
Scotland: Man Imprisoned for Painting “Islam Is Questionable” on His House

A man has been arrested and imprisoned in Scotland for painting the words “Islam is questionable” on his house, in what police officers claimed was a “breach of the peace”.

GRAHAM EVANS, who lives in Edinburgh, has just been released after five weeks in prison for painting the statement on his house, after he was found not guilty in court.

Mr Evans had over ten police officers visit his home last month, who arrested him on the spot for “breaching the peace” by writing “Islam is questionable”, “Brexit” and “Leave Means Leave” on his house.

The officers confirmed to Evans that the offending statement in particular was the phrase “Islam is questionable”, because it had ‘alarmed’ and ‘distressed’ the community.

He was then remanded in prison for five weeks until his trial, where the judge agreed that his painted statement was allowed as free speech and that Owens had broken no laws.

Speaking exclusively to Kipper Central, Evans said: “If I had picked any other word [besides Islam] I believe the police would never have been called. [We think Mr. Evans is definitely wrong on that point: If he had said Jews or Judaism are questionable, the state’s reaction would have been even more severe. — Ed.]

“Everything is questionable in my view but for some reason the minute anyone mentions Islam all laws and standards and freedom of speech is out the window.

“I was completely shocked when police car after police car pulled up. They had a big meeting in the street then marched over to arrest me.

“There was no option given for me to paint over my words. They had been sent by the Inspector in charge at Dunfermline police station with orders to arrest me and bring me in.”

In a post on Facebook (which you can see below) — with a video of the arrest in full attached — Evans wrote: “I painted Islam is questionable on my own property. Over ten police turned up.

“I was then remanded in prison for five weeks until trial. The judge agreed I had no case to answer to it was freedom of speech and found me not guilty.”

“I feel freedom of speech is being eroded in our country”, Evans told Kipper Central, “and everybody should not be afraid to talk about or question anything.

“The whole experience left me shocked and even more worried about the state our once great democratic nation is getting in.”

* * *

Source: Kipper Central

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Χωρίς Όνομα
Χωρίς Όνομα
25 July, 2019 8:00 pm

Five weeks in prison while waiting trial for an alleged infringement of the law (which law, btw?) is what Scotland now calls …”democracy”? How can a statement like that be ruled as “breech of peace?”. I guess we’ve come to a point where the true meaning of words mean nothing, anymore? Apparently it’s up to (((those))) who rule upon us to interpret -according to (((their))) agenda- what is OK and what’s not? Is that why the Scots fought for centuries to free themselves from the English yoke? I wonder if this poor fellow can now sue the authorities, the state, whomever for wrongfully and forcefully depriving him of his freedom for 35 days!!! He was finally cleared of any charges right, or perhaps some (((crypto-organization))) is frantically working on an… Read more »

Reply to  Χωρίς Όνομα
7 December, 2020 4:43 am

But the English never fought to be free of the Jewish yoke so now are under it and so put the kosher yoke over whoevers neck their masters tell them to… Freemasonry is my guess and Scotland has them aplenty…note Ulster Loyalism and Tommy’s EDL Zionists.

25 July, 2019 9:56 pm

Identify his accusers!

25 July, 2019 10:07 pm

After this court ruling anyone in Britain can write “Isam is questionable” and Brexit: Leave means leave” on their house! Use it or lose it“

25 July, 2019 10:56 pm

The fiend, the devil! How dare he express the view of the majority of the British people rather than the views of those nice people in the mainstream media?

Also, what did those nice people in the mainstream media do to defend his right to express his opinion? Where were they?

29 July, 2019 12:33 am

This is the reason, and it is the ONLY reason that you never ever under any circumstances ever, ever allow any Jews and/or nonwhites into your country and culture! You do not have to give any other reason whatsoever as to why you do not want this riffraff to live among you, and in any way influence you! You don’t have to justify yourself, you don’t have to defend whether or not you are supposedly some kind of racist, you don’t even have to say that you love all of humanity and therefore I’ll gladly surrender every aspect of my life to a flood of ungrateful parasitic, s hit Lords who demand that you cater to their every whim. And additionally, if there are leftists whites who actually believe all… Read more »

Uncle Cracker
Uncle Cracker
Reply to  Howard
29 July, 2019 7:40 am

Well, there are more reasons but of course, i agree with you. The UK is a seriously twisted nation these days, the treatment of Tommy Robinson is a splendid example, and this guy Robinson, he is not even a white nationalist. It´s strange that the british system even imprison sex offenders and child abusers from a certain “minority” in the british society, i think about people who confess them selves to a certain religion… It´s sad, and i remember a disgusting loud mouth scum during a debate on Russia Today who said he wan´t people like him to come to Europé in hundreds of millions until Europé would be literally black, and that creep is living in the UK and he is definitelly supported by british traitors and i don´t… Read more »

Reply to  Howard
4 December, 2020 9:47 am

You hit the nail on the head and hard…I’m amazed any European would apologise to any invasive Orc beginning with their insolent Rabbi enablers.