White Fertility and the Very Jewy Promotion of Cannabis
by B.E. Clover
THEODORE KACZYNSKI ONCE SAID, “Imagine a society that subjects people to conditions that make them terribly unhappy then gives them the drugs to take away their unhappiness. Science fiction? It is already happening to some extent in our own society. Instead of removing the conditions that make people depressed modern society gives them antidepressant drugs. In effect antidepressants are a means of modifying an individual’s internal state in such a way as to enable him to tolerate social conditions that he would otherwise find intolerable.”
At the time he wrote this, antidepressant drugs were confined to being prescribed to adults only. Flash forward to 2023, and 40% of Generation Z is on, or has been on, heavy-duty stimulants, psychotropics, and/or anti-depressants since childhood.
For the rest who escaped childhood without being heavily medicated by their Gen X and older Millennial parents, legalized Big Cannabis has spun a web of falsehoods and propaganda that rivals Big Tobacco — with White youth squarely in the crosshairs.
There is nothing White about cannabis; Mestizo Mexicans first brought marijuana to the US in 1910. Jews would go on to glorify its usage as “biblical.” It should come as no surprise that early efforts to bring cannabis into the mainstream through research into possible use by the medical establishment started in the 1960s and was spearheaded by the Jews Raphael Mechoulam and Yechiel Gaoni in Israel. This “medical marijuana”/cannabis effort was funded by the Israeli government. Legalizing cannabis use was long considered a libertarian mantra; and it was first legalized, medically, in California in 1996. It was further promoted in the US in 2012 in a piece on CNN by Jewish IDF lieutenant Yosef Glassman, “Medical Marijuana without the High,” which featured an 80-year-old Israeli self-proclaimed “Holocaust survivor” and author Moshe Roth smoking “medical marijuana” on camera. Medical marijuana opened the door to legalized recreational cannabis.
Cannabis has severe consequences for White fertility, already at all-time lows. In males the reproductive consequences of cannabis, medical and recreational, include: changes to the genetic profile of sperm while passing these changes on to offspring; testicular atrophy (reduces size and can lead to the loss of function); lower sperm counts; lower sperm concentration; lower sperm quality; and lower motility (movement) and morphology (size and shape of individual sperm). Cannabis can also cause erectile disfunction.
There have been several studies that have looked at the effects of cannabis use on male fertility. Here are a few examples:
- “The Impact of Marijuana Use on Male Reproductive Hormones and Semen Quality” published in the Journal of Andrology in 2015, found that men who smoked marijuana had lower levels of testosterone and luteinizing hormone, and that the concentration of sperm in their semen was significantly lower compared to men who did not smoke marijuana.
- A 2018 study in Human Reproduction found that smoking marijuana was associated with a 29% decrease in sperm concentration and a 52% decrease in total sperm count.
- A study published in the Journal of Fertility and Sterility in 2020, that included over 6500 men, found that cannabis use was associated with decreased semen volume, sperm concentration, motility and normal morphological traits.
Both sexes have been shown to suffer a reduction in sex drive and performance due to cannabis usage, and female fertility is not immune to the effects of medical and recreational marijuana.
A number of studies have found that cannabis use may be associated with changes in menstrual cycles and ovulation, which can affect fertility. For example, a study published in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2016 (cited below) found that women who used cannabis had a much higher risk of ovulatory infertility (i.e. difficulty getting pregnant due to problems with ovulation) compared to women who did not use cannabis.
Additionally, some studies have found that cannabis use may be associated with changes in levels of certain hormones involved in ovulation and pregnancy, such as luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone.
Here are a few examples of studies that have looked at the effects of cannabis use on female fertility:
- “Cannabis use and ovulatory infertility” published in Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2016 found that cannabis use was associated with a 30% higher risk of ovulatory infertility.
- “The effects of marijuana use on fertility and a review of recent literature” published in the Journal of Ovarian Research in 2018, stated that cannabis use can affect the menstrual cycle and ovulation, leading to infertility.
- A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism in 2020, that included over 900 women, found that the regular cannabis use was associated with alterations in menstrual cycles, decreased ovulatory function and ovarian reserve, as well as alterations in anti-Mullerian hormone.
Cannabis usage in females leads to damaged eggs that struggle to produce viable embryos and pregnancy, resulting in an increase in miscarriages. Add to this the delayed age of White women attempting motherhood — fertility starts decreasing at age 25 for women with depleted eggs and quality of eggs, such as those damaged by regular cannabis usage — and Whites have a very real fertility crisis.
All the while, cannabis usage in White nationalist and even National Socialist circles exists; some are open about it, and some are secretive. There is nothing about cannabis that is National Socialist: It goes against the ideals and goals of sound minds, sound bodies, reverence for and immersion in Nature, and active lifestyles. To struggle is to be Aryan — and we do not see struggle as the Jews perceive it, but in an Aryan way: We embrace it, for it strengthens our minds, bodies, and hearts. As Adolf Hitler once said, “Obstacles do not exist to be surrendered to, but only to be broken.” Medicating ourselves to the point we no longer care is not compatible with that attitude toward life.
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Source: Author
& yet it is the other Semite branch, Muslim/Arabs that operate & own the Tobacco shops here in the Chicago area.
They took 10 years of my life – my 20s entirely, practically – with their medication. The waste of talent, time and productivity par excellence. I can’t believe they had our doctors indoctrinated with the reflex of always falling back to medication-prescribing, it’s not even funny how otherwise (somewhat) intelligent White human beings seem to see everything medication-oriented or medication-marked. And as for cannabis, today I am absolutely incompatible with it, it would trigger psychosis. I have to watch out not to accidentally inhale it even from a reasonable distance; it is that dangerous to my brain, period. The smell acts as an alert, warning me there is weed nearby. Just that, forces me to stay away from big centers and cities, which is a good thing when you think… Read more »
Zemma: They took 10 years of my life – my 20s entirely, practically – with their medication… — They? Really? Who are you referring to here, Zemma? — As for cannabis, today I am absolutely incompatible with it, it would trigger psychosis. I have to watch out not to accidentally inhale it even from a reasonable distance; it is that dangerous to my brain, period. The smell acts as an alert, warning me there is weed nearby. Just that, forces me to stay away from big centers and cities, which is a good thing when you think about it… — I’m glad to hear you got your life back by putting aside the “medication” that “they” had you hooked on in your 20s. Why in the world did it take… Read more »
When I was a young artist, I thought it would be cool to try marijuana. I bought a “nickel bag” and smoked a joint. It allowed my to hear certain instruments in Brahms’ Third Sympony (the Pastoral) that I had never heard before, but my art suffered. I flushed my “nickel bag” down the toilet.
Ha! This just in: Willie Nelson “busted” by powerful big pharma: Big Pharma In Outrage Over Willie Nelson’s CBD: Complete Strength CBD – He Fires Back With This! – Hempington Post
CBD is a byproduct of the hemp plant: CBD Removed from Schedule 1 Drug List by DEA as CBD Gummies Become a Trend – NewsBlaze News
I was never medicated as a kid and my only personal experiences with pot were a few peer pressure-induced joints in my early 20s, which just made me feel nauseous and a ‘magic brownie’, which had me trundling around Amsterdam dizzy and in a fog for 3 days.
I always knew that stuff was bad and this is just more confirmation.
It is beyond useless to vaguely allude to so many supposed studies and not bother to provide a single link (or a citation number) to any one of them. The few for which even a title was included, a search of the journal’s archive, PMC and PubMed turned up nothing. By far the most perplexing mention was: ““The Impact of Marijuana Use on Male Reproductive Hormones and Semen Quality” published in the Journal of Andrology in 2015”. Because the journal published its last issue in 2013 (https://doi.org/10.2164/jandrol.112.017509). At any rate, there has been research since. “Cannabinoid exposure and altered DNA methylation in rat and human sperm” – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6986792/ There has also been further research on cannabis in regards to fertility and other matters of reproductive health. But we don’t really… Read more »
I had no idea how harmful cannabis was for infertility. And it’s insanity they just made it legal to use.
The author is right. When conditions became unbearable, the system promotes drugs for the population to use and ignore how wrong things are.
The Order we are building using the framework of the National Alliance involves men and women who aren’t addicted nor seek to abuse any substance. The infertility aspect of cannabis is particularly deadly to our race as it prevents us from reproducing, and is recognized as a threat to us. The power of making and executing government policy is one of our short term goals to assist us in getting our race back on track, for that we do need those who recognize our individual responsibility to join with us to accomplish this and many other goals. Many here have noticed I’ll include the link http://www.natall.com/about/what-is-the-national-alliance/ to explain our goals at length, it’s because of the need for those who would be supportive or productive members to understand what we… Read more »
Vaccine Placebo Israel-