David SimsEssays

The Multiracial All Against All

Making our once-beautiful cities multiracial has worked out well.

by David Sims

I DON’T think that a multiracial society is the right way to go. We may all wish, of course, that everyone could get along as if race didn’t matter. But humans have been tribal throughout their evolution, and the fact that races generally — with exceptions for a very small percentage of specific individuals — don’t get along well when they are in close proximity to each other.

Recall how Haiti and Zimbabwe got started. Notice what South Africa morphed into in the 1990s. Indeed, survey all the Earth’s history. Where do you find any mixed-race society that is characterized by interracial “kumbaya” harmony?

In the United States, we have both Affirmative Action and race riots. We have a plethora of social welfare programs, and the races that take advantage of them most on a per capita basis are also the races that have elevated per capita rates of violent and property crimes.

It looks like you can’t finesse your way around interracial strife. All the evidence of experience tells us that interracial harmony is a fantasy, which, however fond of it the liberals might be, brings destruction every time it is indulged in. It requires the state to impose on its citizens invasive monitoring and an aggressive police presence that a single-race country can do without.

Any peaceful situation in a mixed-race social environment is forever a house-of-cards that the slightest breeze can topple, resulting in chaos like we’ve recently seen.

Once-White, once-safe, once-lovely Minneapolis, Minnesota 2020: O beautiful, for smoke-filled skies, for Molotovs well-aimed / For craven Whites and feral Blacks; all play the Jewish game / America, America, God puts His curse on thee / You’ve drunk the cup of your own blood / When first you took the knee.

* * *

Source: Author

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12 June, 2020 12:07 am

If racially conscious whites desire an ethno-state, it must first be built on justifying moral foundations, this should include, humanism, ideology, politics, philosophy, biology, and compassion for the tar spawn. Because I say this, the reason is because anti-racists, anti-whites of all kinds, minorities, academics, politicians of all spectrums base their argument on morality and compassion (signaling virtue). Use your own false (politically correct) arguments and you can contradict them on your own ground. You can argue that it is martyrdom for blacks to live among people as different as whites, that they should be given the opportunity to create their own independent communities or Afro ethno-state, that interaction would improve socially and economically between the two separate races, and that it is a compassionate act to eliminate conflicts …… Read more »

Reply to  Panadechi
12 June, 2020 6:32 pm

Most of what you say is true, but irrelevant to Blacks and Browns because the issue isn’t what is fair or self-sustaining, but ‘What’s in it for me?’. In other words, the Jew-mind is everywhere and we will need to assert first, create justifications later.

New World Ebola
New World Ebola
Reply to  Panadechi
16 June, 2020 12:41 pm

Morality and virtue signalling will get you NOWHERE with the brainwashed left.
The only way to deal with scum is highly organised force.

12 June, 2020 2:05 am

A powerful article, filled with truth and race realism. This is what we need to see more of, but I am not so sure that the majority of Whites in America are even capable of absorbing the truth about race – because there are a life time of jewish planted layers of brainwashing that the truth seems to be unlikely to penetrate.

Paul Craig Roberts has a new article up on lewrockwell.com titled “The Real Racists” and he correctly points to the sad evidence that it looks as if Whites have completely surrendered and have accepted their demise.

Kevin Alfred Strom
Kevin Alfred Strom
Reply to  Tucker
12 June, 2020 7:23 am

The media always try to make it look like almost no Whites agree with us. We racially-conscious Whites might still be a minority, but definitely not as small a one as they want us to think. A quarter million different people read this Web site every month, according to the statistics. There are so of us now that more than a few major media sites have had to shut down or censor their comments sections because pro-Whites were starting to become very prominent — in some threads, dominant. And the controlled social media giants aren’t talking 24/7 about shutting us up because there are hardly any of us.

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
12 June, 2020 8:58 am

In doing some research for a book, I re-examined the episodes of Anne Hutchinson , leaving the Massachusetts Bay colony and the Hawthorne tale titled “A Scarlet Letter.” Both come down to us as condemnation of white, male dominated Christian society, rigid in its enforcement of social norms. So the anti-white propaganda was evident in 1850, tearing down a society that first of all, got here, thrived in the wilderness, grew, and gave us Harvard College in 1636. Apparently these were all bad things if you believe the official narrative. It is not that anti-white propaganda can be identified, it cannot, we are swimming in it.

New World Ebola
New World Ebola
Reply to  Tucker
16 June, 2020 12:45 pm

you sound like a demoralisation (((shill))).
if you’re actually White, stop being a cuck and man up.

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
12 June, 2020 6:38 am

Short, sweet and to the point. Thank you.

12 June, 2020 9:56 am

A police force finally fought back against the savages. It’s non-white, so no need to loot Starbucks!
https://twitter.com/i/status/1271414789986754560 . How will White BLM apologists allow this?

15 June, 2020 12:19 pm

Let me recommend an article written by the jew David Cole, appearing June 2, 2020 on the takimag website. It discusses a few rather startling details about the life and relationship habits of Clint Eastwood which clearly indicate to me that Eastwood has been a phony for his entire movie career. https://www.takimag.com/article/rise-up-already-you-schvartzes/ There used to be an old adage that was commonly used in our society and it went something like this: “You can tell a lot about a man (or a woman), by looking at the company they choose to keep.” In Eastwood’s case, and in particular with regards to his 5 year long shack up with the jewess Frances Fisher – Cole does a very good job of explaining just how much of a repulsive, anti-White, radical and… Read more »