American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

Ancient Admixture: Death Blow to Racialism? — part 1

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 4 December and 11 December, 2021

by Kevin Alfred Strom

NEW DNA-BASED DISCOVERIES in the science of human origins have disrupted long-established views of how we came to be — and who we, in fact, are. These new discoveries will require a significant revision of the National Alliance’s own book, Who We Are by William Pierce. And these new discoveries are being exploited by Jews to — no surprise here — undermine the identity and cohesion of the European race. In other words, to attack White people, shatter their confidence, to convince them that blending themselves out of existence through racial mixture is inevitable and good — and to convince them that to oppose our own extinction is somehow “hateful.”

And some of these discoveries do undermine old-fashioned racialism. But they do not undermine the higher racialism — the true understanding — held by us in the National Alliance. To understand this you must first have some preliminary understandings.

The Jew David Reich, a scientist at Harvard, has written a book, Who We Are and How We Got Here, which I will just call How We Got Here or “HGH” for the purposes of this broadcast, to prevent confusion with Dr. William Pierce’s excellent if outdated book Who We Are. I want to address the way Reich and his fellow Jews are misusing these discoveries, but first there are some very important preliminaries I must share.

It isn’t often that I recommend that all my listeners read or listen to something, something so important that it is essential. Something that, if you don’t understand it, you essentially understand nothing. I’ve said that about certain pieces by Revilo Oliver, such as What We Owe Our Parasites and The Origins of Christianity. I’ve said it about some of Dr. William Pierce’s works, such as those contained in our new book, Cosmotheism: Religion of the Future. And I’ve said it about William Gayley Simpson’s Which Way, Western Man?. Without exposure to those works, your understanding of our people’s history and spirituality is incomplete.

I hope I don’t come across as egotistical, but I want to make sure that all of my listeners also familiarize themselves with a couple of my works. One is my piece on the reality of evolution, “Relatedness — and the Encyclopedia — Prove Evolution Is Real.” And the other is my recent American Dissident Voices broadcast titled “Racial Purity.” If you don’t understand those pieces, you don’t understand the fundamentals of our struggle. You won’t understand the most important parts of this broadcast. You won’t understand what I am saying about the latest DNA discoveries.

Evolution is Real

Point number one in capsule form:

Evolution is real. The fact that gene-patterns are identical for vast swathes of our genome and the genomes of other primates — to say nothing of humans and other mammals, humans and reptiles, etc. — shows that we and they shared a common origin. And, since we are different now, we must have changed over time: We evolved. The fact that we evolved is indisputable. and it is also that simple. It’s as if our genome and a small mammal’s genome are each an edition of a 100,000-page encyclopedia. If the second encyclopedia is word-for-word, punctuation mark for punctuation mark identical to the first 94,000 pages of the first encyclopedia, who would be fool enough to deny that they had a common source? That’s the difference, by the way, between our genome and a mouse’s.

Also: We know that life forms that did not exist millions of years ago do exist now. Therefore, some of the old forms must have changed into the forms we have now.

Another simple proof that evolution is real is this: Any self-replicating system operating in the real world — like living beings — must replicate slightly differently at certain times and places compared to other times and places. This is an unavoidable fact of life on Earth: Some places offer more sunlight, more food, less ultraviolet radiation, higher or lower temperatures. These factors change constantly with time, and also with location. Also, we know that the genetic programming of the living beings is not exact from individual to individual. The gene-replication always introduces variations. Therefore the replication of the self-replicating beings will differ. That is, the replications will not be exact replications. In some cases, the replications will be less able to successfully replicate themselves in the always-changing environment. In other cases, they will replicate themselves more effectively than their parent beings. Gradually, the population of better replicators will increase and that of poorer replicators will decrease, changing the average characteristics of the population. This will happen differently in different locations, so differing populations will emerge. Races will emerge. And, given enough time, races evolve into new species — and then cross-breeding becomes impossible or practically impossible.

Thus evolution is inevitable. And it is constantly happening. This is incontrovertible. If you don’t understand this, you don’t understand what races are and are ill-fitted to preserving our own.

(A corollary to this truth is that racial separation is necessary for evolution to take place at all. All living species that exist or have ever existed have undergone racial divergence and separation as a necessary step in speciation. None of us would be here — life as we know it could not exist — if it were not for racial separation. Thus racial separation is not only not evil — it is necessary, and it is sacred, if anything is sacred.)

For Us, Racial Purity Exists in the Future

Point number two in capsule form:

Racial purity is not something of the past, something that must inevitably be whittled down by time, despite our best efforts in the supposedly “lost cause” of preserving it. No, not at all. Racial purity is something that exists primarily in the future and the long term trend is for it to continually increase.

This point is difficult for some people, who’ve spent their entire lives thinking of it the wrong way, the backwards way. But the right way is actually very simple — elegantly simple. 200,000 years ago — and for all time before that, since the beginning of life — all the ancestors of all the modern races were the same race. There was, insofar as the races that now exist are concerned, zero per cent. purity. No purity whatsoever. Today Blacks and Whites and Asians and Jews and other races have emerged, and are notably different from one another. Therefore purity has increased over time. Is the purity of our race 100 per cent. now? No, that is not true, either. The only meaningful way to look at purity is as degree of difference. Surely that degree of difference can be increased. So 100 per cent. is not here yet. I suggest that when our race has achieved a degree of difference at which it is not possible to interbreed with Blacks, then we will have achieved 100 per cent. purity with respect to them. And such a degree of purity with respect to Jews or Asians or other races shall have been achieved when we can no longer interbreed with them, either. The good news is that the trend of evolution — the long-term trend of Nature — is to increase that purity, increase that degree of difference, over time.

Thus fighting for racial purity is not fighting a rear-guard, essentially hopeless action against inevitable panmixia and degradation and dysgenic decline. No, not at all. Fighting for racial purity is moving forward, supporting the natural direction of Nature herself — and we would say it is in accord with the inevitable, unstoppable trend of Nature and of Life, which is evolution toward ever-higher states.

Mixing Causes Evolution?

So now comes along David Reich, the strangely-named Harvard Jew and his book HGH. In many ways, Reich does good work. He familiarizes us with the new science of extracting ancient DNA from the bones of ancient peoples, and the analysis of that DNA using some very clever techniques. These analyses can show us, within the bounds of error margins and possible multiple explanations, the relatedness, the ancestries, and the migrations of these ancient peoples. Far from all of this work has been done by Jews; most of it appears to be being done by White scientists, which is what you’d expect. But apparently we need Jews to “explain it all” to us. As always, at least according to the gatekeepers of the media and publishing worlds.

And Reich performs as expected. The keynote — the overriding and ever-present theme — of these new discoveries in ancient human DNA, according to Reich, is the “rich tapestry” of “racial mixture” which they uncover. When Reich places a map of thirty different ancient human populations on the flyleaves of his book, he doesn’t make the map legend read “30 Ancient Human Races” or “30 Ancient Human Populations” or anything like that. No. His legend reads “30 Population Mixtures.” Failing to sufficiently highlight the fundamental issue that for “mixtures” to exist, there must be some distinct and unique things to mix together in the first place, Reich insists throughout the book that it is “mixture events” are what define who and what we are.

To be fair, let me point out that Reich does say that the mixture events took place between “highly differentiated” populations, which he admits come into existence again and again throughout human prehistory.

The tools we have been given to understand ourselves since the advent of genetic sequencing have show beyond any doubt that racial differences are real. And science popularizers and gatekeepers like Reich have been forced to admit this, again and again and again. So Reich also takes on the role of simultaneously admitting that racial differences are real, are heritable, and measurable, and are not trivial — all the while trying to fit these truths into a framework that leaves the arguments for a multiracial society intact. It’s a difficult job, hedging and back-filling and essentially lying like that, but along the way Reich positions himself — believe it or not — as the Politically Incorrect (or at least politically neutral) scientist revealing these truths to a doubting world. He says

DNA studies reveal the deep history of inequality — among different populations, between the sexes, and among individuals…

Sounds almost like something I might say. But lest you get the correct idea that we should be concerned about the survival of our particular race or type, Reich hastens to construct a narrative essentially stating that it is the mixture of separately evolved types of humans that defines us instead of the evolutionary forces that brought the distinct types of humans into existence in the first place. Very subtle, that, and very clever — and also very deceptive. Perhaps it is only natural for Jews, products of a very recent and very significant mixture event which left their predominantly Middle Eastern ancestry about 40 per cent. mixed with Europeans, to see the world this way.

The centerpiece in Reich’s “rich tapestry of mixture” is the ancient admixture with Neanderthals that is shared by both Asians and Europeans, though not with unmixed sub-Saharan Africans. And that is where I will resume this vital topic in my next American Dissident Voices broadcast.

* * *

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Edward sammeful
Edward sammeful
11 December, 2021 11:02 am

So what were the revisions to Pierce’s book? Everything about ancient European DNA boosts the normal scheme of Cro-magnon to hunter-gatherer to early European farmer to Aryan europeans.

11 December, 2021 11:48 am

Good news about the brilliant ancient White Meds: Their genetic makeup was not lost to the White race. Long before that portion of Europe collapsed into race mixing, they intermarried with White subgroups that migrated into Europe from the Caucasus regions. Before that, they intermarried with Cro-Magnon man who was already in Europe. The Alpine Caucasian is believed to be a result of the above.

The magnificent civilization created by White Meds was equal and believed to be upward from the heavily promoted civilizations of Arabia.

George H. Brown
George H. Brown
Reply to  aa
11 December, 2021 3:24 pm

That’s good news, of course. But the Whites of southern Europe are still around and still White. There really wasn’t as much race-mixing in Classical Europe as some seem to think, though aristocratic castes of high quality were certainly diluted by lower-quality slave and other plebian types, virtually all of them White. The Near East was heavily Hellenic then, and, even aside from Hellenes, Semites were not then the only indigenous racial elements there. Genetic tests have now proved that Jefferson was essentially right — “Among the Romans emancipation required but one effort. The slave, when made free, might mix with, without staining the blood of his master.” (Jefferson, of course, was arguing for the deportation of all Blacks — which certainly could stain our blood — from our country.)

LH Collins
LH Collins
Reply to  aa
11 December, 2021 7:03 pm

Arabia, a society of mix-bred Semites and what-have-you was a poor student of the Mediterranean-based Aryans whom preceded them. A sad time when these sand-dwelling Jawas took over the best areas of the Near East, North Africa and western Europe.

11 December, 2021 12:19 pm

That ‘mixing causes evolution’ is a statement that wages war on nature. Survival of the fittest—Natural Selection causes evolution. The inferior will succumb to every hardship and disease. Cut-off from White technology and the colored hordes would be reduced to a third of its population by Natural Selection.

L.B. Blakeney
L.B. Blakeney
Reply to  aa
12 December, 2021 2:51 am

The jews tend to promote and even themselves partake of mixing blood with other races. Peggy Lipton is but one of many notable examples. She married and bred with some negro.
OTOH, jews tend to carry genetic defects, such as Tey-Sachs , which are the result of much inbreeding of the jewry.

Reply to  L.B. Blakeney
6 March, 2022 2:19 pm

“Peggy Lipton is but one of many notable examples. She married and bred with some negro.”

I had no idea she was a Jewess! All these years I thought she was some dumb, brainwashed, white liberal airhead who married a “negro” (actually a hybrid negro, i.e., mulatto) by the name of Quincy Jones. You may have heard of him.

L.B. Blakeney
L.B. Blakeney
Reply to  Phil
7 March, 2022 1:49 am

Yeah, it was before my time, so I didn’t know the mulatto’s name. I only saw pictures of the jewess when she was young in the Mod Squad. She looked like a shiksa. Whiter looking than some of us can hope to.
Those jews are really tricky that way, like chameleons. Life would be simpler if they looked like Barbra Streisand, Bette Midler, Bob Dylan etc.

11 December, 2021 9:58 pm

where is that dna map from?

The G Factor
The G Factor
11 December, 2021 11:11 pm

Unfortunately race mixing will continue and with the dysgenic effect of the welfare state it may be survival of the unfittest on the backs of taxpayers.

L.B. Blakeney
L.B. Blakeney
12 December, 2021 2:40 am

Good job, KAS, leaving us wanting more by way of a cliffhanger for the next part of your podcast. You know, I’ve just had it up to here with all these nonwhites and racially unaware Whites who keep harping on that “within a few decades, we’ll all be mixed. What a disgusting thing to imagine! Thank you for enlightening me about how it was actually the opposite, that humanity may have began as one race, but that over the eons, (for example, Pangea eventually dividing into the current continents), and via migration and different climates and other differing conditions, the different races formed. Negroids in Africa, mongoloids in Asia, and most important of all, Caucasians in Europe. I wish that I could believe what you mentioned about it becoming impossible… Read more »

12 December, 2021 11:30 am

I actually have the book on kindle and didn’t realize it but haven’t read it yet. But if Reich’s thesis is that the little mixing that Cro-Magnon man did with the remnant Neanderthal population kick started evolution of the former that will be hard to swallow. The Cro-Magnons would have evolved anyway in the harsh Northern environment.

It seems Jew Reich is cleverly and deceptively trying to say that to evolve further that whites must interbreed with non-whites, especially blacks, in order to evolve further. Jews obviously know who Reich’s words are intended for and it isn’t them but a worldwide race of pitiable mongrels with no past, history or traditions certainly benefits the Jewish people.

Reply to  Bridger
6 March, 2022 2:24 pm

“It seems Jew Reich is cleverly and deceptively trying to say that to evolve further that whites must interbreed with non-whites, especially blacks, in order to evolve further.” That is precisely what he is implying! When it comes to race, I am highly suspicious of anything a Jew writes on that subject without further investigation into the matter. “‘But all people lie from time to time,’ we are tempted to reply. Yes, but it seems to come as second nature to Jews, says Hitler. They lie as a matter of course, shamelessly and without compunction. Their very nature and history compel them to lie, in a way unlike any other ethnicity. As a result, Jews have become extremely skilled at it. They easily and naturally offer up bald-faced lies, lies of… Read more »

13 December, 2021 11:23 am

Jews talk more s**t than a 2 dollar radio. Reich is promoting Jewish science. That’s funny.

13 December, 2021 8:13 pm

Is it true that everybody alive on earth today is the descendant of one south African woman? Is it true?
Were European peoples the end result of Africans caught in the ICE AGE when Europe turned much colder than it is now, with ice more than a mile thick?

Art Thief
Art Thief
Reply to  IRONFIST
14 December, 2021 2:08 pm

From what Kevin describes of the work being discussed, these questions are not really answered therein and likely won’t be discussed, but we’ll see. I have my doubts on both of those questions. Regarding the first, establishing single-nucleotide polymorphisms for mitochondrial DNA (which is how we got this theory that the fossil in question was our “mitochondrial Eve” as they called her) is difficult for two reasons I see: first and most obvious is that mitochondrial DNA is less shielded from mutation than that of nuclear DNA and there have been numerous disruptive, mutagenic events (such as K2) which should make establishing a rate of mutation (required to establish SNPs on sensitive mtDNA); the second is that those same events killed off entire populations of archaic humans and thus potentially… Read more »

L.B. Blakeney
L.B. Blakeney
Reply to  Art Thief
16 December, 2021 3:56 am

Omg I know for a fact that I’m White, but I had to have a root canal done over 20 years ago, and if memory serves, that back upper molar has 3 roots.
I can’t really recall the part of my childhood when I had to pull loose baby teeth to make way for the adult ones, just all that bleeding, but those front teeth may have had one root or two…hmmm. Something to ask my dentist about next visit.

14 December, 2021 6:23 pm

Thanks for making this complex subject so easily understandable.

Joe Lowsac
Joe Lowsac
15 December, 2021 1:52 am

I’ve just finished the book. There is nothing new presented. The purpose of the book is to advance a social agenda. If he could get away with being so disingenuous with his interpretation of the material in a scientific paper he wouldn’t have needed the book.
I would not recommend the book, except for one remarkable section entitled ‘Real Biological Difference’. It starts on page 254 (283 of the pdf). It is a MUST READ. For five pages the author completely drops all pretence and speaks with a candour and honesty that is not only uncharacteristic of his people but that contradicts the agenda that makes the rest of the book unbearable.
I’ve uploaded the book book here –

L.B. Blakeney
L.B. Blakeney
16 December, 2021 3:35 am

The part I have a hard time believing is the part where jews become racially more distinct over time. If they’d stayed in the Middle East like the Sephardic jews, who I’ve never come across, not that I know of, then, yeah. But with all their shape shifting diaspora, taking on the mimicking appearance of their (unwilling) host nations that they parasite and leach from, many of them, especially in the western world appear Whiter and Whiter. Not all, but enough where were it not for a jewish surname or them looking uncomfortable when I mention reading my copy of Mein Kampf, I would not have been able to guess. And I’m not just talking about someone like the late Joan Rivers, with her tiny little man made nose, among… Read more »

22 December, 2021 5:58 pm

It is far more than geographical distance, or lack there of, which is the problem. In our curent system the least productive in our society are being fed housed and supported through government and social programs headed by “Christian charity” which is a tax on the most productive people in our society (Aryans) for the sole benefit of the least productive. We Europeans are being forced to sacrifice our future generations for these other groups for the benefit of “universalism” and as a result our people do not marry or have children because they can not afford to The chosenites are making parasites of the other races and elevating them to a higher level than what they deserve. The Jim Crow laws were designed to force blacks to support each… Read more »

10 November, 2022 11:07 am

In a sense, REICH is quite RIGHT.   Modern, CIVILIZED man, as opposed to ancient, hunting and gathering so-called ‘primitive’ man, is essentially an AUTO-DOMESTICATED being, the product of probably hundreds of thousands of years of racial intermixing in the Middle East and parts of Asia and Europe.   Also, agriculture and civilization have, in and of themselves, through AUTO-DOMESTICATION, essentially superseded natural selection even within the various races / subspecies.   Intermixing has happened, to a greater or lesser extent, practically everywhere. See for example so-called ‘Cro-Magnon man’, a sort of mulatto mix between ancient European Neanderthals and African Homo Sapiens.   This was probably the result of both populations interbreeding during one of the Neanderthal man’s migrations into North Africa in the last Ice Age, which saw some… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  paul
10 November, 2022 12:04 pm

Can one conclude that the failings of civilization, such as we know it today, have resulted in the lowering of human quality? If so, can those of us who recognize this join ourselves together, separate, and then form a new order of our own and act accordingly?

Could this be the program of the National Alliance?