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‘Post-Fascist’ Party Wins Italian National Election

by Mark Cotterill

LIBERAL AND LEFTIST COMMENTATORS around the world have been horrified this month by the victory of Fratelli d’Italia (‘Brothers of Italy’) in Italy’s parliamentary elections and the imminent elevation of Fratelli‘s leader Giorgia Meloni to become her country’s first female prime minister.

Fratelli polled 26% of the vote (up from 4.4% in 2018 – one of the most rapid electoral advances in European history), winning 119 seats in the Chamber of Deputies and 65 in the Senate.

Meloni will now form a government at the head of a ‘right-wing’ coalition that includes Matteo Salvini’s anti-immigration party Lega (formerly the regionalist Lega Nord) who polled 8.8%; Silvio Berlusconi’s right-wing conservative party Forza Italia who polled 8.1%; and the ‘Moderates’, an alliance of small conservative factions, who polled only 0.9% nationwide but won seven seats in constituencies.

(above left to right) Matteo Salvini, Silvio Berlusconi and Giorgia Meloni, leaders of the main three parties involved in the new governing coalition.

This is more than simply a pendulum swing between ‘right-wing’ and ‘left-wing’ coalitions. The true significance of the result is the changing balance of forces within the ‘right’ and the fact that the most ‘extreme’ of its four components is now by far the largest. At the 2018 election Salvini overtook Berlusconi to become leader of the ‘right’, but now Meloni has overtaken Salvini.

Fratelli was founded in 2012 as part of the restructuring of ‘right-wing’ politics in Italy, but its origins are in the ‘neo-fascist’ Movimento Sociale Italiano (MSI – Italian Social Movement), whose youth wing Meloni joined in 1992.

MSI in turn grew out of Mussolini’s fascist party and (as its name implied) out of the German-backed Italian Social Republic during the last days of the Second World War.

The extent to which Meloni’s politics still resembles racial nationalism, or is simply anti-immigration conservatism, is debatable. Undoubtedly she benefited from having distanced Fratelli from Russian dictator Vladimir Putin since his invasion of Ukraine. Salvini had been much closer to Putin and his credibility has been damaged by that association, to such an extent that his continued leadership of Lega is in question.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán visiting soon to be appointed Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni

Some H&D readers will undoubtedly regard Meloni as a traitor to our cause for having trimmed in the direction of mainstream conservatism. However her own and her party’s ideological roots mean that Fratelli’s victory is potentially more significant than other European populist successes of recent years.

This is not (yet) a victory for racial nationalism, but it is a giant step in the right direction in the process of freeing European minds from their post-1945 paralysis.

* * *

Source: Heritage and Destiny magazine

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19 October, 2022 12:11 pm

I’ve watched roughly 5 speeches from Ms Meloni and can say at this point she’s not what we’re looking for. She’s too adept at dodging what many people call “the elephant in the living room”, AKA Jews, and I suspect she may actually be a Manchurian type candidate herself.

19 October, 2022 1:24 pm

It is only a matter of time before Meloni and her party is completely corrupted by the Jews. Remember: no one can win an election in Europe (or USA) if he or she does not follow the instructions of the Jews, the Freemasons. It is as simple as that.

We in Germany have the AfD, a supposedly patriotic party. But for a long time now, Jews have been officially part of it. And asylum fraudsters have long been members of the German “patriotic” party.

Greetings from former Germany.

20 October, 2022 9:07 am

I completely agree with the article. National Socialism isn’t in power just yet, but this is a big step in the right direction. It’s great ro see all the filthy Jewish lies and propaganda start to wear off.

20 October, 2022 9:40 am

Thinking that she ,or any modern day white leader for that matter, can help the white race is a fallacy. Leaders solve systemic problems not endemic ones and the plight of the White man is the latter. Suppose she can and does, which I doubt, take a few small steps in stemming immigration or fixing the economy. So what? Eventually she’ll be gone and it’s business as usual. On the other hand, the Jewish elites can and do concoct plans that may take centuries to come into fruition. They’re in for the long run and can maintain this level of dedication, generation after generation, because, as a race, they’re parasites. In nature, social and especially brood parasites need a way of maintaining their sense of identity AND purpose as separate… Read more »

20 October, 2022 5:40 pm

What’s worth saving of the European folk (“the West,” if you like) is beyond the ballot box. As Martin Friedrich notes in his piercing essay collection, Myth and Sun: Essays of the ARCHETYPE, the brilliant Martin Hiedegger once rejoiced, “Only a God can save us.” Ballots are )ewish and shabbos-goyim weapons of racial destruction. They’re what “Ami” Democrats, Republicans, and Libertarians use to bury the White race. They’re what European Unionites use to crush the Welcome Mats for Africans formerly known as European folk under economic indentureship. Overall, I agree with Mark’s analysis: “This is not (yet) a victory for racial nationalism, but it is a giant step in the right direction in the process of freeing European minds from their post-1945 paralysis.” Perhaps Meloni’s ballot-box victory will raise consciousness.… Read more »

20 October, 2022 6:59 pm

Berlusconi with his KIPPA showing his allegiance to Israel same as ALL politicians.
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Steve Carlson
Steve Carlson
22 October, 2022 8:33 pm

I was hoping this would be a fitting victory, coming as it does in centennial month of the March on Rome.