CommentaryEssaysJohn Massaro

Journal of a World Gone Mad, part 7

by John Massaro

LIKE MANY OTHER AMERICANS, and Europeans too I’m sure, I’ve fantasized about cleansing this planet of all the human bacteria that have proliferated far too long. While writing this book, I often daydreamed about writing another, my own version of The Turner Diaries, that legendary underground novel of total race war, which saw Tel Aviv and New York City disappear under a mushroom cloud. I’d take a more humane approach. I wouldn’t nuke Israel, I’d simply cut off all aid and watch it sink like a stone. I’d have my protagonist, an Air Force fighter pilot of genius and audacity like George Lincoln Rockwell, stage a mutiny, having won over a dozen fellow pilots with his charismatic leadership. I’d have him serve notice on all news media bases in New York, and the dozen or so vaccine production plants in the country, that they were in imminent danger of attack, just as the German government placed newspaper ads in 1915 warning prospective passengers not to sail on the Lusitania, which was secretly carrying munitions and thus a fair target for German U-boat torpedoes, which did in fact sink it on May 7th of that year with great loss of life. This will allow any innocents to quit their jobs and stay away from these buildings; they’ve been warned and now it’s their decision. New York City is the global news media nerve center. It’s from here, primarily, that disinformation and deviant ideas, like this whole Covid-19 clown show, flow into homes across America, and stream out to the world’s most distant outposts. And, as I believe the evidence shows, at its core this is an attempted worldwide Bolshevik revolution, the latest eruption of the Jewish genocidal mentality openly proclaimed in the Old Testament.

In the book I’ve daydreamed about, in advance of twelve Apache helicopters, armed to capacity, taking off from McGuire AFB near Trenton, 300 commandos will storm the New York Times building, and the television studios of ABC, CBS, CNN and NBC. All executives, news producers, columnists and script writers will be arrested and marched down to the Javits convention center on 11th Avenue. Within days they will be joined by thousands more journalists, politicians, pharmaceutical firm and health department officials at all levels, rounded up by local militia units from around the country. Now the choppers come swooping in over Manhattan. Within minutes, a salvo of air-to-surface Hellfire missiles reduces the five above-mentioned media septic tanks to piles of smoking rubble. The aircraft split up and head out to vaccine factories in Baltimore and Rockville in Maryland, Andover and Norwood in Massachusetts, and Marietta, West Point and Swiftwater in Pennsylvania, leveling these structures with their remaining payload, before returning to base to refuel, rearm and head off to a few midwestern states to finish the job of demolishing all remaining vaccine manufacturing facilities, after again refueling at Wright AFB in Dayton. Soon, with the media government gone, the one in Washington implodes, and puppet governments in Europe topple one by one.

Within days, “reality” begins to change for the world’s normies. The convention center will become a makeshift courthouse and all the prisoners will be given a fair trial. Those found to have misled the public about any aspect of Covid-19, or of vaccines in general, which I would guess to be eighty percent of them, will, in line with the Alexis Carrel proposal quoted on page 11 of this book, be immediately executed by firing squad on the banks of the Hudson River. Of course a great deal more would need to be done, but this is a crude, preliminary sketch of the book I’d love to write but probably won’t.

Crazy, you say? Well, we all have our fantasies.

And logistically, it may well be impossible to pull off. I don’t know; I’m not a military man. But really, are not the events of the last sixteen months the true measure of insanity? Isn’t what I’ve just described a better alternative than watching the vaccine killing fields fill up while doing nothing? As the vaccination steamroller keeps forging ahead, I’m almost beginning to believe that some people involved in this scheme will have big smiles on their faces as they watch all humanity go extinct.

So if this condensed plot line plants a seed somewhere, great. Now back to the real world.

I cannot overemphasize the avalanche of events taking place without letup around the world, as people rebel against what has become medical martial law. London, Athens, Paris and smaller European cities have seen huge, raging protest marches in recent weeks. At the moment, life in France seems to be on the verge of becoming unbearable, as the most repressive Covid laws ever go into effect. Canada and Great Britain are also sliding backwards, as is Australia, where the police have often descended to sickening levels of brutality, and protests banned outright in some cities.

Four British Airways and five Air India pilots died in May and June, some of them undoubtedly from the injection. And now, a whistleblower from Jet Blue has just revealed that five pilots who flew for that airline — which like most, pressures or requires all their employees to submit to the shot -— died in recent months. I have seen the names and ages of all but one of these men, and photographs of most of them. When in the history of aviation has anything like this ever happened? Across the world, the focus has shifted from inhumane mask and social distancing laws to the specter of mandatory vaccination, even as sad reports of death and serious injuries, often accompanied by graphic photos and videos, pile up on social media faster than the censors at Facebook can delete them. I also cannot overemphasize the indispensability of alternative news Web sites in these times, nor the scale of mainstream news censorship, which is nearly absolute. Let no one criticize the government of North Korea for depriving its citizens of information.

Thousands of lawyers and doctors in America and Europe — there are that many good ones, I was happy to learn — have spoken out in the strongest language against the fake pandemic and the global Covid-19 vaccination campaign — the media pretending they don’t exist. One of them, a German lawyer named Reiner Fuellmich, who has years of experience suing large corporations, has initiated legal proceedings against WHO, the CDC, and what he calls the Davos group (meaning the World Economic Forum, which meets annually at a resort in Davos, Switzerland) for crimes against humanity. I wish him success, but I don’t see how he can prevail without military support.

This is war, and in war history shows that superior force, not superior morality, has the last say.

With the loosening of restrictions in late May and a seeming return to normalcy here in New York state, I hoped that things were finally winding down, that the System would be content with jabbing about 60% of the population after interest quickly dropped off. I was wrong. In mid-June, Andrew Cuomo announced plans to go door-to-door in towns where zip codes showed low injection rates, to coax residents into getting a shot. So far I haven’t seen it. Now, in July, Biden’s controllers are promoting the same activity. In the two videos I saw, residents had sharp words for the door knockers, who walked away. How far they will go with these intrusions remains to be seen.

Will it fizzle out or will it intensify? I wouldn’t be surprised if these canvassers were instructed to report the addresses of belligerent citizens for inclusion in an “extremist” or “anti-vaxxer” database, to be singled out for a special visit by FEMA goons for a forced injection, a trip to a detention camp, or worse. After seeing how events have unfolded since March 2020, I now realize that anything, absolutely anything, here and abroad, is possible if the ruling scum think they can get away with it.

I’ve written more than enough in this book about the historical lessons of government terror, here and in Europe. In America, at least, goons have to reckon with the possibility of community defense groups springing up and spraying them with gunfire.

I have a sobering question: What is going to happen to the 180 million people in this country alone who received this injection, and particularly to those of child-bearing age or younger? It goes without saying that there will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth — there has been already.

But really, how bad will it be in the years ahead?

Will it be the worst event in the history of our species? Or not nearly as bad as some are predicting?

My gut feeling is that it’s going to be very bad, much worse than any previous manmade disaster.

I do believe that hundreds of millions, if not billions, will suffer and die prematurely, or will not be able to have children, because of what a handful of twisted creatures are doing to us. But I just don’t know. And I don’t know how long it will take to assess the damage.

A few times I’ve run into a depressing quote from the pen of Edward Gibbon, the eighteenth-century English historian whose six-volume masterpiece, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, is widely regarded as the greatest historical chronicle ever written. Casting his eye over 1500 years of society and civilization, Gibbon wrote: “History is indeed little more than the register of the crimes, follies and misfortunes of mankind.” I believe in evolution, and that using our brains constructively for two million years is what allowed us to advance from primates on the African savannah to where we are today, meaning above all the many splendid achievements of the European peoples. So why have we done so many stupid, barbaric things over the centuries, like burning people at the stake for heresy, and slaughtering millions of people in distant lands who were bothering no one? The events of the last eighteen months have shown, in so many ways, just how fundamentally primitive and irrational most human beings are, and how fragile civilization is. Why don’t we ever learn? Why, now, are we in the midst of what may well prove to be the greatest crime, folly and misfortune in the history of our species? Is there any hope for us?

I have to believe there is, despite the terrible trial we’re now going through on the never-ending upward path.



* * *

Source: an excerpt from the book Will Vaccines Be the End of Us?

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Alex Lund
Alex Lund
3 December, 2022 11:57 am

I like your fantasy. I couldn`t tell you mine directly, so let me tell you a joke instead: A men is walking at a shore and finds a bottle. He thinks that there is maybe a genie in it, rubs it and opens it. And yes, a genie comes out and asks him about his wishes. Then out of nowwhere blacks, gypsies, jews,etc arrive and demand their wishes too. So, the genie asks them for their wishes. A black bullies his way to the front and demands a place where there are no whites (or others) and where is enough gold as reparations for what they suffered at the hands of whites. The genie thinks a few seconds and then says: “There is a planet in the M11 star cluster.… Read more »

Brenda Wallace
Brenda Wallace
Reply to  Alex Lund
17 December, 2022 7:35 pm

I think this is great! I am not a racist but if all the rest want to have their own place then were all thats left so be it.

Joe Fallisi
Joe Fallisi
4 December, 2022 9:13 pm

OUR ENEMIES PAR EXCELLENCE Joe Fallisi I applaud the initiative to publish these writings of the good John Massaro, whom I salute with my full esteem and support. I hope it means that the directors and editorial staff of National Vanguard (I’ll mention only two names: Kevin Alfred Strom and William White Williams) have finally grasped the decisive, epochal importance of what has been in motion on a global scale for three years now, following lengthy and ample preparation-gestation under the auspices of the Shylock international, the WHO, the World Economic Forum and Big Pharma. There was nothing scientific in the official narrative imposed by the corrupt politicians and media on the peoples of all the world, but particularly on Whites, regarding the… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Joe Fallisi
5 December, 2022 4:37 am

Interesting comment, Mr. Fallisi, when you said “This is all the more reason why we – precisely and especially we – must tackle it…” I hadn’t heard you have become a National Alliance member. Would you be kind and clarify that you are indeed one of “we?”

Joe Fallisi
Joe Fallisi
Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
5 December, 2022 7:19 am

With “we” I mean the people who really fight for truth, beauty and justice and so, inevitably, against the jewish poisoners.

Art Moenck
Art Moenck
Reply to  Joe Fallisi
5 December, 2022 10:36 am

Joe, I don’t get it! Can it be true that you believe that the NA doesn’t really fight for all these things you’ve mentioned? I think we do. Our White race’s survival is a just cause worthy of commitment by action as well as merely stating words, and that duty lies with every White in existence to assist others in a structured setting to accomplish goals we all can benefit from. Alliance members act on that word collectively. You should do so as well, rather than individually as long lasting institutions cannot be built and sustained by a single actor alone. You know, I agree with you that Jews are our poisoners. Whites who will not work with each other towards the Alliance’s higher purpose passively assist them to our… Read more »

Joe Fallisi
Joe Fallisi
Reply to  Art Moenck
5 December, 2022 7:58 pm

“Can it be true that you believe that the NA doesn’t really fight for all these things you’ve mentioned?”… I DIDN’T write that. On the contrary, the fact I made my comment to those NV articles means that I can have sometimes some critics but I DO appreciate for sure the fight of National Alliance. We should do the same here in Italy.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Joe Fallisi
6 December, 2022 10:14 am

What we should do and what we actually do are a value to strive for.

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
5 December, 2022 11:55 am

Jim, Mr. Fallisi is not one of us. He has not given his “full support” to our Alliance, but is interested in telling us how we should manage our organization, and anonymously, no less, by commenting here on our online magazine. He has likely not purchased Massaro’s book from our bookstore: Will Vaccines Be The End Of Us by John Massaro – Cosmotheism ( He writes: I hope it means that the directors and editorial staff of National Vanguard (I’ll mention only two names: Kevin Alfred Strom and William White Williams) have finally grasped the decisive, epochal importance of what has been in motion on a global scale for three years now... What I’ve grasped for some time now is that many non-Alliance members who comment here on NV are next to… Read more »

13 January, 2023 1:29 pm

Central statement of the meme :”There was never a cure for the flu because the flu is the cure itself.”

Found on the German web. Do more Research on your own.

My main Message for Greenhorns: Get out of this System!
