
Can Jordan Peterson Sink Any Lower?

YOU’VE PROBABLY READ ABOUT the DealBook Summit held in New York recently. Sponsored by the ((New York Times)) and directed by ((Andrew Ross Sorkin)) it was more like a bar mitzvah than an economic conference, featuring as it did such luminaries as Janet Yellen, Mark Zuckerberg, Vladimir Zelensky, Benjamin Netenyahu, and Amazon CEO Andy Jassy. In fact the only goy of consequence was that back-stabbing Judas Mike Pence. However the star of the show was Samuel Bankman-Fried who appeared to thunderous applause on a video link from his lair in the Bahamas. This was shortly before he was arrested by the fine upstanding Bahamian law enforcement officers for robbery on a monumental scale.


Now that he’s been extradited to the USA his and his businesses’ fate will be decided by his good friend and enabler SEC Chairman ((Gary Gensler)) and judge ((Ronnie Abrams)) in no less a setting than the ((Southern District of New York)), otherwise known as The Wailing Wall. I personally believe that Gensler and Abrams will set all ethnic and religious considerations aside and deliver justice in its purest form. I mean, just look at Gary here. His thirst for justice is palpable, the fire of righteousness, honed on the Iowa farm where he grew up, shines through his handsome countenance. And I’m confident that the fact Judge Ronnie attended Jeffrey Epstein’s alma mater and her husband was on Robert Mueller’s team “investigating” “Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election” will have no bearing on her handling of the case.

But some cynics disagree with me. They think that Sam will walk, or else get Epsteined, ending up in a luxury seaside villa in Israel. After all, they’d argue, Israel has form when it comes to harbouring Jewish criminals fleeing justice. They think he could even be honoured formally like arch-criminals Robert Maxwell (Ghislaine’s daddy) and Jonathan Pollard who betrayed the country where he was born and reared by robbing its advanced military secrets and passing them on to ‘America’s Greatest Ally’ which then sold them on to America’s greatest enemies.

What’s this got to do Jordan Peterson, the man famous for telling other men to clean up their rooms? Well you probably know that he has taken up a lavishly-rewarded position with Ben Shapiro’s media operation. You also know that if Ben is forking out this many shekels he’ll want his pound of flesh. And he got it in spades at a recent seminar in Israel billed this way by the organisers:

We couldn’t think of a better opening for the new year than with an event like this, with the participation of our three greatest minds, in a conversation about preserving the values ​​of freedom that shape the destiny of Western civilization [sic]. I hope that this festive event will spark the beginning of a broader and more balanced discussion.

Given that the audience represented the ‘cream’ of Israeli society I imagine it would have included many of the gangsters now roosting by the Med while their fleeced and impoverished victims impotently nurse their losses back home. It might even have included Jonathan Pollard given that his BFF Netanyahu played a prominent role at the event. And probably representatives of the hasbara schools and the thriving Israeli body-parts-for-sale industry. Peterson knew his audience and hit them hard:

You control our world. You’ve poisoned the air we breathe, contaminated the water we drink, and copyrighted the food we eat. We fight in your wars, die for your causes, and sacrifice our freedoms to protect you. You’ve liquidated our savings, destroyed our middle class, and used our tax dollars to bail out your unending greed. You’ve fomented wars in your own interests and get us to finance and fight them. You’ve stolen our military and technology secrets and sold them on to the highest bidders, often our enemies. We are slaves to your corporations, zombies to your airwaves, servants to your decadence. You’ve stolen our elections, assassinated our leaders, and abolished our basic rights as human beings. You own our property, shipped away our jobs, and shredded our unions. You’ve profited off of disaster, destabilized our currencies, and raised our cost of living. You’ve monopolised our freedom, debased our education, and have almost extinguished our flame.

Naw, he didn’t say that. In fact these were Peterson’s concluding remarks:

As Jews in Israel, are you telling the greatest story ever told? Well, you decide that by how you live. And what you do will affect the world – for one reason or another, it’s not so easy to understand, everyone looks here to see, well, how are you actually doing, under this tremendous assault of adversarial criticism, as this little, tiny people in the middle of no man’s land in some real sense, as a –what would you say — cardinal model of the nation-state and the city on the hill. You have a tremendous moral responsibility, like you have, perhaps, for your entire history, for reasons that are very difficult to understand, and I think it is true, in some real sense, that the fate of the world depends on the decisions of the people of Israel. Just as the fate of the world depends on the decision of every individual, so you make yourself a shining light on the hill, right? You attract people here because of what you’re capable of doing. You show the world what the holy city could look like. Because we need it. We need it, and it’s up to you to do it. Thank you very much.

Yes, JP believes that our moral salvation will come by way of Jews in general and Israelis in particular. His delivery of these remarks was nothing less than stomach-churning as he dissolved into a weeping quivering mess on reaching the end. Jordan, Jordan — all the shekels in the world couldn’t compensate for such a display of self-abasement.

What if anything does he really stand for? I can in all honesty claim I could never ‘get’ him. He always struck me as a stupid person’s idea of a clever person. Asked on one occasion “do you believe in God?” he responded with “I could talk for forty hours on what each word of that question means.” Which surely begged the follow-up “Maybe you could, but would you just answer the question?” He is also tendentious and inconsistent on the issue of race. He declares any argument based on racial differences to be “so muddleheaded that you hardly know where to start” but confines his criticism to Whites who apparently have no right to take pride in European cities just because you “happen to have the same skin color as some of the people” who built them. Strangely enough he has an entirely different attitude towards Native Americans who he encouraged to celebrate their unique culture and heritage. And he has no problem with crediting disproportionate Jewish wealth and power to their high IQ — while simultaneously professing outrage when differentials between Whites and Blacks are attributed to the same cause.

In fact it’s reasonable to see him as a gatekeeper put in place to gaslight Whites — White males in particular — away from focusing on their real problems. After all he’s been branded a far-right male chauvinistic conspiracy theorist — so he must be on our side, right? Whether he set out with this gaslighting role in mind I don’t know, but his rise has been suspiciously meteoric. Was it worth it? To me, nothing could be worth the ritual humiliation he endured in Israel.

Bank your shekels, Jordan, and fade away while you still retain a scintilla of self-respect.

* * *

Source: Irish Savant

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9 January, 2023 10:20 am

The Sam Bankman-Fried case was initially assigned to a jew, then reassigned to a second jew and finally reassigned to a third jew. From last names of judges listed in the Southern District of New York, I figured about 31% are jewish. So the probability of the SBF case being randomly assigned exclusively to jews three time in a row is about 2%. There might be a few more jews on the court I might of missed that would raise the odds slightly. But that would raise the overrepresentation of jews on the court relative to their percentage of the general population by even more than its outrageous 15 times. I think the fix is in on this one. The difference with Madoff is that Madoff cheated other jews while… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  ShoeGazer
9 January, 2023 3:05 pm

Jews will do as Jews do, and have done for millennia. I’ve got to ask you, ShoeGazer, what does this rant about Jews putting the fix in Sam Bankman-Fried’s massive fraud have to do with Jordan Peterson toadying to Jews?

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  ShoeGazer
10 January, 2023 5:42 pm

ShoeGazer: The Sam Bankman-Fried case was initially assigned to a jew, then reassigned to a second jew and finally reassigned to a third jew…SBF cheated gentiles.

If true, that is remarkable, except that we know Jews stick together and care not what goyim think about conflicts of Jew interest.

SBF cheated gentiles.

Jewish law and presumably Jewish judges treat Jews better than non-Jews.

Some insight into Judge Ronnie Abrams’ NY Jew family: Her dad, Floyd, a big time lawyer, represented Jew-owned NY Times. Her mother was a Hebrew-school teacher and brother Dan, the ubiquitous legal expert who gets face time all over the electronic Jew today.

Reply to  ShoeGazer
19 February, 2023 10:02 pm

Obviously Khazars are overrepresented in the courts by their superior intellect (sarc). If you want to go down a deep rabbit hole research why NYC issues its own birth certificates separate from the state of NY the only city(state) in the U.S. that does so, as far as I am aware. In summary NYC ain’t what it appears to be given the U.N. presence and its predilection for proposing tyrannical legislation.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  striketheroot
20 February, 2023 6:55 am

New York City appears to be a Jew-infested area dominated by Jewish values, STR. To change that, shouldn’t we Whites organize and see to it that they’re removed from our presence in the ways that matter regarding White survival and health?

11 January, 2023 10:24 am

“ a gatekeeper put in place to gaslight Whites — White males in particular — away from focusing on their real problems”. A very apt and scorching critique of Peterson. Also, attached is an example of how he markets to White men

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
25 January, 2023 1:37 am

Yes, Peterson is a contemptible creature. It was evident even a few years ago but now it is beyond any doubts. The lowly cur, wagging its tail before its masters. The only thing that matters to this cur is its reward; a piece of sausage from a generous Jewish hand. In order to get this sausage, Peterson is ready to do any mental acrobatics. Actually, this kind of whites is worse than any number of aliens. The nation can defeat external enemies but this internal rot is hard to deal with. I suppose, that the only just way to deal with such “petersons” in the future is to resettle them into Asian and African lands populated with savages; let them live among those whom they like.

Reply to  Wolf Stoner
25 January, 2023 3:55 pm

Hello Wolf! Nice “to see” you again. When shall we have the pleasure to read another of your insightful analyses of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict?

I was going to write but Dan was faster than me by posting the excellent definition I had in mind: “a gatekeeper put in place to gaslight Whites — White males in particular — away from focusing on their real problems”.

Yes, traitors like Jordan Peterson are the worst kind of enemies and the ones who deserve the most awful death possible, as it has always been the custom among Aryan peoples. Having said that your idea of deporting them to Africa is a brilliant one. They will not last long…

Here is a link to a very good video about this despicable creature:

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Angelicus
27 January, 2023 6:25 pm

Thank you for your appreciation. I have made two videos about Russia-Europe relations. The texts of those videos are on my WB section. The facts presented there can help better understand what is going on now.

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Angelicus
30 January, 2023 1:44 am

Thank you for the link; excellent exposition of Peterson. There are many facts that I didn’t know. He is even worse than I thought.

Reply to  Wolf Stoner
1 February, 2023 1:53 pm

Hello: Here is an update on this disgusting puppet of the (((System))) or JWO (Jewish World Order). He is becoming more brazen in his support of his masters:

Reply to  Angelicus
4 September, 2023 4:22 pm

I saw part of the video. Notice that at the 1:05 mark the woman in the black polka dot dress is making a Masonic handsign.

He’s definitely a Rightist gate keeper, which along with his Leftist counterpart, will admit some truths to attract an audience but not past a certain point, to keep the narrative contained with that political spectrum without straying too far Left or too far Right.

26 January, 2023 4:16 am

Peterson seems to be a christian religious type. He firmly believes in the rightousness of the Christian values and wants to restore them. Maybe he will not openly say he believes in the Christian God, but he doesn’t have to because pretty much everything he exclaims points to this. All of his ‘solutions’ point to restoring the past Christian world-view. ‘Reviving’ the dead God as it will. So I cannot blame the man for supporting the people (and the land) he thinks represent his world-view. How erroneously it may be. I do not think the man is a sell-out, because I know and have experienced where he comes from. He believes that ‘the jews’ are the same people as the ancient Israelites, who probably were Indo-European white emigrants from Sumeria.… Read more »

David Cavall
David Cavall
26 January, 2023 11:26 am

No self-respecting man allows himself to weep and sob in public like Peterson did in the picture that accompanies this article.
I never got the attraction people had for him. All that bloviating and philosophizing.