David SimsEssays

Are Blacks More Violent than “Nazis”?

by David Sims

THE ISSUE WAS RAISED on Quora: Are Blacks more violent than “Nazis”? My answer, republished here, was deleted by Quora moderators.

Well, yes. Blacks (the ones you find in unfiltered social settings; e.g. “on the street”) are at least as violent as “Nazis.” The National Socialists in Germany, after they took power in 1933, did kill some of their political opposition. But they aren’t unique in this, as many regimes have done it, both before and since, both on the Left and on the Right. Unbridled political power has its own logic; this isn’t something that began with the National Socialists.

The difference is that the National Socialists had, at least, a purpose of bettering the conditions of life for the German people. They were loyal to that purpose, and they were determined to bring order to a society that had become degenerate and chaotic. The same cannot be said for Black street thugs, who are, themselves, a source of chaos and degeneracy.

White nationalist (not “supremacist”) groups in the United States also aren’t especially violent. It is, of course, possible that the reason that they aren’t violent is that they know they couldn’t win a military confrontation (nor, likely, a guerrilla war) with the current US government. Still, the Jewish-dominated media, the Democratic party, and their minions within the government never tire of referring to “White supremacist” violence that does not exist.

* * *

Source: Author

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Natalie Humphries
Natalie Humphries
14 August, 2022 1:22 pm

The Myth of “Nazi Terror”

14 August, 2022 2:25 pm

“The National Socialists in Germany, after they took power in 1933, did kill some of their political opposition”
They were jewish terrorists and commies most of them, read your history, they didnt kill any opposition, they banned them.

14 August, 2022 4:32 pm

Are Blacks More Violent than “Nazis”?—————————————————————
Nazi violence was the product of deep thought. Black violence is the product of no thought process whatsoever.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  TOMIRON
14 August, 2022 11:33 pm

“Nazis,” the actual word itself, are the product of a fevered Jewish mind and spewed millions of times over by the same Jews who do nothing but smear, smear, smear ad infinitum in all their media and in other areas. Even in the Law. Why should we smear our relatives with such Jewish nonsense and hatred? The author took the liberty to use the word to draw attention to the article for creative purposes, unless I’m mistaken.

Instead, let’s refer to German National Socialists as what they called themselves. National Socialists.

William Rockwell lll
William Rockwell lll
Reply to  TOMIRON
21 August, 2022 8:18 pm

I grew with Blacks and I can tell you that in whatever they do they are primarily motivated in indulging in the most base, primitive feelings that most of the civilized people of the world discarded tens of thousands of years ago. If they felt like whopping you in the face because it seemed like an enjoyable thing to do- they world just do it.

14 August, 2022 11:12 pm

The question itself is somewhat daring, which is interesting. Especially interesting if it was asked candidly, in the manner of a naïve child.
Was it not deleted by the moderators too?
It’s encouraging if even platforms like Quora start being “breached” like that. People are starting to see the obvious.

Joe Lowsac
Joe Lowsac
15 August, 2022 3:13 pm

Short answer, yes. But a distinction should be made between politically motivated violence and gang violence or violence in commission of a crime (e.g., robbery, etc.).

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
22 August, 2022 8:30 pm

More violent? Nahdzees? You must be joking. One thing is certain, above average Kneegrows are one hell of lot lower on the IQ scale than any average German ever was.

IQ has a definite link to violent, irrational, deviant behavior. Nahdzees were gentlemen. Kneegrows are violent, unpredictable Bonobos who chimp out for no reason at the drop of a sneaker. Kneegrows continually demonstrate the difference between humans and animals.

27 August, 2022 9:24 pm

Remember Michael Caine’s first movie in 1964 ? It was called ZULU, a cinematic extravaganza made for the big screen ; the open plains, the grasses, the Zulu tribes beating their spears against their shields, the echoes of the warlord as he led his warriors in their tribal chants. I saw that movie on the big screen in 1964 when I was just a boy. It has stayed with me ever since. The day I saw that movie in 1964 in Lowell Massachusetts, I was with my older brother and as we were leaving the theater and walking down the sidewalk, I saw a Black Man approaching us and it was the first time I ever saw a Negro. I remember stopping and I pointed my finger at him and… Read more »

ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
15 July, 2023 6:29 pm

Where is the proof of this slander and empty allegation above? 
“The National Socialists in Germany, after they took power in 1933, did kill some of their political opposition.” 

Even the blind can see, that Hitler would not have built confinement camps only for communist terrorists, mostly Jews, with swimming pool, medical and dental care, soccer fields, even brothel, if he intended to exterminate anyone  https://holocaustrevisionism.blogspot.com/2012/08/blog-post_31.html)

Only zombies & brainless cannot concatenate such evidence https://graviolat.blogspot.com/2020/01/an-introduction-to-holocaust-revisionism.html?sc=1674586700907#c5383970030669253255)

11 May, 2024 6:33 am

A man like Hitler will emerge; this world is full of changes and dynamics.