Canada: Bleeding the Whites Until There’s Nothing Left
by Douglas Mercer
OF LATE THE AMERINDIANS are getting all the glory up in Canada — it’s hard to beat fake Indian kids in fake graves — but the Blacks are no slouches there either when it comes to poking their thumbs in the White man’s eyes. Or, rather, Jews poking their thumbs in the White man’s eyes on “behalf” of Negroes. And now they are tapping the cash cow of White people’s wallets for all they are worth.
Ahmed Hussen should never be in a country founded by Whites; he has no right to be there; and bringing him to Canada was an abomination. And now, not only is he there, but he has had the Orwellian title of “Minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion” bestowed upon him.
The Minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion is a minister of the Crown and a member of the Cabinet of Canada. The minister is associated with the Department of Canadian Heritage. Multiculturalism has been part of the portfolio from the former multiculturalism and citizenship portfolio.
You talk about a recipe for disaster(s). It’s as if sometime in the mid-1990s, Canada decided not only to jettison its Anglo-Saxon way of life and traditions, but decided to make the official nomenclature reflect that. By rights, they should have a Department of White Genocide and White Race Suicide.
Now a Negro from the dark continent is associated with “Canadian Heritage.” What could go wrong, other than everything? This will not end well.
Ahmed Hussen (who never should have been let in) followed the same life path as our own alien enemy Ilhan Omar. He was born in Somalia, a s___hole country in a state of constant war and chaos; then Jews and stupid White people rescued him and put him in a refugee camp in Kenya. Then Jews and even stupider White people transported him to Canada, where he proceeded to rise along the greasy career pole of “diversity”-provider, made it to the top of the political system, and proceed to vilify the country that saved his life.
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You talk about putting the fox in charge of the hen house or the Jew in charge of the money; before he got his plum gig at the Inclusion Department, this Hussen was in charge of Immigration and Refugees. You might ask: What were they thinking? What they were thinking was that if they put a recent Black refugee in charge of bringing in more refugees, he’ll bring in more Black refugees and soon it will be Black Canada. And Red Canada. But it certainly won’t be White Canada.
This creature is an insect of outrageous proportions. He’s not to be outdone by pretty-boy White-hating Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, though, who said:
“There is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada,” Trudeau said, concluding that he sees Canada as “the first post-national state.”
He suggests Canada is nothing but an intellectual construct and a hodgepodge of various people from various backgrounds who “just happen” to live side-by-side in the territory known as Canada.
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me,” Trudeau said. “Old Stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them.”
Many now call him “Justine Castro,” whose mother’s debatable charms were, some say, quite available to Fidel.
With this race traitor in charge, what chance does the average White man in the formerly Great White North stand? Canada is now a country Hell-bent on suicide — or, really, homicide.
Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen says he would like to see Canada welcome more refugees than it currently accepts and believes more of them should be able to enter through economic immigration programs.
This is no shocker, hardly news — that when this Negro was in charge of immigration (being a Black immigrant himself), he wanted more people just like himself to be brought in. That other races think racially and act racially to the exclusion of all else ought to be considered axiomatic. It’s what those cowardly and craven “color-blind conservatives” can’t seem to get through their thick skulls. Whites used to think and act racially, too, but that memory is so distant and so excoriated in Christian pulpits and the Jews’ media that the instinct has been suppressed in much of the White population; even we who hold it had to (most of us, anyway) re-acquire it after a long journey.
Speaking to participants in a conference marking World Refugee Day on Thursday, Hussen acknowledged that Canada cannot resettle every refugee in the world. After all, a United Nations report issued this week estimated the number of refugees worldwide at nearly 26 million.
Given that the total population of Canada is some 38 million, this is not much of a statement. It’s one of those pronouncements designed to make the speaker sound “reasonable” when he is anything but that. Oh, don’t worry, he says, we’re not lunatics, we won’t take all 26 million, just a million or so; just a drop in the bucket.
As someone who arrived in Canada as a refugee himself, Hussen spoke with passion about the need for Canada to do more. “My wish is that we continue to increase levels in our immigration system for refugees. I’m very open to saying that, and I will do whatever I can, in whatever position I am in, to continue to push for higher refugee numbers every single year.”
He’s telling you right to your face. He was a refugee; he wants to bring in more refugees; he wants to replace you; and he will do everything and anything under the Sun to accomplish those goals. You might as well put the fat kid with the incorrigible sweet tooth in charge of the candy store, or a Jew in charge of your investments.
Not so much “after him, the deluge”; he is the deluge.
“The way to dramatically increase those levels would be to open up economic immigration streams to refugees in addition to humanitarian programs,” Hussen said. Hussen said he would like to “massively ramp up this pilot” as a way to bring more refugees to Canada. “Instead of thinking of refugees as people who just want resettlement and people who are passive recipients of aid, how about re-imagining refugees as people who have assets to contribute, who have talents and skills that we need in Canada?”
Dramatically! Massively!
This is sleight of hand on the part of “our” Negro; he knows that a broad majority of Canadians do not want more immigration, do not want mass immigration, and would like to see it vastly reduced; so he puts it in economic terms (what conservative is not a sucker for that?) and wins over business. In this way this big egg-domed Somali will be seen as “hard-headed” and “practical”; it’s not that he wants Negroes per se — he just “wants a flourishing economy.” Spoiler alert: He wants more Negroes (more “every single year”!) and will get them in by hook or by crook, mostly by crook. If he has to do it under the cover of sounding like some guy from Forbes or the Business Roundtable, so be it.
Last year, Canada ranked No. 1 for refugee resettlement, according to the United Nations global trends report, released this week. But while Canada is being applauded for its efforts on refugee resettlement, migration experts and advocates are expressing concern about a global rise in rhetoric targeting refugees.
Here it comes; the bad old bigots with their (accurate) rhetoric like “illegal,” “dangerous,” “unassimilable.” Don’t they know that in the rainbow future of inclusion, diversity, and equity “no human being is illegal”? Don’t they know that “we are all immigrants”? — that “we are all refugees”? Don’t they know that Canada, like all White countries, is “only an idea,” with no racial core? Don’t they know that a homogenous White country is what led to the gas chambers and apartheid and Jim Crow and the rest of it? What, are they bigots?
If one who wants all future White generations of White children to live is the definition of “bigot,” then indeed we are; and imprecations like that remind us why we must remain so forever.
Earlier this week in the House of Commons, Hussen said, he heard Conservatives shouting out of turn, calling the wave of irregular migrants who have been crossing into Canada by avoiding official border checkpoints “illegals” — a term he takes exception to. “There’s a lot of fearmongering going on,” he said.
What there is is a lot of truth-telling going on, Sambo.
A group of human rights organizations issued a joint letter to all political parties earlier this month saying they’re worried about how refugees and migrants in Canada might be characterized during the upcoming federal election campaign.
Invaders? Parasites? Vermin? Rats? Race aliens? Lice? Scum?
Take your pick.
Amnesty International Canada, the Canadian Council for Refugees, the Canadian Council of Churches and the Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers are calling on politicians of all parties to engage in more thoughtful discussion on the complex issues related to migration.
They want us to lower the temperature on this, to keep it all serene, and they certainly want us to cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks. Goebbels wrote in his diary that the most effective form of propaganda is always the most inflammatory and incendiary; that is, you need to speak with force and power and get people’s attention — let them know that this is not a normal situation, that something dire and extraordinary is going on; you need a Paul Revere to ride screaming the aliens are coming, the aliens are coming; you need one if by land and two if by sea, or three if both, which is the case; you need the tocsin to be sounded, you need the fire-bell in the night.
There’s a reason they want everything to be on an even keel: time is on their side, not ours.
“In many countries around the world, especially during election campaigns, refugees and migrants have been talked about in ways that insult their dignity and humanity, contribute to xenophobia and racism, and are frequently grounded in distortion and misinformation.”
No, they know the truth is being told; and when they come out with this lying treacle it makes you remember why you became a racial patriot in the first place.
“We know Canadians value compassion, equality and safety for all. In the upcoming federal election campaign, we call on you to demonstrate your leadership by respecting these principles and speaking out when they are undermined by others.”
They’ve gone completely around the bend in Canada, so far gone you can no longer see them from the land of the sane (thinly populated as that is). If you’re using binoculars, it’s that receding speck in the distance.
We have a genocide of the founding people going on — and they want us to be “respectful of feelings.”
They say that “leadership” means keeping the White man calm and unriled; they want us to go gently into the night of death. They are slipping us the soma — so that there will be no nasty “complications” as they near, then reach, their goal of killing us all.
Fat chance of that, Sambo.
Hussen says he believes a key way to stop negative attitudes toward refugees is to recognize them as valuable individuals who can help expand Canada’s economy, rather than stereotyping them as a drain on resources.
Or you can see them as race aliens who take over our cities, clog our streets, ruin our neighborhoods, rape our daughters, mug our elders, sully our blood, spit on our heritage, topple our statues, and seal our fate forever. The choice is yours.
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Now not only are they importing Blacks by the boatful and planeful — not only are they turning the once Great White North dark; no, that’s not enough. Now that they are here, and their low IQ and low character make them fail in nearly everything they do, they “need help.” And, by “help,” they mean they need money. They don’t like White people — but they like White people’s money.
The Canadian government announced it is launching of a $200 million endowment fund for black-focused, black-led, and black-serving organizations on October 3 2022.
Black black black black black,
Blacks are a bottomless pit of “need.” And that means you, White man, must pony up.
Nothing subtle about it, really.
The $200 million Black-Led Philanthropic Endowment Fund, according to the federal government, is intended to reduce anti-Black racism and improve social and economic outcomes in Black communities.
It’s intended as a plank of White genocide. What better way to further impoverish the White population than simply stealing even more of their money. And they don’t even have the fig leaf of “justice for slavery and Jim Crow” in this case — it’s just a land-rush giveaway, no questions asked. They are becoming very direct and uncircumspect in their thieving.
The investment income will provide funding to Black-led, Black-focused and Black-serving non-profit organizations and registered charities across the country. It will apply a Black-centric and intersectional lens to its operations and granting strategy to ensure that they reflect and benefit the full diversity of Black communities.
And Hell, the clueless White Canucks didn’t even kill George Floyd.
Go back to 1971: Canada had only around 30,000 Blacks. What a blessing — though 30,000 is exactly 30,000 too many. Not ones to leave a good thing alone, now they have two million Blacks which is (you guessed it) two million too many. Considering Blacks sow poverty, crime, chronic dilapidation, rampant discord, and genetic death wherever they go, it’s an own goal of civilizational proportions.
The eligibility criteria for organizations seeking to secure the open position to administer the $200 million fund include a racial dimension for people who self-identify as Black. The federal government’s solicitation states eligible applicants must be Black-led: a minimum of 2/3 of the leadership positions, across all levels of your organization’s management and governance, are held by people who self-identify as Black, and [be] black-serving. An organization for whom Black communities are an important or the main beneficiary group.
Just like half of the brainwashed and brain-damaged Whites are now “pretendians” (Cherokee great-granny and all that), so too will many of these sick Whites all of a sudden announce that they have a Negro in the woodpile — just before asking, Where exactly is the line for the money?
This is outright theft dressed up as a morality play.
Arielle Kayabaga, Liberal MP for London West, framed the $200 million plan as a tool to combat systemic racism and hate and advance social and economic equity.
Unsurprisingly, Arielle Kayabaga is Black as your hat.
Kayabaga did not provide specific metrics against which the program’s efficacy would be graded in evaluating its ostensible objectives.
Efficacy? They don’t need no stinking efficacy. Any one asking that superfluous question is missing the point of the whole process. The simple act of giving our money to the Blacks, no strings attached, is their definition of “efficacy.” Nothing else needs to be known, except our “moral obligation” to increase the amount every year.
“The racially targeted government program will help create a more just and equitable society,” Ahmed Hussen, Liberal MP for South-Weston and minister of housing and diversity and inclusion, said on Monday. Hussen said the $200 million project is “truly black-led” and “is for black Canadians, by black Canadians.”
And all those Black “refugees” will get that money right from the jump. No waiting in line. They’ve been here only for a moment, just for a cup of coffee, but they can partake of the wealth that was created by White Canadians for generations and siphon it through their food tubes right into the gutter.
Canadians: Do you see that recently-excreted, slimy, reeking filth running down that center-city storm sewer? That’s all that’s left of what could have been your children’s future.
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Source: Author
Well I won’t see it. Imagine a world without the know-how to run it. I own a business in Canada. In 1978 when I founded it I earned a respectable living. I earned 3 times the income then, a high school teacher was paid. Crunching the numbers it is impossible to keep up with government infringements. Taxes have exploded. But not on earnings. Today “taxes” are more like a levy. They have to be paid whether or not the business makes a nickel. Workmen’s compensation contributions are not contributed to by the employees. The sales tax is a scam; marketed by governments, as a tax purchasers pay, as though the purchaser does not pay all the costs incurred by businesses. There is not one cost businesses incur which the businesses… Read more »
What you’re seeing now is the slow motion collapse of White civilization. It had good foundations back when we were racially conscious and man enough to act. Now we the living must build a new system to get us through these times, and I see you’re still alive Mr. werpor. Take a look here and see how you fit in. And remember, now matter how old you are, there is always something that you can do, even if you will not see the end results.
It is difficult to assess why the GOP was a shocking bust in the mid-terms. One theory has it Whites just concluded the Reps were just feckless and voting was pointless. This would be a very good thing…if true. I voted, though, as this Dem led federal govt. was so viscerally sickening that I just couldn’t, myself, be so insouciant. Of course, the dems are insane scum but I wanted just a particle of relief from the ugliness of it. It is my “feeling,” though, that at least half the White pop. is thoroughly damaged goods. That they do not have a natural survival instinct. That it has been wrung out of them over these past two generations. It only remains to be seen if the decline will expose a… Read more »
Jewish success is the result of White failure. In previous comments I’ve postulated, many times, that Jews are human brood/social parasites in the biological and literal sense of the word. Like all social parasites, e.g. the Cuckoo bird, their sense of identity is inscribed in their genes and that’s why they exhibit such uniformity and cohesion of thought and action, even throughout centuries. Of course parasites are very good at discovering and exploiting their hosts weaknesses and that’s why the Jews have been so successful against their ,mostly, White hosts. However don’t fall into the trap of thinking that any of this is unnatural. Parasites, like predators, perform a very important function : “Maintain the balance in their ecosystem.” Humans have no natural competition from other species and ,on top… Read more »
Jews plundered Canada’s gold reserves.
I’m always surprised when Whites are surprised of what’s going on. All you have to do is read : “Practical Idealism (Praktischer Idealismus)” by Richard Coudenhove Kalergi, if you can find it that is. Here are some interesting excerpts I was able to pick online: 1)“The man of the future will be a mongrel. Today’s races and classes will disappear owing to the disappearing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its outward appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.” So Is it any wonder why the open border policy is so prevalent? 2) “In the East the Chinese people are the ethical par excellence [..] – in the West it is the Jews”. Is… Read more »