Backlash in Bethesda, part 1
by Douglas Mercer
MORE AND MORE PEOPLE are becoming wise to the Jews — to their lies, their tricks, their lachrymose tales of victimhood, and their plans for subversion. People are waking up to the peril in their midst, and they are being vocal about it.
They will never be able to keep the lid on this. You can bet when the backlash in Bethesda, Maryland hit the news (and it hit big) there was hysterical shrieking in that underground bunker — just because some simple words were uttered which strike fear in the hearts of the parasites. The words were not threats but rather a simple statement of fact. In Maryland they already have that “Emmett Till Alert,” so whenever anyone talks about Negro crime, or Negro shiftlessness, or our money being given to Negros, the alarm goes off and the corpse of John Lewis shifts and spasms in its grave. Well, it looks like they are going to need a Shlomo Alert in the Old Line State as well — because someone just uttered the God’s honest truth: “Jews are not welcome here.” And that’s the least of it. Messages from the truly disenfranchised and powerless have been proliferating all over Montgomery County lately, testifying to the fact that the Jews have long since worn out their welcome.
It’s true. No one likes the Jews. And, as is said, it could not have happened to more egregious bunch of interlopers. The Jews know it’s true. And they know the “goyim” know. Some might say it strikes the fear of the gods into them — but they know no such reverence. (Why, in the Netherlands over New Year’s you had a White Lives Matter message projected onto a gigantic bridge for millions to see. Outrage from “certain parties” ensued, naturally. Because those who dare to think “White Lives Matter” today, might be asking “Who did all this to us?” tomorrow.)
What is happening? Is all their work going down the drain? Did they poke the bear too long? Did they push their luck? Or is it all a matter of “Whatcha doin’ with that spray paint, rabbi?”
Back in the 1930s, there were only two kinds of countries: those that wanted to get rid of their Jews, and those that wanted to keep them out. Trust me, the Jews are feeling some 100-kilowatt emissions on the same wavelength right now. These things come in cycles, they crest and break and then crest again. But when a final and critical mass is reached, they crest and and overflow; it’s 110 and never again. And they can have all the somber, reflective, and teary-eyed vigils they want — but they won’t mean a thing. Indeed, you can almost hear them in the bunker now, screaming “Incoming!” as they hit the deck and run for cover.
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What is “Holocaust education?” What is it when the Jews come to a public school and “teach” about their supposed suffering? What is it when students are told Jew suffering is the most important suffering in the world, bar none? What is the teaching of “tolerance” for everything except racially conscious White people? What is the teaching of the “evils of anti-Semitism”? What does it mean to have every privilege, every advantage, all the power, and to then walk into a public high school and declare to all that you are the ultimate victim, deserving the greatest protection? What is it to brainwash White children into thinking their ancestors were totally evil and irredeemably guilty? What is all this? What is all this if not war?
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Montgomery County, where Bethesda is, is a hotbed of Jews. They are a totally visible minority and by their own testimony you can’t walk two feet there without seeing one of them and hearing Yiddish spoken. If you are a fan of matzah or gefilte fish, you’re in luck because Jew stores abound. There’s a kosher restaurant on every corner, Jewish day schools are very prominent, it’s rife with synagogues, the local Jewish Community Center is bigger than some small towns, and Jews dominate local politics. Jews make up over 10% of the population in Montgomery County (and it seems like a Hell of a lot more in Bethesda) and 35% of all Jews who live in the DC area reside there — well over 100,000 Jews. Safe to say that’s a lot of Yids, and is precisely 100,000 too many. They breed and proliferate there like aggressive crosses between roaches and leeches, and for all intents and purposes they run the place. Thus it is unsurprising that Bethesda is also home to a growing backlash against them, expressed in a rash (as they call it) of public messages.
Wherever Jews go it’s always the same story — for the very good reason that, as the song tells us, to know, know, know them is to hate, hate, hate them.
When White Americans had common sense and ruled our own country, we knew then that Jews were at the least distasteful to be around, were obnoxious in their demands, were clannish and alien, and were very possibly a threat to our way of life. And so we acted accordingly.
Because of barriers such as restrictive land covenants, fewer than 10 Jewish families lived in Montgomery County in 1920, according to one local developer of the era, a Bethesda Magazine story from earlier this year reported. Yet the Jewish population was active, and it grew rapidly with the influx of professionals joining the federal workforce during the New Deal and after World War II.
Ah yes, the Federal Leviathan (along with the rapid expansion of professorships due to the GI Bill) cranked up the explosion of Jews in American life. And a place like Bethesda, a stone’s throw from Jerusalem-on-the-Potomac, “benefited” accordingly and became rife with Jews. The city took its name from an 1820 meeting house which in turn took its name from a pool in Jerusalem, so it was a match made amidst witchery and sulfur.
Rabbi Barak Bader grew up in Alabama, where there wasn’t a single other Jewish child in his school. But today as an adult living in Montgomery County, Bader said it’s rare he crosses the street without running into another Jew.
That’s the problem right there, Shlomo. For we can’t cross the street without seeing them, too. It’s Jews to the gills in this place, and it makes you wonder: How many Hymietowns does this country have? How many Jews are there? How many Jews in the upper reaches of local politics?
And how many Jewish groups do they think they need? — there seem to be thousands. They even have an organization just for the presidents of other Jewish organizations! How vast and powerful is this Jewish interlocking directorate? Yet our schoolchildren were just made to believe that Jews in America are cowering in fear, waiting for the inevitable pogrom to come.
“When I came here, I instantly felt the Jewish presence,” said Bader, an associate rabbi at the Jewish Rockville Outreach Center, also known as JewishROC. “Even just on a normal day, so many people greet me with shalom, or I may hear someone speaking Yiddish. It’s very empowering because it truly shows you how big our family is.”
He uses the word family advisedly; never forget that. The Jews are a peculiar, parasitic people whose unity cuts across all political and ideological and geographic lines. Orthodox or Reform or agnostic or secular atheist — “American” or “British” or “French” or whatever — no matter. Conservative or liberal, irrelevant; neoconservative or neo-Jacobin, beside the point. Jews are Jews and they are one big family when push comes to shove. They can recognize either other a mile away — and if they are not making hand signals or discreetly messaging by touching the sides of their oddly-shaped noses, pay no attention. Because they have no need to. They are one in ways we cannot perceive — and they see themselves as soldiers in a war against us.
Despite the discovery this month of antisemitic vandalism at Walt Whitman High School and other recent antisemitic acts, Bader and other Jewish residents say the county is, in fact, welcoming for Jews. They point to the large population, the number of Jewish institutions, the civic leadership roles Jews are inhabiting and Montgomery County Public Schools’ recognition of Jewish holidays.
This is unfortunately correct; America was the best thing ever to happen to the Jews in the same way that the Jews were the worst thing ever to ever happen to America. Over the past 100 years the Jews have hammered out their final solution to make America safe for Jews. They think they’ve housebroken the goyim, which is why this reversion to atavism (as they view it) is so unsettling to them. What they thought they had settled is still very much an open question. And actually it’s open and shut against them, sooner rather than later.
“For us as a Jewish community we really feel strongly that there is a very specific and unique importance of that community,” Ezrin said. “We’re actually a family. We really believe that we all come from the same spiritual ancestor. It’s something that uniquely connects us to each other.”
This spiritual ancestor they speak of is what the famed visionary Revilo Oliver called the Hebrew God: the Big Jew, really. This is a mythical figure who prescribes and condones all manner of Jewish malfeasance, ceaselessly instructs Jews to be clannish and stick together, tells them to have contempt for the people amongst whom they live, and to maintain a tight web of nepotism in order to overthrow their hosts’ societies. Is it any wonder some good White folk in Bethesda have had it up to here with them? It’s time-honored wisdom that with Jews your patience is soon exhausted.
In Montgomery County, there are at least two Kosher grocery stores and multiple Kosher restaurants. There are multiple synagogues and community centers representing different ways of practicing Judaism. Multiple private Jewish schools operate within county borders, including the popular Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School in North Bethesda. Montgomery County Public Schools close for major Jewish holidays, and has for years, which was a big draw for Ezrin. She used to work in Fairfax County, Virginia, but chose to live in and commute from Montgomery County especially for this reason.
It really is enough to make a grown man retch. Why, this was once a bucolic White man’s land, and now not only do they force-feed “the Holocaust” to every child, but walking through it you’d think you were in Tel Aviv or New York City. Everything about the Jews is weird and alien, and no one wants to see a “shul” where something normal should be.
It is empowering to see Jewish people leading the county government. County Executive Marc Elrich is Jewish, as are County Council President Evan Glass, Vice President Andrew Friedson and councilmember Sidney Katz. Recently, the council voted unanimously to pass a resolution against anti-Semitism.
Oh yes, the high minded resolution against “anti-Semitism” — the 8,942nd one I think. However, the good news about that is that they protest too much — way too much.
It makes you recall the sage advice once dispensed by Richard Nixon. He said that when a group forms to fight X, always bet on X.
You can book it, Shlomo.
To be continued
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Source: Author
Where’s your family, White man? I have mine: the Cosmotheist community.
Damn . Top notch again Mr Mercer.
You didn’t ask……but your my absolute favorite racialist writer these last couple years. You nail things that others could never even notice.
Anyone who is even partly conscience has simply had enough of these Jews.
Enough is enough.
I’ve personally hated these blattodian roaches since I was ten years old….
I pray that I live long enough to see this deserved comeuppance. That’s my ultimate Christmas morning.
On to Madagascar with these praying-mantis… originally , brilliantly planned.
We in the National Alliance don’t pray to some invented Jewish “god” nor do we expect Santa Claus to deliver freedom from Jews in our society on Christmas morning, Mr. Pounded.
In order to control our future, we must gather ourselves together and seize it. Each of us must be willing to join together, organize, and actually do what’s necessary to get it done. This is explained here: We need team players as opposed to those who sit on the sidelines of life.
Actually, Birobidzhan would be a much better option. Created by the former Soviet Union almost a century ago, this area has a climate and temperament similar to modern day Switzerland. Lady Michelle Renouf has spoken often about this option regarding the Jews: Here the Jews could be physically confined to a relatively small area of the planet with the option of becoming productive. They would have no other choice. After all, vampires do not lust after the blood of other vampires: A few things need to be done first. Disband NATO. Get rid of the criminal regime in Washington DC. Make peace with the Russians. After all, after sustaining over seventy years of Bolshevism directly imported from New York City, I am sure they would be willing to… Read more »
I just LOVE the artwork of the these thumbnails! The Jew looks seriously worried; as if he knows the approximate number of days he has left.
Great work!
Excellent part one of course. Can’t wait for part two.
We in the National Alliance thank you for the complimentary words, Steve. Yet we need meaningful supporters and members to help us keep National Vanguard and other works going. Please consider joining us:
Sincere and serious-minded Whites should get to know exactly who we are and what our program is and can get a great description here: