Jesus Was a Refugee

by Douglas Mercer
Jesus was a refugee. And the Jews will be the first to tell you. Everyone is a refugee — that’s what the Jews say. The displaced person is all of humanity. It’s the Jews’ credo. We are a nation of immigrants; everyone is an immigrant; just a lot of rootless cosmopolitans wandering the Earth like a wandering Jew. No one has a home, so don’t try to defend your home. Except the Red man in North America, and the stinking aborigine in Australia. They came with the Earth — so don’t touch them.
Not everyone agrees with this.
In the 1920s, the National Socialists became fascinated with Tacitus’ book Germania which described the ancient Germans as being not mixed at all with other races, either through intercourse or immigration. He says that they are indigenous — that they sprang from the Earth, are free of all foreign taint, and are a distinct, unmixed race, like none but themselves.
The Germans, that is, were born with the Earth.
But Cuck Island strikes again.
Back in 2020, when the just death of a drug-addled career criminal sent the world careening into madness, some savage rioters in Bristol, England toppled the statue of a notable White man. Sound familiar? You bet it does — it happened all over the formerly White West that year. The White man in question was Edward Colston, and in their revolt against civilization they toppled him to the ground, dragged him, and tossed him into the harbor to a watery grave. They’d have transported him to the gulag if they could have. We can’t be thankful they didn’t remove his head.
The statue of slave trader Edward Colston was toppled from its plinth and pushed into the docks by protesters.
The perpetrators faced just punishment, right?
Hell no they didn’t.
Everyone involved in the desecration was cleared of all charges.
This was a thoroughly approved regime action. The Black Lives Matter and Antifa thugs and criminals are the shock troops of the ruling class; they are the paramilitary forces of the New World Order establishment, mercenary fighters for the elites. Which is why the regime turns a willful blind eye to their troops’ outrageous and obvious crimes.
How nice.
For them, not only was this not a crime, but if they could have found a way, they would have pinned medals on them.
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Who was Edward Colston? Well, he was a White man who was a business leader, philanthropist — and slave trader. In The Current Year there is no worse sin that that. (Interestingly, Jews and Blacks who traded slaves are somehow exempt from judgement.) Of course, slavery was a mistake and did untold harm to us. But in The Current Year it’s down to Us vs. Them. When these White men come tumbling, they’re a proxy for us. And we must defend them all, tooth and nail.
All you really need to know was that he was a White man from the past who had a statue.
In the future that will be a criminal case in itself (if it’s not already).
And now the Church of England is getting in on the act. One of their churches has honored Edward Colston for over a hundred years — and that cannot stand.
A picture of a Jesus in a migrant boat is set to replace a stained glass window dedicated to Edward Colston, the slave trader, in an historic Anglican church. St Mary Redcliffe Church in Bristol made the decision to remove four stained glass panels dedicated to Colston two years ago after the toppling of his statue.
The savages and lunatics ran riot — and did the Church, as a representative of authority, stand for law and order? Hell no they didn’t. The desecration and destruction was an action thoroughly approved by the Anglican Church. According to them, Jesus was meek and humble and wanted everyone to turn the other cheek and to love those who persecute you. And he wanted the first to be last. Why, if Jesus had been there, he would have brought out a whip and lassoed that evil White man himself. He’d overturn the tables of the White man’s world faster than the Jews can poison a well.
St Mary Redcliffe church in Bristol made the decision following the bronze memorial to the 17th century merchant being pulled down in Bristol on June 7, 2020 and later dumped in the harbor by BLM at the height of their protests.
They couldn’t act fast enough to divest their rancid church of any vestige of the White past. The Christian cucks hate their own past, they hate the White past, and this sick hate is what they mean by “reaching out to the world in love and grace.” The Anglican Church is run by a rather Jewy creature. Well, in a way he’s not a Jew — he was raised by a Jew, but it turns out his mother was a slut or whore, and he got a DNA test and the Jew was not his father. But he was raised a Jew, which has to leave its mark.
The 5.5-metre (18ft) bronze statue had stood on Colston Avenue since 1895 as a memorial to his philanthropic works, an avenue he developed after divesting himself of links to a company involved in the selling of tens of thousands of slaves. His works in the city included money to sustain schools, almshouses and churches.
No good deed goes unpunished. You see, he was a philanthropist — and back in those days that meant helping people of your own kind. Now the church still mouths the words about “good Samaritans” and “helping thy neighbor,” but now helping thy neighbor means helping anyone except White Britons. They think White Britons are hateful bigots who have to go. Now “thy neighbor” means a non-White invader. Anything else is fascism. That French lady who recently nearly got raped by a a Congolese who tried to gag her with popcorn? Shut up about it, feel the enrichment, and stick your head back in the noose.
The panels formerly made up the bottom section of the North Transept window, commonly known as The Good Samaritan, depicting the story that Colston had taken as his motto.
He helped needy widows and orphans. White widows and orphans, mind you.
“The four new panels are designed to depict a crucial aspect of our shared Bristolian history as neighbors, and reference a relevant aspect of the character of Christ. Among them is one that portrays the current refugee crisis, and Jesus as a child refugee fleeing to Egypt,” Ms. Swift, a Bristol-based junior doctor, said in her artist’s statement.
The “refugee crisis,” just so you know, is not the invasion that threatens our race, but the fact that invasion is not happening fast enough. It’s the fact that they can’t stuff them in fast enough, and maybe some drown in the Channel while trying to make it to Cuck Island. The crisis is the invaders who don’t make it. The crisis is when some White bigot suggests that maybe we should have only 150,000 refugees a year and not 200,000; the crisis is when a White man grumbles that he can no longer support his family because Pasheet has taken his job, or when another White man dares to mention above a whisper that an invader raped his daughter.
Stick your head back in the noose, and shut the Hell up about it!
And as for Jesus fleeing to Egypt, that’s a fairy tale; sucker bait for Whites, Jewish embroidery on the bad advice and fake morality they vend to us.
Jesus is depicted as multiple ethnicities to counter the Anglo-centric narrative of ‘white Jesus,’ and running water flows between the panels to center the designs in the seaport city of Bristol.
Christianity was doomed from the beginning because it was a Jewish religion, but it was famously Germanized and so held out from total decay for a while; all of the many depictions of Jesus in the Renaissance show him as White; even the uber-Jew “David” got Aryanized by Michelangelo and so created an aesthetic icon of the White race — and also created much confusion about who the Jews really are.
Now it all unravels; to say it’s been de-Germanized is a colossal understatement; it’s been re-Jewified.
Now we get the Black Jesus, now we get the Brown Jesus, now we get Jesus as the “poor inner city boy,” as the crack addict, as the grape-picker, as the “always-marginalized other.”
Swift said her design draws upon the deep and complex history of Bristol, from atrocities of the past to modern day concerns, to remind us of the journeys of our neighbors and how we have come to be together at this moment, looking forward towards a shared future.
What rot. It’s anti-White hate clothed in cloying sentiment unworthy of a Hallmark card and dressed up as religion.
Although prompted by the toppling of the Colston statue, the replacement of the Colston window was part of a larger process at St Mary Redcliffe in the ongoing exploration of, and engagement with, contested heritage that will continue over the coming months and years.
It’s a lot more than a contested heritage; it’s a reviled, vilified, targeted, demonized, hated, anathematized, and nearly destroyed heritage. This is not a tea party. This is war to the end.
A spokesman from the church said the competition was launched as part of an ongoing process of reflection and action to ensure that today’s church building echoes St Mary Redcliffe’s stated values and is welcoming to all.
Those values are: 1) being spineless and jelly-like and supine; 2) abjuring their history; and 3) hating themselves. For them, the only “moral” option is suicide, and they are enacting the suicide of their authority and institutional power in the name of so-called “love and grace.” The Anglican Church is an Establishment church, more so than any other, really, and as such it is a perfect reflection of the ruling elite in the West: against the founders of our civilization and on the side of our enemies.
Another of the new panels celebrates the Bristol Bus Boycott, which Ms. Swift said paved the way for the Race Relations Act of 1965, with Jesus as a fellow protester and radical.
Here we are in the territory of the fetishizing of the other. The ominously named “Race Relations Act” was the equivalent in Britain of our Civil Rights Act: a pact with death. It’s Jesus fomenting the revolt against civilization, Jesus in the trenches with the non-White masses looking to kill as many Whites as possible, Jesus on the picket line, Jesus for “inclusion, equity and diversity.” Jesus with a big “fro” and Jesus burning and looting. Don’t look now, but that flat screen television that Jesus is carting off from the big box store — that’s one for Rodney and George. When Jesus does the smash-and-grab, or breaks your car windows, don’t call the cops. You don’t want to call the cops on the “Son of God,” do you? Why, you might as well slip your head out of that noose.
The Bristol Bus Boycott of 1963 arose from the refusal of the Bristol Omnibus Company to employ black or Asian bus crews in the city. “The theme of the entries — ‘And who is my neighbor?’ — was to explore a contemporary understanding of what it means to be a good Samaritan today.”
Who is my neighbor? It used to be a White man from whose wife you borrowed a cup of sugar; it used to be a friendly White family with four children with whom your children played; it used to be block after block after block of White folks all the way to the horizon, with white picket fences and with everyone living in a White paradise. But now my “neighbor” is ten Mestizos living in a flophouse with eight cars in their driveway and blasting that awful chicken music late at night — and on the other side, Black squatters and unidentifiable racial mixtures by the tens of thousands, as far as the eye can see, inhabiting subsidized breeding colonies we must support with our tax money or go to prison.
That is, the neighbor now is not a neighbor at all, not in the true sense.
Because they are not White.
* * *
So another White man from our storied past bites the dust. Witness our degradation. How the mighty have fallen.
On a statue commemorating Colston in Bristol, a plaque read: “Erected by citizens of Bristol as a memorial of one of the most virtuous and wise sons of their city.”
A wise and virtuous son, gone with the wind now. Wisdom and virtue not being the popular position in The Current Year.
The grade I-listed church is deeply rooted in British history, having been described by Queen Elizabeth I upon her visit in 1574 as the fairest, goodliest, and most famous parish church in England.
Back in time, the White Queen made a progression through her domains; in an outpost she noted a beautiful building, among the best our race had produced.
Anything that does not survive will not be remembered. Will the stories and the accomplishments and the glory of the great race, in the end, all be for naught?
* * *
This refugee business, like almost all anti-White business, started with the Jew; the specter of that spectral “ghost ship” that got turned back haunts the imaginations of Jews — and White liberals and conservative race cucks pretend to be haunted by it. The State Department’s Breckinridge Long did us some yeoman’s work by insisting that we abide by our immigration laws to the letter, and not let in every Shlomo, Meyer, or Ben David that wanted to darken our doors; for this he has been ideologically blasted to kingdom come by the Jews as the archetypal hard-hearted “racist” White who probably had secret fascist sympathies.
But Long did us all a good, neighborly deed by keeping out hundreds of thousands of Jews.
That’s what you call a good day’s work.
But the demonized memory of what Long did is now used to effect our destruction. The contemporary positive image of the “migrant” and the “refugee” is a sinister legacy of the Jew from the 1930s and 40s. Phillip Rupprecht has a two-panel cartoon — one side shows Germany sweeping the Jews, as rats, out with a broom; the next shows the rats clambering into the “democracies,” but they have their doors shut against them. They are rats, after all. This cartoon was in reference to the famous refugee conference in 1938 in Evian, France where it was discussed where the Jews should go. Turns out no one wanted them.
They were rats, after all.
The Jews have taken this tableaux and milked it for a lot more than it’s worth. They portray the displaced parasite looking for a new host as the symbol of persecuted humanity. And now the weaponized Brown and Black migrants also stand in the Jews’ honored ranks of the “oppressed.”
As crucial as it was for them to send out their goons to take down the statue of Edward Colston, that was only half the battle. The other and more important half was putting that Brown Jesus in a boat: Jesus was a refugee.
That’s what the Jews say.
Cuck Island strikes again.
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Source: Author
This same play book was used against our Pagan ancestors during the late Roman period.
Except back then it was Christian zealots/monks running around burning down our sacred trees, smashing statues, and attacking public ceremonies. While the government(infiltrated by (((Christians))) ) looked the other way, saying “nothing we can do” or they helped underhandedly.
The Final Pagan Generation: Rome’s Unexpected Path to Christianity
By: Edward J. Watts
Note: Pagan means country folk, not heathen(for those who don’t know). If you go back to the times when Christianity first set foot on Europe in Greece, Pagan actually meant ethnic group(Christians/Jews changed the definition). Back then your religion and ethnic group were one and the same. You can no more be a German Christian than you can be a German Jew, it is not of your Folk Soul. There was an understanding back then that your folk(race/ethnic group) shared a common Folk Soul and even what you collectively thought effected the collective folk soul’s future. We were never individuals(we are connected), only our Wizard/druid class could separate from the folk soul, for a time, in order to see ways to guide it and protect it. Wizard means wise one… Read more »
Jews can never be Germans. They’ll always cleave to their own kind! Jews are NOT White! How dare they even find occasion to pretend.
That was beautifully written and thought and on point…Rome must already have lost its folk-soul when it invaded the middle east, though, so to fall to papist Christianity thus to Jews and pious Marxism.
“Jesus was a refugee” Great! Another reason to hate him.
Actually, Civilization itself is the problem. It all began with the introduction of Agriculture, closely followed by cities and Civilization, which both came out of the Middle East, an area that by at least the end of the last Ice Age was already heavily racially mixed. Racial mixing and slavery (and overpopulation and resource depletion , too) are all cause and effect of Agriculture and Civilization, you see. The last straw in the dumbing down of the free, Pagan, hunting and gathering European man came with Christianity. It had it relatively easy to impose itself on the Pagan world, because even by the time of Classical Antiquity Europe was already so dumbed down that it could barely make sense of its ancient traditions, customs and mythology anymore, which had all… Read more »