Call to ActionEssays

Eighty-Eight Seconds of Silence

One of the last photographs taken of Adolf Hitler, March 20, 1945 — one month before his freewill death.

IN 1960, in his groundbreaking essay In Hoc Signo Vinces George Lincoln Rockwell wrote,

Until the advent of Adolf Hitler, the White men of the world had absolutely nothing in the way of a common cause, common heroes, common martyrs, sacred shrines, names, and symbols.

But now, after millions of young German White men heroically flung their lives away in the first real fight in history for the White elite, we finally have the blood-soaked shrines, symbols, and martyrs which are the most elementary stuff of revolutions.

88 Seconds of Silence

We cordially invite you to join with National Socialists and other sympathetic White people around the world on Sunday, April 30, 2023 / JdF 134, in observing 88 seconds of silence in solemn tribute to Adolf Hitler, who, on that day in Berlin 78 years ago, fulfilled his earthly mission and offered up his life for a better world to come.

This commemoration has been sponsored by the New Order since 2008. Countless thousands of Aryans across the globe, in every continent but Antarctica and in dozens of countries, have participated in it. We invite you to join them!


East Coast Time Zone: 9:30 am
Central Time Zone: 8:30 am
Mountain Time Zone: 7:30 am
Pacific Time Zone: 6:30 am
Central European Time: 3:30 pm
British Standard Time: 3:30 pm

Suggested Guidelines for Commemoration

  • Those observing the 88 Seconds of Silence should stand at attention, where and when feasible.
  • Where possible, observants should face a visible representation of the Führer (bust, photograph or painting) and/or a Swastika banner. Some may also wish to light a candle or candles.
  • Those at work or school should excuse themselves and find a private location. If they require permission to leave, they should say that they need a few moments for a private religious observance. (Note: The lavatory is not an appropriate place for observance, nor is the need to use the lavatory an appropriate excuse to leave the room or work area. In fact, false excuses in general are not appropriate.)
  • Where necessary because of the time-zone difference, those who would normally be asleep during this time should make arrangements to rise early for the Observance.

The 30th of April is a sacred occasion, when his followers will join in a spiritual bond transcending the physical barriers separating them. It should, accordingly, be commemorated with all of the solemnity and respect befitting such an occasion.

* * *

Source: New Order

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Nom De Guerre
Nom De Guerre
29 April, 2023 6:32 pm

It’s too bad that he had such traitors so close to him, as I found out when I read Hitler’s last testament written just a few days before his death, sourced from My Political Testament More than thirty years have now passed since 1914 when I made my modest contribution as a volunteer in the first world war, which was forced upon the Reich. In these three decades, my life and all my thoughts and deeds have been motivated solely by my love for and loyalty to my people. They gave me the strength to make the most difficult decisions that have ever confronted mortal man. In these three decades I have exhausted my time, my working strength, and my health. It is not true that I or anyone… Read more »

Nom De Guerre
Nom De Guerre
29 April, 2023 6:43 pm

The source of his testament was I tried to edit it.

Nom De Guerre
Nom De Guerre
29 April, 2023 6:47 pm

The omitted list, also sourced from, is below:

President of the Reich: Dönitz
Chancellor of the Reich: Dr Goebbels
Party Minister: Bormann
Foreign Minister: Seyss-Inquart
Minister of the Interior: Gauleiter Giesler
Minister of War: Donitz
Supreme Commander of the Army: Schörner
Supreme Commander of the Navy: Dönitz
Supreme Commander of the Air Force: Greim
Reichsführer of the S.S. and Head of the German Police: Gauleiter Hanke
Trade: Funk
Agriculture: Backe
Justice: Thierack
Culture: Dr Scheel
Propaganda: Dr Naumann
Finance: Schwerin-Crossigk
Labor: Dr Hupfauer
Munitions: Saur
Leader of the German Labor Front and Minister without Portfolio: Dr Ley

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
30 April, 2023 9:24 am

It is 9:22 AM here in SC. I do not have to be
at my workplace untill 2:00 PM later on this
afternoon. I shall of course pay tribute.

Martin Kerr
Martin Kerr
30 April, 2023 10:11 pm

Reports are coming in about the observance of this year’s “88 Seconds of SIlence.”

Many reports are completely anonymous, but so far, identified US states include Florida, Maryland, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, South Carolina (thanks WH!), Texas and Wisconsin, as well as England (multiple locations), Germany, South America (no country specified) & Spain abroad.

Nom De Guerre
Nom De Guerre
Reply to  Martin Kerr
1 May, 2023 7:33 am

Heartening to know of the places, especially abroad, taking part in the solidarity of the solemn observance. Had you not put it out on the New Order website, I wouldn’t have known. I’m in one of the aforementioned states and I paid my tribute yesterday morning, and could almost imagine the many others doing the same.

David R. Westerlund
David R. Westerlund
30 April, 2023 10:23 pm

Today, April 20th, 2023 did sing along with the Nordic Resistance Movement marching song, using the words from Horst Wessel in German. Sweden is the last Nordic country to allow this tune/song to be played.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  David R. Westerlund
3 May, 2023 11:29 am

That’s well and good for German speakers, David, but there is a superior, rousing version of the Horst Wessel Lied, with English lyrics, available here: Call of the Blood by Dresden (band); songs by Joseph Pryce – Cosmotheism (

3 May, 2023 8:04 pm

And if you want to follow up on your observance, here are a few links to movies, newsreels and other edifying materials: -most of their movies are from Germany, some have subtitles, pretty bare bones but HUGE selection. – more ‘premium’ editions, and with added ‘historical explanations’….you know what that means, dontcha…..Still interesting. – books, films, memorabilia, posters, etc.