MLK 2023: Cracks in the Plaster
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 14 January, 2023
by Kevin Alfred Strom
I WROTE AND BROADCAST THE first version of my exposé of “Martin Luther King, Jr.” in 1993, so I’ve been calling out this operative of our enemies for 30 years now. Our current flier, “No King Over Us,” is based on my 1994 revision of that program — and is still being mass distributed today. We expose King as an adulterer, a Communist, a willing tool in the war on White America, a liar, a plagiarist, and a serial abuser of both women of his own race and of White women. And as the years go by, the National Alliance is proved to be right about King again and again and again.
I call King a plaster saint, and as more formerly “sealed” and hidden information on King continues to come out, that description is proved more and more apt. A few years ago, we were able to see for the first time the FBI memos on the agency’s surveillance of King, showing that he encouraged the rape of a woman in his presence, laughed about it as it took place, and then encouraged further rapes when the first one was over — all the while, acting light-hearted and casual about it, as if he had witnessed or participated in the same sort of thing many times before, which he probably had. In 2027, the FBI’s recordings themselves are scheduled to be released. So the more careful and far-seeing among the anti-Whites are starting to de-emphasize, even ditch King.
In 2019, a multiracialist academic named Jason Miller, Professor of English at North Carolina State University, wrote an article for The Conversation titled “I’m an MLK scholar – and I’ll never be able to view King in the same light” in which he explained why he was cancelling his upcoming studies on King, finding his degeneracy and abuse of women just too much to stomach. He said:
The most damaging memos describe King witnessing a rape in a hotel room. Instead of stopping it, handwritten notes in the file say he encouraged the attacker to continue….
[A]gents knew that King and a group including Baltimore Pastor Logan Kearse were going to be staying at the Willard Hotel in January 1964 days before he ever arrived.
By bugging the room, they were able to listen in on King and at least 11 others [as they] participated in what the FBI memos describe as “an orgy” on Jan. 6, 1964.
The microphones also picked up activities from the night before, when Kearse, who died in 1991, allegedly sexually assaulted one of his parishioners. According to the memos, King was in the room. The handwritten note indicates that King didn’t just observe the assault – he laughed.
Worse, instead of trying to stop the incident, the memos say King apparently offered advice to the perpetrator, encouraging the abuse….
Others might try to argue that abuse precedes abuse, and that the long legacy of slavery still informed the actions of these revered black clergy who subconsciously became like their oppressors. This legacy, of course, often included white men raping black women and sometimes disowning their children.
But I don’t think any filter of rationalization can soften this portrait of King. I’m not prepared to wait eight years, and I’ve halted my two scholarly projects about King.
I’ve also started thinking about what happens next.
What will the next Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebrations look like? Will other details emerge? Will more women come forward? Will community centers, schools and streets need to be renamed? Will statues come down, or will they remain – and give fodder to those who justify keeping Confederate monuments?
King espoused nonviolence. If these memos are true, such a stance feels hypocritical.
The narrative has just changed. And if scholarship and true biographical research matters at all, one thing is clear: These FBI memos may have forever damaged King’s legacy.
A multiracialist White attorney in North Carolina named Paul F. Petrick — so negrophilic he even joined the NAACP — published an op-ed last year openly calling for the abolition of King Day, saying:
One of history’s great ironies is that King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize the same year he aided and abetted rape. Unfortunately, his famous insistence on nonviolence did not extend to his personal life. But his public life is something worth celebrating and the streets, schools, and monuments named in his honor should remain. The tapes may even add to the canon of King’s famous utterances engraved in the granite wall surrounding his D.C. memorial. But the federal holiday honoring his birth is a different story. A society constantly razing monuments and renaming buildings as it attempts to conform the past to the present is sick. But a society that honors the birthday of a sex criminal is even sicker.
I’ve seldom read a more schizoid piece. Petrick thinks that King Day should be gotten rid of — but also thinks that the Communist sex-abuser’s “life is something worth celebrating”? He thinks that his monuments should still stand. And he even — it’s really hard to wrap my mind around this one — thinks that the FBI tapes to be released in 2027 could “add to the canon of King’s famous utterances engraved in the granite wall” surrounding his memorial. So, they’re going to engrave “get yo ass ovah heah, I got a White bitch fo yo entertainment” or the like on his monument? Such are the depths to which America has fallen. The good thing is that it’s all so obvious now that almost everyone, except brain-dead conservatives, can see it.
In a piece by Richard Houck we learn that:
MLK was little more than a convenient avatar, a ventriloquist dummy through which his Jewish puppet master, Stanley David Levison, waged war against his host nation. Levison influenced King to the point of ordering him to say nothing without his prior approval.[1]
This is no mere coincidence. Jews were well entrenched in the Civil Rights movement. Thousands of Jews marched with King from Selma,[2] Jewish lawyers and Jewish money were prominent in staffing and funding civil rights organizations,[3] and Jewish House member Emanual Celler introduced the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which decreed that privately-owned businesses could not discriminate on the basis of race; the Fair Housing Act of 1968, which ruled that Whites-only neighborhoods were illegal; and finally, the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, which flooded our nation with aliens from whom we could not legally separate due to the other two acts. All of these huge assaults on White society were aided by King and his Jewish handlers.
Someone who worked closely with Communists, as an apparatchik himself; a semi-literate plagiarizer; a degenerate reprobate who spent his spare time in drunken orgies; an abuser of women — all these are accurate descriptions of King.[4] Yet as a nation, we decided that he was worthy to join the ranks of George Washington and Christopher Columbus, and that his life was worth reflecting upon in the same manner as Thanksgiving, Memorial Day, and Christmas.
The plaster is cracking everywhere we look. It may look solid if you’re a big media consumer and know little beyond what Ellen and Oprah and CNN and all the rest of the liars tell you. It may look solid if you use nothing but Jewish sites like Google and Facebook to get your information. Most of the controlled media are still putting out garbage and lies promoting King. They still advise readers of their Web sites and Sunday supplements to attend all the various “King events” in their areas. They still write increasingly shrill editorials insisting that Mr. Subversive Rape Enabler was “doing the work of God,” as a Colorado Springs Gazette article actually claimed. They’ll trot out Jew or Jew-trained “feminists” and Blacks who will try to explain away the new evidence and pump up the old “King as Saint” lies one more time. But even the trained seals of academia and the media are starting to defect. The cracks are getting wider. The National Alliance exposé of King — still available as our “No King Over Us” pamphlet — is being proved right again and again as it now enters its 30th year of publication. Why not wake up a few more thousands yourself by printing it and getting it into the hands of your friends and neighbors? Telling the truth about this icon of anti-White hate is fun and inspiring — and so is winning, which we’re doing. As I said in a previous broadcast,
Saint Martin was a Jewish-funded, Jewish-controlled puppet of nearly the worst character imaginable, and was not only working to destroy White America but was also a betrayer of his own people, who sold out their independence and self-determination for filthy Jewish money and led them to the path of death through “integration.”
When just a small part of the FBI file on King was released in 2017, among its conclusions were that:
• King was surrounded by advisers with strong links to organized Communism (just as the National Alliance told you 30 years ago).
• MLK’s statements were always subject to approval by Communist operatives, especially his main handler, Jewish Communist Stanley Levison (just as the National Alliance told you 30 years ago).
• MLK was a secret supporter of Communism, “a whole-hearted Marxist” (just as the National Alliance told you a 30 years ago).
• His organization, the “Southern Christian Leadership Conference,” set up a “tax dodge” to raise funds for its activities and conceal Jewish/Communist sources (just as the National Alliance told you 30 years ago).
• MLK was unfaithful to his wife, and had sexual liaisons with numerous females, including part-Mestizo, part-White folk singer Joan Baez (just as the National Alliance told you 30 years ago).
• King took part in “drunken sex orgies” involving both Black and White prostitutes, coerced young women to take part in unnatural acts, and “initiated” them into illicit or perverted sex if they were hesitant (just as the National Alliance told you a 30 years ago).
The report states that King’s advisers and handlers — led by King’s Communist Jew ghost-writer Stanley Levison — approved everything King said in advance: “King is such a slow thinker he is usually not prepared to make statements without help from someone,” it reads.
So let’s get active. To start, watch or download the video of my 1994 broadcast that I will embed in the text version of this broadcast on To download it to your own hard drive, just right-click on it and then save the .mp4 file to the folder of your choice:
And, if you have access to streaming audio sites, download the audio version of my 1994 broadcast, which I’ll also embed, and share it on every audio site you can as well as on social media: Listen to or download our MLK exposé audio version
Then download and print out our excellent “No King Over Us” flier on King — and print out a few hundred copies and distribute them. The direct link is embedded in the text version of this show, but if you’re driving and listening, just remember and it’s easy to find there:
Here’s how to fold our “No King Over Us” fliers if you print them yourself (if you get them printed at a print shop they can fold them for you):
The truth is powerful. Courage is contagious. As the shameful “King holiday” approaches, get out there and do the honorable thing for your people. Until next time, remember the words of Richard Berkeley Cotten: “Freedom is not free; free men are not equal; and equal men are not free.”
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You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at and Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help.
Some years, I have to share a birthday with that despicable Congoid, if it falls on a Monday. I hate that! When I was a kid, it was littering the calendar, but it wasn’t yet a federal holiday. But this Monday, the county library, stock market, banks and post office are closed, as is delivery of mail. What on earth took the FBI so long to release the truth about that Black criminal? In fact, why in the hell are they holding out on releasing the rest of it until 2027?! Why didn’t the Federal Bureau of Intimidation simply release the truth about that bastard before our schools told us about this historical figure?? I will try my best to distribute the flyers, but I still have a feeling that… Read more »
Be heartened Nom De Guerre, we in the National Alliance/Cosmotheist community do have a Dr. William Luther Pierce day of remembrance as one of our holidays. It falls on September 11th, Dr. Pierce’s birthday, and this year will mark the 90th anniversary of that man’s birth. The Jewed system that “America” lives under is crumbling, decaying with every day that passes, and will not last forever. Neither will their phony, plastic gods and one day they’ll be swept aside and forgotten except as a reminder of days when we lived under a dysgenic and degenerate society so full of other artificial and often fraudulent constructs. Our purpose is the Creator’s purpose: to strive on an upward reaching path to advance our race towards greater heights towards self-completion. Our community is… Read more »
Jim, you not only do a great job of guiding us, by correcting false notions of what The National Alliance is really about, for example, but you do well in editing posts before they’re published.
One question about your editing however, is why do you put black starting with a capital ‘B’ when it’s not at the start of a sentence?
I only capitalize the’W’ in White, regardless of it’s position in any sentence.
I feel like a wannabe grammar Nazi.
Thank you, Nom De Guerre. The proper spelling of ours and other races are capitalized as it is a name. It’s been long practiced this way and Dr. Pierce was well known to have done so in his writings. Others, such as Jews in their propaganda, may wish to change this for rhetorical purposes that advance their agenda and it’s noticeable. I believe they’ve written their style manual to do this for the purposes of insulting us. We’re Whites, or Aryans if you prefer, and around here uphold the higher correct standard. I appreciate the help of others when being corrected myself, I’m not the greatest grammar National Socialist. ;)
Could you explain that better, Mark? I’m failing to understand your point.
Each year, On September 11th, I fly my life rune flag. Most of the time it gets ignored, but every once in a golden while it will bring a question from a curious neighbor, affording me the opportunity to spread Dr Pierce’s message.
It would be nice to have these conversations more often. Perhaps members should have a life rune flag like you.
I’m not sure how you’ll feel about this comment, but I am a black man who has read many of your articles and listened to your broadcasts for a little over a year now. I stumbled upon your website from a Reddit post about White supremacy, expecting to find a bunch of rednecks typing “NIGGER!” over and over again and nothing else. Instead I found people who were speaking about their race with the same passion that I have about mine. This article in particular struck a deep chord with me, because I’d long questioned why a man like King who pushed for integration was propped up over a man like Marcus Garvey, who told my people to go back to Africa and work their hardest to improve their ancestral… Read more »
Mr. Carter, as we’re both aiming for total separation (not segregation) of our two races, I feel this is the right course and attitude to have. To reach ours and your true potential, accomplishing that separation no matter what it takes, must be and will be done.
I agree completely. May our races live in peace and harmony on two completely separate continents. Hopefully separate planets eventually, but that might take a while.
Most – if not all – American Negroes have
anywhere between twenty to forty percent
Caucasian DNA. Africa is out of the question
for them, as they are no longer indigenous
to that region. Many of them are seeking a
homeland here on the North American
continent. I am not particularly fond of the
idea, but racial demographics seem to have
a manifest destiny of its own inertia.
Indeed. Most American Negroes are Black with White stripes. Some more than others. I think it’s more accurate to classify them as Off-Black instead of Black.
I always try and help my people, specially the youth understand that a Black nationalist and a White nationalist have a lot in common. The Jew wants to keep us at odds so as not to collectively turn on him. Honestly glad to see your comment.
There’s a video on of Tom Metzger giving a speech at a Black Panther rally in the early 1990s. I was surprised to realize nationalists have a lot in common. Pretty cool
Though we Alliance members don’t want our sisters and daughters in close proximity with Negroes (even ones Walt Hampton claims have 40% or more Caucasion DNA) that doesn’t mean that we and our Black separatist counterparts can’t find that we agree on some issues we share in common — a nightmare scenario for Jews, MLK fans, and others who push racial integration on our peoples. Read about and listen to the historic radio debate I had as an NA cadreman 27 years ago with the regional representative of the National of Islam, here: Forward Vision | National Vanguard Nothing has changed since Kevin closed his 2015 ADV show with this appeal to our audience: “It is incumbent on all of us who are racially conscious White men and women to… Read more »
Speaking of Cracks In The Plaster, or whatever medium was used, I just read this on SF about a headless sculpture of MLK and his wife, linked here Atrocious Headless Bronze Statue Honoring the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr!
A Black guy worked on it for 5 years.
The Beast as Saint – No King Over Us Campaign by Kevin Alfred Strom v3 (MLK Exposed)
I added on some supporting graphics and uploaded the above video to my Bitchute based upon the video in the article above.
I had never heard that about Joan Baez. There’s several photos of them together online. Also, what is a mestizo? Is that the same thing as a hispanic?
To put an answer your last two sentences, a Mestizo, is in nomenclature, A ‘Latin American’ description for a half Amerindian, half European person. However the term can be applied to varying percentages in admixture of those two races.
Amerindians are apparently derivative of archaic Mongoloidal peoples of the far east Siberian regions traversing to the American continents. But that is digressing this subject.
“Hispanic” is supposed to mean a person from Spain or the Iberian Penninsula but Politcal Correctness uses this term VERY BROADLY to describe ALL peoples from or within Latin America.
Black nationalists call him Martin Luther “Queen” because he was known to be a part time queer. The FBI has photos of him with the known queer civil rights hustler Bayard Rustin who was regularly arrested for soliciting sex in men’s toilets. The Harlem Congressmen Adam Clayton Powell kept King and all the Southern black race hustlers at arm’s length not out of jealousy but because they were all queer.
In Ralph Abernathy’s 1989 book it’s got a few pages about MLK having promiscuous sex. Also, reading Antonio’s comment made me think of a weird page in the book. Abernathy goes into intricate detail about MLK’s shaving habits and he goes on at length about “Martin’s soft skin”. Sounded very gay.
L. Philip Randolph was another race hustler fruit who Clayton Powell avoided. And the dreadful novelist and civil rights loudmouth James Baldwin was so sissified that even libtards found him repulsive.
In his brilliant biography of Malcom X, Manning Marable dared to write that Malcolm was queer in prison and his wife complained that he was a total flop in the sack. Marable got death threats.
Black nationalists claim that Blacks are especially targeted by globohomo. Not true. They are just especially susceptible to that poison.
When I click “Listen to the broadcast” a window looks like it is about to open with the audio, but then disappears. How do I get the audio to open?
I tested this on my device, Ryan, and found no issues. The broadcast began playing immediately after the new window popped up. Please retry or check your device’s settings.
It could be that there is a setting in the particular browser you are using that needs to be reset to allow the pop-up audio player to appear. On some browsers, you can access those settings by right-clicking inside the url window. Here’s a tutorial on how it’s done with Firefox:
Alternatively, you could just click on the “direct audio download” link (;O=D ) and click on the file you want to hear.
Thanks. It works in Firefox, but for some reason I can’t get the audio player to open in Chrome or Brave.
All those facts don’t matter. The holy Congoid is needed as an idol for all to worship. It is a symbol of Congoids as such. It isn’t a day of respect to a particular man but a day of obeissance to congoids. MLK is a perfect specimen of an average congoid.To compel all to worship a holy negro is the best way to institutionalize humiliation of White race .
This. They’re in the middle phase of turning the base Negro into the Gods of the Aryans. It’s all part of the plan.
The dissemination of this truth ultimately ended my 25 year career. I have no regrets. No sacrifice is to great to rid our people of the despicable lie of MLK and his jewish masters. This has been a roadblock far to long. The truth becomes clearer and clearer as the years go by. Thank you Kevin for your steadfast service to your people. I am proud to serve with you.
I have a problem. My daughter is nine years old and has begun to hear at her school about this monster, who is, of course, presented to her as a kind of hero. I don’t know how to tell her what he really was. I can’t tell her that he was a sex fiend; she wouldn’t even understand that. There are very few blacks at her school or in our town, so it would hard for her to imagine them as a threat. I would be grateful for some insightful advice.
You can start by explaining to her that, for various reasons which you can get into little by little, there are a lot of lies about almost all famous people. In the meantime just guard her well and keep her safe.
I had it a little easier than you, since we were for many years living in an all black neighborhood in a mega city. For us, all we had to do was go outside to see what blacks were really like. I still went slowly with the counter arguments, wanting to let them come to their own conclusions when possible. Having boys, there was not as much pressure to “be nice”. Girls do not want to be seen as “mean”. Facts matter less than feelings with them. No, you can’t tell her he was a sex fiend, but all children can understand lying and stealing are bad, and telling your daughter about King’s plagiarism (stealing) and lying (quoting without attribution is saying you wrote something when in fact someone else… Read more »
Children understand a lot more and much earlier than most adults give them credit for.
A racially responsible White parent does not have to home-school his children to shield them from anti-White lies. Enough information can be learned right here on NV to counter establishment propaganda taught in public and church schools, even pre-school:
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Martin Luther King, Jr.