The German ‘Coup Plot’ Farce

WE THOUGHT WE HAD seen every possible method of discrediting the nationalist cause, and every form of embarrassment among our so-called leaders dragging the noble ideals of racial nationalism into the gutter.
But the tragi-comedy of this week’s “far right coup plot” in Germany has plumbed new depths.
When raids took place across Germany (plus one in Austria and one in Italy) early on Wednesday morning, we were told that a German Prince and various “far right” politicians and ex-military figures had been plotting to overthrow German “democracy” and restore the monarchy.
This was said to be based on a so-called Reichsbürger movement who deny the legitimacy of the present German state.
As it happens they have a pretty good case. German “democracy” has after all brought in tyrannical laws silencing historical debate, and is on the point of sending the 94-year-old scholar Ursula Haverbeck back to prison for the “crime” of questioning the “Holocaust” and asking whether it was truly feasible for six million Jews to have been murdered in supposed “homicidal gas chambers” on the apparently non-existent orders of Adolf Hitler.
Earlier this week this same German “democracy” staged another political show trial against the philosopher and former lawyer Horst Mahler, who will be 87 next month and has had both legs amputated due to health conditions aggravated by previous prison sentences for Orwellian “thought crimes.”
Notwithstanding this tyrannical treatment of its own citizens, the present-day Federal Republic is of very doubtful legitimacy: It doesn’t have a proper constitution, only a “Basic Law” that was drafted as a temporary measure for the former West Germany when it emerged from Anglo-American military occupation. The idea was that this Basic Law would eventually be superseded by a new constitution voted on by an eventually reunified German people.
That referendum never happened and the “temporary” Basic Law remains in force.
So the alleged coup plotters in some ways had a sound argument. We have no idea whether the lurid stories of attempted armed insurrection were true, false, or half-true. Doubtless more details will emerge at future trials.
What we do know is that the ideological background of the “coup plotters” is an utter shambles, bearing no relation to any form of racial nationalism, let alone National Socialism.
The latest to be unveiled is a celebrity chef who worked for the prince. This chef, Frank Heppner, was at one time married to an Asian. His half-Asian daughter is the girlfriend of an “Austrian” Negro footballer David Alaba, whose father is Nigerian and mother from the Philippines.
In short, a model European family! (Not.)
And these are the people who were going to save Germany? What a sick joke.

They have nothing to do with racial nationalism or National Socialism. Rather they represent the decadent remnant of Eurotrash “aristocracy” and reactionary politics, with an ideology cobbled together from pre-war “conservative revolutionaries” and 21st century crank conspiracy theory.
It is embarrassing that they could in any way be linked to the true European cause.
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Source: Heritage and Destiny magazine
I heard the average age of the arrested ‘plotters’ is 67.
Many are rightly drawing parallels to the Jan 06 ‘insurrection’ rhetoric in the US — in fact, German officials used Jan 06 to justify the raids and arrests, saying that after what happened in America they could not afford to take any chances, and so acted aggressively.
Fun fact regarding the Jan 06 ‘insurrection’: the Capitol Police (not the Wash DC police, but just the official Capitol Police) have approx 1500 armed officers, whereas none of the ‘insurrectionists’ were armed.
Richtige Menschen in Deutschland wissen, dass es sich bei dem Versuch eines Staatsstreiches um ein komplettes Fake handelt. Die Bolschewisten werden die Situation psychologisch nutzen, um das ohnehin schon rigide Deutsche Waffenrecht weiter zu verschärfen.
Ich schreibe gerne deutsch, um deutsche Leser anzuziehen.
Real people in Germany know that the coup attempt is a complete fake. The Bolsheviks will use the situation psychologically to further tighten the already rigid German weapons law. I like to write in German to attract German readers.
I like to write in German to attract German readers.
SO geht es bei Ihnen Recht , Volks (Wahrheit)lieber zu reichen. Tapferkeit laesst sich von ueberirdishen Maechte allein begeistern ; die EIgentuemer eines Volkes, da einer irdishen und unheimlichen Machthaber verfeindet und verleumdet werden. Das Licht der Welt trotzt die FInsternis des Abgrundes. Des Feindes Taeuschung und Drangsal werden auf dem Fels des deutschen Denkmal zerschmettern und die Goetter
vor diesem Unrecht erwecken , vor dessen Wahnsinn das Volk auferstehen .
Everything I read about Germany leads me to believe that it is already a miscegenated racial disaster. The Anglos and their minions killed it. It took two massive wars, but the goal was achieved.
It hasn’t.
Most of the mixing happens in big multicultural cities, but that the same everywhere else, especially in USA.
What has really happened is that the German population is having less children and in the coming decades there might be a lot of German ghost towns.
But make no mistake, it is the USA government and army that keeps Germany and the rest of Europe down.
There won’t be no future for the European people so long as the USA corporate monster exists.
Germany could rise again (possibly quite rapidly) if the real Germans cast off this bs guilt forced upon them for decades. This goes for all of Europe but especially Deutschland. When they stand, others follow. Forcing out those which do not belong there would create an environment where national/racial pride can flourish. The fact that it isn’t a large country makes it all the more feasible. Zog can’t wage war upon every nation which spits in the face of their obscene dictats especially when the military ranks are now filled with literal faggots from bottom to top. Cohesion is a thing of the past in that setting for anyone with a brain. The only chance of White survival in the US at this point is detaching from the filth &… Read more »
Kalergi Plan on steroids. White goyim are too dumb to realize we are being genocided as we carry on blind in daily jew plunder and talmudic penury. Will whites ever “get it”???? Vaccine destruction of our gene pool may be the final straw, as male sperm count drop and female miscarriage after the JUJAB is becoming disastrous to our race. Maybe jews are right, goyim are dumber than rocks. Excellent article.
Dumber than rocks. This reminds me of a story I read on the website A Jewish Century about an advertising executive Gary Dahl who started the whole Pet Rock craze in the mid 70’s. The rationale was that the goyim were as dumb as rocks.
We’re the only ones who can decide if that’s true about us or not, or would you have the others decide that for us?