UK: Top Jobs in Truss Government Given to Non-Whites
AS EXPECTED THROUGHOUT the pointless Conservative Party ‘leadership contest’ of the past month, Liz Truss has today succeeded Boris Johnson as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and is engaged in forming her first Cabinet.
This week she confirmed that the three great ‘offices of state’ below the premiership – Chancellor of the Exchequer, Foreign Secretary, and Home Secretary – will for the first time in history all be held by non-Whites.

Kwasi Kwarteng – the son of Ghanaian immigrants – is to be Chancellor of the Exchequer with the task of repairing the UK’s battered post-pandemic finances, in the context of a new cost-of-living crisis partly produced by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. He will be the fourth non-White Chancellor in succession, his predecessors being Iraqi Kurd Nadhim Zahawi, Indian Hindu Rishi Sunak, and Pakistani ex-Muslim Sajid Javid.
James Cleverly – son of a British father and an African mother from Sierra Leone – is to be Foreign Secretary; the first non-White to hold this post.
And Suella Braverman – a Buddhist born to Indians who immigrated to the UK in the 1960s from Kenya and Mauritius – will be Home Secretary, succeeding the Indian Hindu Priti Patel.
This – we remind readers – is the modern Conservative Party, not some woke-crazed gang of socialists.

H&D will report further on the composition of Truss’s new cabinet. In particular we are concerned by rumours that Tom Tugendhat – whose antecedents were discussed recently by our assistant editor – is about to be given a senior ministerial post overseeing the very same intelligence and security agencies that for decades reported on his grandfather’s alleged subversive activities and connections.
The new issue of the magazine takes a longer term view of the state of the Conservative Party, and the prospects for a racial-nationalist revival across Europe. This edition is being printed today and will be advertised very soon.
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Source: Heritage and Destiny magazine
To quite Stanley Baldwin: “The Englishman is all right as long as he is content to be what God made him, an Englishman, but gets into trouble when he tries to be something else. There are chroniclers, or were chronicles, who said it was the aping of the French manners by our English ancestors that made us the prey William the Norman, and led to our defeat at Hastings. Let that be a warning to us not to ape any foreign country. Let us be content to trust and be ourselves.”
We really are watching the fall of a nation.
It’s absolutely disgusting how corrupted by the Jews the “Conservative” Party really is. However, I’m cautiously optimistic that all this filth will be swept away in the not-too-distant future. More and more people are getting sick of the anti-White, pro-degeneracy agenda and seeing just (((who))) it is behind it all. They know it too and screech more and more about it, but their usual tactics of dealing with it don’t seem to be working so well. Our ideas, while still not of course the majority, are becoming more and more popular as well.
“Our ideas,” Joshua? I wasn’t aware that you had become a member of the National Alliance, and I want to welcome you if your membership application has been approved.
This from the people who produced Winston Churchill, who called people from India, “Beastly people,” and then starved them. Might be a lesson there that maybe Winnie was not all that good for the British people – he won but he lost.
Winston Churchill — and his politician father before him — were both tools of the Jews. Churchill was awful for the British Empire, but even more awful for the collapse of the white world. Nobody did more to destroy the West than Churchill. There is a reason the Neocon Jews who run the US love him. While president, George W Bush kept a bust of Churchill in the Oval Office.
I guess the Jews like Henry Strakosch overlooked Winnie’s foibles about dark people for the good he could do them, and as you say, Winnie did them a lot of good. It was also Winnies ancestor that was the linchpin in the abdication of James II in 1688 when he changed sides, for a nice bribe I suppose. So it was more than Winnie’s Jewish mother that drove Winnie. And yet, amazingly, Winnie is still a leading icon in Britain, even greater than the king and queeen! .
The chance that this vicious harridan will act in the interests of the British people is virtually zero.
The English have been voting for Marx or D’Israeli exclusively for over a century without even knowing it any more than they know Jack the Ripper was a Jew…you apprehend a nation freespeechless and gunless, with no death penalty, who allow three year old English children to be put on lists for the Marxist thoughtcrime of ‘Racism’-they are the worlds foremost pale useful idiots for whom everyone Jews don’t like is Hitler. They did not riot when Kris Donald was torture-killed by Asian racists and did vote for a Red Torah party packed with aliens and perverts as their Freemasonic capital is, whose Masons just celebrated John Wayne-and now the yokels worship kosher King Charles. They also exported cultural Marxism to naughty Eire to complete the conquest of Ireland and… Read more »
I would say is a fairly good description of 99% of the English. Yes, most of them became Jews (in a spiritual sense) with the triumph of Cromwell and the obnoxious Puritans, fanatical worshippers of Israel, and the Old Testament. Since then they have been (together with their North American cousins) the most fanatical and loyal defenders of the JWO (Jewish World Order).
I am sorry for the few good English who are fully aware of the vile character of the Jews and their White/Black/Brown lackeys, but overall they deserve EVERYTHING they get. This is payback for the destruction of Germany and the flower of the White race in WW2.
>overall they deserve EVERYTHING they get. This is payback for the destruction of Germany and the flower of the White race in WW2. This argument is one that I’ve seen repeated numerous times on White Nationalist websites, in fact it’s so frequently used that I have a hard time believing it is a completely organic sentiment and not being spread by malicious Web Brigades of some sort. 1. Putting the blame for Germany’s WWII defeat on the English (and to a lesser extent Americans) diverts from the fact that the most of the war crimes that took place during the war happened on the Eastern Front and the USSR had been interfering in internal German politics since the 1920s. The USSR had funded Communist movements within Germany, armed Marxist terrorists within the Weimar Republic, and regularly… Read more »
I have a deep and sincere love for all the Aryan peoples of this world, despite all their faults and horrific mistakes — the English among them. They do not “deserve to die.” However, it must be said that the RAF did indeed engage in unprecedented slaughters of German civilians in order to break the willingness of Germans to keep fighting. I see little moral difference between what they did and what the Russians did — both at the behest of Jewish string-pullers who were the real beneficiaries of World War 2.
There is a tendency for racial nationalists to look abroad for someone else to blame for the parlous situation we all find ourselves in. We find it difficult to believe that OUR people could possibly be so stupid as to allow the destruction of our beloved nations, and so we look for someone else to blame and say of them, “they deserve everything they get!” It is of course true that Winston Churchill was for much of his life a tool of organised Jewry, but the same can be said of many of the (nominally Aryan) key leaders of Western nations throughout history. And while it is essential that we understand this, nothing is to be gained by finger pointing and claiming that any one nation in particular deserves to… Read more »
Well stefan you seem not to like English folk. But you do give us a capital letter unlike yourself.
In 1066 we were invaded by Normans and their decendants still own much of our land and form a significant part of the elites. My father was in the RAF and was posted to Palestine in 1945. I think it’s fair to say that we English have developed a way of living that you would not understand if you are indeed not one of us.
Interesting how things have developed. Truss’ resignation makes her the shortest-serving PM in UK history. Apparently her cabinet with no White males in it proved incompetent very quickly, as she had to appoint two White males to it in a hurry. Did she have to conclude that even more would be necessary, making her no longer the politically correct PM that she sought to be? It’s a pity that Graham Brady is not in the running to replace her, since he’s actually right about some things.
Liz Truss has said that she comes from a family that was “to left of Labour.” A lot of this obviously rubbed off onto her cardboard “conservativism.”
I took the measure of this shallow conformist right before she ascended to the top spot, after watching a brief clip of a political speech she gave in 1994, when she was 18 or 19 years old.
Her essential hollowness sticks out like a sore thumb.
Thank you for the link; that was interesting. “I believe in democracy!,” she declares. I suppose this was just empty rhetoric. Had she meant it sincerely, I would be confused. Democracy is nothing in particular; it’s just whatever a majority of voters prefer at any given time. What they prefer may or may not be to an individual’s liking, so why champion it as if it were something wonderful? Are people really so good that a majority of them is always right? And what if they change their minds, so that a majority prefers the opposite a few years later? Are the people still good? Are they still right? Democracy is essentially something very shallow, and I don’t know why more people don’t realize it.