White Waterloo in Wales
by Douglas Mercer
AS OF 2022 Wales was a healthy 95% White and 5% Black, Asian, or mixed. That’s three million White Welshmen to 150,000 race aliens. That’s a commanding position, so they can dictate, correct? They can lay down the law and simply say they rule and it’s a White country and the rest can go packing, right? Hell no! Instead, they are putting White history in packing crates. Apparently all that Whiteness is making them feel the guilt (it hurts so good!) and they have come up with an official “anti-racist” action plan. What they propose to do is strip the country of all its memorials to the White greats, and bow and scape to the minuscule population of minorities. It sounds like it should be a White paradise, secluded from the world, but instead its leaders have got the “anti-racist” (really, anti-White) bug and no fit or fever is more disturbing or destructive that to feel ashamed of being White.
Statues of old white men such as the Duke of Wellington and Admiral Lord Nelson could be hidden or destroyed to create the right historical narrative according to Welsh government guidance. Historical statues that often glorify powerful, older, able-bodied white men may be offensive to a more diverse modern public according to guidance which is expected to be finalized this month.
Hidden or destroyed, got to get them out of sight. Why a Black imbecile might be strolling along and see the great Nelson on high in all of his noble majesty, and would crumple inside. The darkie will not consider leaving such a racist place; he will not consider going back to his mud hut and his albino bones; he will not take under consideration the idea that he might want to go back to the dark continent to work some Big Magic — Hell no, he won’t. This is Wales, and it belongs to him now — some guy at the UN said so, some Jew in a Jew magazine said so. The Welsh future belongs to him and those Whiteys in their last days of power better get the history right or there will be Hell to pay.
The government’s best-practice advice states that councils and other public bodies should take action to set right the historical narrative. Ministers say that statues of some people from British history can be offensive to people today who see them in a different light, including those who consider them aggressors who conquered peoples to expand the British Empire.
Given free reign, excellence wins; greatness wins. So the White race will conquer and rule. But now the Welsh are welshing on White history. Giving up the game and giving up the ghost. These domesticated slaves have bought fully into the anti-White narrative. The “right historical narrative”? What’s that? The story of daring bronze age riders fanning out over the world and spreading the White gospel to the far ends of the globe? Or the massive recessional of the White race as it curls into a fetal ball in front of the global majority due to a crazed and irrational implanted guilt? The writing is never on the wall and suicide is choice, not fate; destiny is the narrative we write.
The report says authorities could conceal commemorations and discretely box monuments or enclose them creatively in new artworks. Street and buildings could also be changed, the guidance states, to remove offensive or unwanted names. Alternatively, offensive or unwanted items could be relocated or destroyed, the advisory documents state, while noting drawbacks including expense and the need for extensive public consultation.
Kneeling and cringing in front of your inferiors is never a good look. The once-proud White race harbors far too many wobblers, wafflers, traitors, trucklers, and weaklings in its ranks. They think we have to hide or deny that we were great, that once upon a time in the West we strode the world like giants in the Earth and brooked no opposition to our dominion. Now green eye-shade White sell-outs tucked away in a bureaucratic maze of government offices give “guidance” in the way a euthanasia expert eases an old man into a blood bath. Do our statues and our great men offend them? They should! It’s only natural that they take offense at being reminded at how sorry they are and what it is that they could never achieve.
Public commemorations including paintings, plaques and statues, the advice states, should not insult or hurt fellow citizens. Diversity is hardly visible at all in public commemorations, it says, with existing memorials giving the perception that the achievements that society considers noteworthy are those of powerful, older, able-bodied white men.
Why would “diversity” be commemorated? Are we giving out participation trophies? If so, it should be a statue of a Black holding a gun and pointing it at the viewer. Are we giving out consolation prizes? Are we trying to make the losers feel good? In fact, that is what they are doing — safe to say that among the august and great Welsh no Negroes appear in the lists. And, no, police blotters and rap sheets and rape statistics don’t count. What is noteworthy in the history of Wales is what the White men did — end of story. Though now our enemies say that the only story isn’t the “right” story. They want to conceal it. And end it. And the ending of the White Welsh story is going to be a tragic one, given the current trajectory.
They come after an audit of commemoration backed by the Welsh government following the Black Lives Matter protests. The audit, which looked at hundreds of statues, monuments and place names across Wales, singled out Welsh explorer Henry Morton Stanley as someone who committed crimes against black people. Imperial military heroes Admiral Nelson and the Duke of Wellington, who both also have statues in Wales, were named as opposing the abolition of slavery.
What the actual? What in the gods’ name is going on? — the fevered and fanatical furor over George Floyd has apparently made it all way to Wales. A hardened lifetime criminal breathes his last, justifiably, and the Jews’ fake narrative about him travels halfway around the globe to instill feelings of guilt in White people many thousands of miles away. You’d think they’d killed their own mother in cold blood for the guilt they feel. What is Floyd to them? Or they to Floyd? Nothing, that’s what. But in today’s wicked world a crime against a Black is the greatest crime of all — even when it is not a crime; especially when it is not a crime. The lowest of the Blacks get put on a pedestal while White heroes get removed from theirs and put in a packing crate in the basement.
To dispel this narrative and end the perpetuation of racist colonial myths about white superiority, potentially offensive older monuments can be re-evaluated with the help of public and expert consultation. However, officials note that the relative preponderance of white historians over other identities can skew understanding.
They are going to bring the ivory tower eggheads in and they will say “Why yes, that’s racist” as they stroke their graying beards and hope to get patted on the head for going along with the tide. And they needn’t worry about those White historians, they have been brainwashed in the Jew milieu for their entire careers, and like good and obedient dogs they sit at their masters’ feet and wait for the bone.
In 2020 a statue of Sir Thomas Picton was boarded up at Cardiff City Hall after the city’s mayor called for its removal. Sir Thomas was hailed as a hero following his death at the Battle of Waterloo but his legacy as governor of Trinidad has been questioned and he was also involved in the slave trade.
They say the battle of Waterloo was a close-run thing, but packing Picton up in a crate was an easy decision. He was hailed as a hero way back when and that is more than enough to deep-six him. He ruled over the dark races in the Caribbean and that makes him public enemy number one on the Jew list. Nelson and Wellington might have some tentative lingering appeal, but who has heard of Picton? They’ll cut him loose like a leper and hang him out to dry, drifting slowly in the wind. It’s the Waterloo of the White world when the Welsh welsh on White history.
The audit’s subsequent Anti-Racist Wales Action Plan outlined public bodies’ responsibility for setting the right historical narrative and aimed to recognize historical injustices while also pointing out the positive impact of minority communities.
Once you’ve said you’re sorry, the tide has turned. Once you recognize the other as having a claim on you, then all is lost. As a last gasp, a pathetic Welsh conservative whined:
“Statues may well offend some people, but that does not make them any less a part of Wales’ rich history. What happened to remembering the mistakes of the past and learning the lessons?”
Mistakes? Mistakes? I don’t recall any mistakes. All I recall is a glorious ascending to the pinnacle of the world. With friends like these, we don’t need any enemies.
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What does it mean for an overwhelmingly White country to surrender and pack it in? When you hold all the cards, yet fold? There is no way that the trash and garbage who have done this come from the heart of Wales and the hearts of Welshman. This means that you have a leadership class that has become de-nationalized and has made a separate peace with the murderers of your nation. You know those officious officeholders in Brussels have a wary eye on Wales, just like they do Ireland now; a traditional society that could have held out — and they want to come in and decimate it. Just as that 94% White New Hampshire arouses their ire and they busily go about lowering that “too-high” number. So, too, does the 95% White figure in Wales stick in their craw. You can be sure they have plans to have the dark races darken their door.
Plans to house up to 400 asylum seekers in a tiny Welsh village were criticized as wholly unsuitable last night. The proposals would see around 150 predominantly male refugees put up in a disused country house hotel, in Northop Hall, north Wales. Another 250 would be housed in modular accommodation in its ground.
Those podlike favelas seem to be the in thing right now. Pick any all-White small rural community and bring in a crew to jury-rig a makeshift abode and — presto! — you have a place for Africans to retreat to when they’re tired of dealing, chimping out, and abusing White girls.
Those living in the village, which has just 1,500 residents, claim the asylum seekers would almost double the adult population overnight and local services could not cope. Referring to the angry protests outside a hotel in Knowsley, Merseyside, last month, local Tory MP Rob Roberts urged villagers to remain calm in the face of the proposal.
Keep calm and carry on — what horrible advice. This is becoming a showdown at high noon and it’s us or them. It’s all about the historical narrative, we have our story and they have theirs, but we won’t tell ours because they have ashamed enough of us in to believing our story is no good. Keeping a serene and passive equanimity in the face of that, and not telling your story loud and at length, is recipe for disaster.
Welsh people can lay claim to be the most ancient Britons, according to scientists who have drawn up a genetic map of the British Isles. Research suggests the Welsh are genetically distinct from the rest of mainland Britain. The Welsh carry DNA which could be traced back to the last Ice Age, 10,000 years ago.
From time immemorial and time out of mind, they came forth. The Welsh people have been in this land forever. Isolated, they are like no one but themselves; they lived their lives and made and honored their traditions and their language. Undisturbed, they went their own way and created a beauty all their own. They say that they are a lyrical people, and it is the birthright of very Welshman to have a beautiful singing voice — but if the evil that is Jewry has its way, this primordial people will soon sing its last song.
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Source: Author
We know the problem. what is the solution?!
Regaining control of our destiny is a very involved task, olaf. The solutions you seek require all responsible and serious Whites to involve themselves in an organized and intelligent manner. Since you asked, this is what we have in mind: The program of the National Alliance offers an overall look at what we’ve already begun to do, and I recommend joining us if you qualify and agree our program is a workable framework within which we can participate in putting our race back on a progressive path towards a higher purpose.
Olaf, I will take your question seriously: 1st You know the Alliance has well perceived and is working on solutions. 2nd There is also your personal role — maybe you should join the Alliance, or maybe there is something you and you uniquely can do first to win or secure something of value to help the folk? Now from me to you, and to all good whites who feel the pull and the pain but don’t know what to do… First, I have a mental saw to remember the Alliance’s goals which are very good things to have mentally at hand: White “Ess Ess” “GEE”, (“White: (living)Space, Society, Government, Education, & Economics”) — a brutal summarization but the details are online. Sometimes I just think: “Save the Best; Build Nests; Take charge… Read more »
As for Wales,
the main culprit at their destruction is the british government and USA media, who are the ones pushing for all the destructive policies that promote multiculturalism and tolerance for one’s destruction.
If I can give you advice, besides joining the NA, is that you become someone people can rely on and not be afraid of.
Be a good man. Don’t turn into one of those worthless chubs that all they can do is complaint while living a crappy life in the shadows.
Just as drag queens perform their fag gyrations to admiring crowds in a small theatre, so do a few, sick White people perform their feminine fairy antics to an admiring world of liberal sops. Both are shameful, disgusting and against nature and both are part of the same disease which has afflicted the entire Western world.
“against nature”
It really boils down to being against the natural order and natural improvement of body, mind, and spirit(will).
Fifty years ago I had my first job out of school in Ireland over in Cardiff in Wales. Ireland at the time was 99.99% White but in that part of Wales there were a number of neighbourhoods with blacks living in them. Even then they were a source of crime and general trouble-making for the area. This problem stretches back a surprisingly long time. There were race riots there in 1919 just after WW1. Now, of course, the situation is much worse. Although rural Wales is still predominantly White the traitors in charge are doing their best to change that, just as they are in Ireland and Scotland. The problem though is that Whites won’t resist, even when the very existence of their communities and the future of their children… Read more »
From what I have learned from leading in different areas of life, Positive re-enforcement works better then negative re-enforcement over time. “Worse is better” is short term and situational. It is not meant as a one size fits all. Situational nuance is the key when dealing with a problem or getting to a goal. On top of every problem or solution is changing, because things are fluid in life and not stagnant. A better method is giving people a vision of the future that is positive and/or better then their present one. In the Welsh situation I would guess(I don’t live there) that they need to be shown what they will lose first. Since they already have blacks there, pointing out how bad most blacks and browns live compared to… Read more »
The Kalergi Plan is worldwide and every White country and community are on the hit list.
They have even bused AfroAsian ‘migrants’ into little villages past the Arctic Circle in Scandinavia, so ‘White flight’ will no longer work.
They want to make sure they poison ALL the wells this time, no matter how small or remote.
We in the National Alliance have no time for defeatism, Wolfgang. We aim to separate ourselves, solutions to this challenge are what’s wanted, not naysaying. If similar rants are all you offer, perhaps another website’s comments section would welcome them, but they’ll no longer be tolerated here. Winners think of how to win, not to give up at signs of difficulty.
Was it not 1878 after the ZUlu uprising had annihilated two British battalions in South Afrika by the Zulu king , Kechtuwana. The last company of 24 Welsch Borderers , who were left at improvised hospital at Rorck’s Drift of sick , malingerers and not fit for duty . But they defeated the thousands of ZUlu , who returned to thier home land after conceding praise to this undermanned company . They were commanded by a British engineer , Lt. John Chard and infantry Lt. Gonville Bromhead . They sang this song in Cambraic or ENglish interpretation , which I could only imagine to be : “Welchmen will not yield.”
It was inspiring.
The 1964 movie Zulu with Michael Caine addressed this, although it gave short shrift on what the British battalions endured. The insidious nature of the Christian missionary is revealed. Ancient song vocalized, “The Men of Harlech”. It is likely that Hollywood will remake Zulu with a reversed view, showing the zulu’s as heroes first, then martyrs, with the inspiring John Barry symphonic score replaced by Africans’ hooting and drumbeats.
I like this version of “Men of Harlech” better. Ted Turner loved this movie and frequently broadcast it on his cable TV channel.
BTW, this has an interesting address. Did you guys post it to YouTube?