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Follow-up on Zelensky’s Speech to Congress

by John I. Johnson

THOUGH not a light in the darkness given the massive disparity in numbers between Democrat/Republican conformists and moderately independent-minded congressmen, there were four more Republican dissenters than indicated in my piece yesterday

Instead of not standing, these men did not show up at all, despite House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) instructing all members of both parties “to be physically present at our session Wednesday night” to honor the dictator.

They are:

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.)
Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah)
Rep. Thomas Massie (R.-Ky.)
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.)

Massie tweeted, “I’m in DC but I will not be attending the speech of the Ukrainian lobbyist. The American taxpayers have been conscripted into making welfare payments to this foreign government.”

The non-attendees were publicly outed by a young Jewish reporter for NBC, Julie Tsirkin. Her parents left Crimea in the 1990s “with just a suitcase” (I’m not kidding, the privileged TV producer/reporter actually uttered that whopper on national television) for greener pastures in the US. Therefore, Tsirkin grew up in this country speaking Russian — she says, though she has no accent. 

Now a noisy Zelensky propagandist, her paycheck is cut by Jewish media monopolist Brian Roberts, the invisible but exceedingly powerful owner of NBC, Universal, Comcast, and other unremittingly anti-White communications outlets. (Julie Tsirkin on Twitter: “Some Republicans who openly question the need for more aid for Ukraine don’t appear to be in attendance, including Thomas Massie, Rand Paul, Josh Hawley, Mike Lee and others.” — Twitter)

Paul has spoken out against aid to Ukraine many times, and succeeded in momentarily blocking a multibillion-dollar gift earlier this year.

Half-Polynesian, half-White former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (D.-Hawaii) was highly critical of the visitation on Tucker Carlson’s TV show. She resigned from the Democratic Party in October and now identifies as an Independent.

* * *

Source: Author

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Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
25 December, 2022 4:34 pm

Out of 535 US congressmen/senators, under 10 understand we’re fomenting this foreign war and forcing the taxpaying multitudes to pay for it. Benefiting from this war are Jews. Losers are our Russian and Ukrainian White cousins as they die in a vast bloodbath.

What do we Whites want to do about this? Sit and complain? Or be more pro-active by building our voice, make or join new communities for us to protect our kids and ourselves from the liars pushing these wars? I’m choosing the latter, which is one reason I joined the National Alliance.

Donald MacMullen
Donald MacMullen
Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
26 December, 2022 9:50 am

Right on Jim! Even on our most inactive days, I at least know I am part of our organization. If you do nothing else, join or support the National Alliance. We are fighting for a White future.

Patsy ( Southern )
Patsy ( Southern )
27 December, 2022 12:44 pm

Zelensky is a gypsy jew dwarf. That is what gypsy jews do is beg for other peoples money and property.
Or better yet, steal.

C.E. Whiteoak
C.E. Whiteoak
Reply to  Patsy ( Southern )
28 December, 2022 7:21 pm

“Gypsy jew dwarf.” LOL! I have not seen a better description of that little phony. Everything he says and does seems like it might have been written by one of his screenwriter tribal cousins in Hollywood.

Frank McCarthy
Frank McCarthy
30 December, 2022 4:16 pm

Could not be better said by anyone: Mr Massie tweeted, “I’m in DC but I will not be attending the speech of the Ukrainian lobbyist. The American taxpayers have been conscripted into making welfare payments to this foreign government.”
The clown Zelensky is not only the lobbyist but he has become a despotic autocrat.

Karl Austin
Karl Austin
6 January, 2023 7:00 pm

It is all about America fearing a multipolar world. That is coming whether the United States likes it or not. But if we think in metapolitical terms we would realize a multipolar world is more conducive to the rise of a White Ethno-State than is America’s unsustainable Unipolar model. If America wins what happens? They move nuclear missiles into Ukraine and import LGBTQ lunacy and Black Lives Matter banners are everywhere. I do not jest. American embassies in Afghanistan were flying the gay rainbow flag at the American embassy and the embassy building itself was decked out in George Floyd murals! But if Ukraine goes the way of Afghanistan for the Americans then the Neo-conservative faction is discredited and no more regime changes. It is regime changes by the Americans… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Karl Austin
6 January, 2023 7:07 pm

Creating a new, White order can be done at any time. We need not rely on the now decaying Western Civilization to continue to decay further.

We in the National Alliance have already begun and are growing, albeit too slowly as most Whites sit on their thumbs even though they’re aware of our race’s existential peril. Join us if you have the moral courage others do not have: