Love Your Race 2023
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 4 February, 2023
by Kevin Alfred Strom
LAST YEAR was the 20th anniversary of Jewish Harvard professor Noel Ignatiev’s pronouncment that the White race must be abolished. Ignatiev urged his fellow Jews and their Gentile sycophants and dupes to “keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed — not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed.” A clearer call to dehumanization and genocide has hardly ever been uttered.
In those 20 years, the Jews have made good on their plan. Recently a creature named Donald Yacovone, also ensconced at Harvard and who gets some filthy lucre from the wildly misnamed “PBS” “Public Broadcasting System,” bemoaned the fact that in years past American school textbooks actually passed on the idea of White American identity to White American students. He wrote that “Embodying the values to be treasured by rising generations of Americans, textbook authors passed on ideas of white American identity from generation to generation” as if that was a bad thing.
And I hardly need to tell you that, in this Age of Floyd, the War on White People has accelerated by orders of magnitude. It’s so obvious that even Joe Sixpack and Sally Soccermom are aware of it, though they may be unaware of exactly who is behind that war, and they are largely still afraid to say much about it, except in whispered remarks after carefully looking over their shoulders. Still, there is progress; there is increased awareness.
Just look at the headlines:
“Professors want academia to stop citing straight White men.”
“Want to heal yourself from toxic Whiteness? This class can help.”
“White men must be stopped. The very future of mankind depends on it.” (I don’t think they thought that one through very well; they need to have a nice long sensitivity session with professor Ann Lesby down in the Women’s Studies building.)
“Racist White women: an American legacy.”
“America’s getting less White, and that will save it.”
“We must end White privilege at any cost.”
I could go on and on.
And does this relentless anti-White onslaught in the media and the academy have consequences in the real world? You bet it does.
For one thing, it drives many among the lower races into a violent frenzy of anti-White hate.
Just this week, an emergency room physician, Dr. Michael John Mammone of Laguna Beach, Califiornia, was peacefully riding his bicycle down the road when an enraged male Black drove his luxury Lexus automobile directly into him from behind. After striking and partially crushing Dr. Mammone, the Black — named Vanroy Evan Smith — exited his vehicle, got out a knife, and repeatedly stabbed him, killing him, all the while screaming about “White privilege.” The Congoid and the Doctor had never met. The grotesquely ugly and lower-than-animal creature had apparently no motive except rabid hatred for a good-looking White man. The National Alliance demands a public investigation be made of all of the killer’s phones and computers and other devices to determine if he was a consumer of any anti-White media prior to his murderous act. An additional investigation needs to be made of all media outlets who knew about, but either removed or never published the fact that the attack was racially motivated.
Even worse than the incitement of non-Whites to violence is the criminal and immoral promotion of the idea that it is somehow “wrong” or “immoral” for Whites to be cautious around or avoid interactions with potentially hostile non-Whites — or, indeed, to have or express any consciousness whatever of their own racial interests.
What is the antidote to all this? First, raising racial consciousness among White people. Second, organizing ourselves into an unstoppable force. The second part of the plan depends on the first part. And that is the purpose of the Love Your Race campaign: Beginning on 7 February, next Tuesday, and running until the Tuesday after that, 14 February, Valentine’s Day, spread our National Alliance “Love Your Race” fliers and stickers and other graphics all over your community. It is very, very hard for our enemies to condemn our totally positive “Love Your Race” message without making themselves look very hateful in the process.
Every February 14th and in the week leading up to it we in the National Alliance work to build among our fellow White men and women an awareness that we should love our race. For more than a decade, Valentine’s Day has been the culmination of our “Love Your Race” campaign. I’ve provided links in the text version of this broadcast for both color and black-and-white graphics, some for 8.5 by 11 sheets, some for banners or stickers, that you can have printed and distribute widely this month. Let’s work together and increase racial consciousness. Just click on the images for the full size versions. (You can also go to for more downloadable and printable National Alliance graphics — fliers, pamphlets, and stickers.)
We should love our race despite its flaws. One such flaw is the unfortunately widespread inability to acknowledge who it is who has declared war on us — and, make no mistake, there is a war on White people today. And recognizing who exactly it is that has declared war on you is a necessary precondition for defeating them. Beware the grifters! They are all over social media today, trying to exploit your growing love for your race and purposely minimizing or concealing from you the fact that the huge anti-White army arrayed against us is gathered and coordinated and promoted primarily by one entity — the Jewish power structure. Anyone who tries to divert you into believing otherwise is working against our race’s true interests; is either confused, or trying to take your energy and money and divert it into dead-end channels, or is working for the enemy. For an enemy you cannot name is an enemy you cannot understand, and an enemy you cannot understand is an enemy you cannot defeat.
Luckily, the inability to name our enemy is not inherent — it is learned, through fear, intimidation, misinformation, and false religion. And because it is learned, it can be unlearned. By spreading the message of the National Alliance, you can be a part of that educational process.
And let me take a moment to say what I say every single February as we begin our Love Your Race Campaign:

I love my people. I love my people despite their shortcomings. I love them because they are my kind and I understand them — and some of them understand what I am saying today. We see the world in ways that no other people can see it. We show that special understanding in our art, written and visual. I feel that special understanding in the knowing wisdom of my elders, in the smiles and laughter and wonder and questioning of White children, the like of which is not to be seen elsewhere on Earth.
When we hear Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony or the haunting melody of a old folk song — that’s the White race.
When we see the magnificent buildings of Federal Washington or Imperial London or the Acropolis or Moscow or the Seven Hills of Rome — that’s the White race.
When we read of the exploits of Pythagoras or the Wright Brothers or Edison or Arthur Rudolph — that’s the White race.
When we read the words of Edgar Allan Poe or Lord Dunsany or John Dryden or Raymond Chandler — that’s the White race.
When we effortlessly download libraries-full of information with the click of a mouse — when we share our thoughts and ideas instantly across the oceans, connected by radio waves to the endless stream of ones and zeros that is the Internet, all as we sit in our rooms made comfortable in the dead of Winter by invisible and silent machinery — that is the White race.
When we stand on the surface of another world and look back at the Earth — or when we send robots to other worlds to tell us what is there — that is the White race.
When we gaze into the microcosm of the cell and read the ancient code of the DNA that makes us what we are — that is the White race.
When we hear the children’s choir sing at Yuletide and are moved to tears by their soaring voices — that is the White race.
The greatest and most beautiful things of this Earth have been made by White people. We should love ourselves. We should love the Life Force that moves in us, and has made us what we are — a unique life stream like no other, and with a destiny that is ours alone.
In loving our race, we love that destiny also. For it is not just for ourselves as we are now — that we should be moved to love. What should move you to love is the realization that all these things that I have mentioned — the great works of art and of science and of knowledge — all these things are just the bare beginnings of something that is coming. The White race — great as it is, and there is none greater — has so far only managed to raise itself just an inch or two above the primeval slime of our beginnings. That is only the first step on an immense journey, a journey to the stars and beyond. So love your race — for what it is, and for what it is becoming.
There will be another and greater Shakespeare — if our race lives on. There will be a new Hellas, and I do not know for certain that it will be on Earth — if our race lives on. There will be new technology which will be to the microprocessor what the microprocessor is to a stick in the sand — if our race lives on. There will be new Bachs and Beethovens, new Leonardos and Canovas — if our race lives on. There will be new spacecraft, compared to which the Saturn V rocket will be like a child’s red wagon, and the silver seed of the Life of our race will take root on new worlds — if our race lives on.
It is not so much to preserve what we are now that we fight — though we must do that. It is the unwritten and unknown future, rich with infinite possibilities, that is at stake. It is the promise that is in us that must be kept, the promise of our children and our children’s children. The potential death of our race is a tragedy we must prevent because we would be killing something that has just begun; we would not even know what we were killing.
Nietzsche said that man is something that must be overcome. He meant that man did not defeat the beast in him, the beast that was his forebear, just to exist in perpetuity as he is. Man, European Man, is a bridge to something higher, something greater, something that our best thinkers and artists can only hint at now.
Love your race? Yes. Despite all imperfections and shortsightedness, and despite the temporarily successful assault of the Jewish Opponent, despite it all — Love Your Race. Everything depends on it. And nothing else matters.
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You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at and Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help.
The late E.R. doctor was bicycling in Dana Point, California. I read the article earlier. His age was reported as 58, which is something if the photo of him was recent. He looked better than most people 20 years younger. I used to live not too far from where this took place. It was once a lovely beach city, but gradually got polluted by more mestizos over the years. I don’t know how they afford to live there, because it’s been a pricey place to live in. The Negroes of Orange County were generally well behaved and as far as I know, law-abiding Oreo cookie types who worked at real jobs, and most tended to be those MAGA hat wearing Black republicans. Generally trim and in shape and neatly dressed… Read more »
This page is an excellent alternative to
the so-called “Black History Month.”
Excellent broadcast, as usual, Kevin — and excellent new Love Your Race stickers, bringing to five of them now available on our flier site: Free National Alliance Fliers / Graphics | National Alliance ( Please add the image at the top here as well for our activists to choose from six instead of just five.
I have been following the black on WHITE and other assorted non-white savages and the violence against WHITE people since I became a national alliance member in 1983. Along with other organizations and newsletters and talking to racially awareWHITE people , I came to the point decades ago that racial separation is the only way and the only choice, Period !!! The only time I want to deal with non WHITE individuals is Ephraim in a grocery store or have to do it because of public works reasons on jobs. other than that I want nothing to do with any non- WHITE creature. The Jew, and especially the WHITE race traitor , are now not even trying to hide they are genocidal hatred of the WHITE RACE, I support WHITE… Read more »
“Polite and minimal” is how the National Alliance’s policy of interactions with non-Whites is expressed, and you’ve conducted yourself well in that regard.
I was lucky enough to have grown up in a predominantly White community. Our grocery store and other local businesses were staffed by young White workers. White teens had stocking, cashiering, lawn mowing, delivering papers and fast food work as their starter jobs.
Our elementary school janitor and custodian were both elderly Whites and the cafeteria ladies were all White matrons.
The teachers OTOH, must’ve had some preferential hiring for blacks because the school had only one black kid in each grade.
Tonight I celebrate my decision to end my 5-year funk by applying for a job (and fresh start) in northern Michigan. I live in a large leftist metropolis where the antiwhite community has badly beaten me down spiritually these last few years. My job is good but I had become dead inside, fearful to leave my condo and engage my brainwashed neighbors. One such neighbor has a “Destroy White Supremacy” sticker on their window. Colleagues talk endlessly about D.E.I. at work. Ghastly folks. But seeing articles from Mr. Strom and Mr. Mercer and so many others tonight reaffirms my faith that brighter, whiter days lay ahead. Bless you all.
Being around Whites is a good thing generally, but joining our National Alliance community and bringing our values to the Whites you surround yourself with is even better when it comes to bringing a new order among ourselves. The articles are important and other tasks need doing to get us to where we want to go. See for yourself what we have in mind, then join us:
Very true. The White race is the pinnacle of life evolution on this Planet; there is nothing better or even remotely approaching it (including too much overvalued East Asians). But the love of White race presupposes an uncompromising rejection of all those degenerate tendencies that were accumulated in it. The problem is that the bigger part of the presently living whites are not worthy of their race. They lost their identity and voluntarily became white niggers. This scum must have no place in any future arrangement. This point must be especially accentuated. The love of White race doesn’t mean an acceptance of white degenerates. Those who chose to become racial traitors or in any other way to defile White race, must be thrown out mercilessly. The higher the ideal the… Read more »