American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

White Psychology Under Jewish Tyranny, part 4

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 13 May, 2023

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THE OTHER DAY I pointed out online that “[w]ithout Jewish power and Jewish-created institutions and paradigms, there would be almost no anti-White Whites, and those few would be widely acknowledged to be nutcases.”

One respondent said I was wrong about this.

He was probably referring to the madness of Abolitionism in the 19th century, which was largely responsible for the terrible bloodletting of the US Civil War and the egregiously anti-White “Reconstruction” regime illegally imposed on the American South after that war. And I can see why, thinking about that time period, he might think I was blind to the obvious fact that Jews were not a major factor in the Abolition movement.

But I had already considered the phenomenon of Abolitionism when I made my statement. And I stand by my statement.

For Abolitionism was at its heart a Christian phenomenon, and Christianity surely falls under the category of a Jewish-created institution or paradigm. To be sure, it was created a long time ago, and occasionally it has gotten quite a bit “out of control” from the Jewish point of view — both in terms of opposing Jewish agendas and in tempting the odd Jew here and there to “convert” (there is no such thing, really), which tradition-obsessed Jews strongly dislike. But Christianity was built upon a Jewish base, and was built largely by Jews, and its central ideas were invented or selected by Jews. Its largely mythical central figure was a Jew, and was even referred to as “rabbi” on occasion.

And without Christianity’s anti-racial message that “there is neither Jew nor Greek, but all are one in Christ Jesus,” Abolitionism as a fanatically zealous anti-White, pro-racemixing movement could never have taken root and become powerful.

Christianity has strongly affected the inner sense of identity of White people, too — and not just those who are fanatically anti-White. Many ordinary White people, Christians and even some non-Christians, are so used to the idea of “Christendom” being a synonym for White civilization that they assume, when they first hear about it, that the National Alliance itself is a Christian organization.

Dr. William Pierce, the founder of Cosmotheism and of the National Alliance, touched on this in the March 2002 National Alliance BULLETIN:

An interesting psychological phenomenon on which I have commented in several issues of the BULLETIN is that displayed by people who send hostile letters to the National Office saying, in effect: “You people claim to be Christians, but you ignore the teachings of the Bible, which says that all races are the same. Don’t you even know that Jesus was a Jew?” They have had the idea planted in their heads that the Alliance is some sort of Christian organization, presumably by Jewish propaganda linking us to Christian Identity and Catholic traditionalist groups, which also are on the Jews’ hit list. Reading our material or listening to one of my broadcasts should persuade them otherwise, but it doesn’t. It probably took quite a bit of effort by the Jews to pound the idea into their heads, and it’ll take dynamite to get it out.

I would add that it’s not just Jewish propaganda that causes this mistake. It’s the deeply embedded false identity and false history that Christians have imbibed since their first Sunday School class and summer Bible camp.

Millions of our people, if asked “What were we like in ancient times?” or “What are our deepest roots?” would not see a picture in their minds of Classical and Germanic Europeans forging a great civilization against titanic odds in the often inhospitable clime of post-Ice Age Europe, of developing philosophical thought and scientific methods and ways of thinking that have unlocked the secrets of the Universe for us to greater extent than for any other people who have ever lived on planet Earth. No. Instead, they see bearded, wandering Hebrews being expelled from Egypt, slaughtering the Canaanites, and founding Israel, and then being persecuted by the terrible White people from Rome and tempted by the false ideas of the terrible White people from Greece. Instead they see a Jew crucified on a cross “saving” us from our naturally wicked ways.

I had an experience back in 2016 that powerfully demonstrated this psychological phenomenon:

A couple of days ago I talked to some Southern Christian conservatives. The topic was current events. All they could talk about was [a recent] Security Council resolution [that criticized Israel and which Fetchit hadn’t vetoed]. These were good, solid citizens, intelligent and successful White men — a cut above average. I like them. These men also had some degree of racial consciousness, didn’t like Political Correctness or anti-White politicians, and thought their Confederate heritage was just great. Something, though, holds them back from embracing White racial-nationalism. They were fundamentalist Christians one and all, that type so typical of the American South where one’s “daily walk with Jesus” is taken not only literally but with deadly seriousness, even by the educated. “Bible prophecy” looms large in their largely ludicrous efforts to make sense of the world around them.

They spoke first. “The monkey in the White House has betrayed God’s Chosen People.” “The UN is anti-God because it’s anti-Israel.” “There really is no such thing as the Palestinian people; all the land belongs to God’s Holy ones, the Jews.” “We ought to just let Israel bomb the lot of them to Hell, or we should do it for them.” “These Palestinians are always making trouble for God’s people and they should just be killed.” “Nations that bless Israel will be blessed and nations that curse Israel will be cursed — America needs to bless Israel.” This is an abridgement, you understand — really, about half of their words were quotes and cites of Bible verses offered as proof of their claims, as if they could possibly prove anything.

And it was then, even before I spoke, that I realized what was holding these good men back — holding them back not only from understanding the Jewish role in their own displacement and destruction, holding them back not only from racial-nationalism — but actually holding them back even from knowing who they themselves are, and from being what Nature intended them to be. It’s what Dr. Pierce described as one of the major “opposed ideologies” arrayed against White people and against the National Alliance: Christianity.

I know some of these fellows reasonably well, well enough to know that when they think of God, they very definitely think of a Jew. When they think of our purposes on Earth, one of the most important is to serve and protect God’s Chosen, the Jewish people. When they think of their heritage, once you go back beyond a couple of hundred years, they literally think of Jews in sandals and flowing robes wandering around the Middle East with Moses and the Ark of the Covenant — they actually think that is their heritage! They may think of themselves as White Americans or White men, but only incidentally and secondarily. Primarily they think of themselves as Baptists or Evangelicals or some other kind of Christian. That’s their identity. They genuinely feel more of a connection to some African or dark Mideasterner who professes Christianity than they do to a White free thinker. The African Christian is “one of us” to them. The White free thinker is not.

No wonder they’re confused. No wonder they always lose — they don’t even know who they are. They worship their most deadly enemies. They welcome suicide via racial mixing, at least in theory they do, as long as the weaponized DNA carrier says he loves Jesus. And that theory is often put into practice these days. And even some of the people who have “taken the red pill” on race have a holdover of this mentality waiting to be detonated in our midst and ruining all the forward progress we’ve made.

Among the White population, it’s the evangelical Christians who practically worship Israel and actually fly the Israeli flag or include it as an emoji right next to their names on the social media profiles. It’s the Catholic Christians who call the Jews their “elder brothers in the faith.” It’s the Identity Christians and “British Israel” types who assert that we ourselves are actually Hebrews and sometimes claim that modern Jews are somehow “Khazar imposters.” (That’s nonsense, of course. DNA analysis is quite clear. Ashkenazi Jews have around 60% Middle Eastern ancestry and are also approximately 40% admixed with Whites. A tiny fraction of Khazar genes may have entered their gene pool; this happened with many nations that were their hosts and is not greatly remarkable or significant. But the Jews of today aren’t “imposters”; they really are connected by ancestry to the Jews who wrote the Torah. And, most importantly, we are not so connected, either genetically or historically.)

And then we have the more educated type of Christian, the conservative supporter of say, Hillsdale College or Prager University, who slaver all over the place about our “great Judeo-Christian heritage” and say, as Babylon Bee managing editor Joel Berry recently said, that “The Jews are the co-inventors of Western civilization.”

To which I say: The Jews are the co-inventors of Western civilization like tapeworms are vitamins.

We as a people have lost our way. In very large numbers, we don’t even know who we are. We need to remedy that situation.

In 1978, Dr. William Pierce published “What Is to be Done?”, also available in The Best of Attack! and National Vanguard, in which he delineates the organizational structure necessary for our people to regain their self-awareness and begin to build a new nation:

[W]hat is to be done to save our race, in spite of itself?

…The answer, in brief, is that an organization must be built which satisfies the following requirements:

It must be, first of all, not an ad hoc organization, but an organization based on fundamental principles, an organization with a world view, essentially religious in nature, shared by every member of the organization.

It must be, in structure, a hierarchical organization, like an army — or a religious order — with the degree of understanding, of commitment, and of discipline increasing with the level of responsibility in the organization.

It must be, in scope, an all-encompassing organization, an organization which not only generates propaganda and which recruits and trains new members, but which becomes eventually a community unto itself, self-sufficient spiritually and materially, providing all the functions and capabilities needed for carrying out its task — ultimately a separate state within the state.

A state within a state, a new society, led by an elite imbued with an essentially religious mission — a Cosmotheist mission — which defines not only the purpose of its members’ lives, but the purpose of Life itself in the Universe: This is Dr. Pierce’s vision of a White future. This is what must be the basis — the bedrock — the very beginning — of a new state that will ensure the survival of our kind in the Universe.

* * *

You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at and Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help.

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13 May, 2023 11:38 am

Good Composition. People are confused about the genetic makeup of Jews. Their roots are the racial cauldron of the Middle East. They are a composite of race mixers.

Rodger Callaway
Rodger Callaway
Reply to  bm
28 May, 2023 3:25 am

Very low percentage of self described Jews are of Semetic “middle Eastern” blood. Most are Khazars (AshkeNazis). And Tunisian or Moroccan Jews are treated less than AshkeNazis.

Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
28 May, 2023 8:57 pm

The actual Khazars – a Turkic tribe from central Asia – made up only a small fraction of those living within the ill-defined ‘borders’ of their short-lived realm. The vast majority of Khazarian ‘citizens’ – to use a modern term wholly inapplicable to the 7th/8th century – were Goths, Slavs, Armenians, Georgians, Persians, other Turks (besides the Khazars) and a tiny minority of actual Middle Eastern Jews. All of them were, however, officially converted to Abrahamic death cult no.1 in much the same way the ‘citizens’ of the Roman empire had been converted to Abrahamic death cult no.2 a few centuries earlier. Hey presto: A LOT more ‘Jews’ than ever before, and guess what: no 2 of them look the same. ‘Philosopher’ Israel Zangwill looked even more Jewish than most… Read more »

Lonnie Frisbee
Lonnie Frisbee
Reply to  Wolfgang
29 May, 2023 8:47 am

You seem to be making a case for Judaism being a religion, not an ethnicity.

Reply to  Lonnie Frisbee
30 May, 2023 7:08 pm

It’s both.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Wolfgang
29 May, 2023 2:07 pm

Wolfgang: …Also, aren’t virtually all DNA testing companies run by either Jews or Mormocucks or both?… — Yes, and they all share that DNA, collected from duped citizens for fees who were curious about their ancestry, not expecting their DNA would be shared with DOJ and other law enforcement databases. What an underhanded scheme! Like you point out, one’s physiognomy is not always dependable in determining Jewishness or Jew admixture, but before it’s all over DNA will be a more dependable measure if carried out by honest testing by our people for our purposes not by (((them))) for theirs. I don’t like to use what you call “Fakeypedia” as a source, but in searching for what crooked Jews and Negroes did to WN activist Craig Cobb a few years ago,… Read more »


Ever since I first heard about the existence of DNA testing companies, I had this idea of sending them dog drool – but without telling them it’s from a dog…. Those outfits also have one really glaring flaw: They do not have nearly enough samples or anywhere near enough of a variety of samples to produce any really accurate results. For example: They claim to be able to identify everyone’s mostest favoritest ethnicity – Ashkenazi Jewish – which, as described above, isn’t even an ethnicity but a collection of very different ethnicities under a forced religious umbrella. A pseudo-ethnicity, which accounts for maybe – Mischlinge included – 0,3 % of the world’s population. On the other hand, they seem to have never heard of perfectly valid and MUCH larger REAL… Read more »

Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
31 May, 2023 7:29 pm

The original Middle Eastern Jews are most certainly an ethnicity, a sub-group of the greater Semitic group, first cousins to Arabs and such.
To what extent this applies to the so-called ‘Ashkenazi’ is at least questionable, many of them don’t look Middle Eastern at all, nor like one another.
In the xample of the rather extremely different-looking couple I mentioned, there is NO WAY those 2 people are of the same blood. If you saw them, you would agree.
If I recall correctly, it was you who called them ‘chameleons’ at some point, able to mimic the physical attriubutes of a host society in order to ‘fit in’ – read: infiltrate.
Sounds rather phantastic and X-Files, but I suppose it’s not completely impossible.

Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
1 June, 2023 2:16 pm

I believe that there was genetic drift once the Jews entered Europe. Those who could fit in to the existing pagan Aryan culture, with its demands of physical beauty and strength, were absorbed. The legacy of this can be simply labeled “Heydrich’s nose”. However, the jews left over began to inbreed (explaining judaism’s high rate of genetic disease carriers), and absorb those rejected by the pagan Aryan society for not being able to maintain Aryan standards or morality. How else did jews with isolated nordic traits such as blond hair appear – surprisingly common in the hassidic group?

Gigolo Joe
Gigolo Joe
Reply to  Wolfgang
1 June, 2023 9:11 pm

The video has been scrubbed, but articles remain- a man sent in a swab of his lizard to 23andMe and it came back 51% Ashkenazi. The idea of someone like Woody Allan, for example, being predominately Middle Eastern is only fathomable if the whole lot is so thoroughly inbred as to have the family tree looking like a tubmleweed. That they are more inbred than Europaean royalty is, of course, the case, but promoting the idea they are from the ME only serves to legitimize their claim to Palestine in the eyes of most.

Theodore Alexander Vegh
Theodore Alexander Vegh
Reply to  Wolfgang
8 June, 2023 1:05 am

The word “Race” is a multi-ordinate word that has many different meanings. At one time, it referred to each unique group of people in Europe who shared a common culture, language, leader, and geographic area. Over time the definition changed to designate the three major phenotypes of “Homo Sapien Sapiens” otherwise known as “Human Beings.” These three Major Races of people can be roughly visualized on a World Map as a typical European, African and Asian with various labels placed on each one to confuse the general population as much as possible. Thus, we have Caucasians, Negroids and Mongoloids. Of course, we know that there are many minor Races as well that do not fit nicely into the three major Races of “Man.” Pacific Islanders, Eskimos, Arabs, Jews, Persians and… Read more »

Reply to  Theodore Alexander Vegh
8 June, 2023 7:29 pm

And most people today have watched hundreds of movies and maybe read thousands of books about WWII – ALL of them Jewish lies…. As a kid, I read thousands of comic books – which does not make Duckburg a real city. Only Americans apply the term ‘Caucasian’ to all White people – and, apparently even Semitic Middle Easterners, who are definitely NOT European. They don’t look European, they don’t think European, they don’t act European, their descendants – even with people ‘whiter’ than them – don’t look European, etc. etc. etc. Elsewhere,. the term ‘Caucasian’ only refers to the people of the Caucasus region along the border between SE Europe and SW Asia – aka the Middle East. Armenians, Chechens, Georgians – who resemble Arabs and Turks a great deal… Read more »


Fortunately most DNA testing services (including 23andMe and AncestryDNA) let you download your raw DNA data, and you can then upload this data to any of the many amateur ancestry calculators. Many are free, open-source, and designed by Europeans for Europeans, with their own peculiar pros and cons.

I don’t want to advertise any by name, but they are easy to find if you ask around in European genetics forums.

I believe this should help qualm any fears of being assigned fraudulent ancestry, unless you believe the DNA testing services are literally lying about your nucleotides.

Nom De Guerre
Nom De Guerre
13 May, 2023 1:16 pm

Wow, Kevin, I learn so much from every single Saturday Radio Show, but this just might be the most profound mind blowing one yet. I’d always been baffled by White race traitors, but this has satisfactorily explained it all. I’ve noticed that other WN organizations are Christian, and that helps me to understand why hobbyism is not the way of the NA. I’m not catholic, nor was I brought up that way, but because I didn’t succeed in public school, I attended a catholic school in 11th grade, and we had British literature class, and in that class, we learned not only of Stonehenge and the Druids, but also of ancient Celtic runes (perhaps the Life Rune might’ve been one of those, I’m not sure) Although Christianity was the Trojan… Read more »

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
14 May, 2023 10:36 am

Christians are so enthralled by Jews
that they may as well be counted as
Jews. Unfortunate that Christians do
not possess the traditional Jew beak.
However as an identifier, their rabid
tongues will suffice.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
14 May, 2023 7:32 pm

Christians are so enthralled by Jews
that they may as well be counted as
Jews. Unfortunate that Christians do
not possess the traditional Jew beak.
However as an identifier, their rabid 
tongues will suffice.

Steve Carlson
Steve Carlson
15 May, 2023 10:41 pm

Some of the most prominent abolitionists, to be sure, were fanatical Christians. Yet there was no significant support for abolition before the 19th century. There was plenty of Christianity before that time, though–and plenty of slavery. The Christianity that supported abolition appears to have been a product of the Second Great Awakening, with its ignorance and emotionalism. Christians of earlier times seem to have noticed that the Old Testament positively permits slavery and that the New Testament never calls for its abolition. It’s something of a mystery to me exactly how the Christians of the Second Great Awakening reasoned with regard to this issue, inasmuch as they appear to have come to the opposite conclusion about it than earlier Christians did.