The Order 2024, part 1
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 23 November, 2024
by Kevin Alfred Strom
IN 1983 I sat down to dinner with a man about whose life a feature film, The Order, is about to be released. His name was Robert J. Mathews. The event was the Labor Day, 1983 National Alliance convention in Arlington, Virginia. Just an hour or so before our dinner, Bob Mathews had given a rousing speech at the convention. Here’s a small part of what he said:
My brothers and sisters, from the mist-shrouded forested valleys and mountains of the Pacific Northwest I bring you a message of solidarity, a call to action, and a demand for adherence to duty as members of a vanguard of an Aryan resurgence and, ultimately, total Aryan victory. The signs of awakening are sprouting up across the Northwest, and no more than among the two-fisted farmers and ranchers…. The task is not going to be easy. TV satellite dishes are springing up like poisonous mushrooms across the domain of the tillers of the soil. The electronic Jew is slithering into the living rooms of even the most remote farms and ranches. The race-destroying domes are everywhere. In Metaline Falls, we have broken the chains of Jewish thought. We know not the meaning of the word “mine”; it is “ours”: our race, the totality of our people. Ten hearts, one beat! One hundred hearts, one beat! Ten thousand hearts, one beat! We were born to fight and die and to continue the flow of our people. The future is now! So stand up like men and drive the enemy to the sea! Stand up like men and swear a sacred oath upon the green graves of our sires that you will reclaim what our forefathers discovered, explored, conquered, settled, built, and died for! Stand up like men and reclaim our soil! Look toward the stars and proclaim our destiny! In Metaline Falls we have a saying: Defeat, never! Victory forever!
He got a standing ovation for that. I was there. In fact, I was the one who made the official recording of his speech, and every speech that day, on my reel-to-reel tape recorder. We later sold the recordings to members and the public on cassette tape. (You can still get a copy on an mp3-CD, in fact, at our Cosmotheist book store under the editorial title of “A Call to Arms.” The recording also includes Dr. Pierce’s later commentary on Mathews’ speech, too, written after his fiery death a little over a year after giving the speech.)
The Alliance’s leader, Dr. Pierce, liked Bob, and admired his character. And he mentored him — as long as he could. Dr. Pierce needed men with understanding, character, and passion in the Alliance.
But he really wasn’t happy with the direction Bob was taking. And hints of that direction came out in Bob’s speech. Bob wasn’t restricting his activism to finding new supporters and members for the Alliance. He was dividing his recruiting efforts, and he had a separate, different, non-Alliance message for some of his recruits. If his listener was more of a Bible-beater or a populist type, Bob steered him to other groups. Alliance or not, Bob wanted to activate people. And Bob worked with those other groups, outside of the Alliance. That kind of thing was and is against National Alliance policy, with only a few exceptions. And — without consulting Dr. Pierce, who absolutely would have said “no” — Bob had started his own group; the one that The Order film is all about.
More than anything else, Dr. Pierce was troubled by Bob’s demand for immediate action against the enemies of our race, without laying any groundwork for making victory — or even significant public support — possible. This was impulsive, bound to fail, and bound to end the lives of many good people, and bound to hurt the long-term efforts to build an unstoppable revolutionary force — which is the raison d’etre of the National Alliance. Dr. Pierce asked for Bob’s resignation, and he got it.
Later that year, according to the book The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds, Mathews gathered the followers of his new group, a mere eight men:
Bob told the group he had set up a plan. He said it involved robbing pornography stores and pimps and counterfeiting money as a way to raise funds. It also involved assassinating both Jews and Gentiles who were contributing to the destruction of the white race. “I’m telling you now,” Bob said, “if any of you don’t want to get involved in this, you are free to leave.” No one left. “I’m going to ask each of you to take an oath that you will remain true to this cause,” Bob continued. “I would like to remind all of you what is at stake here. It is our children, kinsmen, and their very economic and racial survival. Because of that, I would like to place a White child before us as we take this oath.” A six-week-old daughter of one of those present was placed in the center of the circle as a symbol of [the White] future they were about to pledge to create. She stared up at the figures looming above her in the glow of the candles.
The men clasped hands and recited an oath of loyalty and commitment to their race and cause that Bob had written:
“I, as an Aryan warrior, swear myself to complete secrecy to the Order and total loyalty to my comrades. Let me bear witness to you, my brothers, that should one of you fall in battle, I will see to the welfare and well-being of your family. Let me bear witness to you, my brothers, that should one of you be taken prisoner, I will do whatever is necessary to regain your freedom. Let me bear witness to you, my brothers, that should an enemy agent hurt you, I will chase him to the ends of the Earth and remove his head from his body. And furthermore, let me bear witness to you, my brothers, that if I break this oath, let me be forever cursed upon the lips of our people as a coward and an oath-breaker. My brothers, let us go forth by ones and twos, by scores and by legions, and as true Aryan men with pure hearts and strong minds face the enemies of our faith and our race with courage and determination. We hereby invoke the blood covenant and declare that we are in a full state of war and will not lay down our weapons until we have driven the enemy into the sea and reclaimed the land which was promised to our fathers of old, and through our blood and His will, becomes the land of our children to be.”
Heady stuff. Nearly poetry. It will be remembered forever, just as Dr. Pierce’s words and works will be. But driving our enemies into the sea with eight men? There was clearly no practical recognition of realities here — nor of the fat, complacent, grazing nature of the American public, from whom zero support was to be forthcoming. Mathews may have dreamed of the American people “rising up” and joining him once war on the System was declared by his little band, and some blood had been spilled. What a misreading of character that was!
Mathews and his group, like the fictional heroes of Dr. Pierce’s novel of race and revolution, The Turner Diaries, robbed pornographers and counterfeited money. They ran off with some $4 million from the banking system. And, in the roughly one year that they existed, they spilled blood, too — though perhaps 1/10 of 1% of that spilled by the Mafia in a few weeks’ time; and a millionth or less of those killed by the US and Israeli governments. Madeleine Allbright, the late Jewish US Secretary of State, can calmly admit on network television that her policies caused a million deaths, and nothing happens to her. Mass murderer Benjamin Netanyahu gets a standing ovation from the US Congress and billions of dollars in tribute, and gets away with it, particularly among misled American conservatives. But The Order kills one man, and it is the stuff of a terror-inducing, emotionally manipulative blockbuster movie. Such is Jewish Hollywood.
There may be a grain of truth there when the controlled media tell us that Robert Mathews and his group used William Pierce’s novel The Turner Diaries as an inspiration for some of the things they did in the abortive (and wildly reckless) war they declared. But that’s not what Dr. Pierce wanted. That’s not what he was trying to do by writing his book. He was using an exciting story of violent revolution and world war to teach us the values we need to survive as a people — the values we need to have a peaceful future — for our race to survive and prosper and progress from generation to generation.
Yes, Dr. Pierce knew that securing that future would certainly involve some violence and bloodshed. Even keeping the Straight of Hormuz open does that, for the gods’ sake.
But he wanted our people to organize and work relentlessly over the generations to gain the power that will be needed to have any chance of success in establishing the all-White living space we must have if we are to survive and have a future. He wanted our revolution — or secession, or war, as the case may be — to be totally successful, not abortive. He wanted our race to have the in-depth infrastructure and wealth and manpower needed to govern for centuries, and to militarily defend itself, against the Jewish power structure and against hostile nation-states — to have power that cannot be challenged for the next 10,000 years and more.
You don’t do that by shooting up liquor stores or making risky unauthorized bank withdrawals. You do that by building an organization so strong that it will survive the generations to come. You do that by building an organization whose leaders are so dedicated, so relentless, and so tough as to put the FBI, the Mossad, and the Mafia to shame. You do that by turning that organization into a self-sustaining community. You do that by revolutionizing the spirit and souls of a million White people, by inspiring them with a new and true purpose for their lives, and recruiting the best of them into a real order — a holy order — that can guide the destinies of men and be the real power in the new State to come.
Watch National Vanguard over the next week. I’ll be continuing with a second part, in which I’ll share Dr. Pierce’s own thoughts on his revolutionary novel. And before that show airs, we’ll be offering a specially-designed flier for you to print and hand out to patrons at theatres that are showing The Order. Thank you for listening to my words and I will see you next week, right here on American Dissident Voices.
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You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at and Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help.
Two questions, if you please:
1. Is the Russia-Ukraine war an anti-white war?
2. Can you write an article about this?
Thank you very much.
You can make use of National Vanguard’s search function, available at the top of the homepage to find articles on this topic. That Whites are used to slaughter other Whites at the behest of Jews or leaders beholden to Jews would make the Russia-Ukraine war anti-White in the sense it diminishes the White population considerably.
Good suggestion, Jim. It only took a couple of minutes to search NV for the Alliance’s position on the Ukraine/Russia conflict, another Jew driven “brothers’ war” –Whites killing fellow Whites: War in Europe: A Call for Neutrality | National Vanguard
It is not in America’s interest to interfere in any far-flung border dispute in Europe or in Palestine when we have serious racial border issues here at home. Wolf Stoner, our Russian NA member and correspondent states our position clearly a year and a half ago, thanks.
Getting at the heart of American darkness, Jude Law and Nicholas Hoult go deeper than ever
Some hack at the Los Angeles times pulls out all the stops about the movie The Order, referring to the seductive and corrosive power of hate and the dark chapters of history. That is it is straight out of the Jewish playbook with tired and worn cliches to pull the wool over the eyes of the public. I’ll stick with Kevin Alfred Strom and the truth thank you very much.