Douglas MercerEssaysGuest opinion

Backlash in Bethesda, part 2

“A common humanity is reaffirmed”: the true spirit of the “anti-hate” vigil.

by Douglas Mercer

NOTHING SAYS scum like an “anti-hate” vigil. When “the community” (by the way, did you ever notice that Whites are never called a community?) has been “wounded,” when “hate stalks the land,” when the bad man (read: the White man) has done something bad again, it calls for a top-down-organized and totally non-spontaneous public display with plenty of candles and tears. In this way they think they will demonstrate to one and all that they hold the moral high ground, that every decent person agrees with them, and that the arc of history is bending toward something or other, maybe Jerusalem. The candles are held alight, “brave” (LOL!) words are spoken, and “a common humanity” is reaffirmed. It’s “the vigil” as choreographed by Jews, and rarely does a more disgusting spectacle besmirch our nation.

Hundreds of people gathered Sunday to light the Chanukah menorah at Walt Whitman High School in Bethesda where vandals spray painted the words Jews Not Welcome the previous day. Community members and local civic leaders joined together publicly to stand against antisemitism at a Hanukkah vigil at Whitman. Students walked out of class Thursday, demanding more Holocaust education.

Really? The students are clamoring for more information about the six million? They want to be browbeat about Bergen-Belsen? You are right to doubt it — until you learn that the “students” who insisted the lies be ramified were Jews. They let no crisis go to waste, do they? Swastikas or truthful words (in a way, they’re the same thing) are going up in their fair town, so what’s a Jew to do? Make sure everyone knows they are martyrs and moral paragons, apparently.

Representatives from Montgomery County government, Montgomery County Public Schools and area clergy strongly emphasized that Jews were welcome everywhere in Montgomery County. The gathering was sponsored by the Glen Echo Fire Company and Chabad of Bethesda. They conducted their annual Chanukah parade through Bethesda, headed by a decorated fire truck. The stop at Whitman High School was added after Leigh Marcus learned of the incident and urged everyone she knew to gather there.

It’s amazing how Jews can count on enlisting hundreds upon hundreds to be a part of these public displays of fealty towards them. They know that “civic leaders” and their followers will lead and follow and make sure that everyone is told that the protection of the Jews is the top priority of every local and national institution. The Jews have conditioned people to reflexively and unthinkingly cater to their every whim and whisper. If a hair of a Jew gets out of place, crowds get up in arms, troops line up, marchers march, and speakers harangue — all pushing one improbable fiction: Jews are welcome here.

But the truth is this: No one likes the Jews.

When Whitman senior Becca Clement learned of the incident, she said she was absolutely horrified. “It really shook me up,” she said. Police Chief Marcus Jones called hate vandalism a “heinous act,” and vowed to “investigate every incident to the fullest extent.”

Just for the record, five million illegal aliens have walked across our border in the past two years, but from these cretins that either elicits a yawn or a cheer. Crime is skyrocketing all the time, but they either ignore it or chalk it up to “White racism.” It’s getting so bad in this country that you can’t speak your mind on the real issues of the day without having the FBI breathe down your neck, and that concerns them not at all. But a few words on a wall or blackboard and they are shaken to their core. Speak ill of a Jew and they’ll make a federal case out of it.

Following the somber speeches, members of Chabad of Bethesda declared it was time to spread light and joy. They sang, danced and distributed latkes.

Trust me; this is a facade. We hear all their talk about how America or Montgomery County is really “very welcoming,” and about how they want to “focus on the positive,” but all of that is belied by the way they are wringing their hands over this incident — by the way all the Jew news organs, in serious and somber tones, speak darkly of the “new time of danger” we are entering.

They are quite right to sleep uneasy. And no light or latke can change that fact.

* * *

The event that caught the attention of the international scum, and that was played and replayed in every two-bit Hebrew propaganda organ the regime has at its disposal, was the words “Jews are not welcome” being written on the entrance to the high school, right on the marquee.

Robert Dodd, the principal of Walt Whitman High School in Bethesda, delivered the news in a letter to parents Saturday as Montgomery County Police were looking for the vandal. The spray-painted graffiti found December 17 2022 at Walt Whitman High School in Bethesda declared ‘Jews are not welcome here.’ The following day, several Whitman staff members discovered an antisemitic message in their email inboxes from an unknown sender.

They act like it was an outbreak of the plague, and from their perspective it must seem so. It must be rather disheartening for Jews, who thought they had the whole thing sewn up and in the bag, to see all of their dreams begin to fall apart. But have they not repeated this sequence of events countless times in their past? To say that the Jews outlast their welcome is to say the least of it. Given enough time and experience, people in the end will always simply get fed up with the Jews and want them gone .

“The school’s Jewish Student Union and staff had worked together Wednesday to give the entire school a lesson about anti-Semitism,” he added. The exercise included students’ accounts of their personal experiences at the high school.

This is the crux of it. In fact, there is no “morality” here — it is just two antagonists facing each other, but were we to correctly ascribe the rights and the wrongs of it, they struck first blood. If not consciously then somewhere in the recesses of their hearts, every White student must know that it is our race (the White race) that is under continuous attack. And yet this alien and obnoxious people, who by all signs rule the roost in this city, have the nerve to come and lecture us about being victims.

Vogel continued on to address the increasing amount of antisemitic hate in the area, stating that he will be working with colleagues and community partners to advance legislation that addresses the epidemic of hate crimes across Maryland.

Here come the laws. Here come the bought legislators with their insincere and well-paid thundering against “hateful” Whites. Do you cherish the immemorial rights of an Englishman? Do you say “Give me liberty or give me death?” They will give you social death if not death outright. Don’t say boo about a Jew or you’ll find yourself in the crosshairs of “law enforcement.” They will say you “hated,” so you therefore deserve to perish.

This used to be our country, and we could say and think as we pleased; we had Anglo-Saxon law and that was more than good enough for us. But now the law is strained through the Torah and Talmud and Hollywood — and is a weapon used against us.

Walt Whitman High School students walked out of class Thursday days after antisemitic graffiti was found painted on a sign at the campus. The demonstration was organized by the student group, Jews4Change. The group says they want increased holocaust education at schools in Montgomery County.

Another step along the road to their Final Solution of the White Problem.

* * *

Bethesda and environs, they claim, of late have been ground zero for such epochal public messages.

Community members came together Monday to stand against hateful antisemitic graffiti found in three locations in North Bethesda. On Bethesda Trolley Trail in the Wildwood Manor neighborhood, it’s happened for the second time since August 2022.

Montgomery County Council President Evan Glass said that county police also are investigating another instance of anti-Semitic graffiti discovered a day earlier, when someone painted a swastika at Montgomery Mall, which is four miles from the high school.

Another article tells us:

The Whitman graffiti is at least the fourth time since August that antisemitic vandalism has defaced a site in Montgomery County, according to officials. Antisemitic statements and swastikas have been splashed across public spaces in North Bethesda, Kensington and Silver Spring just in the past few months.

Within one month, antisemitic messages and symbols were found spray painted at the high school, the Capital Crescent Trail and a bench near Westfield Montgomery mall. On Monday, about a mile and a half away on Old Georgetown Road and Tuckerman Lane, more antisemitic graffiti was found on a brick wall. Then at a bus stop on Tuckerman Lane near Sugarbush Lane, red paint with the words “defend Bethesda” and “white power” covered the wall.

And then there was the granddaddy of them all, in which the number “1488,” three hanging stick figures, and the words “no mercy for Jews” were written on a wall. You can bet that got a ping or two on the Shlomo Alert System. There was backlash in Bethesda.

* * *

They will not check themselves; they will not try to achieve self-awareness; they will not see this as a prompt to clean up their act or to learn, or to start keeping their noses clean; they will not become decent people with the proper gratitude for having been allowed into such a magnificent country — no, none of that. There is no glimmering of even a semblance of sanity or moral progress from them. We see only a cunning tactical thinking — so typical of Jews, a tribe that is always on a war footing, that will retreat only when necessary, always with the idea of advancing later.

Ezrin told the story of a congregant who is a middle-school teacher whose students expressed fear following the graffiti incident at Whitman. They were concerned that maybe the school shouldn’t have held an assembly discussing antisemitism, because it could have triggered the graffiti.

Of course they should not have held the assembly because it was full of impudent lies and was obnoxious in its message. They should not have held the assembly because you don’t brainwash and browbeat White children in a White country.

He tried to spin it around with the kids and help them think differently. “What about the other way of thinking? How many people sat for the assembly, and maybe they did start reconsidering their beliefs or their actions? How many students now might start thinking differently about the perspective of other people that they wouldn’t have otherwise?” Ezrin relayed.

You can bet the demands for more assemblies like this will be acceded to gladly. No arms will have to be twisted when the Jews are up in arms. Not in Montgomery County, no sir. And so the war will continue.

“One of the things that I think is very poorly understood about Jews is the level of our inherited trauma that we still carry with us. Jews on the surface, appear to be doing OK and enjoying a certain degree of privilege. People forget that we’re less than 100 years out from the gas chambers and the infernos of the Holocaust, and that is imprinted on our souls and on our children’s souls.”

The Jews have perfected nothing so much as crying us a river, of plaintively alerting one and all to their fake suffering, of emitting in whimpering tones interminable tales of their illimitable woe.

In Montgomery County — and a lot of other places — they hold sway, with all those kosher restaurants, shuls, and synagogues; with all the Yiddish spoken, with their domination of politics, and with their somber recitation of the plight of the six gorillion in the public high schools.

With the diamond-tipped scepter of their extreme wealth and privilege, they carve the stories of their alleged sufferings into our foreheads.

And they learn nothing.

For the Jews, in all times and all places, play a most dangerous game.


* * *

Source: Author

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Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
19 January, 2023 6:51 am

Not dangerous enough for my tastes.
I will consider the “danger” sufficient
when I start to see Jewish cadavers
lining the highways and biways.

Reply to  Walt Hampton
20 January, 2023 8:00 pm

Such a sight would make me feel safer.

Nom De Guerre
Nom De Guerre
Reply to  Walt Hampton
22 January, 2023 6:32 am

Heil! More of these cadavers would be most helpful for medical schools.

19 January, 2023 7:45 am

So, the Jews want more Holocaust education? What a great idea! I think we in the National Alliance should oblige them. Few other organizations know more about the Big Lie than than us.

Reply to  Agent_of_the_Avalanche
20 January, 2023 1:16 am

Lol, exactly!

Holy Hoax education was, is, and will be more and more on the agenda – more and more provided to the white folk!

Nom De Guerre
Nom De Guerre
Reply to  b.smith
22 January, 2023 6:38 am

Screw that! We had to read the Diary of Anne Frank in the third grade, in our White majority school. You could count on one hand the number of jewish kids, and they were kinda outcast because we all thought they were weird. It wasn’t about diversity back then, but fitting in. Those few jew kids were the only ones who cared about little Annie Frank’s hand wringing.

Mein Kampf should be assigned reading for all ninth graders, White or not!

David R. Westerlund
David R. Westerlund
19 January, 2023 10:03 am

Thanks National Vanguard for 2 GR8 articles on the joos. Sadly, the USA gov’t becomes more jooish ever election. I too wait for the tipping point. 88 Dave

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairmanman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairmanman
19 January, 2023 7:40 pm

Jews are our misfortune. No one likes the Jews.

Keep hammering with the truth, Mr. Mercer.

Nom De Guerre
Nom De Guerre
22 January, 2023 6:26 am

Aren’t we all sick to death of the yids’ gaslighting?! Where I used to live, there were rainbow flags hanging on some homes, saying “hate has no place here “. Who said anything about hate in the first place? This kinda crap makes someone like me feel like actually doing something hateful, lest I stand accused of something that never happened. It’s enough to make one stomp the gay sign and destroy it…I know that National Alliance Members are supposed to be of good character, so I won’t say whether anything happened to those flags. As far as Hanukkah, if I meet an observant Jew, I will bid them a, “Happy Holocaust “, and when they start bristling, I’ll retract that with, “Oops, Freudian slip.” IMO, the swastika means many… Read more »