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Kathy Hochul’s Re-education Camps

by Douglas Mercer

THE RISING TIDE OF HATE is lapping at the shores of New York state, they say; the Asians, the “gays,” the Blacks, and, of course, the Jews are the objects of “hate” more than ever. In Maryland they have the Emmett Till Alert System — so whenever a White man gets the wrong idea, millions of phones are pinged and they go down into their bunkers. The Jews actually have a bunker, a kind of Jew cave, which they man around the clock, scanning the Universe (like those guys on the see-saw camera in The Prisoner) for any sign of Jew hate. When they get a hit they phone up the authorities who then swoop down with a vengeance. In New York the “lady” who just got re-elected has signed a state-of-the-art “hate crime” bill. It means that they are ramping up the anti-“hate” message. If they catch you “hating” it won’t be just an ordinary crime — that they don’t care about, Hell, they let murderers and rapists go scot free when they are colored — so there will be extra punishments for you, sucker, that La Twon and Sharika never get. They actually like crime when it’s against Whites. And it will be a helluva a lot more than two minutes of hate they’ll subject you to if they catch you “hating”: Now they’ll send you to the hi-tech version of “sensitivity training”: that is, the gulag. And there they will “reconstruct you” and “teach you not to hate.”

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Kathy Hochul looks like she just clawed her way out of the crypt, but that won’t stop her from doing the Kosher ruling class’s bidding. She oversees the biggest state of cosmopolitan scum in the world, after all. The Jewish oligarchs who rule the world know that those who tell the truth about their many crimes are their number one enemies. So they simply classify their public critics as “haters” and try to demonize and criminalize their every move and utterance. They prefer an apathetic and placid populace, who will go with the “anti-racist” flow, and not do anything as unspeakably evil as criticizing or disliking the people who are attacking them daily, impoverishing them, and replacing them in their ancestral homeland.

New York is enemy-occupied territory. All places where the government says it is “fighting hate” are enemy-occupied territory. That’s a code phrase for dispossessing, extirpating, and eliminating White people.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul signed two bills into law on Tuesday aimed at addressing the rising tide of hate sweeping over the country. The first law requires those convicted of hate crime in New York to undergo hate crime prevention training and counseling.

The infamous rising tide of color is what should really concern her, but, no, she loves that stinking brown tide. That’s “justice,” after all. Supporting the invasion, and supporting the dispossession of White people, is “the right thing” to do. Why, the Earth is heating up faster than an orc in an oven so where are all are those poor downtrodden colored coolies going to go, except to White countries? And when they get here, and take our money and flood our streets and attack our neighborhoods, our enlightened elites don’t want them meeting with anything as nasty as “hate.” They’ve been brainwashing their victims with “sensitivity training” for so long now that the phrase sounds kind of quaint, but now they are going to strap you down and give you an forced ideological prefrontal lobotomy. You won’t have black and blue eyes, I think, but if they succeed your soul will be transformed. They want to teach you that caring about the future generations of your race is “evil”; that you need to learn to stop worrying and learn to love being replaced. It’s true that your daughter may shack up with a Salvadoran gang member and end up in the emergency room, but didn’t she deserve it? You know, all her privilege, man, privilege! The re-education camp will be housed in a modern building with “nice’ people who will mentally escort you to your doom. They will do it with a smile if you do as they tell you, but even the least little resistance will set them scowling. And you can be sure that with the full backing of the state they won’t take no for an answer.

The second law will create a statewide campaign run by New York’s Division of Human Rights to promote acceptance, inclusion, tolerance and understanding of diversity among New Yorkers.

Now when we put up our posters and fliers, even ones that only say stop hating White people, the surveillance tapes are checked, the cops come down (though they can do nothing), the Feds are brought in (ditto), the media are mobilized — and, from the way the powers that be shriek and howl, you’d think that all the devils in Hell are loose. But when their propaganda campaign kicks in, none of that happens, no; the opposite occurs. They don’t have dedicated people, like we do, who risk life and limb to get the word out; no, their dissemination of information is fully and lavishly funded by the state; Congress has earmarked millions to it; it will be flacked and ballyhooed by the Jewish media; there will be press conferences called to draw attention to it; and anyone who would rip down their stickers or posters or deface them will be hauled in to pay the price. When we put ours up, they run around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to take them all down before the word gets out that the National Alliance is in our town telling essential and forbidden truths.

Hochul also extended the deadline for New York community-based organizations to receive funding for new security equipment or training on how to prevent hate crimes via the state’s $50 million Securing Communities Against Hate Crimes Program.

There is no amount of money that they wouldn’t throw at the “problem” of “hate.” It is such “hate,” after all, which is the final obstacle to the oligarch’s complete and total dominion of the Earth. 50 million bucks? That’s pocket change for them, and anyway it’s money they’ve harvested from White people to put to use to ensure our demise. New funding, new equipment, new cameras, new training, new messaging, new everything — and all will be geared toward ensuring Whites die in silence. Whenever there is a racially proud White man, wherever White interests are upheld, this program will be on the march to stop it.

Stop the hate!

No Asian woman of any age coming home from work should ever worry about where they stand on a subway platform, said Hochul during a press conference. No young Jewish boy should ever have to look over his shoulder as he is walking into a yeshiva. No trans man or woman should ever have to fear for their safety or their life.

The Jews and their media whip up hatred of White people around the clock, and they make not a sound about the many real White victims of the rising brown tide. White victims are what they want! Your daughter’s or sister’s death is part of the program. They approve of that message. They want you to feel powerless. They want you to feel there’s nowhere to turn.

The only victims that get amplified by the Jews’ media are the ones that fit their narrative. As if “people of color” need to cower in fear as they go about their daily lives; when in fact no one is more subject to attack than White people.

You can look it up.

The new state laws come three days after a 22-year-old gunman opened fire in Club Q, an LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado Springs, Co. killing five people and injuring at least 25 others.

That gunman said he was “non-binary.” So this was an intra-freak bloodbath and, as such, should be of little concern to normal society except to get them all on the other side of a very thick wall. If they self-immolate, well, that means another dozen or so White children saved from pervert grooming.

But the Jews know nothing of shame or self-restraint. They just just keep on lying, like when Negroes attack Asians and the media claim “White supremacists” are running amok — and when perverts kill their own, they say it’s “homophobia” off the charts. In their storyline, normal White people are always the problem.

New York state has been shaken by several hate crimes this year alone. On Saturday, a brick was thrown through the front window of a New York City gay bar called VERS for the fourth time since it opened this summer. That same day two men linked to threats targeting local synagogues were taken into custody after entering Penn Station in New York City both of whom were armed with a hunting knife, gun and a 30-round magazine.

During that year, how many White victims of non-White crime were there? You can be sure it was a lot more than two. And you can also be sure it was a lot more than a tossed brick or some supposed threats — likely multiple hundreds of egregious examples of real honest-to-goodness violence, brutality, and death. But although such anti-White crime is part and parcel of the genocidal plan being carried out against Whites, the Regime, if they take note of it at all, will just file it under “crime, generic; random” and, often, “no arrests were made” — and move on in the hope that the vast majority of White people never know what hit them.

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul signed two bills into law Tuesday that will expand hate crime education and training in the state… “Prevention is our highest priority,” she said.

The highest priority! Number one! Nothing above it! Preventing “hate” speech (by Whites) because it “leads to violence” is her number one concern. Not the fact that New York City is a shooting gallery (largely due to non-Whites), not the fact that rape and murder is rampant (largely due to non-Whites) — no, none of these. Indeed, to point that out and to clearly identify who is doing this murdering and raping is itself “hate,” is itself a “hate crime.” Harp on it too long or too vociferously and you might end up in one of Kathy Hochul’s re-education centers (will they ever be honest and call them “camps”?) being taught about how the White race is the cancer of history.

Stop the Hate!

From January 1 through the end of June 2022, New York City as a whole has already experienced 189 incidents of murder and non-negligent homicide, 750 rapes, over 7,500 robberies, and more than 11,500 assaults.

And those are just the ones that got reported and recorded. That’s the rising tide of color at work, doing the jobs White Americans just won’t do. You can bet your bottom dollar that the vast majority of this out-of-control crime is done by the coloreds. In fact, you can look it up. The tale of the tape says so, though even those dry statistical tables are now deemed to be “racist.”

But stop the hate! White people are a health hazard, a public health concern! That’s what the Jews say.

In addition, 678 shootings have been reported so far in 2022 in New York City.

They don’t want to highlight any of this. If you highlight any of this, it may be deemed “racist.” To talk about reality would indeed be “racist” — and you might find yourself subject to one of those re-education camps. Why, Kathy Hochul herself will stand at the front of the class like a demented and badly aging schoolmarm and rap your knuckles right good if you should have the temerity to mention something as obnoxious (or true) as the color of crime. Crime has no color! Unless it’s hate crime. Then that color is White.

The second bill launches a statewide campaign run by New York’s Division of Human Rights that will promote acceptance, inclusion, tolerance and understanding of the diversity of New Yorkers. In addition, public and private organizations will work to develop educational materials to be published online, on social media and on other platforms to reach the public, according to the bill.

The modern concept of “human rights” (like “civil rights” 60 years ago) is a Jewish invention, designed to put a smiley face on genocide. You can bet “human rights” means no rights for White people, every single time. And this ominously titled “Division of Human Rights” will be out in full force to enforce their genocidal aims. They will teach the unlettered non-Whites that they are victims and, against all empirical evidence, convince them that they are “oppressed” — when in fact they get every gift under the Sun. And they will convince naïve and intimidated White people that they are the problem, that it was “wrong” for their forebears to be superior, that superiority is in itself “racist,” and it is time for them to bow gracefully out of history and let the scum of the Earth hold sway.

And now they have an “early warning system.” You are out walking with your nice White family? That’s the gulag for you, sir — you once expressed some wrongthink online. You bought a gun? That’s cause for concern; they’ll check you out from top to toe and scour the ’Net for everything you ever said. You called the police on a Black man? — that’s a “troubling act.” Did you question Jewish power? That’ll have the authorities breathing down your neck any time you interact with them, and they may well start initiating some interactions. Now that they have the entire society blanketed by semi-retarded pension-seeking thugs and goons, and with their equipment and cameras and recording devices, you can bet they’ll find uses for them.

Stop the hate!

And get ready for the reeducation camps; get ready for the gulag.

They are coming to your town.

The two bills are a part of Hochul’s efforts to fight and prevent hate crimes. They are supported by $245 million in federal funding to support homeland security preparedness, counter terrorism and emergency preparedness in the state, and $96 million in state and federal funding, to safeguard nonprofit, community-based organizations at risk of hate crimes and attacks.

(“Community-based organizations” really means Jewish and other anti-White groups. You can just forget the Cosmotheist Church getting any protection.) In case you had any doubt, that’s a lot of cold hard cash, which is a testament to just how seriously they take their efforts to demonize and criminalize us: i.e., very.

And, it’s so sad and so ironic — all those White people who were whipped in to a frenzy by the oligarchs into supporting the “Patriot Act” to “fight terrorism” now have the guns of the new agencies they empowered turned on them, and are now in the crosshairs of the Federal behemoth. Which goes to show: Be careful what you wish for.

White nationalists are — according to Merrick Garland almost every times he spouts off — are “the number one domestic terror threat.” Why, the current Resident said his motive for running back in 2022 was those khaki-clad tiki torch bearers in Virginia. He had to save America from White people! So now White people, who are the rightful inheritors of America, are deemed to be “anti-American.”

Hochul announced $9 million in Homeland Security grants last month for bomb squads, tactical teams, infrastructure protection, local government and cybersecurity and will redirect $10 million in state funds to support county governments. In addition, Hochul encouraged community-based organizations to apply for funding for the $50 million set aside to strengthen safety measures and protect against hate crimes.

The money is raining down and soon, perhaps, the bombs. We have become that most extraordinary of things: exiles in our own land.

After the Buffalo shooting, Hochul established a domestic terrorism unit within New York’s intelligence center that focuses on social media. Hochul called on New Yorkers to take action and report warning signs when they see them.

“If you see something, say something.” Report wrongthink. Don’t let Dad or Uncle Bob get away with hate speech in an online comment, or at dinner time for that matter! They want everyone in on it. But if you see a Black or Mestizo doing a smash and grab; then mum’s the word — lest you become Public Enemy Number One.

It may be that we can’t stop the Hochuls and Greenblatts of this world — yet. But let’s at least do this. If you see the country you once loved going to Hell; if you see your enemies in high places; if you see Jewish power destroying the lives of innocents and terminating our children’s future — if you see any of that, certainly say something, and do something too. In the end, the life you save will be that of your entire race. It’s certainly no crime to save the life of your people.

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Source: Author

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29 November, 2022 8:04 am

Will Jews be dragged off to these places for “hate speech” against the “goyim”? Somehow I don’t think so.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Joshua
1 December, 2022 12:29 am

Agreed, because Jews have been allowed by Whites to take over. Now we have to rebuild a new order of our own all over again–and this time we have to get it right. Time is short, Joshua, and our race gets closer to extinction because those of us aren’t stepping up and putting their lives to the best use by lending a hand to our efforts.

Rockwell's Ghost
Rockwell's Ghost
29 November, 2022 10:31 am

Dr. Pierce predicted all this in THE TURNER DIARIES, hate crime on steroids. Us whites do NOTHING but complain.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Rockwell's Ghost
29 November, 2022 12:53 pm

Whites have an option besides complaining, Mr. Ghost. Join the National Alliance, a team of doers, not complainers.
Chairman Williams looks forward to seeing your application in the mail soon.

Former Liberal
Former Liberal
30 November, 2022 3:52 am

Such a disgusting woman! Yes, I’ve read “,The Turner Diaries”, and it was a very prescient book. As I have previously mentioned my weird heritage on this site, I won’t go there: just to say that all of these attempts at thought control, endless Negro worship and censorship are appalling. I absolutely despise violence; especially as a veteran and former paramedic. But it’s beginning to look like that eventually white people and their supporters may have no choice!

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Former Liberal
30 November, 2022 1:04 pm

Whites do have choices, organizing and re-ordering ourselves for the future, Former Liberal. If we’re to govern ourselves once again, we must set up the tools for doing so. Consider joining the National Alliance after coming to understand who we are and why. Here’s where to begin for an overall look at our plans and some information about our life-philosophy that you saw presented to you in The Turner Diaries:

bryan o'driscoll
bryan o'driscoll
1 December, 2022 7:38 pm

As you may know we are being ‘culturally enriched’ at an ever increasing rate over here in Ireland. Not even the smallest village now doesn’t have the blessing of some mystery meat. In a small place like this it won’t take long before we find ourselves a minority. As there are some signs that the natives might be getting restless our ‘leaders’ have decided to take measures.
I don’t doubt that this bitch McEntee is of the same calibre as Hochul.

Reply to  bryan o'driscoll
2 December, 2022 8:37 pm

If even Ireland – a very cohesive, special nation – has succumbed to this, it only underlines how deadly this virus is and that only the very strong and few might survive it. I heard that recently it even reached Iceland to open a synagogue there. Good luck.

3 December, 2022 11:19 pm

Surprised nobody has mentioned the ethnicity of the suspect in the Penn station incident.
not in the article nor in the comment section.

“My client is of Jewish heritage. He resides with his parents and his grandfather is actually a 93-year-old Holocaust survivor — and my client is his part-time caretaker,” Freycinet said.”

literally every…single…time!

Also check out the court room photo.

In the photo he is sporting Phil Spectre-esque jewfro and he is wearing a “Gummo” T-shirt, “Gummo” is a very
anti-white film made by, you guessed it, another “fellow white” person named Harmony Korine.
The film depicts whites as poor white trash who kill cats to get money for huffing glue.