Journal of a World Gone Mad, part 1
by John Massaro
HAD SOMEONE with extraordinary prophetic powers predicted, at the end of 2019, what would happen in 2020, and what the world situation would be like today, I would’ve written him off as a colorful lunatic or an aspiring horror story novelist. Even I, fully aware of the evil inherent in most of these vaccine pushers, never imagined that they would implement a program so nakedly aggressive and murderous as what has recently taken place and continues to take place far and wide — and as clearly as anywhere, right here in America. It never occurred to me that it would come to this. But really, why should I be shocked? This is the logical culmination of the vaccine dogma, the end of the road after 225 years of vaccine lies. This is it. It’s all aboard for Jonestown, last stop the Kool-Aid dispenser, the point of a needle filled with a concoction its leading pushers know will sicken, sterilize or kill millions or billions of people. It has already wreaked an incredible amount of havoc on humanity — in a mere seven months, as I write, possibly more than any other vaccine ever developed, though technically it’s not a vaccine at all but a totally reckless gene-manipulating experiment.
Before getting into the global contractions that began in early 2020, I’d like to look back at a few things I wrote. There was one factual error in the chapter on autism. I had written that the exceptionally dangerous whole-cell pertussis vaccine came into widespread use in the early 1940s, and that the child psychologist Leo Kanner had first observed and written about the typical traits of autistic behavior around this time. That is incorrect. While Kanner did indeed write the first paper on autism in 1943, in which he coined that word, the pertussis vaccine came on the scene in 1914 — though the original vaccine seems to have been used hardly at all, and it underwent further development, with the first mass guinea pig experiments (called “clinical trials” by the vaccine cultists) beginning in 1934 — and it was in 1938 that Kanner first noticed young children behaving abnormally. As far as cause and effect goes, however, this still makes perfect sense. Other than that, I’m not aware of any mistaken assertions, and there’s certainly nothing substantial I would change, though I’ve been enlightened about a few things. I always knew that the Democrats were the party of the Left, but until 2020, I didn’t realize how far gone so many governors and big city mayors are. On average, I’ve learned, they’re much worse than Republican politicians, the great majority of whom are despicable in their own right. To me these Democrats are communists, by which I mean they’re indistinguishable from the squalid office holders who ran things in the former communist dictatorships in eastern Europe. I also was unaware of their partners in crime, the many radical prosecutors and attorneys general, mostly Black, who came out of the woodwork following the nationwide race riots instigated by the news media, and whose appointments were said to be funded by George Soros, which I have no reason to doubt. I was too generous in my appraisal of Vladimir Putin and a few others. Donald Trump is gone, having betrayed his deluded supporters, whose numbers have happily dwindled. I do believe the election was stolen from him, but why should any patriot care? Does it really matter that Biden is headed for a cliff driving at 100 mph, whereas Trump was only doing 70 mph? Trump’s one enduring legacy will be the absolute disaster of Operation Warp Speed, which unsurprisingly earned him the idiotic praise of conservatives near and far, though by now some are having second thoughts.
Since March 2020, so much has happened and continues to happen on a daily basis, and I have read so much and watched so many videos on the Internet, that it’s impossible to present more than the tiniest fraction of it while keeping this afterword to a reasonable length. Some aspects of the Covid event can only be surmised, but most of it is clear. It’s not that complicated. The lessons of history are the primary guide, to which I’ve applied my intuition and everything I’ve learned in life. The priceless Internet continues to be practically the only source of truth, but as always, one must aim to distinguish the certain or nearly certain, the probable, the plausible, the unlikely, and the ludicrous. One thing is clear to me: we are in the midst of a global Bolshevik revolution.
The one foundational truth we should never lose sight of is this: From the beginning, everything about Covid-19 has been a fake news event. There was absolutely no evidence that SARSCoV2 was anything more than a boogeyman virus like SARS-CoV-1 (2003), H1N1 (2009), West Nile (2012), and Zika (2016).
In other words, had the news media never reported a word about it, no one would’ve noticed anything out of the ordinary, no one would’ve noticed anything unusual in the incidence of respiratory disease compared to 2019 or any previous year.
Let that sink in. But even in February, before the first reported U.S. Covid death on the last day of that month, I detected a building fear campaign on WCBS, the news radio program I listen to for ten minutes each morning — my only exposure to the mainstream fake news, other than a quick glance at the headlines on one or two Web sites run by the major television networks. After March 13, the day Trump declared a national emergency, WCBS went into overdrive. On some days I turned the radio on again, later in the day and at night, and listened for a full hour. Even in Russia under Stalin during the Second World War, I can’t imagine such wild, nonstop lies calculated to generate such intense fear and panic. In addition to skyrocketing numbers of deaths and infections, obviously pulled out of a hat, it was as if the announcers had been instructed on how to pause and inflect to achieve the maximum emotional impact on listeners. This frenzied, round-the-clock “news” reporting was all a sane man could take. And the flip side of all the “fear porn” to which the media’s favorite experts contributed was the usual Soviet censorship of thousands of brave, dissenting doctors and other independent researchers worldwide, who from the beginning saw this scam for what it was. Here is the stifled voice of just one, which I came across in November 2020, a Dr. Roger Hodkinson of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons in Canada:
There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. This is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public. There is absolutely nothing that can be done to contain this virus. This is nothing more than a bad flu season. It’s politics playing medicine, and that’s a very dangerous game…. There is no action needed. Masks are utterly useless. There is no evidence whatsoever that they are even effective. It is utterly ridiculous seeing these unfortunate, uneducated people walking around like lemmings obeying without any evidence. Social distancing is also useless…. Positive testing results do NOT indicate clinical infection. It is simply driving public hysteria and ALL testing should STOP immediately…. Using the [Alberta] province’s own statistics the risk of death under 65 is 1 in 300,000. The scale of the response is utterly ridiculous…. all kinds of business closures, suicides…. you’re being led down the garden path.
To expand on this, let’s review some salient facts. One is that a fake pandemic, or plandemic, as others have aptly called it, has been in the works for a long time. The most exhaustive timeline on this, going back to the late twentieth century, is found on the invaluable website covid19propaganda. com. I’ll mention four recent milestones. On January 10, 2017, ten days before Trump took office, Anthony Fauci — no introduction needed — gave a lecture on infectious diseases and pandemic preparedness at Georgetown University, in which he said, “There will be a surprise outbreak” confronting the incoming administration. That gives the game away right there. On April 26, 2018, twenty months before anyone heard of Covid, the European Commission, an executive body, first proposed vaccine passports for crossing borders in a document entitled “Strengthened Cooperation Against Vaccine Preventable Diseases.” This occasion was the first time the phrase “vaccine hesitancy” was heard. On September 12, 2019, a “Global Vaccination Summit” was held in Brussels, Belgium, again by the European Commission, in conjunction with WHO, attended by big shots from many countries. Three round table discussions were held, entitled “In Vaccines we Trust,” “The Magic of Science,” and “Vaccines Protecting Everyone, Everywhere.” On October 18, 2019, “Event 201” took place at the Pierre Hotel in New York City. This was a “tabletop exercise,” a simulation of a global pandemic and the conspirators’ response to it, on which the Covid pandemic, which kicked into high gear five months later, was closely modeled.
To be continued
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Source: an excerpt from the book Will Vaccines Be the End of Us?
The fear campaign for the vaxx is pushed down (yes, even in Germany with Karl Lauterbach, who is a fanatic even worse than Fauci – I suspect they took him straight out of an insane asylum ) and being replaced with the Fear of the evil Russians attacking Ukraine. But in the background they have started the climate change propaganda. Everywhere you see ads or hints of how to avoid CO2, lessen your CO2 footprint etc. A few years ago I bought a book called the Carbon Diaries by Saci Lloyd. In this outlook of the future there carbon criminals were ssent to a reeducation center. I thought that nobody would be that stupid and do something like that. But after seeing what went on through the COVID scare (yes,… Read more »
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In your last paragraph you stated “One is that a fake pandemic, or plandemic, as others have aptly called it, has been in the works for a long time.” Then you followed with proof. This reminds me of the origin of the 6 million figure in regards to the holohoax In case you didn’t know the 6 million figure dates back to the late 1800’s.
The myth makers have been at work for a very long time and the general population buys it hook, line, and sinker every time.