Call to ActionGraphic

New Outreach Tools for Love Your Race Week and Dresden

by Dale Bennett

THE NATIONAL ALLIANCE graphics repository at just added four new items: 1) a simple and elegant rendering of the Cosmotheist Affirmation, suitable for framing (National Alliance members and supporters already received a finely-printed version of this on card stock in the mail with their January issue of the National Alliance BULLETIN); 2) a new high-resolution graphic designed for our Love Your Race campaign that can be cropped and printed as desired to fit many different media delivery formats such as stickers, fliers, etc.; 3) a Dresden: the real Holocaust bumper sticker with scannable QR code to bring public attention to the real history of the Second World War; and 4) a smaller sticker with the same Dresden: the real Holocaust theme and QR code, suitable for placement on bulletin boards or signposts or wherever stickers are allowed.

(The QR code — which looks like a square pattern of black and white blocks — allows smartphone users to simply scan the code with their phone’s camera and go directly to our Web site, without having to type in or memorize a url. In this particular case, the code goes to our classic article on the firebombing of Dresden, one of the greatest war crimes in human history.)

The Alliance used to sell all our stickers and graphics through our book store, but with the proliferation of print shops (both local and online) it makes sense now for activists to get these printed directly, so we offer these high resolution files for free.

Check out all the free National Alliance graphics at for all your activism needs. Really, is there any better use of your time? I say that getting the message out to our people that there is an emergency that threatens our very existence and that they are not alone — we in the National Alliance community are with them is one of the most important things I do. Our stickers and fliers help me do exactly that.

Reminder: Love Your Race week runs from now until 14 February, and the anniversary of the Dresden Holocaust is on that same day, the 14th, Valentine’s Day.

* * *

Source: Author

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The Truth is Out There
The Truth is Out There
8 February, 2023 9:16 am

What does it mean that the creed says that my “destiny is Godhood”? I don’t understand how this works.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  The Truth is Out There
8 February, 2023 1:10 pm

The innate striving for perfection in all things is part of our race-soul is being explicitly recognized here. It’s a path for all to do their best over a long period of time.

The Truth is Out There
The Truth is Out There
Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
8 February, 2023 4:21 pm

OK, thanks. Was beginning to think that the Alliance was Mormon. Or Hare Krishna. I remember that the Krishnas had a monthly magazine called “Return to Godhead.”

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  The Truth is Out There
8 February, 2023 11:31 pm

The Cosmotheist Affirmation was composed by William Pierce in 1974 for the belief system he had been formulating — that became the spiritual foundation for the National Alliance, as opposed to, say, Christianity, the Jew-spawned belief system that worships the Jews’ tribal god. You might want to look into it: Cosmotheism: Religion of the Future by William Pierce – Cosmotheism ( “Deep inside all of us, in our race-soul, there is a source of divine wisdom, of ages-old wisdom, of wisdom as old as the Universe. That is the wisdom, the truth, of Cosmotheism. It is a truth of which most of us have been largely unconscious all our lives, but which now we have the opportunity to understand clearly and precisely.”Thus William Pierce bids men and women of European… Read more »

gary bink
gary bink
Reply to  The Truth is Out There
9 February, 2023 6:16 am

Kevin’s essay titled Sermons and Dreams does an excellent job explaining this part of our affirmation. It is found in our book Cosmotheism Religon of the future. It’s available at our bookstore. I highly recommend it.

Steve Carlson
Steve Carlson
9 February, 2023 8:19 pm

What sort of printer would you recommend for printing high-quality copies of these flyers?

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Steve Carlson
10 February, 2023 3:46 am

Any printer with the capability of sending a digital file directly to their copying machine is the best available at this time, in my opinion. Do not print a copy then have it scanned by a copier, the copy quality would suffer.

16 February, 2023 3:20 pm

Dresden, part of the unimaginable genocide inflicted on Germany by the Jewry and their Western tools, it’s shattering me to the core every time I even begin thinking about it. Dwarfing everything else in history. If I remember well, something like 14 millions German civilians were murdered by the “allies”, many millions of them being children and women horrifically raped and slaughtered. What a beautiful, hopeful, industrious people that was, the envy of the world, and the backbone of this country too. With the colossal truth being kept 1 mile underground, these fliers are the tiny something we have the human duty of doing to commemorate those millions of obliterated souls. At least among the few of us who still stand in this age of orc. Thank you.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Guest
16 February, 2023 10:02 pm

Not only do we honor our people’s ancestors with action, but also our descendants. Let’s make our renown for acting to put our race on a higher, progressive path of Life today so that our posterity can know and follow in our footsteps. While we live and breathe we can and should act on their behalf too. Another action is to and do likewise with others of our race and commit to our cause in full.