotage his win, which means you are getting worked up over nothing. Furthermore – and this is the most important point – at the National Alliance, we don’t care whether Trump gets elected or not. We want to create a new nation, an all-White one. We aren’t conservatives, so we don’t want to preserve… Read more »

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  RCavallius
19 August, 2022 9:48 pm

Very good, RC. Alliance minds run in the same groove — independently, without needing to consult with one another.

Like a famous Alliance man once said, “one man, one heartbeat; ten men 10 heartbeats; 100 men, 100 heartbeats; 1,000 men, 1,000 heartbeats…Ten thousand hearts beat as one.”

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Tucker
19 August, 2022 8:02 pm

Tucker: …And, do NOT jeopardize a potentially good candidate by screaming how much we endorse him. Keep our endorsements to ourselves and within our community… I hope I have done a decent job of explaining myself on this topic. — No, Tucker. Yes, you’ve explained yourself I’ll stipulate to that. But let me explain why you’ve done an indecent job of addressing Mr. Hamilton’s topic of why Jews hate Trump. Your longwinded advice here about voting for “potentially good candidates,” and such, and about what Mssrs. Anglin, Duke, Enoch are doing doesn’t help our community at all here on NV. Our community is the National Alliance and they, and other alt-right characters and you are not in it. Let’s make that clear. You say: [T]he people in our pro-White movement… Read more »

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
17 August, 2022 12:31 am

I guess the secret police raid at Mar-a-Lago (why do I keep thinking Humphrey Bogart movie?) clinches it, Trump is the real deal. After all, it was not just regular po-lice, but “secret” po-lice that made the raid! How much more secretly believable can it get? Do we really need any more proof that Trump was more than a hat trying to make America great again? Can anyone doubt he was really trying to build a wall to save America from rampant, unrestricted immigration?   I can tell you I had my suspicions until now, but when the secret police raid a former president and gambling/real estate magnate’s luxury home they must be serous about stopping him from doing something, whatever it might be.   This proves Trump has to… Read more »

Nom De Guerre
Nom De Guerre
Reply to  Arch Stanton
20 August, 2022 1:40 pm

Fool me once, shame on you. Do it again, shame on me. I was one of Trump’s chumps. I voted for him for 2016, because he was plain spoken, seemed to call things as he saw them, and called China out on their b.s. However, he said that his first order of business was to overturn Obamacare, and like all politicians, he lied, especially on that. Ever been to a doctor lately? Seen health insurance premiums? Yeah, I realize that many on here are Medicare age, but I cannot afford insurance nor can I afford to get healthcare. Zion Don was also always crowing on about “law and order “, but the very opposite ensued right after he won his first and only term. First with antifa riots, then months… Read more »

Br. Art
Br. Art
17 August, 2022 11:15 am

The news is all lies. TeleviZION.

17 August, 2022 5:14 pm

Jews viscerally hate Whites, and are wiping them from the face of the Earth.”
So the ques. is, is what do we do about that ??

17 August, 2022 8:51 pm

The whole upper class, political, legal and entertainment people of today are the children of a cult (jew and jesuit), that exploded in power after Germany lost WWII, and is primarily run by stupid jewess’ of which trumpf is very much a part, so no the jews dont hate trump. It’s an act, and how they hide, playing all sides of an issue to make it look like there isn’t collusion among them. As with many of their efforts over time, they backfire and the trump phenomenon is just another example. They built this monster but didn’t figure it would be hijacked by a mass wad of idiots and actually grow beyond their control. Now we see this jew/jesuit cult, not going after trump, but trying to extinguish his followers.

White man
White man
17 August, 2022 11:14 pm

National vanguard news for us for a change. Why the Jews hate Trump.
I don’t care anymore about the jews! If I vote for Trump in 2024 it’s to buy the white race some time, that’s all! Politics will not save the white race anymore!

  • it’s time we Whites start caring about the white race and what we’re going to do for the white race! All of this Jew stuff is like going to a Christian identity meeting. I support the National Alliance and it’s goals for the future of the white race and that’s all I care about.
Reply to  White man
18 August, 2022 11:09 am

White man, you sound like a really good guy, but I don’t understand your point. You say you support the National Alliance, but it sounds like you’re accusing us of not caring about the White race. You wrote, “it’s time we Whites start caring about the white race and what we’re going to do for the white race!” Well, yeah: obviously. What do you think we’re all about here in the National Alliance?! Again, I’m missing the point of your comment. If you’re upset that there are articles about the Jews here on NatVan, I would say a) understanding the problem of the Jews is essential to dealing with our problems as a race, and b) the author of the article was just sharing his own facts and/or opinions about… Read more »

White man
White man
Reply to  RCavallius
18 August, 2022 9:53 pm

I was just stating my own outlook after reading this article about the Jews and Trump. The Jews are a lethal enemy! Just like Dr. Pierce has been writing and saying for decades before he passed away and all of his recordings since. I guess it was a moment of frustration because that kosher crowd never stops undermining and ruining everything they come in contact with. And they also use the non-white races as a battering ram. That crowd has infiltrated everything and they just won’t stop! I first joined the national alliance in 1983 and I have been a dues paying all but maybe five years of those. Probably about 35 years as a Member. My point that I didn’t stay clearly is I just want to work to… Read more »

Reply to  White man
18 August, 2022 10:40 pm

Thank you for clarifying. Yes, we all get frustrated at times. You have been an Alliance member for longer than I’ve been alive, and for that I respect you immensely. Yes, Chairman Williams has done an excellent job. Let’s keep doing everything we can to help him build the Alliance back up to its former strength – and even surpass the level that it was at 20 years ago!

Reply to  White man
18 August, 2022 5:37 pm

The heebs have been the enemy of the White race for thousands of years, this fact needs to become subconscious for all Whites.

When a jew puppet sells off his own daughter to the tribe, this doesn’t set off alarm bells in your head?

Voting harder will get you nowhere as your vote simply doesn’t count. Never has, never will.

If you REALLY want to help the race, help them to make a decision which will actually benefit them, moving to self sufficient White enclaves.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Forsaken
18 August, 2022 10:57 pm

Secession by moving a household one White family or more at a time is fine advice, Mr. Forsaken. It matches that of the National Alliance. Where are you at, roughly?

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
19 August, 2022 9:20 pm

Jim: Secession by moving a household one White family or more at a time is fine advice, Mr. Forsaken. It matches that of the National Alliance.

I’d say he’s not forsaken at all since he’s found a group that agrees with him on everything he says above.

Like so many of us, he was lost but now he’s found.

Where are you at, roughly?

He’s behind the at, Jim. ;o}

Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. That’s how my momma would answer any question I’d ask that ended in the preposition at. She broke me of that.

27 August, 2022 4:25 pm

I am not an American, but have been to the US countless times over 50 years, to visit relatives. I predicted Trump would win in 2016, not because he was a good candidate, only because for once, in a very long time, the opponent was infinitely worse. Normally in all of the ZOG (((Western liberal democracies))) the choice is like being asked if you would rather be hanged or shot. Trump campaigned on what US citizens, outside the big city perimeter, were thinking. The twice a day rallies with 15-20k attending versus Killary’s bi-weekly photo ops in front of half empty school gymnasia were a pretty clear sign that the polls were an enormous pile of steaming male bovine excrement. Jews don’t hate Trump. Trump is from a competing branch… Read more »

27 August, 2022 9:05 pm

The Jews hate anyone who stops them from the successful plundering of any nation they target. Trump put a big padlock on the US Treasury during his time in office and said “This money belongs to the American taxpayer, not you good-for-nothing supremacist thieves. America is sick of funding the whole rest of the world while our own people languish.” And THIS is why the Jews hate Trump. Remember ; to a Jew, MONEY is GOD.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Cheops
27 August, 2022 10:04 pm

That’s quite the starry-eyed view of Trump you have there, Mr. Cheops. Unfortunately, reality has to step in here and remind you that Trump sent the Jews billions of dollars and our best military equipment, among other technologically advanced materials. He also gave Israel what didn’t belong to Trump: the Golan Heights and all of Jerusalem. He permitted the Jews to continue their racially destructive programs (too numerous to identify individually here) against Whites here in the U.S. and worldwide.

Perhaps your views are more welcome with the conservatives and the Republican party, but they aren’t wanted here.

Josef Tone
Josef Tone
2 September, 2022 5:39 pm

Trump really positions that fist in a particular manner with the fingers and wrist thoughtfully turned and exposed, such as with Nelson Mandela. In other words, it’s not really a spontaneous gesture, but a deliberate and consistent hand-sign. Given that he’s not a career politician, it becomes more disturbing when I ponder his unflappable obstinance in all matters. The supreme ego and the shameless shill within him are fully at peace with each other. Given everything we’ve seen, I don’t think it’s beyond reason to speculate that he is entirely a fraud, and fully conscious of it; an intentional player in a pre-arranged conspiracy. The national division seems almost to convenient.

27 September, 2022 2:38 pm

Well that is true indeed but why are you saying that Donald Trump was a Zionist puppet?
In fact, the Jews had always been left wing and behind the Democrat Party same thing as the Chinese.