Mayhem in Montpelier
by Douglas Mercer
RUBENSTEIN did you say?
Indeed they did.
The left-wing war on America’s historical monuments has now claimed another victim, the home of Founding Father James Madison has undergone a dramatic overhaul for the modern woke culture that has all but shoved the nation’s fourth president into a closet in his own home in favor of a revisionist tribute to slavery.
As always with these things it was a Jew behind it. First the Jew went after the home of Thomas Jefferson; now the Jew goes after James Madison. He does it because he’s a Jew and he hates White people, especially White people in the pantheon. Though for conservatives and conservative media mum’s the word on the fact that he’s a Jew. They’ll bend over backwards not to name the Jews. The truth is they’d rather get caught en flagrante with underage prostitutes (and sometimes they do) than be seen to call out the Jews.
The globalist billionaire who funded the woke transformation of Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello paid for a similar overhaul of James Madison’s house — where the author of the US Constitution has been shoved into a supporting role, while slavery and racism take center stage.
Globalist means Jewish. Even the Jews know that.
In addition, David M. Rubenstein, a leftist billionaire, donated $20 million (because in America, communism is a billionaire-funded enterprise), so Monticello ended up being bought and paid for by people who hate American exceptionalism.
Leftist means Jewish.
But now Montpelier is luxuriating in a $10 million grant from David M. Rubenstein and it’s also dedicated itself to bashing the Founder whom it’s meant to honor and remember.
A Jew honor a White man? A Jew honor a great White man? A Jew honor a Founder of White America?
Perish the thought.
Having had their way with Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello, it turns out that leftists are also defiling James Madison’s Montpelier. Rather than being shrines to the men who seeded American liberty even if they applied it imperfectly in their own lives, both are now shrines to Critical Race Theory.
Jews defile. Leftists are the least of it. Though that “applied it imperfectly in their own lives” is the beginning of something bad. For the irony of it, and also why it is so easy for Jews to defile it, is that conservatives are no better. Not only will they not name the Jew, they will “defend against” the Jew on the thinnest of grounds, the wrong grounds.
Madison was a product of his time and place so, for political purposes, he understood the idea of free people to be White men. What matters for posterity is that the principles he stated confer that same benefit on all free people, regardless of race, sex, color, country of national origin, or creed. If you’re swept within the Constitution’s purview, you’re good.
This is the weakest tea possible. In fact it’s worse than that, it’s poisoning the wells, it’s poisoning the minds.
By “being swept” they mean all those Haitians in the river. They mean anyone under the sun, the Blacks, the Browns, the Yellows, the Reds, and every insidious shade in between. The fact of the matter is that “time and place” had nothing to do with it. What had everything to do with it was that James Madison had two good eyes. The Negro is the same in every place and time. All one has to do is be honest about it to realize that the Negro is never going to be able to be subsumed among “free people” — when they are “free” they loot and rampage and murder and rape. No constitution can sweep that up; that takes a bulldozer.
Everyone knows this to be true.
And in so “defending” the Founders they do them a grave disservice. That is, they don’t take them seriously and are patronizing and condescending. They assume that, given enough time, the Founders’ view on race would have evolved to be that of your average school librarian who “doesn’t see race.” That is surely cock and bull nonsense; the founders were hard-headed men who had thought through the issue of race thoroughly — certainly they thought about it longer and harder than today’s average content-of-their-character “conservative.” In contrast to these Martin Luther King-lovers, they had lived cheek by jowl with the Negroes and nothing will sour one on the idea of practical equality than seeing the beast up close and without illusions.
So you have the Jews who see the Founders as racist (they were, and what of it?) and the conservatives who see the Founders as “regrettably racist,” but as having created a system which would ultimately “undo that racism” (i.e., rule by Whites).
Between these two there is not much to choose from. Between these two there is not a dime’s worth of difference. Indeed the Jews may have an edge, being closer to the honest truth.
So, you see, even a conservative “victory” would be a loss; they could sweep out the Jew’s “anti-racism” and sweep in their own “anti-racism,” the “anti-racism” of the “American Creed.” The decisive break came long ago when “White” was replaced by “American.” Once that happened, everything else was sure to follow.
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Madison was, according to historian Elizabeth Dowling Taylor, a garden-variety slaveholder. This Taylor lady wrote a “famous” book, a biography of Madison’s Black manservant — a dull read surely, about man who no one would have cared about had he not had the luck to be working for Madison. Her more recent book called The Original Black Elite, which I admit I have not read, or even looked into, but which I suppose exhaustingly chronicles those fellows who managed to smuggle liquor and dice to the slave quarters.
As for Madison being a garden-variety slave holder, that’s probably about right. That is, he was a normal White man, not a “normal White man for his times” but a normal White man. The White men of today who decry him are most certainly not normal.
Like many in his time, Madison was concerned about the possibility that slaves might revolt. An attempted revolt in Richmond in 1800 stoked fears of mass slave uprisings.
As said, he was a normal White man. They were all concerned with slave uprisings, who wouldn’t be? What happened in Haiti was enough to put the fear of the gods in anyone. But unlike today when fear looms — and surrender ensues — those men realized that you had to face it foursquare, and not give an inch or quarter. They knew that Negroes on the loose would give them none.
While he was in Philadelphia to draft the constitution, Madison, in a letter, complained that the throngs who had descended on the city had the effect of driving the cost of a slave through the roof. Which really is as perfect as it gets.
What’s a White man to do?
Unless slaves could change their color as well as their legal condition, the freedmen would lack the moral rank and social blessings to take advantage of their newfound freedom.
So said the fourth President. So much for all being equal, an ideolgoy for women and weaklings, neither of which he was. This was the long and the short of it. When they said equal they meant equal White men. No one else was to be “swept in.”
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The lawn jockeys are in the saddle. Guilt led us here, but in a series of bureaucratic maneuvers the Blacks took over Montpelier. There are no descendants of James Madison to lobby for him — if there are any, they’ve probably changed their names, are operating under a false passport, and thinking of emigrating to Argentina. But the Black descendants of slaves at Montpelier, and really any random Black man at all, are all networked up and have money from Jews and are set to give the father of the constitution a right royal rogering.
The way things stand now, James doesn’t stand a chance.
The Montpelier Descendants Committee (MDC) is the first independent, descendant-led organization to establish itself as an equal co-steward of a major historic site in America. The MDC is devoted to restoring the narratives of enslaved Americans at plantation sites in Central Virginia, including but not limited to James Madison’s Montpelier, from the margins to the center of historical discourse.
Over time, White America toppled, Jews came in, too many White people surrendered, and now this historical site is a bloodbath. What a thing when you think about it, no? A country is supposed to honor its past, to celebrate it, and revere it, that’s the only way to go confidently into the future.
A nation that condemns its past has no future.
And confidently we are not going, that’s for sure.
The Montpelier Foundation, which oversees James Madison’s home in Orange County, has fulfilled a promise made years ago to the descendants of those who were enslaved there, granting them equal representation on the foundation’s board. We can now expect Madison’s legacy — the fourth president of the United States and key architect of the US Constitution — to be effectively erased.
They’ll give him a new legacy, their favorite: old evil White man. And so it was the people who used to run this place who gave it away (the promise of Jew money probably had a lot to do with it). They want us to think they were trying to be “generous,” of course. But the barracudas they brought in don’t want anything to do with “race blindness.” They know that riding the issue of race and slavery is their ticket to the big time.
And now they have it.
According to Montpelier’s 2018 rubric on how slavery should be taught, a descendent community can include not only those whose ancestors were enslaved but also those who feel connected to the work the institution is doing, whether or not they know of a genealogical connection.
Pretty porous, no? Any old Negro will do, if you’re Black they’ll invite you in to crap all over James Madison. If you’re Black you’ll have more say over Madison’s home than any White man; it’s as if we took the man’s home and gave the deed to his enemies — really, it would have been better had they simply burned it to the ground.
Which in the end, after all the “anti-racism” has been taught there, I assume the Negroes will do.
The MDC wanted the exclusive privilege of naming 50% of board members, which would have granted them significant power over the exhibit content at Montpelier (power they now have). In May, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, which owns the home, forced the board to accept a slate of left-wing activist members in the name of racial equity.
This was a hostile takeover in a sense, but there was no pushback. They just walked right in to the unoccupied buildings, and sat down in the corner office, and began their nefarious business. The people in charge surely felt that this was the “right” thing to do, that to fight it would have been racist. So they just gave up. Of course these Blacks don’t care a whit or jot about James Madison, they are a Black history and Black race organization. They are looking out for their own, something we Whites should begin to do as well.
Among those nominated by the MDC was Leslie Alexander, whose research appears in the 1619 Project; former CNN host Soledad O’Brien; Maureen Costello, executive director for the Center for Antiracist Education and former teaching tolerance director at the Southern Poverty Law Center; and Hasan Kwame Jeffries, chair of the Teaching Hard History Advisory Board of the Southern Poverty Law Center. Ms. Alexander, Ms. O’Brien and Mr. Jeffries were confirmed, and the remaining candidates will be invited to join an Advisory Council.
This is a real rogue’s gallery of anti-White criminals. This is the bottom of the barrel when it comes to our enemies, but they are in the catbird seat now, the great men of the past are now behind enemy lines and are held hostage — so don’t be surprised that they shoot them in the end.
You can be sure there are no descendants of James Madison anywhere near the place.
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No American flags fly at Montpelier, Madison’s plantation home in rural Virginia, and not a single display focuses on the life and accomplishments of America’s foremost political philosopher, who created our three-branch federal system of government, wrote the Bill of Rights and the Federalist Papers, and served two terms as president.
That’s right, James Madison is getting the bum’s rush. To the powers that be today, his time and has come and gone. They think he’s just one of those fossils that may have (may have!) served his purpose once upon a time, but if he did (and they doubt it) that time is now over. It’s time for him to be cast on the dung heap of history there to rot and mold away. The place is now run by Negroes and flying the stars and stipes would be offensive to them. You remember what Frederick Douglass said about the Fourth of July don’t you? He said it wasn’t his holiday. Indeed it was not — which is one of many reasons they should have packed him up and carted him off to a remote island so he could enjoy his Fourth in the malarial swamp provided by his people.
Instead, blindsided tourists are hammered by high-tech exhibits about Madison’s slaves and current racial conflicts, thanks to a ten million dollar grant from left-leaning philanthropist David M. Rubenstein.
Left-leaning meaning Jewish.
Rubenstein, did you say?
Indeed they did.
As with the Monticello purging, many patriotic White conservatives bitched about the Montpelier tour online: “They really miss the mark, we left disappointed not having learned more about the creation of the Constitution.”
We really should have pulled that guy aside and told him the dirty little secret: Madison was great not because he wrote some words on parchment, words that could always be twisted and were twisted. The document he left us was fully capable of “sweeping in” the dog-language-speaking rabble of the world — that was not its strength, but its weakness. His greatness consists of having been a leading member of a generation that helped secure White rule on this continent, and so made possible one of the greatest White nations in all human history.
Outdoors and in the house’s huge basement, dozens of interactive stations seek to draw a direct line between slavery, the Constitution, and the problems of African Americans today. Hurricane Katrina flooding, the Ferguson riots, incarceration, and more all trace back to slavery, according to a 10-minute multi-screen video.
It’s all slavery’s fault, don’t you know! Reminds me of that scene in American History X when the hero says if you’ve been free for 150 years and you still haven’t got your act together, the fault is yours. But slavery is a go-to excuse for them, all the crime they commit can be ascribed to it, all the single Black mothers can be ascribed to it, all the abject failure of Black cities can be ascribed to it — it’s an all-explanatory device; why without slavery, Blacks would have taken us to the Moon (wait, they say they did that too!).
Some of the exhibits go beyond giving a historic account of slavery. In one of the cellars is an 11-minute video developed by Mr. Jeffries and others on slavery’s lasting legacies. On its website, Montpelier notes: from mass incarceration, to the achievement gap, to housing discrimination, and the vicious cycle of poverty, violence, and lack of opportunity throughout America’s inner cities, the legacies of 200 years of African American bondage are still with us.
This is the usual laundry list and litany of complaints; if bitching were a sport, all the Negroes would be in the Hall of Fame on the first ballot. But really, this is the rub of it. Once again, they couldn’t care less about James Madison, or their “slave forebears” — what they really care about is destroying what’s left of White society now; what they really care about is the “rep-a-mar-ations”; what they really care about is the gibs and the spoils they can can cadge out of White people. James Madison is just the weapon du jour in their attempt to have everything given to them — and for them to take no responsibility at all for their condition or actions.
Another exhibit damns every one of the nation’s first 18 presidents — even those, like John Adams and Abraham Lincoln, who never owned slaves — for having benefited from slavery in some way.
None of them will escape the whipping.
The only in-depth material about the Constitution itself appears in a display that pushes the claim, championed by the 1619 Project, that racism was the driving force behind the entire American political system.
Well, the system was built to secure a homeland for Whites, that much is clear. If that’s “racism,” then they are right. The driving force (often unspoken, but the driving force nevertheless) was that this was to be a country for White men — and for none other. Does anyone really doubt this? It’s so obvious it goes without saying, which is why it needs to be said over and over again until people wake up.
This is part of a larger movement to distort the legacy of the Founders and undermine the principles they put forth, said Brenda Hafera of the Heritage Foundation’s Simon Center for American Studies. If you can undermine the Founders, you create the opportunity for those principles to be replaced by something else, she said — something like Critical Race Theory or identity politics.
The Heritage Foundation is one of those mealy-mouthed “conservative think tanks” that plumps for lower taxes and more immigrants to boost the labor force. And in a way the Heritage Foundation distorts the Founders’ record more than the Jews and Blacks do. The foundation says that the “White racism” of the Founders was incidental to what they were about — when really it was central. It wasn’t just a “passing phase” due to “historical circumstances” — it was their deeply considered belief and one of their central principles. And in glossing over this (the most important) aspect of the Founders, they erase their legacy at least as much as, if not more than, those descendants of slaves who have descended on Montpelier.
According to the Montpelier rubric, for institutions that interpret slavery, it is not enough simply to discuss the humanity and contributions of the enslaved. It is imperative that these institutions also unpack and interrogate white privilege and supremacy and systemic racism.
Now we are getting close to the mark; Montpelier has become a labratory and petri dish and breeding ground for anti-White hate; they’ll take the visitors and drag them through the “evils” of the White founders and explicitly link them to the alleged “evil White racism” of today. The site will become a shine to White genocide; a hammer to beat us about the head.
Montpelier’s website touts the upcoming Enslaved Community Tour coming up later this month, which is described as follows: This walking tour of significant sites examines one of America’s largest paradoxes: a nation where all men are created equal built by those who are denied the exact freedoms they were laboring to establish.
Of course it was no paradox; these people are either being disingenuous or they are dumb as a sack of burnt hair; I’d say it’s pick ’em. But what everyone knows who has thought about it for as long as two seconds, was that that “all men are created equal” was roughly the equivalent of “we are just as good Englishman as the noblemen in the home country” — nothing more than that. But of course the words were so ringing that they were wrenched out of context, and like the home of Madison at Montpelier, these words — our words — become another knife twist into us until we are dead.
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Madison’s home joins Jefferson’s Monticello as the historic sites that have been destroyed by leftists flush with cash from billionaire David M. Rubenstein’s grants — one of which was for 10 million dollars for Montpelier’s update — provided to activists with an agenda to besmirch the nation’s Founding Fathers as racist.
Calling someone “racist,” or, more properly, saying that someone wanted to found and keep this country on a White basis, is not to besmirch them. It is their rightful and just claim to immortal fame, even if the ones who say they champion them today really do defame them.
At Madison’s Montpelier plantation in western Virginia, they are all but but erasing the contributions of a man who is known as the Father of the Constitution to portray his life through the lens of the anti-white 21st century biases of Black Lives Matter and the 1619 Project.
This is mayhem in Montpelier. James Madison is now in the back house out back and soon he’ll be off the property altogether. It’s not his house anymore; it belongs to the Blacks (and, really, the Jews who sign the checks). But be sure that this is just the thin edge of the wedge: One day (if we don’t act soon) the statues will be razed, the homes all bulldozed, the land salted over, the names all changed, and the cities will be called something else.
That’s what happens when the ones who are supposed to defend our heritage don’t even know what it is, and certainly don’t know how to defend it. They try to special plead for the Founders, “admitting” that they were “flawed men” but were “blinded” by their times, which of course is ridiculous. To defend these men you have to stand on the ground they stood on, and understand and embody their justified and essential beliefs about race, which are even more justified and essential today.
But if you serve up the mealy porridge of the “American Creed” conservatives, you’ll get steamrolled by other peoples who still take race seriously. And soon the homes and the statues will all come down. And the holocaust will be complete.
Rubenstein did you say?
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Source: Author