Journal of a World Gone Mad, part 2
by John Massaro
THE FIRST REPORTS OF a novel corona virus, SARSCoV2, came out of Wuhan, China in late December 2019. I don’t know what happened, or didn’t happen, in Wuhan, though it appears certain that the slimy Fauci, who has flip-flopped at least fifteen times in his recommendations, and whom even Trump had the brains to call “an idiot and a disaster,” was involved in research at the virology lab there going back to 2014. I suspect that secretive biowarfare research took place at this lab, as has long taken place in our own facilities, especially at Fort Detrick, Maryland. I also believe there may be a connection between possible radiation sickness in that city and cities in other countries where 5G wireless communications had recently been rolled out. Nevertheless, this obsession with China, this business of solely blaming China for the origin of Covid, is a huge and mendacious distraction from the brutal lockdowns in 2020, and the vaccination juggernaut in 2021.
If SARS-CoV-2 really exists, and whether or not it’s natural or manmade, it’s quite harmless to nearly everyone except the aged and those with co-morbidities, who are more vulnerable to any kind of viral infection. Jon Rappoport, who moderates the hard-hitting blog, maintains that the Covid-19 virus does not exist, that is, no scientist in the world has ever isolated and identified it as a distinct virus in the corona family. Inquiries on this subject sent to the top health departments in several Western countries were ignored or answered evasively. Rappoport has also said that the PCR test, used to detect infection, is utterly useless and rigged to spit out false positives like a fire hose. This man is an independent investigator who has been delving into government-medical-pharmaceutical chicanery and analyzing so-called pandemics for more than thirty years. He is unsurpassed at stripping away dense scientific jargon, reducing it to simple terms, and exposing “experts” like Fauci as b_______ artists. The late Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test, was another man who despised Fauci as a know-nothing career bureaucrat. Mullis never intended the PCR test to be a diagnostic tool, which is exactly what it became.
So, through 2020, tens of millions of asymptomatic Americans drove to designated Covid testing sites or stood in lines outside walk-in clinics, waiting for a bogus and painful nasal swab test for a likely nonexistent virus to be administered by strangers in bizarre protective attire, which added to the drama. Nothing like this has ever happened before. It was given impetus by an apocalyptic warning, issued by Neil Ferguson, a technocrat based at Imperial College in London (which is not a traditional college but rather a hotbed of social activism, connected with the UN, WHO, and global policy makers), that the world was on the verge of the worst epidemic since the 1918 Spanish Flu. Ferguson’s track record was an absolute joke. Using computer models, which is all this geek knows how to do, he had also made scary predictions about swine flu in 2009, dengue fever in 2015, and Zika virus in 2016 that never materialized. That he was taken seriously in 2020 by so many heads of state and other movers and shakers does not reflect well on their IQs.
It was Ferguson who, on March 16th, released a doomsday report predicting massive Covid death tolls in the U.K. and the U.S., and after seeing what the Chinese and then the Italian governments were capable of pulling off, called for draconian lockdown measures. He’s the one responsible for all the school and business closures, social distancing, face masks, isolation, quarantining and contact tracing crusades. In May he was caught having an extramarital affair, setting a pattern of stinking hypocrisy for all the petty tyrant politicians around America who were seen countless times with family and friends at social gatherings, ignoring their own harsh edicts.
Right through 2020 I didn’t know anyone who claimed to be sick with Covid, and most people I spoke to didn’t know anyone who knew anyone who supposedly had it. I don’t even remember hearing anyone cough in 2020! Oh, there were a few who told me that they knew people who died of Covid, or knew doctors or nurses who worked in hospitals that were overwhelmed by Covid patients. I don’t doubt that they knew people who died, and it’s tactless to press them for details when they tell you that. But fraud, a specialty at the CDC, was in the air, reflected in the huge drop in mortality statistics for flu and pneumonia. Deaths from many different causes, respiratory and otherwise, were being recorded as Covid deaths.
Hospitals had financial incentives to do this, and it was a great way to inflate numbers and ratchet up public fear. Some brave doctors, like Scott Jensen in Minnesota, and Annie Bukacek in Montana, who often fill out death certificates, went public with these shenanigans. In recorded phone conversations made by James O’Keefe, who runs projectveritas. com, four funeral directors in the New York metro area, who routinely view these documents, said they were seeing Covid listed as the cause of death all the time, even though they and the families they were serving knew damn well that the deceased had not died of Covid.
As for hospitals inundated with Covid patients, I’m sure they were swamped in some cases, but like everyone else, doctors and nurses fall for the power of suggestion and the pressures of conformity, and with the media blaring its fear porn 24 hours a day, I’m sure they were convinced that anyone with respiratory symptoms was infected with Covid. This was in April 2020, the peak of hysteria, when the global epicenter of Covid had moved from China to Italy and Spain to New York City, with the Queens enclave of Elmhurst “the epicenter of the epicenter.”
I lived 32 miles from Elmhurst. A cousin who lived on eastern Long Island, 50 miles out, called me to see if I was okay. I wasn’t sure if he was serious. He was. A traveling companion from way back when emailed me from Australia with the same concern. Since I like to confirm things with my own eyes, on April 11th I took a ride to Good Samaritan Hospital in West Islip, seven miles east. The visitor’s parking lot was only twenty per cent. full, there was no activity at the emergency room entrance, and there wasn’t a soul in the spacious waiting room. Five days later I drove in the other direction to the Nassau County Medical Center in East Meadow, about 20 miles from Elmhurst. Here too, nothing was happening at the ER entrance and the parking lot was mostly empty, but as I pulled into the driveway, I saw a security guard and a large, ominous sign ahead that read “All Visitation Suspended.” I got the impression that I was most unwelcome here, so I made a U-turn and left. Unlike Good Sam, the NCMC is a public hospital, which means if you’re poor you can come here and get treated for free.
My take on what happened at Elmhurst Hospital, and at other public hospitals in New York and in big cities around the country, is as follows. With the constant media fear mongering, I think a great number of black and Mestizo deadbeats, unhealthy to begin with and not the brightest people, who experienced any respiratory symptoms at all, even a simple cough or cold, panicked and went to the hospital. Whether these patients were lured into hospitals by design, or an opportunity arose after they were admitted, they were deliberately killed off on orders from above — by over-sedation, improper use of ventilators, or gross neglect. This was done because these people are a drain on Medicaid, which is close to going broke. That’s my theory.
Two out-of-state nurses, Nicole Sirotek and Erin Olszewski, who went to New York hospitals separately on a mission of mercy, were aghast at what they saw. They made videos, emotional in places, still up on the ’Net, and both point-blank called it murder. All these victims conveniently became Covid death statistics. Medicare funds, which provide for old folks who have lived productive lives, also are drying up, so they have to be bumped off too. I refer you to M.S. King’s The Morphine Genocide: How the Fed-Med Mafia Kills Our Elderly with Palliative Care, published in 2017. Like the rest of Mike King’s mostly excellent books, it was axed by the censors at Amazon. When it was still sold there, three or four reviewers attested that their own mother, father, or other relative was murdered in the hospital. This policy of empowering medical “death panels” snuck in under Obama’s Affordable Care Act. King cites some articles in the American mainstream press that hint at the crimes, but the best one is from England, where the National Health Service is up against the same financial crunch — one of those rare nuggets that appear in the controlled press, in this case the London Daily Mail. The article, headed “Top doctor’s chilling claim: The NHS kills off 130,000 elderly patients every year” appeared in the June 19, 2012 edition, and can be read online.
This takes us to the tragic nursing home deaths that occurred in several states, some 12,000 in New York alone, under Governor Andrew Cuomo. Cuomo is such an odious creature and is so widely detested here, it’s amazing he’s still in office. He’s one of many Democratic politicians who, with his brutal lockdown decrees, took pleasure in inflicting psychological pain on ordinary people, just to flex his muscles. For the past three or four months, the media masters have been playing a cat and mouse game with him for reasons only they know, turning up the heat, then turning it down, then up and down again. Will they force him to resign or will they let his crimes slide?
What so many forget is that back in April 2020, when his executive orders were being carried out and he was preening his chest hairs at his daily press conferences, the media were puffing him up as a superstar, as a take-charge leader making the tough decisions needed to hold the deadly Corona virus at bay. Maybe he should even think about running for president, they hinted. And the boobs lapped it up. After all, didn’t TV and the papers claim that his approval rating had soared to 85%? If 85% agree on something, it has to be right, right?
Well, there were more than 200,000 New Yorkers who had parents in nursing homes, and they weren’t too impressed with their governor, whose policies were as cruel as they were illogical. There’s no need to go into the details here, which are widely known and undisputed. The only remaining question is whether, acting out of malice or from hidden pressure exerted from above, he deliberately killed all those old people. I think the evidence points in that direction. In a sane society, he, along with his state health commissioner Howard Zucker, would be tried in a court of law for premeditated mass murder, and if found guilty, executed.
There’s no doubt in my mind that all this business is being orchestrated by sinister, unseen personalities, and that maggoty politicians like Cuomo, along with heads of state around the world, are doing what’s expected of them. Those who don’t toe the line are taking big risks. Tanzania’s president John Magufuli, suspicious of PCR test kits sent to his country by WHO — as well he might have been, considering the past exploitation and killing of African children in vaccine experiments — tested a variety of inanimate and living subjects. In April 2020 he announced his findings to the world: A goat, a papaya, and motor oil tested positive for Covid, prompting laughter from many quarters. Magufuli told WHO to pack up and get out of Tanzania. In January 2021 he warned his countrymen to stay away from the Covid vaccine. Two months later he was dead, supposedly of a heart attack. Pierre Nkurunziza, the president of neighboring Burundi, also opposed lockdowns, was a vaccine skeptic, and expelled WHO officials from his country. He succumbed to a heart attack as well. He was 55, Magufuli 61. Were these men murdered? I’d bet on it.
To be continued
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Source: an excerpt from the book Will Vaccines Be the End of Us?
When this stuff was getting hyped up in early 2020, my gut feeling was that this was a set up and to keep levelheaded. I feel I was proven right on that. In all of that time, I’m aware of people at work who were sick, supposedly with the coof, but never anyone at my place of work that died from it, though there were those that knew people who did. The most interesting thing is my personal observations post clot-shot rollout, a year later… A man in his mid-60s, who had stomach polyps but was always keeping them well under control with his routine doctors’ visits had an explosion of cancer in his stomach and he took an almost complete nosedive after they discovered the rapid expansion of it… Read more »
Don’t forget, ZERO images (aside from artist renderings) of this “virus” exist yet every other known to man has had its likeness captured under the microscope.