The Death of Orange County
by Douglas Mercer
THIS IS NOT YOUR FATHER’S Orange County, not like this. And it’s certainly not your grandfather’s Orange County, no way. And don’t get me started on your great-grandfather’s Orange County; the two are as unlike as anything can be. It used to be a White paradise and now it’s Brown and Yellow and anything but White. If you’re ever there and giving directions just say over there is José, over there is Ho Chi. And then get out of Dodge.
It was once an august place, the original God’s Country. The history is fairly simple. James Irvine bought up real estate in San Francisco and with his gains traveled the length of the state and bought everything along the coast from Newport to Laguna, and inland to where Tustin sits today. Looked at today, it is breathtaking in its scope and beauty; it was wrested from the Mexicans (by war and legal machinations) and for decades it was merely a sleepy sheep ranch. But soon it became that White paradise, the original God’s Country, home to the reactionary OC Register, the John Birch society, and to a congressman who, when asked if he approved of Nixon going to China, said only if he stays there. It was a place where, without a hint of irony, they could put up a giant statue of John Wayne to lord it over their airport, named after him. Now of course it’s José over there and Ho Chi on the other side and the days of the Duke are numbered.
A few years ago, every single congressman from Orange County was a Democrat. That is. it’s no longer your father’s Orange County. What happened was not complicated. In a last-ditch effort to save their state from the depredations of Jews, some good folk had a ballot measure called Save Our State (1994). The California ballot measure was the progressive idea at the turn of the 20th century to “bring democracy closer to the people.” The good people of California voted not to give any public services to illegal aliens. It might have saved the state and might have saved our country. It passed — but then a Jew judge knocked it down. The democracy of White people dies, not by an undefined “darkness,” but by Jews. They are incarnated darkness of a very particular sort.
Safe to say, the state will never be the same. Jews planned it that way.
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Republicans control the Board of Supervisors in Orange County right now, but a fat lot of good that does us. It doesn’t do any good when those “conservatives” are Asians and Mestizos. There was a time when California was in the vanguard of excluding Asians from their state, but eventually the dam broke. And as the invaders from Vietnam were in the “anti-Communist” camp, they were embraced by short-term-thinking “conservative” Whites. Such “conservatives” do us zero good. You can tell that for a fact because one of their own just passed a law that said “racism” constitutes a “public health crisis” in Orange County.
You heard that right.
No place is safe. “Racism” is being declared a public health crisis all over America. Like “land acknowledgments.” it’s quite the fashionable thing to do. By “racism” they mean Whites looking out for their own interests. When non-Whites look out for their interests, that’s just fine — no “racism,” no “public health crisis,” all is well.
The Orange County Board of Supervisors has declared racism and societal inequity a public health crisis (on December 8 2022), citing a recent spike in race-based attacks and violence and studies that have tied racism to negative impacts on the health of people of color.
What an idea! Their “logic” is that the coloreds have “poorer health outcomes.” This is a fact that requires explanation. But they have the magic elixir of “systemic racism,” so they can skip analysis and go straight to the “White racism” part. But the actual reason is less empty and mystical. and can be attributed mainly to the facts that they are Third World people (and have lower IQ, more primitive culture, lower productivity and creativity and hence lower incomes, and all that these things imply), and thus naturally take poorer care of themselves, and demand and recieve poorer health care. And they are poorer because they are genetically inferior. But that’s not an explanation they can cotton to; in fact it is “racist,” they say. What this really is is a boondoggle to strip money from White people and transfer it to non-Whites. Thus it is yet another angle among the numerous angles of attack that in their aggregate constitute White genocide. It could not be plainer if they said so publicly. They never will, of course, because that would give away the game and upset the gravy train.
The goal, as explained in a resolution the board passed Tuesday, is to review county policies and practices to ensure they support racial and health equity, make county government more inclusive and diverse and educate the public about systemic inequities from a health and human services perspective.
No, the goal is nothing so “humanitarian” as that. The goal is to advance their side in the race war. Due to the vacuous and therefore all-embracing nature of the “racism” charge, they will be able to get giveaways and handout galore by appealing to something taken to be akin to a force of Nature. This is just a camouflaged form of backdoor “reparations” — and part and parcel of the ongoing onslaught on the White race. It’s no county for White men — not any more.
“One clear example of the problem was seen during the pandemic — the rates of hospitalization and death were significantly higher for Black, Hispanic, Native American and Alaskan people compared with White people,” OC Health Officer Dr. Regina Chinsio-Kwong said in an interview.
No mention of Asians, of course. A mention of that would be counter-revolutionary.
Chinsio-Kwong? You’re kidding me, right? Couldn’t they find a Joe Smith or a Mary Pratt? Were they all tied up at the moment? But then you go to a UCI engineering class at nine in the morning on a Monday and you’ll be forgiven for thinking you are in Taiwan. The future of California is Mestizos as far as the eye can see with a hyena class of technocratic Asians running the place for the Jews.
“While there’s not a clear line directly connecting between a chronic condition and racism, but we do know that when you’re impacted by it either directly or indirectly, it does take its toll, sometimes in the form of anxiety, depression, stress or poor health choices,” Chinsio-Kwong said.
What an admission! No clear line to say the least — not even a fuzzy line, nor a crooked one. I know this because there is no line at all, it’s pulled out of their backsides. And notice how she glosses and glides over the “we do know” part: She offers no support or evidence. Because there is none. And of course in the first instance there is no “White racism” anywhere (sadly) that can lead to anything. It would be nice if there were, but whatever racial solidarity Whites have now is ad hoc and is pilloried at the first instant it emerges. They know this, but they must continually aver otherwise to keep their ideological ducks in a row.
The county has already taken steps beyond the board’s symbolic statement. Chinsio-Kwong said the health agency is working on the Equity in OC Initiative which is funded by a $22.8 million federal grant and includes reaching out to the county’s diverse communities; gathering data and setting goals to improve community health; and offering information, training and support for changes such as giving people better access to health information and healthy foods.
The Web site for this “initiative” has crudely depicted figures of a medley of races, including at the top a Hasidic Jew decked out in one of those risible broad-brimmed hats. And the feds are doling out money for this scam — straight-up tax money being funnelled to non-Whites because they’re non-White. That is, no White people need apply. For them, twenty Black people standing together is maximum diversity; twenty White people standing together has zero diversity and should probably occasion calling the police.
The OC Supervisors’ declaration of racism as a public health crisis is not the first. OC Health Care Agency Director Dr. Clayton Chau told the board more than 200 cities, counties and states have taken the same step. Riverside and San Bernadino counties did it in 2021.
First we have Chinsio-Kwong now we have Chau; if this racism-is-a-public-health-crisis racket doesn’t work out, they can always open up a laundry. As it is they are laundering unwarranted guilt into quite a nice living.
“The board supporting and affirming this resolution not only recognizes the inequities but allows us to work towards rectifying issues with policies and procedures as well as resources.”
Trust me, resources should be at the beginning of that list, and in fact the policies and the procedures they reference in the end constitute little more than lavishing more and more money on the coloreds. It’s a scam of unrelenting proportions. Why, just the other day 70 Asian groups demanded (demanded mind you!) that President Biden form a commission to give reparations to Negroes. Apparently all those assaults on Asians by the Blacks are forgiven in the name of the hatred of White people. The race war makes for strange bedfellows.
For Supervisor Andrew Do, who was born in Vietnam, the issue may be a personal one. He spoke at the meeting about how, while living in Huntington Beach, he had bottles and other things thrown at him many times while out for a run.
Chinsio-Kwong, Chau, and now Do. And in fact Do is the one who spearheaded this campaign. He hails from Little Saigon in Westminster as his political base, and he’s claiming that not everyone is a fan of the Asian invaders — but why would they be? While far more advanced than the Mexicans or the Blacks, in some respects the Asian poses an even greater threat to us than the lower types. They appear to be adding competency to the anti-White coalition — nothing we should welcome!
Board members unanimously approved the declaration, ignoring the jeering from a crowd that had come to decry the county’s November election results as riddled with fraud. Do fired back at the hecklers, who booed and yelled epithets while he and Chau were speaking: “Go back to China.” Chinsio-Kwong said that at the beginning of the pandemic there were a lot of kids in school who were told “Go back to Wuhan,” including her own children. “And you think racism is dead?” Do said.
White racial consciousness is not dead; there are pockets of it, but it is ill-disciplined and not nearly pervasive enough. Massive organization and mobilization will be required.
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Old-timers in Little Saigon will wax nostalgic about their migration to America and they will tell you with a straight face that Gerald Ford is a great man. The truth is that quality was not Job One for him; it was Ford who gave the go-ahead for the influx of Vietnamese to America. Hell, even Jerry Brown was against it at the time. It was a colossal mistake. By the mid-1980s, all across Orange County Vietnamese teens were becoming valedictorians. And nearly 40 years later, Andrew Do is lecturing us about “White racism” and is taking our money away on the preposterous pretext that (our) “racism” is a public health crisis. Had we not let them (or other non-Whites) in — in other words, if we had kept our determination to be a White nation — then there would be no problem.
The Vietnamese immigrant population has grown significantly since then, roughly doubling every decade between 1980 and 2000, and then increasing 26 percent in the 2000s. In 2017, more than 1.3 million Vietnamese resided in the United States, accounting for 3 percent of the nation’s 44.5 million immigrants and representing the sixth-largest foreign-born group in the country.
Back when Asians were flooding into California in the 19th century, raising alarm bells among the Whites there, the Whites — mostly White workers and their advocates — essentially forced the federal government to exclude the invaders. It is estimated that, had they not done so, California would have been dominated by Asians by the middle of the 20th century. It turns out the estimates were only off by sixty years or so. That’s why you keep policies like the Chinese Exclusion Act and the Asiatic Barred Zone. They really had a ring to them, did they not?
“I think if anything, just being in that room Tuesday and hearing the sentiments of the public comment it demonstrates that racism is very alive in Orange County and many people are probably experiencing it on a daily basis.”
Lamentably, White racial solidarity (what they call “White racism”) is not very much alive in Orange County. If t were, none of this would occur.
“Asian Americans are the focus now, but throughout our history at different times, different groups have been targeted,” Do said. “I want this to be a conversation to be had by us, just the latest government to officially look at racism as a health issue, pointing to inequities in health care spending and the consequences of violence.”
While the White man is down, it’s a good time to kick him seems to be the position of the leaders of the Asian invaders.
It looks like Affirmative Action might be toppled by the Supreme Court soon, and it’s just like conservatives to give us a supposed “big victory” — and really hand us a loss. Ending Affirmative Action fifty years ago would have done some real yeoman’s work for the White race — but now it will create an uncontrollable class of Asian overlords. Between that and creating new generations of “empowered,” anti-White Black and Brown “activists” is a real Hobson’s choice.
“In Orange County, a commission report says hate crimes soared 165% from five years ago. This problem of hate — it’s not an Asian problem, it’s not a Black problem, it’s not a Latinx problem. It’s America’s problem,” Ji said.
Chinsio-Kwong, Chau, Do, and Ji. Like a law firm Hell-bent on putting the final touches on a once-great nation’s death certificate.
The County joins more than 200 governmental bodies in 37 states that have passed similar declarations, and while declarations themselves are often symbolic, they can spark action. In Boston the city allocated $3 million to address issues like COVID-19 health disparities and reviews of police policies.
Just so you know, “action” means taking our money.
The Republican-majority board unanimously approved the declaration on Tuesday, citing studies and data that show the health effects of race-based attacks and violence against people of color.
So it was the GOP who spearheaded this push. A fat lot of good they ever did us.
The resolution seeks an analysis of the existing policies and practices in the county to ensure that racial and health equity are protected and make the local government more inclusive and diverse. It also aims to educate the community about systemic inequities from a health and human services perspective. Under the vote, Orange County policies will be reviewed to ensure they are racially equitable.
It will be a top-to-bottom scan, and scam; they will look in to every nook and every cranny of the law and make sure that the White man is getting the shaft, again and again, wherever possible, and ever-increasingly, forever. For, when translated into plain English, that is what “equity” now means.
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Orange County is about 70% White and historically Republican. You can be sure it’s heading south from that number, and whether it stays relatively Republican or goes full-on Democrat matters little. Both sides are on board with the anti-White zeitgeist of the times. No matter which party rules, it won’t be your father’s Orange County or your grandfather’s.
Democrats in Orange County, California, are done with The Duke, and they want John Wayne’s name and likeness stripped from the county’s airport.
There was a time when positive views of John Wayne (who, despite some egregious flaws, personified White masculinity to millions) were unexceptional in America, and certainly in Orange County. When he moved to Newport Beach he became an icon of the area. It was the kind of place where they could put a nine-foot statue of him in his most heroic pose and no one thought twice about it. And why would they? This was God’s Country, after all. There was no Ho Chi; and José was meek and knew his place — in the shadows.
Now it’s José and Ho Chi everywhere you look, and the Duke’s days are numbered.
The pols cite Wayne’s professed support of white supremacy in a 1971 Playboy interview, in which he espoused derogatory views of African Americans, Native Americans and movies with gay characters.
In the interview, Wayne really comes off as a disappointing moderate, but one with some plain common sense. His views were perhaps a bit more outspoken than average, but were the absolute mainstream in this country fifty years ago:
“With a lot of Blacks, there’s quite a bit of resentment, along with their dissent, and possibly rightfully so, he said. But we can’t all of a sudden get down on our knees and turn everything over to the leadership of the Blacks. I believe in white supremacy until the Blacks are educated to a point of responsibility.”
Of course 2020 was the year of people getting down on their knees for Negroes. And it was also the year that anyone with two unobstructed eyes in his head knew that the Blacks will never be educated to the point of responsibility.
“While some outside Orange County may not know of John Wayne’s beliefs in white supremacy, many Orange County residents have been calling for his removal for years,” county party chairwoman Ada Briceño said in a statement. “We’re seeing renewed calls for this right now, and it’s time for change.”
Wayne’s views would also be “out of step” with todays “Land Acknowledgments” and the like:
“I don’t believe in giving authority and positions of leadership and judgment to irresponsible people. I don’t feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from the Indians. Our so-called stealing of this country from them was just a matter of survival. There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves.”
They now call the airport the Orange County Airport — John Wayne’s name has been removed. But the statue still stands, as proud as ever. When you see it, it reminds you of a time when this was the real promised land, was God’s Country. When it was a White paradise and the future looked bright. But now that Orange County is dead as a doornail, and the nails are in the coffin, how long can it last?
God’s Country is no longer that, as the gods have fled the building.
They are, however, regrouping elsewhere.
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Source: Author
Orange County used to be the place to see and be seen. Gradually, over the past few decades, the beach bunnies and cool surfer dudes sort of disappeared, and in their place, ugly dark fat beaners and slanted no speakie engrish Asians as far as the eye could see. Until I went to live in O.C., I never, ever fathomed that I’d see women in burkas in my own country! At least the Mestizos over there use at least broken English, on the job anyway, even day laborers, unlike other parts of the country they infest. But I will never understand how and why that place is such a magnet for jewish retirees. I knew about Palm Beach and Boca Raton, Florida, but wasn’t prepared to be surrounded by so… Read more »
This article is very truth telling and rhymes with what is going on in Canada. If I may mention what is occurring here; the corrupt politicians and media up here are going after our game of Hockey. It’s too white and doesn’t reflect our diversity(a weaponised anti-white term), as you are all familiar with of course. And just lately they are after “white supremacy”, whatever that actually means, in the Canadian Armed Forces. So you see this attack on white people is continent wide and now on industrial strength force everywhere.
Back in the 1980s, there was a movie, I forgot the title of, but the theme song for it went, “…take off, to the Great White North…”.
Without hockey, how can it be Canada anymore, what’s next, dismantling of the RMPC, banning maple syrup?
I hate Justine Turdeau! I’m glad he’s not head of my country, America, but we’re stuck with Biden, and he’s due to visit Canada on official business, if that hasn’t already happened, after he visited with the Mexican president. I’m paranoid that Biden will ask your despotic P.M. for pointers, and Biden is bad enough as it is.
The fact that Tom Metzger could win nomination for the U.S. House of Representatives in 1980 (as a Democrat!) but not receive support from the ‘right’ of that era speaks volumes.
“He’s a racist!”
A few years later Bob Mathews tried a different approach, but failed miserably after some astounding early successes.
“He’s a criminal!”
Now a Jew judge rules against the will of the people, many of whom are White, and his ruling is accepted.
“It’s the law!”
‘America’ was lost long ago, well before Tom was born, as the Jew had been continually allowed into our presence, usually at the insistence of mythtards.
Acceptance is death.
First Thing First : Eliminate Jew Influence