Sir Isaac Who?
by Douglas Mercer
YOU CAN SEE WHY they don’t like numbers. Unlike them, numbers don’t lie. Numbers are stark and uncompromising; you can add them up or subtract them, multiply them or divide them, and no matter who is doing it they will always be the same. Numbers are the code of the gods; their curt messages to be deciphered. Numbers give you the reality of the situation without any embellishments.
But the ideological cretins will “decolonize” just about everything, decolonizing being the word du jour for stripping all Whiteness from any subject, which means the decimation of the subject itself. They will decolonize the curriculum; they will decolonize medicine; they will decolonize history; they will decolonize museums; they will decolonize the arts; they will decolonize whatever they can lay their greasy hands on. When anything is decolonized it is left a husk or shell of itself, which is exactly what they want. But when all of the ideologies and all of the heritage and all of the heroes are decolonized, the numbers still stand there haughty and imperious, far above the fray of the rabble. Which is why they’ve set their sights on them, to try to cut them down to (their) size.
Three British professors recently claimed that statistical analyses have been weaponized to serve white racial interests within academia and beyond. Led by David Gilborn, a professor at the University of Birmingham, the professors argue that math serves white interests because it can frequently encode racist perspectives beneath the façade of supposed quantitative objectivity.
What they are really after here is to delegitimize the numbers involving race differences. Everyone who is paying attention knows that the Blacks and the Mestizos punch (often literally) above their weight when it comes to crime. You can look up the numbers if you want. And everyone who is paying attention knows that the Blacks and the Mestizos have test scores that scrape the bottom. You can look that up as well; it’s all there in numerical clarity and in harsh black and white (literally in this case). But these cretins would have you believe that these numbers are not what they seem, that they “encode” racism, that the simple tallies are really just subjective mumbo-jumbo that hide a “White supremacy” agenda. This is why there is such a push to be rid of standardized tests — standardization itself, they say, is a clever move by White people to keep the darkies down. They want to be rid of the tests because, they say, they are not objective — but in truth the test designers have bent over backwards to rid the tests of any bias. But you’ll still find that the disparities that existed before still exist now, which shows you that the original notion of “bias” was simply not true. And that is because the differences emanate from the reality of race, not from the numerical representation of that reality. It’s not numbers that are subjective, but the “holistic” approach they currently tout; which amounts to little more than asking an applicant to talk about his experiences of adversity, and when they cry a river about “discrimination” the admission boards get the message loud and clear. And, as for the crime numbers, go to any hospital in a Black area of any big American city on a Saturday night and you will see that numbers are exonerated and always come through clean as a whistle.
Contrary to popular belief, and the assertions of many quantitative researchers, numbers are neither objective nor color-blind, Gillborn and his team assert in their article for the journal Race, Ethnicity and Education. The article addresses the racism numbers reinforce, and the professors advocate for the adoption of QuantCrit — a portmanteau for quantitative analysis and critical race theory. Quantcrit, they say, has five key tenets, including that numbers are not neutral.
You will notice in all of their blather and bloviating that they give not one single example of how statistics or numbers are “racist.” You can read long into their diatribes and all they do is simply assert that they are so. The numbers say Blacks are more likely to be in poverty? Well, that’s because of “racism”; they could not get a job due to racism; they are in trouble with the law due to racism; they have less education due to racism — it’s the old circular argument of racism, racism, racism. Never do they say how this “racism” manifests, they simply assert it as a fact. Because “everyone knows,” or thinks they know, that there is racism. If there is more to their argument they are certainly keeping it very well hidden, and they want you to think that those glaring disparities serve a “White racist” purpose and thus can’t be trusted. And yet, there the numbers remain in their stellar majesty. Someone is lying, but it’s not the ones who produce the numbers, and it is certainly not the numbers. It’s the anti-White cretins who lie.
“Numbers are not neutral because quantitative data is often gathered and analyzed in ways that reflect the interests, assumptions, and perceptions of white elites,” they contend, adding that even so-called objective analysis fails to take the pervasiveness of racism into account. Other key tenets of QuantCrit theory include realizing that math tends to legitimate existing racial inequalities, acknowledging that numerical analyses disadvantage minorities, and understanding how numbers play to the benefit of white interests.
“Sir Isaac who?” — in effect that’s what their argument boils down to. For it remains that that Aryan of the Aryans, Isaac Newton, is the exemplar of math, and is the exemplar of the idea that it was the White race which was behind the numerical representation of reality. It was Descartes who drew two intersecting lines (the true holy cross) that created four ninety-degree angles — and so he mapped the world. It was Newton who created calculus only as a means to his greater end; he made it and picked it up like others make and pick up a hammer. When he was done, he created equations which perfectly describe how objects move through space; he discovered laws, just as one day Kepler woke up and announced that bit about equal areas and equal times — what they did was nothing less than measure reality, analyze the numbers, and show us that they are not arbitrary human creations but literally messages from the gods: Use them precisely and you can read the shape of things to come. And in the social sphere no less than the natural, numbers rule — statistical analysis can make sense of complex social phenomena; which is why anyone who studies and contemplates them will by their lights become a racialist in an instant.
The QuantCrit approach isn’t new; an increasing number of academics in both the United Kingdom and the United States deployed it in recent research, including Alejandro Covarribus of California State University, Los Angeles, and University of New Mexico professor Nancy Lopez. In the postmodern tradition, Gillborn and his team also argue that racism can be reinforced through numbers because they are social constructs. “Numbers are social constructs and likely to embody the dominant racist assumptions that shape contemporary society,” they write. As a consequence, they assert that in many cases, numbers speak for White racial interests. “Data is often used to shut down, silence, and belittle equity concerns.”
Numbers are the last redoubt, the last thing to be “decolonized.” Take away their awesome power, inject “anti-racist” babble into the sacred equations, denigrate math to the level of today’s fake sociology, and you have pulled the linchpin on the grenade and all will collapse.
As Kevin Strom has sagely said, mathematics, physics, and genetics are the real words of God, just as he said that our destiny is in the stars. There’s a reason that on the way to the Moon, one of the astronauts quipped that it was Isaac Newton who was driving the ship now. But if these academic clods get their way, and they hold sway more and more as one hard discipline after the other falls to their lunatic depredations, then it won’t be the stars we end up in, but the reeking mud. For the Blacks and the Browns it’s no great loss, they were born in the mud and never saw the reason — or had the ability — to leave it. But for us it would be a tragic ending to a long journey that began when the first White man quite literally put two and two together.
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Source: Author
Thanks for your excellent article, Mr Mercer. As a European “boomer” I however need to add that history already was “colonized”, i.e. totally distorted when it comes to the two world wars. That Poles were equipped with – and have eagerly swallowed – a specially designed version of their perpetual victimhood probably doesn’t surprise any Westerner with true insight. (Polish victimhood was recently substancially “enriched” due to the war in Ukraine.) Since I lived in Poland until my early twenties, it took me time to get rid of the anti-German brain-wash that every Pole was/is subjected to, no matter what system/political party appears to be in power. (The current regime – and its opponents – are even more anti-German than the communist one was. Poland’s demand of war reparations from… Read more »
Truly depressing. I had no idea. Thank you Mr Mercer!
It’s never enough for the perpetual victims nr 1, the chosenites, and the stupid Poles that so eagerly keep embracing the fair tale of being the victims nr 2 (unofficially Poles actually regard themselves as Victims nr 1). Kind regards.
Brilliant essay! Many thanks for adding it to the NA archive, but please include Chemistry as one of the real words of God, perhaps the most important word of all.