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The Darrell Brooks Farce

Semi-simian profile of anti-White murderer Darrell Brooks

“I’m warning you — if you don’t heed my warning, you will be getting another warning, mister! And if you don’t heed that warning, like you’ve failed to heed every other warning, there are plenty more warnings to warn you with where my earlier warnings came from! So please consider this warning a warning that I’m warning you that I will not hesitate to warn you, sir!”

YOU’VE JUST READ THE most accurate summary of the Darrell Brooks trial that will ever be printed.

If you haven’t been paying attention to the Waukesha Christmas Parade Massacre case, you’re missing one of the most egregious examples of non-White privilege ever seen.

Behold our degradation.

The closest thing I can equate it to is the “IEP privilege” granted to some students in school.

The system diagnoses every child it can with some invented affliction. Once a student’s desire to scream obscenities, break things, and be a general menace to society is deemed an “affliction,” that student ends up with an “Individualized Education Program,” essentially requiring that the school allows him to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants.

Non-White privilege is the blanket IEP applied to every non-White person in the US. As long as you’re not White, every institution treats you like a student with an IEP. Do whatever you want, whenever you want — and the only institutional consequences will be for anyone who gets in your way.

Watching Darrell Brooks do whatever he wants, whenever he wants in Judge Jennifer Dorow’s Wisconsin courtroom is like watching a crazed child with an IEP run roughshod over a classroom, enabled by a teacher who is institutionally obliged to appease him.

The IEP bestows divine status upon the student just as being anything-other-than-White bestows divine status upon the citizen.

Innocent students become scapegoats for the pent-up rage of teachers who cannot exercise authority over menaces due to the dictates of our insane asylum culture.

White people become sacrificial lambs for all of the insanity that surrounds us, but is prohibited from being dealt with properly by the middle-tier of the power structure — judges, cops, managers, moderators, etc. The accumulated angst of the people in those positions not applying their authority over anyone else is taken out on the only class of people they’re allowed to take it out on: Whites.

Darrell Brooks is doing whatever he wants, whenever he wants in that courtroom.

The “legal experts” marveling at the “incredible” job the judge is doing would be calling for her impeachment for allowing such a mockery of the judicial system in her courtroom — if Brooks was White.

But if Brooks was White, the judge wouldn’t allow him to make a mockery of the judicial system in her courtroom. There would be no kid-gloves, no empty warnings, no delay tactics, no petty debates, no repeated jury evacuations, and no constant toddler-time-out recesses.

There would be no tolerance for all the nonsense they’re currently tolerating.

The System isn’t working to get Brooks off — he’s on video committing mass murder at a Christmas parade — it would be difficult for them to get him off if they wanted to.

But the System is working to ensure that the case is not racialized — despite its obvious racial nature — because the System is anti-White and this horrific crime was anti-White.

That’s why no hate crimes charges were brought.

That’s why none of Brooks’ openly anti-White social media posts and “rap lyrics” were brought forth by the prosecution — most notably, none of those directly calling for violence against White people.

That’s why the prosecution’s narrative sounds like what Brooks’ defense would have sounded like if he had a lawyer representing him.

Rather than presenting the narrative that, in the immediate wake of the nearby Kyle Rittenhouse verdict and the torrent of mass media blood libel against White people serving to inspire an already-radicalized Brooks to finally act upon his publicly-stated violent hatred of White people, the prosecution actually presented the asinine narrative that Brooks was “fleeing” from an argument with his girlfriend and — wanting to avoid the police — drove to the part of town where every single police officer was securing the perimeter of the parade that Brooks ultimately breached — killing six and maiming 60-plus.

“Timmy didn’t punch Suzy in the face because Timmy is a natural-born predator who preys on the weak — Timmy was just having a bad day.”

“Darrell didn’t slaughter White people because Darrell is a natural-born predator who openly hates White people — Darrell was just having a bad day.”

We all know what this trial — and its coverage — would look like in a “reverse the races” scenario.

Because we all know that our institutions are systemically anti-White.

Non-White privilege is real — but it’s almost a misnomer.

“Anti-White privilege” is more accurate.

Privileged status for non-Whites is just the side effect of the underlying purpose: the dehumanization and disenfranchisement of White people.

* * *

Source: Daniel Concannon

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25 October, 2022 3:24 pm

if you wish to stop this “IEP privilege” which ties the hand of Whites, do what I repeatedly said over and over; Racial Seperate from all Jews and non-whites

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Howard
26 October, 2022 1:43 am

Racial separation is a fine idea, Howard. How would you like to get this idea across to the racially healthy sections of the White race?

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
26 October, 2022 2:36 pm

To do so in a compressive manner requires hard work. Realistically you need to have people willing to enter government service as politicians (esp. U.S. Senators and Representatives) at all levels – esp. nationally, to push the idea to the masses. This means repeating said ideas over and over again as an agenda.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Howard
26 October, 2022 11:13 pm

Oh really? All anyone has to do is capture some House and Senate seats and start pushing and repeating ideas to the masses?

How about we build our National Alliance media by gathering them as members and putting them to work on our own media and simply bypass the politician part? You know, sort of like what we’re doing now?

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
27 October, 2022 11:22 am

“Build our National Alliance media by gathering them as members and putting them to work on our own media and simply bypass the politician part?” is a good idea also; but how does this give us a exclusive White homeland for what we hope will be millions of our people alone?

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Howard
28 October, 2022 12:19 am

It puts the horse before the cart; organized and effective revolutions must have a committed core dedicated to communications and a message in place first to build a consensus for that homeland idea to be spread successfully and before other goals are to be achieved. We few can begin by setting the example and becoming neighbors; with more brought in then a local unit can be organized; then after that we may form even larger communities; from there, perhaps an entire homeland can be secured. Metaphorically, at the beginning we crawl, then walk, then run, then train for the competitive race, then train more for the win, collect wins, and finally secure a championship.

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
28 October, 2022 2:31 am

Exactly as Dr. Pierce described, of course. But, many racially aware Whites today aren’t familiar with his strategy. If they listened to the Power of Truth series or spent some time on, maybe they would learn a thing or two about how we can win.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  RCavallius
28 October, 2022 10:39 pm

Agreed, RCavallius. Many want to know how we plan to do it, and as you say we offer much to show them. Then when it comes time to ask them to join us and share the burden, I often do not hear back from them again. Millions of Whites are like this and blame Jews and others for the situation we’re in, but the problem is before us when looking at a mirror. We don’t offer comfort, safety (except what we may find in numbers by forming Cosmotheist communities), or excitement, but great tasks, an opportunity to participate in something meaningful in life, and a hierarchical order with which to carry it out. Soft men want none of that, but as harder times than the present approach, soft men will… Read more »

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
29 October, 2022 9:22 am

Jim is wasting his breath with Howard, who thinks Whites should “Racial Seperate [sic] from all Jews and non-whites” by becoming Senators
and Congressman.

In a sane White society the White-hating nigger Brooks would never have been allowed to draw breath much less represent himself in our courts; and that woman he was chastising would never have been allowed to officiate in the Waukesha trial or any other.

Howard, who doesn’t support the National Alliance and rejects NA’s sound, long-range strategy for racial separation — though he claims to advocate that to someone “repeatedly over and over” — should not be allowed to comment here among serious White separatists on the subject that he can’t even spell.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
29 October, 2022 11:45 am

Then so it shall be, Will.

3 November, 2022 3:46 am

Never forget the filthy anti white jew LIARS that let this stuff go on. It is up to us to maintain actual truth.

Any ideas what to do about the Jew spy problem and their braindead cuckholds?

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  infinitum87
3 November, 2022 1:24 pm

Organizing ourselves effectively and towards purposes that extend out into the future both near and far comes to mind, Mr. infinitum87. Whites who are drifting around senselessly are in great supply at present, yet are not working towards solutions to anything. Organizing and recruiting those among that group who have something going for them helpful towards our purpose would be a necessary first step.

As for purposes to accomplished in the future, start here:
For recruiting and organizing, let’s get straight to the point: