Decolonizing England
by Douglas Mercer
IN ENGLAND THEY ARE “decolonizing the curriculum.” They have a globalist pro-immigration wog at the top, so why not? The body that makes the recommendations for what is taught in school is recommending virulent doses of misnamed “anti-racism” and big portions of anti-White animus.
Cuck Island is on the skids, so this hardly even rises to the level of a revolt against civilization — it’s more of a temper tantrum by the inferiors when faced with their betters. The cradle of the English-speaking world has now gone over to the dark side; they’ve got a squat Muslim as the mayor of their once-great city, among ten million other outrages.
If you are a swart Paki, for example, you had open season for years on poor White girls. What did the authorities do? Well, officially they turned a blind eye — but in reality they cheered it on. They think those girls had it coming, being blood related to the greatest monsters of the Universe.
Now in the schools they will teach their victims that math is racist, and geography is racist, all subjects are racist, the very notion of subjects itself is racist — unless the subject is “decolonizing studies,” then it’s a great boon.
England must fall, and you can be sure if they have anything to say about it there won’t always be an England. It will just be a husk of its former self, run by Indians and darkies in the name of a “rainbow” (more like sewage-colored) future. In that future, the question won’t be so much if anyone there will remember Vera Lynn — they won’t, of that you can be sure. The real question will be: Will anyone be able to add four-digit numbers together? Forget about quadratic equations — they’re so White supremacist they’ll prohibit any mention of them.
In the future, the only thing white about England will be those cliffs of Dover. In fact, by the time these rabid anti-White zealots are even half done, they’ll try to dynamite or bulldoze them into oblivion — but by then no one there will have the technical know-how do it.
Not after England has fallen.
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The Queen is dead but she was no stalwart anyway; evidently she had no concern for White Britons whatsoever. It looks like the curriculum is dead as well — that is, it is dead if you think that what is taught in schools should reflect the values and triumphs of a nation’s past. The people at Quality Assurance certainly don’t think so, but then when it comes to these rabid anti-White zealots not only is quality not job one, but quality itself is suspect, and is probably part of some “hegemonic structure” that keeps the Black man down. You see, they resent quality — they prefer “equality”; it’s easier and they no longer have to work. Never mind that it doesn’t exist, has never existed, and cannot exist.
“Wokism” is finally catching up with the sciences as mathematicians in British universities are told by a standards body to decolonize the curriculum.
The irony is that England is being reverse colonized; check out that wog at 10 Downing. By “decolonizing the curriculum” they mean don’t teach the greatness of Britain’s past — it’s not great, they say, it’s evil. The once-colonized return to the metropole and begin their own colonization, and their first step is to colonize the curriculum by “decolonizing” it. That is, to teach a totally backwards version of history, where every backwater locale around the world was on the cusp of creating cold fusion in their huts using rat urine and albino bones. But then the English rolled in, and for the good deed of bringing civilization to the fuzzies and the bad deed of bring the fuzzies to England, they’ve been forced to tolerate child rape, dispossession, and feces in the drinking water.
The Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), which checks on course standards, has updated its recommendations to include critical race theory, according to Mail Plus. It suggests courses – including sciences and math – teach about colonialism and white supremacy, with many tutors expected to take the advice on board.
Math is the ultimate in Whiteness: imperious, cold, clinical, impersonal, abstract. It brooks no “feelings” nor special pleadings; in its magisterial objectivity it gives no quarter to human weakness. Mathematics constitutes a binary pass/fail reality where the weak and unworthy fall to the wayside and are justly forgotten. So you can see why they want to “decolonize” math; they have seething resentment for this nearly wholly White field, through which Whites are able to lord it over the entire Universe; they know that in this kind of environment they are bound to fall woefully short. Their latest actions are just the sour grapes of defeated and beaten peoples. Decolonize math? Why, you might as well translate Shakespeare into Ebonics.
The advice comes as part of 25 subject benchmarks which describe what students should study and the standards they should meet. The Office for Students (OFS) recommended the QAA to be the designated quality body for higher education in England in 2018 due to it being highly capable and trustworthy. The QAA took on the role, and continues to provide the OFS with advice about quality, despite having no powers itself.
No power? Absurd. Rather the power to rule, and destroy. The power to “recommend” from a “trusted source” — declared to be trusted — which the schools will take hook, line, and sinker. They’ll lay down the benchmarks of anti-Whiteness; they’ll take hold of the teacher’s hands; they’ll put words in the teachers’ mouths and make them spew venom at White Britons. These are the people who have been charged with overseeing the “quality” of the education, after all; they are the avatars of the evil anti-Whitet zeitgeist — and no one wants to be seen to be stepping out of line or bucking the trend. That would end careers and terminate dreams of sugar plums and pensions. Better to conform to the prevailing norms of “quality assurance”; it sounds so institutional and normative, everyone will want to parrot their party line. It is the Establishment’s conduit, after all; for all intents and purposes it might as well be the word of God.
One example from the QAA for computing courses is addressing how hierarchies of colonial value are reinforced in the field. In Geography, it is suggested that racism, classism, ableism, homophobia and patriarchy are promoted. Language courses are told to encourage students to reflect on historical and contemporary forms of injustice and inequality related to imperialism, colonialism, class or gender divisions. Meanwhile, it is recommended that Economics students are reminded that it remains predominantly a white, male and Western field.
Breathtakingly destructive and damaging to the students. This might as well be a one-agency killing crew; to say that Whiteness is in the dock and found wanting is to say the least of it. In a way they are right, though: All these fields, even the very notion of fields, were created by White men. There’s a reason that elite Americans in the middle of the nineteenth century all wanted to go to European, often German, universities — and not to Asian, Mideastern, or Mestizo-run ones: Whites not only dominate all knowledge, they invented the concept of knowledge itself; we were the ones who divided learning into disciplines, indeed who invented the notion of a discipline itself. The modern world is unthinkable without the White race. And now all of these misshapen cretins from two-bit pest-hole countries find themselves in the land created by pure Whiteness — and they find it all rather intimidating; the very existence of such a world of wonder is a rebuke to their existence.
This autumn, the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) – an independent charity which reviews university courses – launched a consultation that urged universities to teach a decolonized view of mathematics. Where does the idea of decolonizing math come from? The academic theory of decoloniality states that as well as colonizing the world physically, Europeans have dominated the world by promoting the European paradigm of rational knowledge.
Their contemptible “movement” (it would be a laughingstock if Jews, who’ve been pushing it, had never been allowed to take our nations from us) doesn’t even rise to the level of revolt against civilization: it’s a temper tantrum of a small impetuous child. So jealous are they of our unparalleled greatness that they want us to apologize for it. Apologize for plumbing the depths of the Universe; apologize for exploring the furthest reaches of the stars; apologize for conceptualizing the structure of reality; apologize for utilizing the mind and its power — rational thought, deduction, logic; apologize for being mentally peerless.
Students should be made aware of problematic issues in the development of math content they are being taught, for example some pioneers of statistics supported eugenics, or some mathematicians had connections to the slave trade, racism or Nazism.
You can bet those men were not like the deracinated traitors who run these schools now; they were hard and uncompromising men, men who are out of fashion today. Their accomplishments should inspire awe and wonder, but instead they receive vilification and opprobrium. Now people who are unfit to be called their posterity rule the wicked dens of lies and vice they still call “schools” — and they cast aspersions on knowledge itself. It’s a favela-ridden future they are auguring in as they define accomplishment down.
It appears that the colonial offshoots of Europe are not faring any better in this reprehensible age.
In New Zealand the schools of chemistry and biology syllabus has been decolonized and now invokes the concept of mauri, or life force, to give the atomic theory a new spiritual dimension. This is because of a central diktat that Maori knowledge must be given equal status to other forms of knowledge, including science.
The Maori are the genetic throwbacks who paint themselves in ridiculous colors and do weird dances where they strike odd poses and screw up their brown faces into ridiculous grimaces. White New Zealanders are now required to essentially worship them as the “deeply spiritual” and pure victims of White supremacy. So, on the one hand, you have the Heisenberg Principle; on the other, pig grunts. And if you don’t loudly proclaim that the two are equal, woe unto you and all your family.
Just the other day, a judge in Florida opined that professors are the “priests of democracy” — and considering that democracy is one of the chief methods used by the Jews to destroy European civilization, he really was correct. They have their altars of anti-Whitism and they burn their incense, call upon their dark demons to bring White genocide, and they now preach their evils for hundreds upon hundreds of hours directly into the ears of our children.
Until we put a stop to it.
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Source: Author
People believe behaviors that they themselves are capable of engaging in, other behaviors are not understood and thus not believed. Consequently when a Jew looks for a job at an English establishment, he is viewed through a white lens. Then when other Jews soon are accepted into the organization, the whites conclude that they too see the world through a white lens. It is only when it is too late, they have taken over, that the whites begin to realize that something bad is happening, but even then, they don’t understand it because it is behavior they themselves could not engage in and thus cannot be understood for the destruction it has wrought. White is a high-trust society and it is that high trust that builds great civilizations but is… Read more »
I live in England, and unfortunately, it’s even worse than this article suggests. A good read, though.
Well what can you say about this article? There may be some truth in some of, it but the bigger truth is these are all a sideshow. I’ll try and explain as best I can. For decades now in the UK there has been a growing unease at the rights being stripped from employee’s and the growing antipathy of the public towards the elites has been a major part of the reason for all other things moving and shaking here! Don’t like having to work for an agency with no workers rights and less accountabilty? Well okay tnen we’ll bring in those that don’t care about them (immigration) Okay we need doctors and nurses because were not training them much anymore (truth) So they sit on agencies getting paid anything… Read more »
This article explains the overt White genocide happening in the UK today, and I would like to know how you have come to the conclusion that saying so is a “sideshow.”
We here in the National Alliance, the owner and operator of National Vanguard, have as our highest value our race’s survival and the correction of our current path from decay, degeneracy, and death to a more progressively upward course. Articles such as Mr. Mercer’s assist us in doing so quite well and Whites who have a lick of sense would do well to recognize that and join with us in our efforts.
The British were a primary force in the destruction of Germany and Europe in 1945. Their actions enabled the Soviets and Americans to occupy the ruins. Yet, even after all these years the majority of them still don’t see that they fought on the wrong side. They cannot even walk down the streets of their own towns without being shoved aside by sub-humans yet they bleat that this is not the England that their glorious heroes fought for against the Nazi menace. Yet, it is precisely this ‘new’ England that they fought for, admittedly unknowingly at the time, but the great majority will never understand or admit that. It’s hard to have sympathy for them at times.
The absurdity of the term decolonization in Britain can’t be emphasized enough. White Britons ARE the indigenous people of Britain. You certainly cannot decolonize them. So who could the assorted white cultural Marxists and brown/blacks be referring to. Well that only leaves the non-whites as the colonizers of Britain – so remove yourselves!! Here in Canada, the term colonialism is thrown around a lot as you could imagine. Whenever a brown/black comes up to me and complains about colonization, I come back with, “well what the hell are you doing here then, aren’t you a colonizer by coming here?” that shuts them up. All the negative things going on in British education are happening here of course. Mathematics, English Literature, History, are being twisted as fast as the text books… Read more »
I agree, Steve, it’s time we fought back. Note the need for our own educational, publishing, media and so many other institutions and a land of our own without these non-White colonizers as shown here:
Be a part of our solution than the problem currently spreading.
Steve, when the wolf is in front of your door, you don’t argue with it about who got the house first. You go and grab your shotgun instead.
The time for talking is long gone, but governments, christian churches and corporate media bosses are doing their best to confuse the rest of the population.
That’s why they want to take your guns away while also demoralize white men, who are the only ones capable of truly fighting back.
The Royal family are Jews and their parliament is a cabal of Masonic Communists and Torahs. I thought Americans on this site knew that. They are a gulag of gay wigger’s.