Meeting the Brilliant Minds at Mensa South (Not)
by H. Peary
WHEN PEOPLE HERE IN THE SOUTH ask me or my wife why we came here, I give them a few reasons (escaping the anti-White insanity of the Pacific Northwest is one), but they never say anything in reply. I guess they don’t believe me. So to meet some local people, I re-joined Mensa, the supposedly high-IQ society, thinking I might encounter some interesting people. It was rather disappointing.
I went there yesterday and all the buzz was about their regional gathering that was to be… wait for it…. pirate-themed. Silly hats, t-shirts, etc. I do not do pirates.
I have not really found anyone at the Mensa meetings who seems smart and well-informed. (There is a good English fellow who drops by every few months, but he is an exception. An outsider.)
Since no one ever raises any interesting subjects, I raised the question of the new special San Francisco welfare program (“Guaranteed Income for Transgender People,” or “GIFT Program”) that gives $1,200 per month to “trans” freaks, and I mentioned the 96 “genders” they identified on their application form. No one thought it was odd. Or they didn’t dare say so.
The LocSec (local secretary) said he had attended a lecture and the speaker had said that there “were always hundreds of genders.” Then he launched into a story about how slavery in the American South was “the worst in the world.” I showed him decisively that the Arab slave trade was worse, but no one “heard” me. (Self-styled “elite” Southerners have a thing about historical self-abuse.)
When I noted that the Seattle “public health” department has decriminalized fentanyl, I just got blank stares.
Later, as I was leaving, one woman asked about the 96-gender “trans” program, but only so she could launch into a long story about how some child of her friends had “struggled and suffered” to be “trans,” with the parents not approving — but she did approve. Next to her was an obvious lesbian of the rather obese persuasion who said little. I did not bother to tell her that, out west, many Lesbians are now called “Nazis” because of their retained “cis-ness.”
I have concluded that not only Southern Mensa members, but Southern conservatives and Southerners generally too, are simply out of the loop. They have no idea what is coming down the road and therefore may prove incapable of opposing it. They are extra nice to that child who wants to LARP as “trans,” not realizing they are dooming families and setting the stage for a serious, concerted attack on every part of society.
Separate, but still related, is the Southern pride in their (unexamined) role in the military. That pride does not allow for criticism. So when the local senator, Lindsey Graham, calls for the US to start shooting down Russian jets, he is just playing to his constituents. He “stands strong.” And stupid. But most people here only notice the “strong” part.
Southern conservatives are soft conservatives, and Southerners are as brainwashed as the masses on the west coast, just in a slightly different way. One Mensan boasted that “96% of the people here are vaccinated” in order to prove how “smart” and “scientific” South Carolinians are. Actually, the figure is about 62% — but he said it with pride, the pride of total obedience.
The attack simply has not begun here in earnest. But it is coming. One child at a time.
By the way, Mensa is a high-IQ group in country where high IQ is almost a hate crime. So how does Mensa deal with that problem? Beer and pirate hats.
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Source: White Biocentrism
I know what you mean! I have a friend in Mensa, and he says that he is a “Christian Witch.” He invited me to his Christmas/Yule Sabbat, and almost every woman there was topless. Southern people are fatalistic; they think that “the Lord” will save them. They are also rather careless about personal morality, because “the Lord” will forgive them the next day, or in the next five minutes.
There is a solution for this insanity.
They all need to be 100% vaccinated.
Lindsay Graham should take the lead
and roll up his sleeve.
And if ‘they’ don’t take the clot shots, what then Walt?
Will they still be around to help us or to hinder? Either way, we must gather those who want to move forward with our plans and goals.
Let’s get the history book out: The Puritans hanged, burned and drowned girls in their villages that they called. witches. They also hung Quakers. They did it in the name of the Jew god. I don’t think any section of the country is better than another.
I do recall going to the street as a teenager in the 1960s South. Us mean ole Southerners were fighting to maintain White Separation, while those in the rest of the country were busy filling their bellies with pudding in readiness to turn on their face and die. We called them Time-Servers. We had a chance to turn things around. Modern racism is fifty years behind schedule.
The past is past and gone forever, so which way now White man? For my part, it’s this.
Thank you Jim. Modern racism has a reputation of insulting White people. I am not used to that. I cut my teeth on southern racism. We did not argue or lecture each other about race. We focused on White separation in accordance with the laws of nature. “Whites Only” signs all over the place.
Be a part of the solution, ac, and apply to join us. The road to separation needs men and woman to dedicate ourselves to Our Cause.
I heard about Mensa before I ever went to college. I could have joined based solely on my SAT score; however, I sensed that it would be a place for losers who never had the character to accomplish anything in life despite being intelligent. I suspect being in Mensa is the only thing these people can feel good about in their lives.
Intelligence is important, but character is more important.
Mensa south sounds like what I would expect Mensa north, west, and east would be like- a group comprised mostly of arrogant though socially awkward, schizoaffective, jewish liberal faggots. My perspective as a Southern woman- there are many very intelligent Whites in the South- despite what the Northern jews say. We just don’t join Mensa. This will sound assuming and egotistical- everything you would expect from a Mensa member- but I didn’t join because I didn’t want to attend the meetings and be around “those people”. And now that I’ve heard the pirates and beer story? Well, all I can say is that me, pirate costumes, beer, and jews at one venue will end with me going to jail. The problem with the South isn’t the high IQ jew it’s… Read more »