American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

Let’s Do What’s Right

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 20 May, 2023

by Kevin Alfred Strom

A FEW WEEKS AGO, I noted the rather extreme fawning toward Jews exemplified by the Florida governor to whom more and more people are starting to refer as Ron DeShabbos:

DeSantis signs bills in foreign countries, written by foreigners, to make criticism of those foreigners into a felony in Florida. Not acceptable. It is a symbolic bowing to his masters, in a place sacred to his masters, signaling he wants their approval for a “move up,” something that only they really decide.

The purpose of signing that bill was to please Jews — and, in case that wasn’t obvious enough to the Jewish media and donor classes that are his real audience, DeSantis signed the bill while in Israel. Basically, fliering with a message that Jews don’t like is now a felony if the flier gets onto the private property of one of God’s darlings. Fliering with any message whatsoever has never been a crime, much less a felony, heretofore in this country. In the bill, the definitions of “littering” and “harassment” are being wildly stretched so that the Divine Beings can be maximally protected.

A DeSantis apologist wrote to me, arguing that it is still perfectly legal to criticize Jews in Florida.

Yes, and if things keep going in the direction being pioneered by DeSantis, it will continue to be legal long into the future to criticize Jews in Florida — so long as it you do it in a low whisper to no more than one other person behind the closed doors of your private residence. If you fail to observe these very reasonable restrictions, you may or may not have direct legal consequences (depending on the next few bills that water-boy Ron decides to sign in the vipers’ nest), but thanks to Jewish money and media power, if you do such a thing today and it becomes publicly known, unless you have a totally independent source of income, you already will suffer catastrophic career consequences, and not just in Florida. The Jewish-controlled media and the ADL and other Jewish groups will see to that. And it is these life-destroyers that Ron-boy pretends to believe are weak, persecuted, and in need of special protection!

The essayist and researcher Hadding Scott wrote recently:

It is eye-opening to observe that no matter how obsequiously @RonDeSantisFL kisses Jewish rump, most Jews still view him as an enemy and interpret his actions accordingly. I don’t believe that there is anything that DeSantis can do that will ever make most Jews not dislike him.

Another insightful writer, John Young, suggested:

This sort of law — similar to the papers of Israeli fealty people had to sign to get hurricane relief funds in Texas — calls considerable attention to the Jewish Problem among people who otherwise would have been unaware of its existence.

Although this is obviously an immense evil, it also gives people an interesting opportunity.

“Obviously, I support Israeli airstrikes that kill Palestinian children. I would go to jail if I opposed it.”

“No, of course, I would never criticize Senator Schumer. That could easily be construed as illegal because he is Jewish.”

“I can’t criticize CNN because it is run by a Jew.”

It could also be used to force the existing situation more into the light through a form of acceleration.

For example, propose a law that all Florida legislation must be approved by the Israeli Knesset to become law. And, of course, file criminal complaints of antisemitism against any legislator who opposes it.

Set up a civil rights disaster by proposing that only Jews should be allowed to vote in Florida, and, again, maintain that any opposition to this is antisemitism. This could bring down the entire civil rights infrastructure.

Now, is it possible that Ron DeSantis truly believes the things he says in his Twitter feed and campaign Web sites, that he is an enemy of “woke” leftism and the more extreme forms of anti-White ideology? — that he wants to punish Jewish-run Disney for its horrific crimes against our children? — that he wants to put the brakes on the pervert-propaganda and genital mutilation of our children? Yes, it is possible, though politicians have a terrible record for truth-telling. But, if that is true, he apparently also believes that to get into a position where he can effect such ideas, he needs to pander to the Jews harder than anyone else in the running. (Something that all American politicians learn early in their careers.) And by so pandering, he will be put in the same position as Donald Trump — required to appoint Jews, pass laws suggested and written by Jews, and to always hold back from the full truth when it comes to issues that are important to Jews. And race is all-important to Jews. Not just the protection of their own race, but hobbling, weakening, and getting as close as possible to actually killing the European race without having to openly admit they are doing so. DeSantis would be “approved” to talk a good game to please White conservatives and populists, but he wouldn’t be allowed to get within a mile of the issue of the impending death of the White race in North America, and not within ten thousand miles of the Jewish responsibility for that death.

After I wrote about this Florida bill, I got another response from a pro-White fellow who thought it was “wrong” of me to point out DeSantis’s bowing to Jewish power, and also “wrong” for me to call out the Jewish power structure generally as our race’s primary enemy. He claimed that we should simply be “White positive” and criticize all anti-Whites without noticing or mentioning Jews or Jewishness. This, he suggested, would be an easier “sell” to fair-minded and even-handed Whites.

I can’t agree with that. I think naming the group that is the prime mover behind the War on Whites is absolutely of the essence. No one who doesn’t know who his enemy even is can possibly defeat that enemy.

Perhaps some of these never-mention-Jewish-power “White positive” folks think they will get a pass from the Enemies of Life if they can be seen vigorously screaming at us that Jim at the barber shop who watches CNN is just as much of an adversary as Soros and Greenblatt. Not only is this absurd — not one of us who impedes the anti-White aggression of the Jewish power structure in even the smallest way is going to “get a pass,” not even DeShabbos — but it is also misleading, shunting good White folks who might otherwise become a part of the real White resistance into a blind alley in which allegedly “pro-White” social media “influencers” and “stars” of the moment mislead them into obeying the same self-censorship that Jonathan Greenblatt wants them to observe. That’s the kind of own goal that would make the CIA and the Mossad proud.

Another writer from the “White-positive” crowd, then claimed that Sweden and other countries where Jews are a lot less prominent than in the US, were just as anti-White as the US. It’s a mistake to view the West in that fractured way: The American Empire, which has been turned into a semi-covert Jewish empire, sets the standards to a large extent for the entire West: International media corporations and their productions, and the domination of the universities worldwide by the multiracialists’ anti-morality, extend their tentacles deeply into all countries, especially Western countries, and all are Jewish projects. Furthermore, the Jewish-controlled US, whose favor all are forced to seek in the West, would exact punishment on any nation which openly opposed the Jewish agendas of “diversity” and sexual degeneracy/sterility. And the leadership class — those on the fake left and the fake right who are allowed to even approach high office in the so-called ‘democracies’ — is curated in the West by a Jewish-dominated clique; outsiders and dissenters are not allowed. And one could argue that Christianity itself is an ancient Jewish project (that has on a few occasions gone “out of control” from its inventors’ point of view). I admit that the prevailing anti-White anti-morality has taken on a life of its own, true — but its creators and early leading figures were all Jews, and I doubt it could survive very long without them.

The Jewish/fake-leftist media/academic establishment created a new moral paradigm under which America “had to” become multiracial — or be evil. Then the former majority lost its belief in itself.

Not all of us, though, have lost our belief in ourselves. We are, after all, the descendants of the race that built the greatest civilizations the world has ever seen, who discovered the scientific principle, and who first walked upon the face of another world. We can defeat this slimy Tribe of liars and usurers.

The extreme actions of the Jewish power structure — taking away our First Amendment and Second Amendment rights, perverting and sterilizing our young people, forcing our children into schools that are more and more becoming violent cauldrons of anti-White hate — are, despite media cover-ups, having one positive effect: There are now millions of heretofore quiet and law-abiding folks who have soberly noted the corporate left’s, the media’s, the government’s, and the Jewish advocacy groups’ targeting of their children for a future of degeneracy and sterility, and who also grimly realize that the political system offers them no redress. They are taking names. They need to know they are not alone. They need the message of hope of the National Alliance.

Using ad agencies, platitudes, and focus-group-tested talking points to convince a majority of the poorly informed to like you is a terrible way to choose a leader. It is time for a new system under which decision-makers are chosen based on the highest character, great abilities, excellence, and, above all, loyalty to and service of the race. Getting the approval of a majority of the rubes should have nothing to do with it.

Millions of our people need the message of hope that there are others who agree with them, and who are right now forging a majority of will and determination that has determined to do the right thing — establish a White nation once again — without asking permission, either from the dull majority, or from those who are determined to exterminate us. Please help us spread that message far and wide today.

* * *

You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at and Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help.

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William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
20 May, 2023 9:59 am

A picture actually does say a thousand words sometimes.

comment image

Source: (147) White activism in the news July 2022 – White Biocentrism


They all go over to that desecrated land and disgrace themselves. Ron Paul is the
only one I know of who did not and refused to go.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Patsy
21 May, 2023 9:07 am

Yes, Patsy, Jews despised Mr. Paul aka “Dr. No,” because he often was the only congressman who didn’t toe the Jewish line. 16 years ago I was an organizer for Paul’s presidential bid — doing what I thought “was right” — and received nearly 12,000 votes across Tennessee to be a delegate of his at the Republican convention. When a little busybody Jew named Holland discovered I was a White racial loyalist, he was beside himself and began exposing that fact: The Ron Paul Campaign and its Neo-Nazi Supporters – American Thinker The white supremacists do more than raise funds.  Blogger Adam Holland reports: “one of Rep. Paul’s top internet organizers in Tennessee is a neo-Nazi leader named Will Williams (aka ‘White Will’). Williams was the southern coordinator for William Pierce‘s National Alliance Party,… Read more »

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Patsy
21 May, 2023 10:58 am

Actually, Patsy, Jews’ hatred of Ron Paul was mild compared to their extreme loathing of Pat Buchanan, pointed out here by Dr. Pierce 24 years ago: A Call for “Tolerance” | National Vanguard [I]n the October 1 issue of the Jewish Press, a Jewish spokesman, Professor Howard L. Adelson, had a column titled “Another Sewer Rat Appears.” Professor Adelson wrote, and I quote: “Out of the slime of the sewers and into the filth of the gutter a desperate Patrick J. Buchanan, the neo-Nazi, has crawled into the political arena using anti-Semitism as his principal device to secure a future for himself.” Whew! Imagine that. Further, Pierce points out what FOX News contributor and FOJ (Friend Of kinsman Jeffrey Epstein) says the same month in another Jewish newspaper, Forward: “Let there… Read more »


Thank you for the info. I voted for both of these fine American men,
Pat Buchanan & Ron Paul with trust and admiration. The others
might as well go work at a carnival.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman

White loyalists who continue to watch “conservative” FOX News as the TV network of choice that tells them <cough!> the truth, should know why anti-White Jew Krauthammer is still a FOX darling four years after his death. That’s if learning Tucker Carlson recent “fuck off” comment to them wasn’t enough. That comment was not why Tuck was fired from FOX, BTW.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman

White loyalists who continue to watch “conservative” FOX News as the TV network of choice that tells them <cough!> the truth, should know why anti-White Jew Krauthammer is still a FOX darling four years after his death. That’s if learning Tucker Carlson recent “fuck off” comment to them wasn’t enough. That comment was not why Tuck was fired from FOX, BTW.

21 May, 2023 4:36 pm

As you write, Mr.Strom, our focus should be entirely on our main enemy, those who wish to do us great harm: Jews. Anti-White Whites are nothing more than tools Jews use against Whites; they are distractions – thinking they will gain some favor at some point. They are the worst of the useful idiots and when the time comes, they had better hope Jews get to them before we do. We are taking names. I am reminded of this quote – (supposedly by Alexandr Solzhenitsyn but I could never verify it): “These middle-class intellectuals were actually ridiculed and held in contempt by the Bolsheviks as fools weaving their own hangman’s rope. Usually, these well-meaning dupes were the first ones shot as the Bolsheviks rolled over Eastern Europe behind the Iron… Read more »

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
22 May, 2023 7:32 am

Such creatures like DeSantis are more harmful for White race than any open enemies. They are like covert agents who infiltrate White public pretending to be on their side but at critical moments always acting in the interests of the enemy. It doesn’t require a university degree to see the whole scheme. But the vast majority of mainstream cattle can’t see it, especially the cattle with university degrees. The case with DeSantis is obvious for all people who preserve the ability of logical thinking. But there is even greater problem. The more popular pro-White cause becomes the more scoundrels will infiltrate it and try to turn it into different directions. Even Jews themselves, with brazen faces, start to cry in defense of “traditional values” and “constitutional rights”. Mark Levin is… Read more »

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Wolf Stoner
24 May, 2023 6:16 am

DeSantis should run for office in Israel,  not the USA. He should resign as Florida’s  governor for violating his oath of office, namely the First Amendment to the U.S.  Constitution. All Jewish judges must either resign the judgeships or abandon  their religion-race-nationality because  they demand favor Jews over Gentiles in  all legal disputes; therefore if they  keep their Jewish religion they can never  truly be impartial, no matter what they  say, and should never be allowed to be  judges. This especially pertains to our Jewish attorney general. All Jewish-American dual citizens should all be charged with  treason and in time of war, which they  have consistently started, face capital  punishment if found guilty. Furthermore,  the Talmud (the world’s original hate  crime) should be exposed in an impartial  public examination, and… Read more »

25 May, 2023 8:00 pm

‘Politics is show biz for the ugly’ – Rush Limbaugh, ca. 1990-onwards.
Even the Maharushie did not realize just how true that witticism of his actually was, because as far as he was concerned, Republicucks could do no wrong.
The system we mistakenly call ‘democracy’ – or ‘republic’, tomato tomahto – has little but the name in common with the original democracy of ancient Greece.
It is, in fact, a 1-party system entirely controlled by Jews.
No one who does not either belong or at least kowtow to the Jewish mafia gets to rise above maybe branch librarian, and not just in the US, but in ALL White countries, including muhBased eastern Europe and Russia.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Wolfgang
26 May, 2023 2:01 am

Wolfgang, if you truly believe your words and are in agreement with our message, you’d take Mr. Strom’s advice:

“Millions of our people need the message of hope that there are others who agree with them, and who are right now forging a majority of will and determination that has determined to do the right thing — establish a White nation once again — without asking permission, either from the dull majority, or from those who are determined to exterminate us. Please help us spread that message far and wide today.”

Your comments are more or less on the same page as ours, you would do well to join us to help us spread the majority of will and determination towards a new White world.