Pressure Cooker Britain: Turning Up the Heat

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 10 August, 2024
by Kevin Alfred Strom
IN WHAT IS STILL occasionally called Great Britain, three little White girls were just stabbed to death while attending a dance class by a Rwandan Black deceptively described by the controlled media as a “British youth” “born in Wales.” These murders are a natural and predictable outcome of multiracialism, as are the many hundreds of murders and other attacks committed by non-Whites (often against Whites) that happen there every year, as are the literally tens of thousands of cases of non-White rape and sexual slavery of White girls in Britain, many of which were purposely ignored by authorities for decades for fear of being seen as “racist.” And Whites in Britain are effectively criminalized and often prosecuted if they so much as say anything too strongly opposing the replacement of Britons by Brown non-European hordes, much less do anything about it.
The boiling undercurrent finally broke out of the pressure cooker after these knife attacks, and rowdy anti-immigration protests have spontaneously started in several British cities. It was even reported that one crowd set fire to a police car — and well they might, considering how the “justice system” seems far more interested in arresting and imprisoning White Britons who question the wisdom of turning the UK into another Sudan or Pakistan than in stopping the murder and rape of helpless and innocent British girls. I’ll embed a video of some of those protests in the text version of this broadcast on
The ilk of “Tommy Robinson” have been out at these protests and talking about them online. Such “civic nationalists” are deathly afraid of the central topic of race, almost as much as they are afraid of the even more important topic of Jewish power, so they try desperately to make this a religious issue of good Christians and good Jews versus bad Muslims — but they failed massively in this case. It’s extremely unlikely that this Black Rwandan is a Muslim, and who cares if he is anyway? It’s not beliefs that matter most — it is race that matters most. Plainly and simply put, we of European descent need all-White nations. Full stop; problems solved — and, most importantly, there is no other way to get the problems solved.
It was pathetic to see that some of the protestors are so deluded that they carried Israeli and Ukrainian flags, as if either the murderous Jewish Zionists and parasites of Israel, or the murderous Jewish dictators who misrule Kiev somehow represent opposition to what is happening in Britain. (Quite the opposite is true — Israel represents the world headquarters of multiracialism, since it is the world headquarters of the Jews, and it is the Jewish power structure which is forcing multiracialism on the West, America and Britain included. And Ukraine, like America and the UK, is currently one of that power structure’s provinces. As Ezra Pound said, there are “so many strands of unknowing” here.)
I tried to find out what exactly happened in the knife attack and the reactions to it from official and “mainstream media” sources, but was faced with a wall of obvious obfuscation and carefully-crafted statements that airbrushed racial realities totally out of the picture. We are very lucky however, to have a reliable, stalwart, and long-standing racial-nationalist voice in Britain, Heritage and Destiny magazine, and I will now turn to them for a report on what is really happening there. (Heritage and Destiny (HD) has to comply with extreme anti-White censorship and Jew-inspired “race hate” laws in their country, and so telling the truth on such matters there is fraught with dangers, but HD, being written by intelligent men for intelligent readers, always finds a way to communicate the reality of a situation even if circuitous language has to be used.) Here is a digest of their recent reports:
Throughout the White world, attention has turned to the UK in recent days as long-simmering tensions within an increasingly unstable multiracial society exploded into chaos on our streets.
Let’s make one thing clear – to racial nationalists and ‘anti-fascists’ alike, who have fundamentally misread the nature of these riots.
This is not a racial counter-revolution. This is not the beginning of a Reconquista.
Many (perhaps most) of the rioters were simply looking for an excuse to fight the police, destroy symbols of authority, and (in some cases) loot shops.
But all this tumult does reflect a fault line permeating our so-called democracy. Among the generally disorderly and criminal element were ordinary Britons who know that something is radically wrong with our country, even if they haven’t fully appreciated what that is.
Their ancestors turned Lancashire into the workshop of the world, the dynamo of the Industrial Revolution, only to be thrown on the scrapheap. They fought in two world wars, only to see their country invaded and subjugated by aliens. They built the greatest empire the world has ever seen, yet now are regarded as worthless scum in their own country and disregarded by their own rulers.
It’s not surprising that they revolted, but equally it’s not surprising that this revolt lacked any meaningful political direction or ideological core.
In 2016 the revolt took the form of Brexit – but Brexiteer charlatans such as Nigel Farage have never been serious about halting immigration: their free market capitalist ideology is part of the problem, not the solution.
During the same decade in some parts of England the revolt was channelled into the English Defence League (EDL), a hooligan alliance directed by a career criminal and Zionist puppet, ‘Tommy Robinson’.
And this month the revolt has similarly been channelled into counter-productive rioting.
Unlike almost all other nationalist commentators on these events, members of the H&D team are not tweeting from a hotel pool in Cyprus or streaming from the safety of homes many miles from the scene.
We have been on the front line visiting several Lancashire towns, both on Saturday and again on Wednesday evening.
On Saturday in Manchester our team witnessed youths scuffling with police in central Manchester and attacking shops; while in Preston a very multiracial crowd (apparently including many football hooligans) again scuffled with police and had no apparent political motive (…and yes, the non-Whites were theoretically the ‘patriots’!). Indeed many – far from being outraged or in mourning at the death of three young girls, butchered last week by a Rwandan – seemed actually to be enjoying the chance to confront police.
Many of the so-called ‘patriotic’ demonstrators were visibly under the influence of drugs or alcohol. As has become common at events involving ‘Tommy Robinson’ and his ilk, Zionist flags were flown and lager libations were an important part of the sub-nationalist ritual.
Contrary to the delusions of sincere nationalists, both in the UK and worldwide, these riots are not a step forward – in fact they are a serious setback for the credibility of racial nationalism.
But though the left will win this battle – and the newly elected Labour government will relish the opportunity to extend new laws against patriots – they will not win the war.
Multiracial ideology is contrary to nature and contrary to millennia of European civilisation. However long it takes, and whatever it takes, the true European cause will defeat the institutionalised lies of our enemies.
Another Heritage and Destiny piece adds to our knowledge:
For all the usual legal reasons, H&D has to be careful what we publish about last Monday’s horrific murders in Southport (just 20 miles from our office).
Since we cannot write specifically about Axel Rudakubana, the 17-year-old who has been charged with these crimes – and since individual crimes, however horrific, are not in any case a sound basis for political debate – let us instead look at broader issues.
Isn’t that interesting! For days after these murders of White girls, reading and skimming dozens or hundreds of articles, the name “Axel Rudakubana” never came up even once — it was being kept secret by the authorities with the excuse that the killer was a few days shy of his 18th birthday — but eventually they finally released it. And isn’t it also interesting — sadly so — that Heritage and Destiny “cannot write” about him.
The anti-immigrant protesters, in an information vacuum, and ignorant as they were (and were being kept), were nevertheless correct when they assumed that, since the race of the attacker was carefully not mentioned, he must have been a non-White, though steeped as they are in this sick world of ignoring racial realities, many wrongly used “migrant” or “asylum seeker” or some other racially ambiguous term. The killer might, they thought, conceivably have been a Black African, or a non-White from the Muslim world, or whatever — speculation was rampant — but a “real Brit” (that is, a White man) he was not! And quite right they were! The government’s and the controlled media’s repeated mantra of “he was British because he was born in Wales” (with no racial identification whatever being given) just fueled the people’s deep suspicions, and those suspicions have now been amply confirmed. Quite right indeed. Back to the HD report:
Does it make sense for the UK to admit refugees from Rwanda, a country that was scarred during the 1990s by one of the most bestial civil wars in history?
Rwanda was never a British colony, so (for once) none of its ills can be laid at the door of the British Empire. For several decades it was part of the Kaiser’s German empire, and after Germany’s defeat in the First World War it fell under Belgian control until independence.
But for more than 60 years Rwanda has been independent: its troubles can be blamed on Rwandans themselves, no one else.
There are very few Muslims in Rwanda: aside from tribal religions, the country is divided between Catholics and various Protestant denominations, with a large minority following Seventh Day Adventism.
Refugees from Rwanda would have to cross at least four other African countries before they reached Europe, so by no stretch of the imagination could the UK be deemed the first ‘safe country’ that they reached.
So why would Rwandans end up in the UK and is it reasonable for them to be granted leave to remain?
Note that many such cases appear to date from the 1990s, long before the recent ‘small boats’ crisis, and even before the justly reviled Tony Blair opened the immigration floodgates still further.
In other words, Rwandan immigration has nothing to do with the Nigel Farage and ‘Tommy Robinson’ agenda. These opportunists hate to talk about racial realities, but there comes a point where this is a duty.
Did it ever make sense for Britain to admit large scale African immigration, and did it ever make sense to call an African ‘English’?
Back in the 1940s, under the Labour government of Clement Attlee which is supposedly venerated by Keir Starmer and his ministers in 2024, it was assumed that Africanisation of our country was unthinkable.
The Fabian Society – a socialist think-tank closely tied to the Labour Party – reported in 1945 on what immigration policy would be best suited to rebuilding war-torn Britain:
“From the population point of view we need to encourage potential parents of healthy stock to settle in the British Isles, and to discourage those whom we already have from leaving.”
The Labour-Fabian approach was clear: the precise opposite of today’s great replacement….
The Fabian report continued:
“Men and women of European stock, between the ages of 20 and 30, are the immigrants best suited to assist population policy. …The utmost care should, of course, be taken to admit only those physically and mentally sound, and free from criminal records, who will introduce a sound stock into the country. The eugenics of immigration cannot be over-stressed.”
A Royal Commission appointed by Attlee reported in 1949, along similar lines to these Fabian views:
“Immigrants on a large scale into a fully established society like ours could only be welcomed without reserve, if the immigrants were of good human stock and were not prevented by their religion or race from intermarrying with the local population and becoming merged with it.”
Note the apparent assumption that Black immigrants would (in practice) not be appropriate for intermarriage with native Britons.
At what point was this common sense attitude abandoned by the British Labour Party? And were the British people ever consulted?
Very good questions indeed from Heritage and Destiny. Most interestingly, at the same time that the leaders of Britain were conspiring against their own people and planning to replace them with non-Whites, so also were the leaders of France and Germany and America and every other nation in the White world. It all started in the mid to late 1950s. Truth be told, it began to be planned in 1945 at the end of World War 2, and the assumption of power by the real victors in that war, the Jewish power structure. It just took a few years to implement it. It cannot be a coincidence or a simultaneous “moral awakening” that in all of those countries, plus Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand — I could go on and on — the borders were opened and the non-White floods began; and at the same time the laws were changed — in all of our nations — so that it became a criminal offense to oppose the flood or make any effort whatever to have White neighborhoods.
It is past time — long past time — to resist our replacement. Not with mindless, unplanned, Negro-style violence. Not with the flags of our enemies flying as a testament to our confusion, ignorance, and powerlessness. No. But with the intelligence, integrity, long-range thinking, and community-building that are the hallmarks of our race. That is the mission of the National Alliance.
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This is another powerful and incisive article Kevin, you are doing yeoman’s work for our people.