Moving Forward: National Alliance Chairman in Latest Heritage and Destiny Magazine
by William White Williams
Chairman, National Alliance
THANKS, H&D, for requesting a National Alliance (NA) progress report.
I was tapped to be Chairman of the now 50-year-old, US-based racial nationalist organization in 2014 by its board of directors. That was after 12 years of foolish mismanagement and slow decline of the organization – nearly pegged out following the death of its founder, Dr. William Pierce. H&D interviewed me in December of that year, and the interview was also published on National Vanguard (NV; under the title “Heritage and Destiny Interviews Will Williams.” (A followup interview with me was published the following year (again on NV) under the title “Will Williams: Taking the Hard Line.”) Mr. Cotterill had asked in that interview, “What are your short term – and long term – aims for the NA under your leadership?”
I responded: “Short term: to carefully, patiently restore the National Alliance to what it was under Dr. Pierce and reform the mess [his successor, my predecessor] had made of it, step by step, meeting achievable goals. Long term: same as under Dr. Pierce – White living space and an Aryan society, free of alien influence.”
Taking the uncompromising hard line of strict geographical racial separation that William Pierce had set for the NA was the same course I and the NA’s Media Director, Kevin Alfred Strom, had adopted to begin with in rebuilding the organization, and have maintained ever since. All White nationalist organizations have had difficulties with the Judaized powers-that-be in their respective nations, especially those few like the Alliance that are strict racial separatists as opposed to right-wing Christian conservative groups. Though Americans still enjoy more free speech and freedom of association than do Europeans, Australians, South Africans, etc., we have all faced the same problems with non-White invaders, crooked politicians, and, most of all, Jewish control of the mass mind through that tribe’s stranglehold on the news and entertainment media – most of which originates here in the States – whose goal is the replacement of Whites in our traditional living spaces (read: our eventual extinction).
On the all-important issue of non-Whites invading our living space, the Alliance has produced a sticker that is popular here in the States but that would likely earn someone at H&D a stretch in the hoosegow if pictured in its pages. Its legend reads: “Send Them Back: They Can’t Make White Babies.” What a shame that a British man or woman can’t express a biological truth like that in the UK without being punished for it.
To grasp the NA’s rebuilding progress, another interview in three parts (part 1, part 2, part 3) was done on NV the following year under the title “Will Williams: Standing Strong.” I don’t want to just keep putting links to interviews about our Alliance’s progress, but with limited space for text here in the print magazine, these interviews will show the diligent reader where we were then, and what early challenges we faced after taking over and redirecting the Alliance nearly eight years ago. We have produced and mailed out 91 issues of the printed National Alliance BULLETIN in as many months (it is sent monthly to all our members and supporters). We have produced more than 400 weekly radio shows since reconstruction began, all archived at under American Dissident Voices (ADV). Additionally, 240 of Dr. William Pierce’s timeless talks – mostly his weekly ADVs – are available for sale on 12 CDs in our Power of Truth series – these can also be listened to for free on our video channel, We also make them available at, which we started after after Jew-owned YouTube banned us — but Bitchute now blocks our videos in every European nation, thanks to Europe’s Jewish censors. Our Bitchute videos remain available in the US. We also operate a 24/7 radio network, which can be accessed at
Rebuilding practically from scratch, but with a clean slate (my predecessor having lost most of the membership the Alliance had enjoyed upon Pierce’s passing), our organization is once again on a fixed and settled Piercean path.
In 2017 the Alliance’s once-thriving publishing arm, National Vanguard Books, Inc., which had become defunct through irresponsible management, was unincorporated – in an agreement with the Internal Revenue Service to make $22,000 in income tax arrears uncollectable by that agency – and reorganized as Cosmotheist Church Books. Our online bookstore today,, currently offers 270 books and CDs, despite our customers being denied use of their credit cards, PayPal, and other financial services for online commerce – thanks again to Jewish censors. We have since republished new editions of out-of-print classic titles Which Way Western Man?, The Best of Attack! and National Vanguard, and The Saga of White Will comic book, as well as new editions of Dr. Pierce’s classic novels, The Turner Diaries and Hunter. All of these have been banned on book-selling giant and other mainstream sites – again, due to Jewish pressure. Our Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin, by Mr. Hitler’s mentor Dietrich Eckart, first translated into English by Dr. Pierce back in the 1960s, is not on Amazon – all excellent books, all banned as “dangerous.” The Jewish Strategy by Dr. Revilo P. Oliver is found on Amazon, however we are not listed among the eight sellers – though the NA is credited as its publisher and sells it for considerably less on our site than any Amazon seller.
Oddly enough, the volume we published last year, Pocahontas Show Trial, that tells the story of “The Wrongful Conviction of an ‘Unpopular Figure’ in West Virginia” is also available on, but not from us since our bookstore is banned altogether there. This book details the persecution of our Alliance by the courts and the Jewish “Southern Poverty Law Center” hate group. It also tells the gripping story of how the Alliance survived three separate failed judicial coup attempts. This book is very instructive for those who may still have faith in the corrupt American justice system.
Our most important new book, also published last year, is Cosmotheism: Religion of the Future by William Pierce and others. This, our “Bible,” explains the worldview formulated by Dr. Pierce, beginning in the 1970s. Cosmotheism is the Nature-based, reality-grounded, spiritual foundation and belief system of the National Alliance.
In 2018 our Alliance purchased 50 acres of lovely wooded property in Upper East Tennessee, the area I have called home for 27 years. This is now the location of the NA’s National Office, though we still own a large tract of secluded mountain property in West Virginia (where Dr. Pierce lived and worked after relocating from urban northern Virginia in 1985). We will sell that property whenever we receive a suitable offer, and we’ll use the proceeds to consolidate our Tennessee offices and community, and continue our ongoing work on the William Luther Pierce Memorial Library and Research Center, the warehouse for which is now partially completed.
Items about recent expansions of the Alliance’s Tennessee campus have been featured in issues of the National Alliance BULLETIN this summer. One example can be seen in the photo at the beginning of this article.
The National Alliance, though American-based, is open to eligible Whites wherever they may live, and is slowly regaining its European membership as confidence in the leadership of the organization grows. We are pleased to learn that frequent H&D writer Jack Antonio has relocated to Upper East Tennessee and is practically a neighbor now.
Let me give you one more Internet link, which will tell you about our Alliance’s history, ideology, and goals generally, and which has downloadable application forms for membership and for supporters:
I’d like to make a couple of comments about items in H&D #109. I always enjoy American John Alder’s letters. We agree with his statement that it will be the efforts of ourselves alone that will preserve our unique race – not divine intervention, and not some “White knight” on a fine horse. It’s good to see Kenneth Schmidt’s “From the Other Side of the Pond” and we hope it will become a regular H&D feature. However, we in the NA know that besides voting for our local officials, we will never be able to vote our way out of the mess our country is now in. Kenneth seems to think we will, if only we can get good men – White knights, if you will – like state governors Gianforte and DeSantis to win their primary elections against left-wing liberal Republican candidates who are vying for their seats. Both seem to be good White men – for politicians, that is – who have taken Politically Incorrect positions opposing racial alien invaders and the so-called LGBT community and whatnot, and who draw criticism from the Jew-controlled media. I don’t know much about Montana Governor Gianforte, but it is obvious that Florida Governor DeSantis is being groomed to either be the GOP’s nominee for president in 2024 if Trump doesn’t run again, or Trump’s running mate if he does run. Sure, Jews criticize DeSantis’ conservative actions, but, then, they always play both sides of an issue. Jews do not criticize ultra-Zionist DeSantis for his Israel First position which is what disqualifies him as an Aryan leader. Three years ago, sitting Florida Governor DeSantis signed a bill to “fight anti-Semitism” while in Israel, and again when back in Florida. It is now illegal in Florida for any educator to state the widely-known facts that Jews control the print and electronic media and Hollywood, or to question the mythical “six million” figure of Jews supposedly murdered by Germans in World War 2. DeSantis is in the Jew’s pocket with this unconstitutional, anti-free speech bill, and Donald Trump isn’t much better with the Executive Order he crafted and signed as President to “combat anti-Semitism” – even making criticism of Israel illegal on any American campus, and defining Judaism as a nation rather than as a religion or a race.
I look forward to H&D issue #110 where Peter Rushton writes that he will look at whether or not any “political force that resists mass immigration should be considered ‘nationalist’ even if they are little more than right-wing conservatives.” Serious racial nationalism is neither conservative nor right-wing; it is racial. Fact!
— Will Williams, Mountain City, Tennessee
* * *
Source: National Alliance and Heritage and Destiny magazine
I thank H&D for publishing this article in it’s Issue #110 (September/October 2022). It will further introduce our Alliance to European nationalists, many who used to support NA but have since somehow been convinced that we are now “defunct” — perhaps from deliberate disinformation about the Alliance found on Wikipedia.
The bottom part of this reproduced article is actually a separate letter to the editor that is published in the same Issue #110. It gives further reinforcement to NA’s position on issues, particularly on what Dr. Pierce called “our quadrennial experiment,” the phony Jew-controlled fight between Republican and Democrat presidential candidates.
Also missing here is the nice advertisement for our bookstore that was published in the H&D magazine hard copy where hyperlinks in the text do not work:
Great article, Chairman. I’m glad to see H&D promoting the Alliance. Slowly but surely we are rebuilding, and I know I speak for the other Alliance Members and Supporters when I say that we are very grateful for everything you’ve done to save the organization which Dr. Pierce founded and which we will carry into the Future.
Thanks, R.C. It is good to be invited by friendly periodicals to report on Alliance progress. H&D pretty much published my report in its current Issue #110, and the accompanying letter to its editor, without changing anything. But I noticed in this paragraph: Oddly enough, the volume we published last year, Pocahontas Show Trial, that tells the story of “The Wrongful Conviction of an ‘Unpopular Figure’ in West Virginia” is also available on, but not from us since our bookstore is banned altogether there. This book details the persecution of our Alliance by the courts and the far-left “Southern Poverty Law Center” hate group… That phrase in bold jumped out at me because I do not use that language. I found what I had submitted and it’s the same as above except for… Read more »
Maybe they did it to avoid violating the Draconian hate laws in the UK.
Perhaps, but H&D let this pass: On the all-important issue of non-Whites invading our living space, the Alliance has produced a sticker that is popular here in the States but that would likely earn someone at H&D a stretch in the hoosegow if pictured in its pages. Its legend reads: “Send Them Back: They Can’t Make White Babies.” What a shame that a British man or woman can’t express a biological truth like that in the UK without being punished for it. Good for them! When I asked the editor a year or so ago if he would please put a facsimile of our new sticker in H&D as an ad, he told me that after discussing it with his barrister he was informed that if he published it he was risking… Read more »
Tonight, I used free speech to the tune of 20 of those “Send them back” stickers. Seeding residences with this message and our website information where they can read about who we are in detail is one way of performing outreach. I encourage others to do similarly.
Pocahontas Show Trial, that tells the story of “The Wrongful Conviction of an ‘Unpopular Figure’ in West Virginia” is also available on, but not from us since our bookstore is banned altogether there.
Clicking on that hyperlink takes the reader to our bookstore where Show Trial can be purchased for $20. By cliking on this Amazon link, however:
crooked Amazon lists seven “sellers” that offer it from the low price of $1,125 to $1,624. :o}
Isn’t it interesting this way Amazon uses to effectively ban or “shadow-ban” Show Trial? I’m surprised positive reviews of it are displayed.
The symbol next to the amounts 1,125 and 1,624 are not dollar signs. The following amazon link is selling your book for $20:
It’s also available for the same price at this link:
Thanks for the update, the symbol shown there represents prices in the Indian Rupee.
Cabot Montreau: The symbol next to the amounts 1,125 and 1,624 are not dollar signs. — My mistake. Thanks, Cabot. A currency conversion chart tells that one Indian Rupee (INR) is equal to 0.0122619 USD. So 1,631066 rupees is an equivalent cost. Unfortunately, you’ll need a wheelbarrow of rupees to purchase a bootlegged Indian copy (of questionable quality), and someone who will convert them, plus international postage from India. Good luck with that. — The following amazon link is selling your book for $20: It’s also available for the same price at this link: — Both of those sellers are A_Bookstore and it is unlikely that they purchased their “two new copies” from us, the publisher. When a buyer purchases from us for $20 he is helping our cause.… Read more »
Yours is just one of many books that somehow hurt the cause of our eternal enemies, and it was a major disappointment when I discovered that Amazon succumbed to Jewish pressure to ban it and other good books that they see as a hindrance to their plan to destroy the White race and its civilization. I recently ordered a book from Patriotic Dissent Books titled, The Day Amazon Murdered History, by Germar Rudolf. This is a description of it: “In early 2017, Amazon banned over 150 history books. They bent to pressure of Jewish groups intolerant of historical research not toeing their party line. This book tells the inside story of the publisher that had its book catalog wiped off the world’s largest book store. It shows how fake ‘anti-Semitic’… Read more »
While I’m unaware of small book sellers such as BookFinder, our online catalog of books, CD’s, and other products can be found here: for those who want to ensure their money is going towards Our Cause.
This platform is controlled by us, the National Alliance, making us less dependent on those other sites that have been pressured successfully by Jews to censor us. When you purchase our materials, the modest profits go towards advancing the White race and not Jews, their cronies, and stores who really care only about their own bottom line and little else.
Yes, that shameful 12 years was an
awfully long time. More recent events
since then have convinced me that
the ghost of the Gliebester has finally
been put to a very deserved rest.
I once read Isocrates speech “On the peace” where he accused the Athenians that they were decadent and their victories didn’t come about because they were better than their enemies but because their enemies were just as bad, if not worse, than them. In other words fighting weaklings doesn’t prove your strength. So, in a War, one must always assess their weaknesses, compared to the enemy, and either eradicate or compensate for them. Unfortunately, the White race seems unable to do so and this article reflects that. What I can deduce is that the National alliance suffered under gross mismanagement after Mr Pierce’s death. This led to some serious reduction in revenue and the disillusionment of many members who abandoned the organization. However, strange as it may sound, this is… Read more »
Joseph: in a War, one must always assess their [sic] weaknesses, compared to the enemy, and either eradicate or compensate for them. Unfortunately, the White race seems unable to do so and this article reflects that… — It “seems” that way to you. I was invited to report on the progress of the Alliance for H&D readers. It is a progress report. However, if you read carefully you’ll find the Alliance’s strategy. — What I can deduce is that the National alliance suffered under gross mismanagement after Mr Pierce’s death. This led to some serious reduction in revenue and the disillusionment of many members who abandoned the organization. — That is an accurate deduction, but Alliance-building is not hopeless which is what you seem to want to conclude from the… Read more »
A strong response, Will. While I understand Joseph’s disheartened stance — we certainly do keep undermining our own efforts through infighting and buffoonery (Christians, anyone?) — it won’t help anything to simply throw our hands up and take a seat. What did AH say about divine intervention? God helps those who help themselves. The Hitlerian Struggle was legendary, divine. Every conceivable example to inspire is there.
There’s a recent book that speaks to this inspiration, and it might be a good fit for your store: Myth and Sun: Essays of the ARCHETYPE.
Karl: A strong response, Will. While I understand Joseph’s disheartened stance — we certainly do keep undermining our own efforts through infighting and buffoonery (Christians, anyone?) — Who’s infighting? We in the Alliance can disagree among ourselves on little things, but not on our fundamentals. But we do not tolerate infighting. It’s those in the outgroup — defeatists and buffoons — that want to fight with us or tell us what we should do. We can do without them, thanks. — What did AH say…? “God helps those who help themselves.” The Hitlerian Struggle was legendary, divine. Every conceivable example to inspire is there. — True. I didn’t know Mr. Hitler had said that. Thanks. WikiJews say this: The phrase originated in ancient Greece as “the gods help those who help themselves”… Read more »
I would also urge everyone to read Life After Death by Damien Echols. He was railroaded for a crime he did not commit in West Memphis and spent 18 yrs. on Death Row. He provides valuable insights into the corruption of governments and the justice system, which Chairman Will also experienced.
I’ve never heard of Echols and can’t relate to his experience, explained by a detractor of his here: Damien Echols has fooled you all – Real Crime with Trench Reynolds
Like I told in Show Trial my experience was more like in the 1990 psychological thriller Pacific Heights. Actor Michael Keaton played the antagonist who was adept at manipulating a compliant, backwoods judicial system, corrupted court officers and media — all White, BTW — and throw in the Jewish SPLC hate group, like my accuser did.
A roomful of Jew screenwriters couldn’t come up with a legal thriller that would surpass the real life story told in Show Trial.