Setting the Record Straight by Hadding Scott

This important resource is now back online.
by Kevin Alfred Strom
FROM 2010 to 2018, racial-nationalist writer, translator, and researcher Hadding Scott maintained a blog titled Setting the Record Straight hosted at Jewish-run Blogspot. It focused primarily on debunking the lies of, and exposing the multiple identities used by, the late Harold Covington. It also dealt with several other controversial issues related to racial-nationalist figures. Although the blog became inactive, with no new posts since shortly after Covington’s 2018 death, it was still a valuable resource, especially since some of Covington’s fiction-laden smears still surface occasionally.
When we were recently informed by National Alliance Chairman Will Williams that Blogspot had moved to censor — actually, totally remove — Setting the Record Straight, I took it upon myself to take the copies of the blog and save them to our own server — both to make them more accessible and to back them up so they can still be accessed in the unlikely event that also takes them down.
You can access all the main content of Setting the Record Straight at .
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Source: Author
This is a good idea. With all of the
scumbags and degenerates attracted
to the “movement,” I would say it is
entirely called for.
He also runs:
And can be contacted below.
@NSWorldview on Gab
@NSWorldview on Twitter
@HaddingReal on Twitter
#National-Socialism on Undernet
Thanks for saving Setting the Record Straight, Kevin. Covington didn’t smear only legitimate pro-White leaders; he even libeled those like poor Gerald Sprouse who had simply met someone like me; he then pretended that Mr. Sprouse wrote a letter to him, published in one of his “newsletters.” Some of “Big Lie” Covington’s suckers believed the letters were genuine because it was implausible that anyone would lie to that extent. In the letter below, which I copied and mailed to Hadding to put up on the blogspot, makes out that I would murder him. In a healthy world, I should have, but I took him to court. I had prevailed in my defamation suit Williams v. Covington and the loser had no recourse then but to keep attacking me in his… Read more »
I’m delighted to hear that someone has archived Hadding Scott’s site, but what happened to him? His contribution is so valuable that I included one of his articles (on the origin of the word “racism”) in one of the books I edited.
Is he still alive…?
Hadding is still around. He hasn’t updated his site lately but is active and accessible: National-Socialist Worldview – @NSWorldview on Gab, @HaddingReal on Twitter, #National-Socialism on Undernet (
He writes occasionally for CODOH: Hadding Scott | CODOH and is republished here also: The Tolerant Man Who Could Not Be Tolerated | National Vanguard