EssaysGuest opinionJohn Massaro

Peter Hotez — One Sick Bastard

by John Massaro

ALL YOU HAVE TO DO to understand the criminal nature of vaccines is take a good look at the prominent people who push them so hard. Bill Gates is a fine example. As one of the world’s richest men, who got to where he is purely by luck and connivance, he’s living proof that tremendous wealth can buy just about anything, including a positive image on the television screen, and an invitation to the White House to advise a moron president (Trump). It was only three years ago that he went on TV to openly discuss, in friendly interviews, his mission to vaccinate everyone on the planet against Covid. He has since fallen silent about that project while endorsing others, like spraying the stratosphere with particles to partially block the sun’s rays in order to cool the earth. He may have abandoned that idea too but I think he’s taken up other mischief, like pushing people to eat insects. I really don’t know; I don’t follow the lunatic. Sometimes I wonder if he is avenging himself on the world for looking and sounding like Kermit the Frog. In case you don’t know it, in past years he has sponsored mass vaccination programs in India and countries in Africa which killed or maimed hundreds of thousands of children. This doesn’t bother him at all. Countless parents in Third World countries have cried out for Gates to be executed, but these people have no money and therefore no influence.

Anthony Fauci is another vaccine fanatic. In his 83 years I doubt he has done anything good, but he’s surely done much evil. He really should’ve stayed in Brooklyn, where he was born and raised, and opened an Italian restaurant or a funeral home, but instead he chose a career in the federal government “health” bureaucracy, and hung on long enough to become the country’s highest-paid parasite. I’m no fan of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., but you really should read his book The Real Anthony Fauci if you haven’t already. Senator Rand Paul, who has raked Fauci over the coals in several congressional hearings – hearings that are only political theater and never change anything – recently published another book about the weasel, Deception: The Great Covid Cover-up, which I haven’t read. Fauci just published a book of his own, On Call: A Doctor’s Journey in Public Service. I won’t be reading that one either because I already know enough about “America’s Doctor.” That’s the folksy title the media crowned on him while lavishing the same kind of affection they accorded another slimy lying bastard, Franklin Roosevelt, who “led” us through World War Two, another contrived event with disastrous consequences. In our day, Fauci is neck and neck with Hillary Clinton on the scum spectrum. Yet, as with Hillary, there are plenty of simpletons who can’t or won’t see into his dark soul. Just read the gushing reviews of On Call published on Amazon by readers who still worship him and don’t want to know about his many crimes.

Now while Gates and Fauci are Gentiles, it becomes my somber duty to point out once again, as I’ve done in my book Will Vaccines Be the End of Us?, that Jews are exceedingly over-represented in the vaccine racket, as they are in every destructive human endeavor you can name. Enter Dr. Peter Hotez, not a household name, but known all too well to those of us who stay on top of vaccine news. Like aging Harvard Professor Alan Dershowitz, whose life story is as ugly as his face, and who came right out with it four years ago as an advocate for vaccination at gunpoint for those who resist, Hotez makes no attempt to hide his true colors. Actually, a reader alerted me to a passage in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion which I had missed, having read that famous work a long time ago: “….it is indispensable to trouble in all our countries the people’s relations with their governments so as to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture by starvation, by the inoculation of disease [emphasis added], by want, so that the goyim [a contemptuous term for all non-Jews] see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.” (Yes, I know, The Protocols are a “forgery” that only a deranged anti-Semite like me would take seriously. Maybe someone can send me the phone number of a nice Jewish psychiatrist to straighten me out.) Without hard evidence, I don’t believe, at this point, that the Covid vaccination campaign was a deliberate Jewish plan to wipe out millions or billions of goyim, but Jews were certainly the driving force and the biggest profiteers of that crusade, an unspeakable crime against humanity covered up by their fellow Jews who run the news media. But anything is possible with this tribe so I’m keeping an open mind on it.

In the chapter titled “The Jewish Factor” in my book, I didn’t mention Hotez, but I did mention him in the afterword, which I wrote hastily in the early stage of the Covid vax campaign. I said that he had whipped himself into a frenzy in an article that appeared in the April 27, 2021 edition of the online magazine Nature. I wrote:

Hotez wants to see anti-vaccine groups dismantled, and wrote darkly of terrorism, nuclear armament, far-right extremist groups and Russian sponsored misinformation, while plugging the London-based Center for Countering Digital Hate, as well as a Virginia-based rumor-tracking analytics company. He wants to empower WHO, the UN, cyber security, law enforcement, public education, and strengthen international relations. He is one very sick puppy….

I added that he had gotten himself into a heap of trouble for making outrageous allegations against Sharyl Attkisson, a former CBS reporter who has a Web site and occasionally writes mildly worded articles exposing the dangers of certain vaccines, and criticizing the pharmaceutical industry. As I recall, her lawyers demanded that he publicly apologize on his Twitter account for his statements or face a defamation lawsuit. I don’t know what became of it.

Now he’s at it again. On July 5, at a pediatrics symposium in Cartagena, Columbia, he told an interviewer:

What I’ve said to the Biden administration is, the health sector can’t solve this on its own…. We’re going to have to bring in Homeland Security, the Commerce Department, Justice Department to help us understand how to do this. I met with Dr. Tedros [director general of WHO] last month…. to say I don’t know how the World Health Organization can solve this on our own. We need the other United Nations agencies. NATO. This is a security problem because it’s no longer a theoretical construct or some arcane academic exercise. Two hundred thousand Americans died because of anti-vaccine aggression…. It’s important, just as important for me to make new vaccines to save lives. The other side of saving lives is countering this anti-vaccine aggression.

How did he arrive at the figure of 200,000 American dead – people who didn’t get a Covid shot because of the aggressive messaging of anti-vaxxers? He just made it up. Kind of like me saying I can run the hundred yard dash in seven seconds. If you don’t believe me just ask me. None of his admirers have asked him to show the evidence to back up this statistic. Has he ever mentioned the name of a single victim of the Covid vaccine, or any other vaccine for that matter? Of course not. Question: Do you really want to trust your health, or more importantly that of your children or grandchildren, to the advice of an “expert” like this?

Like his fellow tribesman and vaccine zealot, Paul Offit, another world-class liar, Hotez has been stalked, and is the recipient of lots of hate mail and occasional death threats. He maintains friendly relations with the FBI and the Anti-Defamation League. In fact, at a southwest regional ADL shindig on January 19, 2022, Hotez received something called the Milton S. Popkin award. How interesting that the ADL is so supportive of a devious vaccine pusher. He has also received something called the Anthony Fauci Courage in Leadership Award from the Infectious Diseases Society of America which, like every other medical association, and with the media cheering from the sidelines, beats the drums for vaccines and stands behind Hotez. It’s one big mutual admiration society, a viper nest whose membership largely consists of multimillionaires, including Hotez, though he’s a pauper compared to the big boys. Although I have no use for Tucker Carlson and Steve Bannon, I was glad to read that they called out Hotez for the fraud that he is, as have other commentators who straddle the mainstream. Even Hotez’s old pal Joe Rogan, who once gave him a friendly platform, ripped him for refusing to debate vaccine safety with RFK Jr. on his podcast.

Hotez is the co-director of Texas Children’s Hospital Center for Vaccine Development and Endowed Chair in Tropical Pediatrics, and also a big shot at its affiliate, the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. If you go to his Wikipedia page, you’ll find a dizzying list of titles, positions and projects, but just as with Fauci’s page, it’s paragraph after paragraph of puffery. I read each sentence carefully and failed to find a single real accomplishment. Where’s the beef, as they used to say? The man is an unhinged nothingburger.

Actually, he’s much worse than that. He looks upon us anti-vaxxers the way Lenin and Stalin looked upon what they called counter-revolutionary bandits – people standing in the way of his wet dream of a United Nations, vested with absolute power, able to dictate vaccine policy to every living human being and tolerating no dissent. He mentioned NATO. NATO is a military alliance that has bombed and killed a lot of innocent people. What does he have in mind, armed drone attacks on outspoken vaccine critics and anti-vaxxer gatherings? In his twisted mind, that would be performing a mitzvah for humanity.

With the Covid-19 vaccination cataclysm now a matter of public record, with so many dead and severely injured and so many blatant lies cranked out by state and federal health officials, all of it easily accessible on the internet, I naively thought that creatures like Peter Hotez would back off and go into hiding, and not dare to push their agendas again, at least not for a few years. I was wrong. These people never give up. Now I learn that the government of New Zealand has just published a “Pandemic Plan” manual to guide the population through the next contrived medical crisis. I visited New Zealand in 1983 and it struck me as a very pleasant and progressive country. Well, it is a nice country, that’s true enough, but I was also quite mistaken about it being progressive. During the lockdowns and vaccination campaigns, Kiwis showed themselves to be the most compliant bunch of sheep in the White world, so far as I could tell. I skimmed this 211-page document, in which, needless to say, mass vaccination is discussed, but I don’t know if they take the Dershowitz approach – police dragging refuseniks to a doctor’s office to have a needle plunged into their arms. It wouldn’t surprise me.

I’ve written in the past that I would like to see this issue resolved peacefully. It’s so simple, really. If vaccines work, if they’re safe and effective, then just get one, and you’ll be protected against Covid or any other disease and you won’t have to worry about becoming infected by weirdos like me. We don’t want to infringe on your freedom to get a vaccine, so why do you want to infringe on our freedom not to get one? The answer is, vaccination is a medical religion, and like other religions such as Christianity and Islam in ancient times, it seeks to conquer not by reason but by the sword, tolerating no opposition. Anyway, since I wrote that, I’ve had a few second thoughts about being tolerant because shedding – an unvaxxed person developing serious symptoms by being near a vaxxed person, which seems to be a new phenomenon connected with this new mRNA technology – is now a definite concern. There’s a lot of discussion about this on the excellent Web site, though in my opinion Jeff Rense exaggerates the danger somewhat.

In any event, to say it again, no dialogue is possible between people like me and people like Hotez because we’re wired so differently, and if people like him keep pushing and pushing, then it’s going to become a matter of civil war That’s why, in this disintegrating country, and in every Western nation for that matter, I think it’s important to swing the police and the military over to our side, as indeed a fair number of them are already, so that they will be a force for good, not evil, if it comes to war. So that they’ll eagerly hunt down the Peter Hotezes of the world.

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Source: Author

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