White Psychology Under Jewish Tyranny, part 3
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 6 May, 2023
by Kevin Alfred Strom
THIS WEEK I RETURN to the theme of White psychology under Jewish tyranny. Just as men who are henpecked or abused by unworthy wives, and women who are abused or neglected by unworthy husbands, will come up with internal coping strategies that make the pain or shame feel less intense, but do nothing to solve the problem, so also White people have engaged in dysfunctional coping behaviors on a mass scale. In the previous two installments of this educational series, we’ve discussed the mental trap of legalism, the belief that there is some technicality in the law — real, or in many cases imagined — that will free us from the Iron Heel of the Washington regime, usually allied with the idea that if we flourish said technicality in front of a System judge or policeman, we will be magically victorious and the “true law” will prevail. And we’ve discussed the mental trap of asking permission to be free of those who are literally doing everything they can to kill you — the idea that, despite the massive evidence to the contrary, our powerful enemies can be convinced to play by the pretend rules — “rule of law,” “democracy,” “just being nice to everyone,” et cetera — that they hope will make us acquiesce in our own dispossession and genocide.
Today we’ll start to examine mainline Christianity in the same light. Mainline Christianity, strongly established among White people, though an alien religion, deserves more than one program — as does the Christian Identity variant which attempts to remake Christianity into a militantly pro-Aryan faith. But today we’ll simply establish the basic bedrock of our viewpoint on the subject; much more will be coming in this series.
Most of today’s program will be an extract from what Dr. William Pierce wrote on the topic in the National Alliance Membership Handbook, in his “Opposed Ideologies” section, his most mature and comprehensive text on the subject, which has never before appeared in audio form.
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by Dr. William L. Pierce
THE NATIONAL ALLIANCE IS not a religious organization, in the ordinary sense of the term. It does, however, have to concern itself with religious matters, because religions influence the behavior of people, society, and governments. The doctrines of various religious groups — Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, et al. — deal with temporal as well as spiritual matters and therefore often conflict with National Alliance doctrine.
Christian doctrines are of much greater concern to the National Alliance than the doctrines of other large religious groups, because Christianity is the most influential religion in the United States, Europe, and the rest of the White world. Most members of the National Alliance come from families which are, or a generation ago were, at least nominally Christian, and very few come from families which practice, or practiced, Islam, Buddhism, or other religions. Furthermore, the history of our race for the last thousand years has been inextricably bound up with Christianity. The National Alliance really cannot avoid taking positions regarding Christian beliefs and practices, despite the complications this causes in our work.
The immediate and inevitable fact which forces us to come to grips with Christianity is that the mainstream Christian churches are all, without exception, preaching a doctrine of White racial extinction. They preach racial egalitarianism and racial mixing. They preach non-resistance to the takeover of our society by non-Whites. It was the Christian churches, more than any other institution, which paralyzed the will of White South Africans to survive. It is the Christian establishment in the United States which is preeminent in sapping the will of White Americans to resist being submerged in the non-White tide sweeping across the land. Most Christian authorities collaborate openly with the Jews, despite the contempt and abuse they receive in return, and the rest at least follow Jewish policies on the all-important matter of race. The occasional anomaly — a Catholic bishop in Poland speaking out angrily against Jewish arrogance, a few Protestant groups in the United States expressing sympathy for oppressed Palestinians — does not invalidate the rule.
We are obliged, therefore, to oppose the Christian churches and to speak out against their doctrines. But we do not, as some groups have done, accuse the Christian leaders of being false Christians. We do not say, “We are the real Christians, because we stand for the values which the mainstream churches stood for a century ago, before they were subverted.” We do not reach for our Bibles and point to verses which seem to be in accord with the policies of the National Alliance and contrary to the present policies of the Christian churches. A diligent Bible scholar can find in the Judeo-Christian scriptures support for — or ammunition against — virtually any policy whatsoever.
Beyond the immediate conflict between us and the Christian churches on racial matters, there is a long-standing and quite fundamental ideological problem with Christianity. It is not an Aryan religion; like Judaism and Islam it is Semitic in origin, and all its centuries of partial adaptation to Aryan ways have not changed its basic flavor. It was carried by a Jew, Saul of Tarsus (later known as Paul), from the Levant to the Greco-Roman world. Its doctrines that the meek shall inherit the earth and that the last shall be first found fertile soil among the populous slave class in Rome. Centuries later, as Rome was succumbing to an internal rot in which Christianity played no small part, legions of Roman conscripts imposed the imported religion on the Celtic and Germanic tribes to the north.
Eventually Christianity became a unifying factor for Europe, and in the name of Jesus Europeans resisted the onslaught of Islamic Moors and Turks and expelled the “Christ-killing” Jews from one country after another. But the religion retained its alien mind-set, no matter how much some aspects of it were Europeanized. Its otherworldliness is fundamentally out of tune with the Aryan quest for knowledge and for progress; its universalism conflicts directly with Aryan striving for beauty and strength; its delineation of the roles of man and god offend the Aryan sense of honor and self-sufficiency.
Finally Christianity, like the other Semitic religions, is irredeemably primitive. Its deity is thoroughly anthropomorphic, and its “miracles” — raising the dead, walking on water, curing the lame and the blind with a word and a touch — are the crassest superstition.
We may have fond memories of the time before the Second World War when pretty, little girls in white dresses attended all-White Sunday schools, and Christianity seemed a bulwark of family values and a foe to degeneracy and indiscipline. We may cherish the tales of medieval valor, when Christian knights fought for god and king — if we can overlook the Christian church’s bloodthirsty intolerance, which stifled science and philosophy for centuries and sent tens of thousands of Europeans to the stake for heresy or witchcraft.
We may even find Christian ethics congenial, if we follow the standard Christian practice of interpreting many of its precepts — such as the one about turning the other cheek — in such a way that they do not interfere with our task. But we should remember that nothing essential in Christian ethics is specifically Christian. Any successful society must have rules of social conduct. Lying and stealing were shunned in every Aryan society long before Christianity appeared. Our pagan ancestors did not need Christian missionaries to tell them how to behave or to explain honor and decency to them — quite to the contrary!
Historians may argue the pros and cons of Christianity’s role in our race’s past: whether or not the unity it provided during a period of European consolidation outweighed the loss of good genes it caused in the Crusades and the bloody religious wars of the Middle Ages (and through the Church’s policy of priestly celibacy); whether the splendid Gothic cathedrals which rose in Europe during four centuries and the magnificent religious music of the 18th century were essentially Christian or essentially Aryan in inspiration; whether Christianity’s stand against the evils of self-indulgence — against gluttony and drunkenness and greed — was worth its shackling of the human mind in superstition or not. One thing already is clear, however: Christianity is not a religion that we can wish on future generations of our race.
We need ethics; we need values and standards; we need a world view. And if one wants to call all of these things together a religion, then we need a religion. One might choose instead, however, to call them a philosophy of life. Whatever we call it, it must come from our own race soul: it must be an expression of the innate Aryan nature. And it must be conducive to our mission of racial progress. Christianity, as the word is commonly understood, meets neither of these criteria.
The fact is that, completely aside from the racial question, no person who wholeheartedly believes Christian doctrine can share our values and goals, because Christian doctrine holds that this world is of little importance, being only a proving ground for the spiritual world which one enters after death. Christian doctrine also holds that the condition of this world is not man’s responsibility, because an omnipotent and omniscient deity alone has that responsibility.
Although some Christians do believe Christian doctrine wholeheartedly, however, most do not. Most instinctively feel what we explicitly believe, even if they have repressed those feelings in an effort to be “good” Christians. Because of this many nominal Christians, even those affiliated with mainstream churches, can, under the right circumstances, be persuaded to work for the interests of their race. Other nominal Christians — especially those who stand apart from any of the mainstream churches — have interpreted Christian doctrine in such an idiosyncratic way that the contradictions between their beliefs and ours have been minimized.
For these reasons we want to avoid conflict with Christians to the extent that we can. We don’t want to give unnecessary offense, even when we speak out against the doctrines of their churches. We don’t want to ridicule their beliefs, which in some cases are sincerely held. Some of these people later will reject Christianity’s racial doctrines. Some will reject Christianity altogether. We want to help them in their quest for truth when we can, and we want to keep the door open to them.
Members who want to study the subject of Christianity and its relationship to our task in depth should read Which Way Western Man?, by our late member William Simpson. The book’s initial chapters describe the spiritual odyssey of a man of exceptional spiritual sensitivity, who was far more intensely a Christian than nearly any Christian living today and who eventually understood the racially destructive nature of Christianity and rejected it.
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One of the most important statements William Pierce made on the subject was 1982’s “On Christianity,” published in the National Alliance BULLETIN and now available on nationalvanguard.org, in which he says
No honest, conscientious Alliance member can maintain his membership in the Alliance and also in an organization which is fundamentally opposed to the goals and principles of the Alliance. [A] former member who belongs to the Moral Majority acted correctly in resigning from the Alliance, and the same applies to others: Any Alliance member who is also a member of a church or other Christian organization which supports racial mixing or Zionism should decide now where he stands, and he should then resign either from his church or from the Alliance.
In fact, the great majority of Alliance members who originally had some Christian church affiliation have already made their decisions and left the churches….
If, despite everything above, there are Alliance members or prospective Alliance members who still consider themselves Christians, then it must be in the sense that they value the specifically White elements of Christianity which have been added since its origins — the great art, the great music, and the great architecture produced by White men during the centuries in which the Christian churches ruled Europe — and that they also share the White spiritual feelings which have been eloquently expressed by many men and women who were Christians and who applied the adjective “Christian” to feelings which, in fact, came from deep within the White race-soul and existed long before the advent of the Christian church. Such Christians we can call our comrades and be proud to have in our ranks.
Be sure to tune in again for the continuation and elaboration of this subject, as we continue to explore White psychology under Jewish tyranny, right here on American Dissident Voices.
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You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at whitebiocentrism.com and nationalvanguard.org. Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help.
The fact is that, completely aside from the racial question, no person who wholeheartedly believes Christian doctrine can share our values and goals, because Christian doctrine holds that this world is of little importance, being only a proving ground for the spiritual world which one enters after death… — These words by the founder of both the National Alliance and Cosmotheism, addressed to NA members 30 years ago is what set our organization apart from nearly all other pro-White organizations. The brutal honesty of Dr. Pierce’s words, 11 years prior to writing those words to our members, below, is what attracted me to him and to our Alliance: — Any Alliance member who is also a member of a church or other Christian organization which supports racial mixing or Zionism… Read more »
Pleased to see attention paid to this most
dangerous of dogmas. Christians are even
deadlier than the Jews. Gliebe should
be crucified for what he attempted to do.
After all, it would be the Christian thing
to do.
Like many other members, I was raised in the Christian faith. I, early on, became aware of it’s destructive force. Though I continued to take my mother to the local Sunday service, she too (in her 90’s) saw this destructive force and abandoned the lies. PURE POISION!
“When it comes your time to die,
be not like those whose hearts
are filled with the fear of death,
so that when their time comes they
weep and pray for a little more time
to live their lives over again in a
different way. Sing your death song
and die like a hero going home.”
Very wise words, where are they from?
You and she represent a positive trend among independent-minded Whites. Thank you, Gary, and thank your mom for us.
Why do you guys hate me? I am a young white man who is red pilled on race and the Jews. I support the idea of fighting for an ethnostate. However people here hate me because I was born to a single teenage mother in poverty and was in low-income housing and food stamps for most of my life. From what I see of their beliefs I would be considered white trash and excluded. In fact you guys even fantasize about putting me in a gas chamber or at least cutting off my junk so I can’t spread my “dysgenics” into the population, all because of circumstances I didn’t choose. Why exclude people who want to support you??
I don’t know where you got the idea that you would be excluded in the racial state we want to build. We hope that citizenship and status there will be based on real merit, not on prior status in today’s sick society. External circumstances and misfortune can strike anyone, including people of decent and high racial quality. Two of the brightest people I ever knew lived in trailers.
Why does National Alliance does not participate in the political process, i. e. in elections at various levels? The NA can do it freely and legally. You have an organization. If you say, we don’t stand a chance, I don’t think this is a convincing argument. In Putin’s Russia, for exemple, White Nationalists are banned and do not have the possibility to partticipate in the elections. So why does NA does not use this unique opportunity to elect and be elected, of which White Nationalists in many other countries are in fact deprived?
We seek separation from the entire corrupted and degenerating system, Mr. Halen. Our participation within it is a form of consent that we have chosen not to give. Why choose to man the helm on the Titanic as it’s sinking when you can work an oar on our lifeboat and seek shore to build a new life for our kind?
We are building our new order with our own institutions and leaders while doing whatever we can to survive. It’s not easy, many think we can save the sinking ship. We ask that you join us so that you be a part of something greater than your own life that is actually pro-White and progressive in the sense that it serves our race on an upward path.
Whether we give consent or not, it really doesn’t matter. We still participate in the system in thousands ways, big and small. When the system decides to cut off some of the links that connect us to her, it hurts (e. g. credit card payments, or tax privileges for the church). Taking part in politics provides many new venues to channel our message and ideas to the broader masses, which we do not have otherwise. Politics in America means elections. So why not to use the democratic opportunities which the system gives, willingly or not, to carry our political propaganda abroad? George Rockwell was planning to participate in elections and even to run for president (that might have been the reason he was murdered), and his organization was even smaller… Read more »
Go ahead and make your political organization then, Mr. Halen. Current demographics and their trends indicate continued losses for Whites participating within the Jewed system, which is how they like it. We in the National Alliance have our own plans and people, apparently of which you want no part, to save bloodlines and give a better direction for our race as much outside their system as possible. Best wishes to you.
Just was curious why the NA was depriving itself of rarely available opportunity for others to take part in pollitical process. Anyway, thanks for the info provided.
Another major problem for us Europeans is the suppressed history of the Sub-Saharan Arab/Muslim Slave Trade. While history only reminds the Europeans of the short 2 century Trans-Atlantic slave trade, while history of the Arab’s/Muslims long 13 Century’s Sub-Saharan African Slave Trade is forgotten. The Arab’s raided Sub-Saharan Africa without interruption for 13 Century’s from as far as Sudan, Ethiopia & Somalia. The location, east/west regions, in east Africa, the coastal region was preferred route & Zanzibar became a hub for this. The caravans concentrated on west Africa region straddling the Niger Valley of the Gulf of Guinea, along the Trans-Saharan roads, to slave markets in Maghreb & Nile Basin. The African boys & men were castrated before transferred. Zanzibar Slave Post shipped through the Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf or… Read more »
The slave trading of other races/tribes isn’t a taboo subject here at National Vanguard, LaVerne. Feel free to create historical works and submit them to us if you have important information on this topic, if written well enough they may be published.
It’s important to remember that building and staffing educational and media institutions require content creators to assist us to not just inform Whites, but to put the “fight” back in our race so that we’re inspired to survive. This is part of a larger effort the National Alliance seeks to achieve. Besides becoming a content creator, join us if you agree with our outlook and goals as expressed here.
Hi Jim, The information in my comment is from an article from Fair Planet .org in a 5 series. I felt it is important history due to my reasons I already mentioned, but also because here in the Chicago suburbs we are getting hit hard with Arab/Muslim immigrants. They are changing the makeup of my home town. Our famous Orland Park Mall (that I watched be built in 1974) on the weekend is like walking into Mecca during a Pilgrimage. We never needed security there until about 7 years ago, between the black race (now here in Orland Park as well , because their mall closed) & Arabs that personalities often collide, I feel due to the suppressed history, that even the blacks know. Perhaps black Americans over played their… Read more »
I beg leave to interrupt with this bulletin: Fort Hood named from Confederate General John Bell Hood has been renamed “Fort Cavazos.” The assault on White southern culture and history is nonstop. Streets and buildings are being renamed across the Southern country nonstop. Statues, monuments and memorials are constantly molested and destroyed. They kick, spit and paint them red. The renaming of Austin and Robert Lee, Texas could be next. Stephen F. Austin said of the Texas-Mexican war: “one of barbarism waged by a “mongrel Spanish-Indian and negro race, against civilization and the Anglo American race.” “David G. Burnet, president of the ad interim revolutionary government, wrote to senator Henry Clay: The causes which have led to this momentous act are too numerous to be detailed in a single letter;… Read more »
bm, want to add some interesting connections to the Jews that left Spain. They spoke Ladino – Judaeo. A mixture of old Spanish with significant loan words from Hebrew, Arabic & Portuguese.
Guadalajara is the capital city of the Mexican state of Jalisco. The word Guadalajara originating from the Spanish Arabic spoken in Spain back when it was Muslim rule. This city is known for its Tequila & mariachi because of the Agave Blue Plant that grows there.
We need to follow every bread crumb to understand what we are facing & where it originated from, and more importantly who is involved. We are surrounded.